[llvm] [RemoveDIs] Add release note for C API changes (PR #92396)

Nikita Popov via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu May 16 06:02:11 PDT 2024

@@ -180,6 +180,27 @@ Changes to the C API
   * ``LLVMGetCallBrNumIndirectDests``
   * ``LLVMGetCallBrIndirectDest``
+* Added the following functions for querying and setting the debug info format and for explicitly building either debug intrinsics (old format) or records (new format). These functions will be deprecated and removed in the future as we move towards removing support for the old debug format. See the `debug info migration guide <https://llvm.org/docs/RemoveDIsDebugInfo.html>`_ for more info.
+  * ``LLVMIsNewDbgInfoFormat``
+  * ``LLVMSetIsNewDbgInfoFormat``
+  * ``LLVMDIBuilderInsertDeclareIntrinsicBefore``
+  * ``LLVMDIBuilderInsertDeclareIntrinsicAtEnd``
+  * ``LLVMDIBuilderInsertDbgValueIntrinsicBefore``
+  * ``LLVMDIBuilderInsertDbgValueIntrinsicAtEnd``
+  * ``LLVMDIBuilderInsertDeclareRecordBefore``
+  * ``LLVMDIBuilderInsertDeclareRecordAtEnd``
+  * ``LLVMDIBuilderInsertDbgValueRecordBefore``
+  * ``LLVMDIBuilderInsertDbgValueRecordAtEnd``
nikic wrote:

Is it possible to remove these prior to the LLVM 19 release? We shouldn't add temporary functions to the C API if we can avoid it.


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