[llvm] TargetLibraryInfo: Assume no libcalls in the default constructor (PR #92400)

Joseph Huber via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu May 16 07:37:35 PDT 2024

@@ -178,20 +195,6 @@ static void initialize(TargetLibraryInfoImpl &TLI, const Triple &T,
-  bool ShouldExtI32Param, ShouldExtI32Return;
-  bool ShouldSignExtI32Param, ShouldSignExtI32Return;
-  TargetLibraryInfo::initExtensionsForTriple(ShouldExtI32Param,
-       ShouldExtI32Return, ShouldSignExtI32Param, ShouldSignExtI32Return, T);
-  TLI.setShouldExtI32Param(ShouldExtI32Param);
-  TLI.setShouldExtI32Return(ShouldExtI32Return);
-  TLI.setShouldSignExtI32Param(ShouldSignExtI32Param);
-  TLI.setShouldSignExtI32Return(ShouldSignExtI32Return);
-  // Let's assume by default that the size of int is 32 bits, unless the target
-  // is a 16-bit architecture because then it most likely is 16 bits. If that
-  // isn't true for a target those defaults should be overridden below.
-  TLI.setIntSize(T.isArch16Bit() ? 16 : 32);
   // There is really no runtime library on AMDGPU, apart from
   // __kmpc_alloc/free_shared.
   if (T.isAMDGPU()) {
jhuber6 wrote:

Unrelated, but I'm wondering if / when we can turn some of these on given the GPU `libc` stuff.


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