[llvm] [VPlan] Add non-poison propagating LogicalAnd VPInstruction opcode. (PR #91897)

Florian Hahn via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon May 13 12:45:57 PDT 2024

@@ -179,6 +179,12 @@ class VPBuilder {
         VPRecipeWithIRFlags::DisjointFlagsTy(false), DL, Name));
+  VPValue *createLogicalAnd(VPValue *LHS, VPValue *RHS, DebugLoc DL = {},
+                            const Twine &Name = "") {
+    return tryInsertInstruction(
+        new VPInstruction(VPInstruction::LogicalAnd, {LHS, RHS}, DL, Name));
+  }
   VPValue *createSelect(VPValue *Cond, VPValue *TrueVal, VPValue *FalseVal,
                         DebugLoc DL = {}, const Twine &Name = "",
                         std::optional<FastMathFlags> FMFs = std::nullopt) {
fhahn wrote:

There was one other place that created selects, updated here: e1223804458a99f82dc110d41647410bdac420df


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