[llvm] [WIP] Consider datalayout sentinel pointer value for isKnownNonZero check (PR #91769)

Matt Arsenault via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon May 13 07:54:31 PDT 2024

arsenm wrote:

> This doesn't look right. Pointers can have contain an all-zero value no matter what the sentinel value is.
> I think you want to modify NullPointerIsDefined?

There are a few pieces I think need to change. I think we need a variant of isKnownNonZero that specifically checks for known-non-null pointers. Currently some of the uses of this are using as a null check.

Additionally we need to eventually do something about ConstantPointerNull, where you should be able to assume the bitvalue is what the datalayout says 


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