[llvm] [workflows] Port buildkite Windows config to GitHub actions (PR #82093)

Tom Stellard via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat May 4 06:53:19 PDT 2024

https://github.com/tstellar updated https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/82093

>From 3093657b77363c0f1066cb9aaf76623c2ef32286 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tom Stellard <tstellar at redhat.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2024 21:34:02 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] [workflows] Port buildkite Windows config to GitHub

This reuses most of the generate-buildkite-pipeline-premerge script
which determines which projects to build and which check targets to

This new workflow only tests clang, llvm, and lld due to resource
contraints on the GitHub runners.
 .../compute-projects-to-test/action.yml       |  21 ++
 .../compute-projects-to-test.sh               | 220 ++++++++++++++++++
 .github/workflows/precommit-windows.yml       |  61 +++++
 3 files changed, 302 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 .github/workflows/compute-projects-to-test/action.yml
 create mode 100755 .github/workflows/compute-projects-to-test/compute-projects-to-test.sh
 create mode 100644 .github/workflows/precommit-windows.yml

diff --git a/.github/workflows/compute-projects-to-test/action.yml b/.github/workflows/compute-projects-to-test/action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..37df06c8c301c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/compute-projects-to-test/action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+name: 'Compute Projects To Test'
+  projects:
+    required: false
+    type: 'string'
+  check-targets:
+    description: "A space delimited list of check-targets to pass to ninja."
+    value: ${{ steps.compute-projects.outputs.check-targets }}
+  projects:
+    description: "A semi-colon delimited list of projects to pass to -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS."
+    value: ${{ steps.compute-projects.outputs.projects }}
+  using: "composite"
+  steps:
+    - id: compute-projects
+      run: .github/workflows/compute-projects-to-test/compute-projects-to-test.sh ${{ inputs.projects }}
+      shell: bash
diff --git a/.github/workflows/compute-projects-to-test/compute-projects-to-test.sh b/.github/workflows/compute-projects-to-test/compute-projects-to-test.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000000..807142668f618b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/compute-projects-to-test/compute-projects-to-test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+# See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# This file generates a Buildkite pipeline that triggers the various CI jobs for
+# the LLVM project during pre-commit CI.
+# See https://buildkite.com/docs/agent/v3/cli-pipeline#pipeline-format.
+# As this outputs a yaml file, it's possible to log messages to stderr or
+# prefix with "#".
+set -eu
+set -o pipefail
+# Environment variables script works with:
+# Set by GitHub
+: ${RUNNER_OS:=}
+# Allow users to specify which projects to build.
+all_projects="bolt clang clang-tools-extra compiler-rt cross-project-tests flang libc libclc lld lldb llvm mlir openmp polly pstl"
+if [ "$#" -ne 0 ]; then
+  wanted_projects="${@}"
+  wanted_projects="${all_projects}"
+# List of files affected by this commit
+: ${MODIFIED_FILES:=$(git diff --name-only HEAD~1...HEAD)}
+echo "Files modified:" >&2
+echo "$MODIFIED_FILES" >&2
+modified_dirs=$(echo "$MODIFIED_FILES" | cut -d'/' -f1 | sort -u)
+echo "Directories modified:" >&2
+echo "$modified_dirs" >&2
+echo "wanted_projects: $wanted_projects"
+function remove-unwanted-projects() {
+  projects=${@}
+  for project in ${projects}; do
+    if echo "$wanted_projects" | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -q -E "^${project}$"; then
+      echo "${project}"
+    fi
+  done
+function compute-projects-to-test() {
+  projects=${@}
+  for project in ${projects}; do
+    echo "${project}"
+    case ${project} in
+    lld)
+      for p in bolt cross-project-tests; do
+        echo $p
+      done
+    ;;
+    llvm)
+      for p in bolt clang clang-tools-extra flang lld lldb mlir polly; do
+        echo $p
+      done
+    ;;
+    clang)
+      for p in clang-tools-extra compiler-rt flang libc lldb openmp cross-project-tests; do
+        echo $p
+      done
+    ;;
+    clang-tools-extra)
+      echo libc
+    ;;
+    mlir)
+      echo flang
+    ;;
+    *)
+      # Nothing to do
+    ;;
+    esac
+  done
+function add-dependencies() {
+  projects=${@}
+  for project in ${projects}; do
+    echo "${project}"
+    case ${project} in
+    bolt)
+      for p in lld llvm; do
+        echo $p
+      done
+    ;;
+    cross-project-tests)
+      for p in lld clang; do
+        echo $p
+      done
+    ;;
+    clang-tools-extra)
+      for p in llvm clang; do
+        echo $p
+      done
+    ;;
+    compiler-rt|libc|openmp)
+      echo clang lld
+    ;;
+    flang|lldb)
+      for p in llvm clang; do
+        echo $p
+      done
+    ;;
+    lld|mlir|polly)
+      echo llvm
+    ;;
+    *)
+      # Nothing to do
+    ;;
+    esac
+  done
+function exclude-linux() {
+  projects=${@}
+  for project in ${projects}; do
+    case ${project} in
+    cross-project-tests) ;; # tests failing
+    lldb)                ;; # tests failing
+    openmp)              ;; # https://github.com/google/llvm-premerge-checks/issues/410
+    *)
+      echo "${project}"
+    ;;
+    esac
+  done
+function exclude-windows() {
+  projects=${@}
+  for project in ${projects}; do
+    case ${project} in
+    cross-project-tests) ;; # tests failing
+    compiler-rt)         ;; # tests taking too long
+    openmp)              ;; # TODO: having trouble with the Perl installation
+    libc)                ;; # no Windows support
+    lldb)                ;; # tests failing
+    bolt)                ;; # tests are not supported yet
+    *)
+      echo "${project}"
+    ;;
+    esac
+  done
+# Prints only projects that are both present in $modified_dirs and the passed
+# list.
+function keep-modified-projects() {
+  projects=${@}
+  for project in ${projects}; do
+    if echo "$modified_dirs" | grep -q -E "^${project}$"; then
+      echo "${project}"
+    fi
+  done
+function check-targets() {
+  projects=${@}
+  for project in ${projects}; do
+    case ${project} in
+    clang-tools-extra)
+      echo "check-clang-tools"
+    ;;
+    compiler-rt)
+      echo "check-all"
+    ;;
+    cross-project-tests)
+      echo "check-cross-project"
+    ;;
+    lldb)
+      echo "check-all" # TODO: check-lldb may not include all the LLDB tests?
+    ;;
+    pstl)
+      echo "check-all"
+    ;;
+    libclc)
+      echo "check-all"
+    ;;
+    *)
+      echo "check-${project}"
+    ;;
+    esac
+  done
+# Generic pipeline for projects that have not defined custom steps.
+# Individual projects should instead define the pre-commit CI tests that suits their
+# needs while letting them run on the infrastructure provided by LLVM.
+# Figure out which projects need to be built on each platform
+modified_projects="$(keep-modified-projects ${all_projects})"
+echo "modified_projects: $modified_projects"
+if [ "${RUNNER_OS}" = "Linux" ]; then
+  projects_to_test=$(exclude-linux $(compute-projects-to-test ${modified_projects}))
+elif [ "${RUNNER_OS}" = "Windows" ]; then
+  projects_to_test=$(exclude-windows $(compute-projects-to-test ${modified_projects}))
+  echo "Unknown runner OS: $RUNNER_OS"
+check_targets=$(check-targets $(remove-unwanted-projects ${projects_to_test}) | sort | uniq)
+projects=$(remove-unwanted-projects $(add-dependencies ${projects_to_test}) | sort | uniq)
+echo "check-targets=$(echo ${check_targets} | tr ' ' ' ')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+echo "projects=$(echo ${projects} | tr ' ' ';')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
diff --git a/.github/workflows/precommit-windows.yml b/.github/workflows/precommit-windows.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..4864ab72241dde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/precommit-windows.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+name: "Windows Precommit Tests"
+  contents: read
+  pull_request:
+    branches:
+      - main
+  # Skip intermediate builds: always.
+  # Cancel intermediate builds: only if it is a pull request build.
+  group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
+  cancel-in-progress: ${{ startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/pull/') }}
+  build-llvm-windows:
+    name: "Build and test LLVM (Windows)"
+    runs-on: windows-2022
+    steps:
+      - name: Setup Windows
+        uses: llvm/actions/setup-windows at main
+        with:
+          arch: amd64
+      - name: Fetch LLVM sources
+        uses: actions/checkout at v4
+        with:
+          fetch-depth: 2
+      - name: Setup ccache
+        uses: hendrikmuhs/ccache-action at v1
+        with:
+          max-size: 500M
+          variant: sccache
+          key: precommit-windows
+      - name: Compute projects to test
+        id: compute-projects
+        uses: ./.github/workflows/compute-projects-to-test
+        with:
+          projects: clang llvm lld
+      - name: Configure LLVM
+        shell: bash
+        if: ${{ steps.compute-projects.outputs.check-targets }}
+        run: |
+          cmake -B build -GNinja \
+            -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
+            -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="${{ steps.compute-projects.outputs.projects }}" \
+            -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache \
+            -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache \
+            -DLLVM_LIT_ARGS="-v --no-progress-bar" \
+            -S llvm
+      - name: Build LLVM
+        if: ${{ steps.compute-projects.outputs.check-targets }}
+        run: |
+          ninja -C build test-depends
+      - name: Check LLVM
+        if: ${{ steps.compute-projects.outputs.check-targets }}
+        run: |
+          ninja -C build "${{ steps.compute-projects.outputs.check-targets }}"

>From 673c0788673e27ca43dcc869e0506adc1ec87a30 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tom Stellard <tstellar at redhat.com>
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2024 05:04:31 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] Workflow improvements:

* Split the build into 3 jobs to avoid timeouts.
* Maintiain an scacche cache that is unique for each PR.
 .../workflows/pr-sccache-restore/action.yml   |  44 +++++
 .github/workflows/pr-sccache-save/action.yml  |  38 ++++
 .github/workflows/precommit-windows.yml       | 171 ++++++++++++++++--
 3 files changed, 236 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 .github/workflows/pr-sccache-restore/action.yml
 create mode 100644 .github/workflows/pr-sccache-save/action.yml

diff --git a/.github/workflows/pr-sccache-restore/action.yml b/.github/workflows/pr-sccache-restore/action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..9b620c7bdcbbe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/pr-sccache-restore/action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+name: PR sccache restore
+  using: "composite"
+  steps:
+    - uses: actions/github-script at 60a0d83039c74a4aee543508d2ffcb1c3799cdea #v7.0.1
+      id: artifact-url
+      with:
+        script: |
+          const data = await github.rest.actions.listArtifactsForRepo({
+            owner: context.repo.owner,
+            repo: context.repo.repo,
+            name: 'sccache-pr' + context.issue.number
+          })
+          console.log(data.data.artifacts)
+          for (artifact of data.data.artifacts) {
+            if (artifact.expired) {
+              continue;
+            }
+            console.log(artifact)
+            const url = await github.rest.actions.downloadArtifact({
+              owner: context.repo.owner,
+              repo: context.repo.repo,
+              artifact_id: artifact.id,
+              archive_format: "zip"
+            })
+            console.log(url.url)
+            return url.url
+          }
+          console.log("Could not find previous sccache for this PR.")
+          return ""
+    - shell: bash
+      if: steps.artifact-url.outputs.result != ''
+      run: |
+        curl -L -o sccache-pr${{ github.event.number }}.zip ${{ steps.artifact-url.outputs.result }}
+        # Is this the best way to clear the cache?
+        rm -Rf .sccache/
+        unzip -d .sccache sccache-pr${{ github.event.number}}.zip
+        ls -ltr
diff --git a/.github/workflows/pr-sccache-save/action.yml b/.github/workflows/pr-sccache-save/action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..43f0cb29115b87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/pr-sccache-save/action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+name: PR sccache save
+  using: "composite"
+  steps:
+    - uses: actions/github-script at 60a0d83039c74a4aee543508d2ffcb1c3799cdea #v7.0.1
+      with:
+        script: |
+          const data = await github.rest.actions.listWorkflowRunArtifacts({
+            owner: context.repo.owner,
+            repo: context.repo.repo,
+            name: 'sccache-pr' + context.issue.number
+          })
+          console.log(data.data.artifacts)
+          if (data.data.artifacts.length == 0) {
+            return '';
+          }
+          console.log(data.data.artifacts[0])
+          const artifact_id = data.data.artifacts[0].id
+          // Delete the exisitng artifact so we can upload a new one with the same name.
+          github.rest.actions.deleteArtifact({
+            owner: context.repo.owner,
+            repo: context.repo.repo,
+            artifact_id: artifact_id
+          })
+    - uses: actions/upload-artifact at 26f96dfa697d77e81fd5907df203aa23a56210a8 #v4.3.0
+      with:
+        name: 'sccache-pr${{ github.event.number }}'
+        path: .sccache
+        retention-days: 7
+    - shell: bash
+      run: |
+        sccache --show-stats
diff --git a/.github/workflows/precommit-windows.yml b/.github/workflows/precommit-windows.yml
index 4864ab72241dde..ddcaa656215b3c 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/precommit-windows.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/precommit-windows.yml
@@ -15,47 +15,184 @@ concurrency:
   cancel-in-progress: ${{ startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/pull/') }}
-  build-llvm-windows:
-    name: "Build and test LLVM (Windows)"
+  compute-projects:
+    name: "Compute Projects to Test"
+    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
+    outputs:
+      projects: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.projects }}
+      check-targets: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.check-targets }}
+      test-build: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.check-targets != '' }}
+    steps:
+      - name: Fetch LLVM sources
+        uses: actions/checkout at v4
+        with:
+          fetch-depth: 2
+      - name: Compute projects to test
+        id: vars
+        uses: ./.github/workflows/compute-projects-to-test
+  build-windows-part1:
+    name: "Build LLVM/Clang"
     runs-on: windows-2022
+    needs:
+      - compute-projects
+    if: ${{ needs.compute-projects.outputs.test-build == 'true' }}
       - name: Setup Windows
         uses: llvm/actions/setup-windows at main
           arch: amd64
       - name: Fetch LLVM sources
         uses: actions/checkout at v4
-        with:
-          fetch-depth: 2
-      - name: Setup ccache
+      - name: Setup sccache
         uses: hendrikmuhs/ccache-action at v1
-          max-size: 500M
+          max-size: 2G
           variant: sccache
           key: precommit-windows
+      - name: Restore sccache from previous PR run
+        uses: ./.github/workflows/pr-sccache-restore
       - name: Compute projects to test
         id: compute-projects
         uses: ./.github/workflows/compute-projects-to-test
-        with:
-          projects: clang llvm lld
       - name: Configure LLVM
         shell: bash
-        if: ${{ steps.compute-projects.outputs.check-targets }}
         run: |
           cmake -B build -GNinja \
             -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
-            -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="${{ steps.compute-projects.outputs.projects }}" \
-            -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache \
-            -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache \
+            -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="${{ needs.compute-projects.outputs.projects }}" \
             -DLLVM_LIT_ARGS="-v --no-progress-bar" \
+            -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache \
+            -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache \
             -S llvm
-      - name: Build LLVM
-        if: ${{ steps.compute-projects.outputs.check-targets }}
+      - name: Build
+        shell: bash
+        run: |
+          targets="llc"
+          if echo "${{ needs.compute-projects.outputs.check-targets }}" | grep clang; then
+            targets="$targets clang"
+          fi
+          ninja -C build $targets
+      - name: Save sccache for next PR run
+        if: always()
+        uses: ./.github/workflows/pr-sccache-save
+      - name: Package Build Directory
+        shell: bash
         run: |
-          ninja -C build test-depends
+          tar -c . | zstd -T0 -c > ../llvm-project.tar.zst
+          mv ../llvm-project.tar.zst .
+      - name: Upload Build
+        uses: actions/upload-artifact at 26f96dfa697d77e81fd5907df203aa23a56210a8 #v4.3.0
+        with:
+          name: part1
+          path: llvm-project.tar.zst
+          retention-days: 2
+  build-windows-part2:
+    name: "Build All"
+    needs:
+      - build-windows-part1
+    runs-on: windows-2022
+    steps:
+      - name: Setup Windows
+        uses: llvm/actions/setup-windows at main
+        with:
+          arch: amd64
+      - name: Setup ccache
+        uses: hendrikmuhs/ccache-action at v1
+        with:
+          max-size: 2G
+          variant: sccache
+          key: precommit-windows
+          # The llvm-project.zip archive contains the sccache directory from
+          # part 1, so we don't need to restore the cache.
+          restore: false
+      - name: Download Artifact
+        uses: actions/download-artifact at 6b208ae046db98c579e8a3aa621ab581ff575935 # v4.1.1
+        with:
+          pattern: part1
+      - name: Unpack Artifact
+        shell: bash
+        run: |
+          tar --zstd -xf llvm-project.tar.zst
+          rm llvm-project.tar.zst
+      - name: Build
+        shell: bash
+        run: |
+          ls
+          ninja -C build
+      - name: Save sccache for next PR run
+        if: always()
+        uses: ./.github/workflows/pr-sccache-save
+      - name: Package Build Directory
+        shell: bash
+        run: |
+          tar -c . | zstd -T0 -c > ../llvm-project.tar.zst
+          mv ../llvm-project.tar.zst .
+      - name: Upload Build
+        uses: actions/upload-artifact at 26f96dfa697d77e81fd5907df203aa23a56210a8 #v4.3.0
+        with:
+          name: part2
+          path: llvm-project.tar.zst
+          retention-days: 2
+  test-windows:
+    name: "Test"
+    needs:
+      - compute-projects
+      - build-windows-part2
+    runs-on: windows-2022
+    steps:
+      - name: Setup Windows
+        uses: llvm/actions/setup-windows at main
+        with:
+          arch: amd64
+      - name: Setup ccache
+        uses: hendrikmuhs/ccache-action at v1
+        with:
+          max-size: 2G
+          variant: sccache
+          key: precommit-windows
+          # The llvm-project.zip archive contains the sccache directory from
+          # part 1, so we don't need to restore the cache.
+          restore: false
+      - name: Download Artifact
+        uses: actions/download-artifact at 6b208ae046db98c579e8a3aa621ab581ff575935 # v4.1.1
+        with:
+          pattern: part2
+          merge-multiple: true
+      - name: Unpack Artifact
+        shell: bash
+        run: |
+          tar --zstd -xf llvm-project.tar.zst
+          rm llvm-project.tar.zst
       - name: Check LLVM
-        if: ${{ steps.compute-projects.outputs.check-targets }}
+        if: ${{ needs.compute-projects.outputs.check-targets }}
         run: |
-          ninja -C build "${{ steps.compute-projects.outputs.check-targets }}"
+          ninja -C build ${{ needs.compute-projects.outputs.check-targets }}
+      - name: Save sccache for next PR run
+        if: always()
+        uses: ./.github/workflows/pr-sccache-save

>From 9e9aee138525ca8177a8c9cb9218a3256269dc04 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tom Stellard <tstellar at redhat.com>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 06:38:36 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] Automatically continue the CI job when it times out

This simplifies the workflow a lot and will enable us to support builds
that take more than 6 hours.
 .github/workflows/continue-timeout-job.yml    |  69 ++++++++
 .../workflows/pr-sccache-restore/action.yml   |   1 -
 .github/workflows/pr-sccache-save/action.yml  |   4 +-
 .github/workflows/precommit-windows.yml       | 160 ++++++------------
 4 files changed, 122 insertions(+), 112 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 .github/workflows/continue-timeout-job.yml

diff --git a/.github/workflows/continue-timeout-job.yml b/.github/workflows/continue-timeout-job.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..65704c29cbe431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/continue-timeout-job.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+name: Continue Timeout Job
+  workflow_run:
+    workflows:
+      - "Windows Precommit Tests"
+    types:
+      - completed
+  contents: read
+  restart:
+    name: "Restart Job"
+    permissions:
+      actions: write
+    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
+    if: github.event.workflow_run.conclusion == 'failure'
+    steps:
+      - name: "Restart Job"
+        uses: actions/github-script at 60a0d83039c74a4aee543508d2ffcb1c3799cdea #v7.0.1
+        with:
+          script: |
+            const data = await github.rest.actions.listWorkflowRunArtifacts({
+              owner: context.repo.owner,
+              repo: context.repo.repo,
+              run_id: context.payload.workflow_run.id
+            })
+            for (artifact of data.data.artifacts) {
+              if (artifact.name != 'timeout') {
+                continue;
+              }
+              // Delete the timeout artifact to prepare for the next run
+              await github.rest.actions.deleteArtifact({
+                owner: context.repo.owner,
+                repo: context.repo.repo,
+                artifact_id: artifact.id
+              })
+              const job_data = await github.rest.actions.listJobsForWorkflowRun({
+                owner: context.repo.owner,
+                repo: context.repo.repo,
+                run_id: context.payload.workflow_run.id 
+              });
+              for (job of job_data.data.jobs) {
+                console.log(job)
+                if (job.name != "Build") {
+                  continue;
+                }
+                if (job.conclusion == "success") {
+                  // IS this possible?
+                  return "success";
+                }
+                // Restart the job
+                // This function does not exist even though it is in the document
+                //github.rest.actions.reRunJobForWorkflow({
+                await github.request('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/jobs/{job_id}/rerun', {
+                  owner: context.repo.owner,
+                  repo: context.repo.repo,
+                  job_id: job.id
+                })
+                return "timeout"
+              }
+            }
diff --git a/.github/workflows/pr-sccache-restore/action.yml b/.github/workflows/pr-sccache-restore/action.yml
index 9b620c7bdcbbe6..abae90f7929c84 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/pr-sccache-restore/action.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/pr-sccache-restore/action.yml
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ runs:
             return url.url
           console.log("Could not find previous sccache for this PR.")
-          return ""
     - shell: bash
       if: steps.artifact-url.outputs.result != ''
diff --git a/.github/workflows/pr-sccache-save/action.yml b/.github/workflows/pr-sccache-save/action.yml
index 43f0cb29115b87..def50fbc14d537 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/pr-sccache-save/action.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/pr-sccache-save/action.yml
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ runs:
           const data = await github.rest.actions.listWorkflowRunArtifacts({
             owner: context.repo.owner,
             repo: context.repo.repo,
+            run_id: context.runId,
             name: 'sccache-pr' + context.issue.number
@@ -19,13 +20,14 @@ runs:
           const artifact_id = data.data.artifacts[0].id
-          // Delete the exisitng artifact so we can upload a new one with the same name.
+          // Delete the exisiting artifact so we can upload a new one with the same name.
             owner: context.repo.owner,
             repo: context.repo.repo,
             artifact_id: artifact_id
     - uses: actions/upload-artifact at 26f96dfa697d77e81fd5907df203aa23a56210a8 #v4.3.0
         name: 'sccache-pr${{ github.event.number }}'
diff --git a/.github/workflows/precommit-windows.yml b/.github/workflows/precommit-windows.yml
index ddcaa656215b3c..e6660e71c20f99 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/precommit-windows.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/precommit-windows.yml
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ name: "Windows Precommit Tests"
   contents: read
+  actions: write
@@ -32,19 +33,43 @@ jobs:
         id: vars
         uses: ./.github/workflows/compute-projects-to-test
-  build-windows-part1:
-    name: "Build LLVM/Clang"
+  build-windows:
+    name: "Build"
     runs-on: windows-2022
+    permissions:
+      actions: write #pr-sccache-save may delete artifacts.
+    outputs:
+      build-timeout: ${{ steps.build.outputs.timeout }}
+      build-failed: ${{ steps.build.outputs.failed }}
       - compute-projects
     if: ${{ needs.compute-projects.outputs.test-build == 'true' }}
+      - name: Download Artifact
+        uses: actions/download-artifact at 6b208ae046db98c579e8a3aa621ab581ff575935 # v4.1.1
+        with:
+          pattern: timeout-build
+          merge-multiple: true
+      - name: Unpack Artifact
+        id: timeout-artifact
+        shell: bash
+        run: |
+          if [ -e llvm-project.tar.zst ]; then
+            tar --zstd -xf llvm-project.tar.zst
+            rm llvm-project.tar.zst
+            echo "exists=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+          else
+            echo "exists=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+          fi
       - name: Setup Windows
         uses: llvm/actions/setup-windows at main
           arch: amd64
       - name: Fetch LLVM sources
+        if: ${{ steps.timeout-artifact.outputs.exists != 'true' }}
         uses: actions/checkout at v4
       - name: Setup sccache
@@ -53,15 +78,12 @@ jobs:
           max-size: 2G
           variant: sccache
           key: precommit-windows
       - name: Restore sccache from previous PR run
         uses: ./.github/workflows/pr-sccache-restore
-      - name: Compute projects to test
-        id: compute-projects
-        uses: ./.github/workflows/compute-projects-to-test
-      - name: Configure LLVM
+      - name: Configure
+        if: ${{ steps.timeout-artifact.outputs.exists != 'true' }}
         shell: bash
         run: |
           cmake -B build -GNinja \
@@ -75,124 +97,42 @@ jobs:
       - name: Build
         shell: bash
+        id: build
+        timeout-minutes: 330
         run: |
-          targets="llc"
-          if echo "${{ needs.compute-projects.outputs.check-targets }}" | grep clang; then
-            targets="$targets clang"
-          fi
-          ninja -C build $targets
+          touch timeout
+          ninja -C build -k 0 ${{ needs.compute-projects.outputs.check-targets }} && pass=1
+          rm timeout
+          [ $pass ] || false
-      - name: Save sccache for next PR run
-        if: always()
-        uses: ./.github/workflows/pr-sccache-save
-      - name: Package Build Directory
-        shell: bash
-        run: |
-          tar -c . | zstd -T0 -c > ../llvm-project.tar.zst
-          mv ../llvm-project.tar.zst .
-      - name: Upload Build
+      - name: Upload Timeout Message
         uses: actions/upload-artifact at 26f96dfa697d77e81fd5907df203aa23a56210a8 #v4.3.0
+        id: timeout
+        if: always()
-          name: part1
-          path: llvm-project.tar.zst
+          name: timeout
+          path: timeout
           retention-days: 2
-  build-windows-part2:
-    name: "Build All"
-    needs:
-      - build-windows-part1
-    runs-on: windows-2022
-    steps:
-      - name: Setup Windows
-        uses: llvm/actions/setup-windows at main
-        with:
-          arch: amd64
-      - name: Setup ccache
-        uses: hendrikmuhs/ccache-action at v1
-        with:
-          max-size: 2G
-          variant: sccache
-          key: precommit-windows
-          # The llvm-project.zip archive contains the sccache directory from
-          # part 1, so we don't need to restore the cache.
-          restore: false
-      - name: Download Artifact
-        uses: actions/download-artifact at 6b208ae046db98c579e8a3aa621ab581ff575935 # v4.1.1
-        with:
-          pattern: part1
-      - name: Unpack Artifact
-        shell: bash
-        run: |
-          tar --zstd -xf llvm-project.tar.zst
-          rm llvm-project.tar.zst
-      - name: Build
-        shell: bash
-        run: |
-          ls
-          ninja -C build
       - name: Save sccache for next PR run
         if: always()
         uses: ./.github/workflows/pr-sccache-save
       - name: Package Build Directory
         shell: bash
+        if: always() && steps.timeout.outputs.artifact-id != ''
         run: |
-          tar -c . | zstd -T0 -c > ../llvm-project.tar.zst
+          # Remove the timeout file, so the next build isn't categorized
+          # as a timeout.
+          rm -f timeout
+          # Dereference symlinks so that this works on Windows.
+          tar -h -c . | zstd -T0 -c > ../llvm-project.tar.zst
           mv ../llvm-project.tar.zst .
       - name: Upload Build
         uses: actions/upload-artifact at 26f96dfa697d77e81fd5907df203aa23a56210a8 #v4.3.0
+        if: always() && steps.timeout.outputs.artifact-id != ''
-          name: part2
+          name: timeout-build
           path: llvm-project.tar.zst
           retention-days: 2
-  test-windows:
-    name: "Test"
-    needs:
-      - compute-projects
-      - build-windows-part2
-    runs-on: windows-2022
-    steps:
-      - name: Setup Windows
-        uses: llvm/actions/setup-windows at main
-        with:
-          arch: amd64
-      - name: Setup ccache
-        uses: hendrikmuhs/ccache-action at v1
-        with:
-          max-size: 2G
-          variant: sccache
-          key: precommit-windows
-          # The llvm-project.zip archive contains the sccache directory from
-          # part 1, so we don't need to restore the cache.
-          restore: false
-      - name: Download Artifact
-        uses: actions/download-artifact at 6b208ae046db98c579e8a3aa621ab581ff575935 # v4.1.1
-        with:
-          pattern: part2
-          merge-multiple: true
-      - name: Unpack Artifact
-        shell: bash
-        run: |
-          tar --zstd -xf llvm-project.tar.zst
-          rm llvm-project.tar.zst
-      - name: Check LLVM
-        if: ${{ needs.compute-projects.outputs.check-targets }}
-        run: |
-          ninja -C build ${{ needs.compute-projects.outputs.check-targets }}
-      - name: Save sccache for next PR run
-        if: always()
-        uses: ./.github/workflows/pr-sccache-save

>From a7ff883345ee91779af35a4b5f5df3f208913f3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tom Stellard <tstellar at redhat.com>
Date: Thu, 2 May 2024 18:12:35 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Re-write continue-timeout-job to be more generic

 .../compute-projects-to-test.sh               |  1 +
 .github/workflows/continue-timeout-job.yml    | 71 ++++++++++---------
 .github/workflows/get-job-id/action.yml       | 30 ++++++++
 .../workflows/pr-sccache-restore/action.yml   | 39 ++--------
 .github/workflows/precommit-windows.yml       | 23 ++++--
 .../unprivileged-download-artifact/action.yml | 67 +++++++++++++++++
 .../workflows/write-timeout-file/action.yml   | 17 +++++
 7 files changed, 177 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 .github/workflows/get-job-id/action.yml
 create mode 100644 .github/workflows/unprivileged-download-artifact/action.yml
 create mode 100644 .github/workflows/write-timeout-file/action.yml

diff --git a/.github/workflows/compute-projects-to-test/compute-projects-to-test.sh b/.github/workflows/compute-projects-to-test/compute-projects-to-test.sh
index 807142668f618b..4cfbda0c82034c 100755
--- a/.github/workflows/compute-projects-to-test/compute-projects-to-test.sh
+++ b/.github/workflows/compute-projects-to-test/compute-projects-to-test.sh
@@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ elif [ "${RUNNER_OS}" = "Windows" ]; then
   projects_to_test=$(exclude-windows $(compute-projects-to-test ${modified_projects}))
   echo "Unknown runner OS: $RUNNER_OS"
+  exit 1
 check_targets=$(check-targets $(remove-unwanted-projects ${projects_to_test}) | sort | uniq)
 projects=$(remove-unwanted-projects $(add-dependencies ${projects_to_test}) | sort | uniq)
diff --git a/.github/workflows/continue-timeout-job.yml b/.github/workflows/continue-timeout-job.yml
index 65704c29cbe431..7f25a0a2adebdd 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/continue-timeout-job.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/continue-timeout-job.yml
@@ -18,52 +18,53 @@ jobs:
     runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
     if: github.event.workflow_run.conclusion == 'failure'
+      - uses: actions/checkout at v4
+        with:
+          sparse-checkout: |
+            .github/workflows/unprivileged-download-artifact
+          sparse-checkout-cone-mode: false
+      - uses: ./.github/workflows/unprivileged-download-artifact
+        id: download-artifact
+        with:
+          run-id: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.id }}
+          artifact-name: timeout
+      - shell: bash
+        if: steps.download-artifact.outputs.filename != ''
+        run: |
+          unzip ${{ steps.download-artifact.outputs.filename }}
       - name: "Restart Job"
+        if: steps.download-artifact.outputs.filename != ''
         uses: actions/github-script at 60a0d83039c74a4aee543508d2ffcb1c3799cdea #v7.0.1
           script: |
-            const data = await github.rest.actions.listWorkflowRunArtifacts({
-              owner: context.repo.owner,
-              repo: context.repo.repo,
-              run_id: context.payload.workflow_run.id
-            })
-            for (artifact of data.data.artifacts) {
-              if (artifact.name != 'timeout') {
-                continue;
+              var fs = require('fs');
+              const data = fs.readFileSync('./timeout');
+              console.log(data);
+              const json = JSON.parse(data);
+              console.log(json);
+              if (!json || !json.job_id) {
+                console.log("Could not parse timeout artifact");
+                return;
+              const job_id = json.job_id
               // Delete the timeout artifact to prepare for the next run
               await github.rest.actions.deleteArtifact({
                 owner: context.repo.owner,
                 repo: context.repo.repo,
-                artifact_id: artifact.id
+                artifact_id: ${{ steps.download-artifact.outputs.artifact-id }}
-              const job_data = await github.rest.actions.listJobsForWorkflowRun({
+              // Restart the job
+              // This function does not exist even though it is in the document
+              //github.rest.actions.reRunJobForWorkflow({
+              await github.request('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/jobs/{job_id}/rerun', {
                 owner: context.repo.owner,
                 repo: context.repo.repo,
-                run_id: context.payload.workflow_run.id 
-              });
-              for (job of job_data.data.jobs) {
-                console.log(job)
-                if (job.name != "Build") {
-                  continue;
-                }
-                if (job.conclusion == "success") {
-                  // IS this possible?
-                  return "success";
-                }
-                // Restart the job
-                // This function does not exist even though it is in the document
-                //github.rest.actions.reRunJobForWorkflow({
-                await github.request('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/jobs/{job_id}/rerun', {
-                  owner: context.repo.owner,
-                  repo: context.repo.repo,
-                  job_id: job.id
-                })
-                return "timeout"
-              }
-            }
+                job_id: job_id
+              })
+              console.log("Restarted job: " + job_id);
+              return "timeout"
diff --git a/.github/workflows/get-job-id/action.yml b/.github/workflows/get-job-id/action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..65495efd86820a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/get-job-id/action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+name: Get Job ID
+  job-name:
+    required: false
+    type: 'string'
+  job-id:
+    description: "A space delimited list of check-targets to pass to ninja."
+    value: ${{ steps.job-id.outputs.result }}
+  using: "composite"
+  steps:
+    - uses: actions/github-script at 60a0d83039c74a4aee543508d2ffcb1c3799cdea #v7.0.1
+      id: job-id
+      with:
+        script: |
+          const job_data = await github.rest.actions.listJobsForWorkflowRun({
+            owner: context.repo.owner,
+            repo: context.repo.repo,
+            run_id: context.runId,
+          });
+          for (job of job_data.data.jobs) {
+            console.log(job)
+            if (job.name == "${{ inputs.job-name }}") {
+              return job.id
+            }
+          }
diff --git a/.github/workflows/pr-sccache-restore/action.yml b/.github/workflows/pr-sccache-restore/action.yml
index abae90f7929c84..6c62d0e0de9f94 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/pr-sccache-restore/action.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/pr-sccache-restore/action.yml
@@ -3,41 +3,16 @@ name: PR sccache restore
   using: "composite"
-    - uses: actions/github-script at 60a0d83039c74a4aee543508d2ffcb1c3799cdea #v7.0.1
-      id: artifact-url
+    - uses: ./.github/workflows/unprivileged-download-artifact
+      id: download-artifact
-        script: |
-          const data = await github.rest.actions.listArtifactsForRepo({
-            owner: context.repo.owner,
-            repo: context.repo.repo,
-            name: 'sccache-pr' + context.issue.number
-          })
-          console.log(data.data.artifacts)
-          for (artifact of data.data.artifacts) {
-            if (artifact.expired) {
-              continue;
-            }
-            console.log(artifact)
-            const url = await github.rest.actions.downloadArtifact({
-              owner: context.repo.owner,
-              repo: context.repo.repo,
-              artifact_id: artifact.id,
-              archive_format: "zip"
-            })
-            console.log(url.url)
-            return url.url
-          }
-          console.log("Could not find previous sccache for this PR.")
+        run-id: ${{ github.run_id }}
+        artifact-name: sccache-pr${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
     - shell: bash
-      if: steps.artifact-url.outputs.result != ''
+      if: steps.download-artifact.outputs.filename != ''
       run: |
-        curl -L -o sccache-pr${{ github.event.number }}.zip ${{ steps.artifact-url.outputs.result }}
         # Is this the best way to clear the cache?
         rm -Rf .sccache/
-        unzip -d .sccache sccache-pr${{ github.event.number}}.zip
-        ls -ltr
+        unzip ${{ steps.download-artifact.outputs.filename }}
+        rm ${{ steps.download-artifact.outputs.filename }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/precommit-windows.yml b/.github/workflows/precommit-windows.yml
index e6660e71c20f99..2ccf1fbee22702 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/precommit-windows.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/precommit-windows.yml
@@ -6,18 +6,26 @@ permissions:
+    types:
+      - opened
+      - synchronize
+      - reopened
+      # When a PR is closed, we still start this workflow, but then skip
+      # all the jobs, which makes it effectively a no-op.  The reason to
+      # do this is that it allows us to take advantage of concurrency groups
+      # to cancel in progress CI jobs whenever the PR is closed.
+      - closed
       - main
-  # Skip intermediate builds: always.
-  # Cancel intermediate builds: only if it is a pull request build.
-  group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
-  cancel-in-progress: ${{ startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/pull/') }}
+  group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
+  cancel-in-progress: True
     name: "Compute Projects to Test"
+    if: github.event.action != 'closed'
     runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
       projects: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.projects }}
@@ -34,6 +42,8 @@ jobs:
         uses: ./.github/workflows/compute-projects-to-test
+    # If this job name is chagned, then we need to update the job-name
+    # paramater for the write-timeout-file step below.
     name: "Build"
     runs-on: windows-2022
@@ -95,6 +105,11 @@ jobs:
             -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=sccache \
             -S llvm
+      - name: Write Timeout File
+        uses: ./.github/workflows/write-timeout-file
+        with:
+          job-name: "Build"
       - name: Build
         shell: bash
         id: build
diff --git a/.github/workflows/unprivileged-download-artifact/action.yml b/.github/workflows/unprivileged-download-artifact/action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..5e63f5ce8e3fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/unprivileged-download-artifact/action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+name: Unprivileged Download Artifact
+description: Download artifacts from another workflow run without using an access token.
+  run-id:
+    description: The run-id for the workflow run that you want to download the artifact from.
+    required: true
+  artifact-name:
+    desciption: The name of the artifact to download.
+    required: true
+  filename:
+    description: "The filename of the downloaded artifact or the empty string if the artifact was not found."
+    value: ${{ steps.download-artifact.outputs.filename }}
+  artifact-id:
+    description: "The id of the artifact being downloaded."
+    value: ${{ steps.artifact-url.outputs.id }}
+  using: "composite"
+  steps:
+    - uses: actions/github-script at 60a0d83039c74a4aee543508d2ffcb1c3799cdea #v7.0.1
+      id: artifact-url
+      with:
+        script: |
+          const response = await github.rest.actions.listWorkflowRunArtifacts({
+            owner: context.repo.owner,
+            repo: context.repo.repo,
+            run_id: ${{ inputs.run-id }},
+            name: "${{ inputs.artifact-name }}"
+          })
+          console.log(response)
+          for (artifact of response.data.artifacts) {
+            console.log(artifact);
+          }
+          if (response.data.artifacts.length == 0) {
+            console.log("Could not find artifact ${{ inputs.artifact-name }} for workflow run ${{ inputs.run-id }}")
+            return;
+          }
+          const url_response = await github.rest.actions.downloadArtifact({
+            owner: context.repo.owner,
+            repo: context.repo.repo,
+            artifact_id: response.data.artifacts[0].id,
+            archive_format: "zip"
+          })
+          core.setOutput("url", url_response.url);
+          core.setOutput("id", response.data.artifacts[0].id);
+    - shell: bash
+      run: |
+        echo "${{ steps.artifact-url.outputs.url }}"
+        echo "${{ steps.artifact-url.outputs.result }}"
+        echo "${{ steps.artifact-url.outputs.result.url }}"
+        echo "${{ steps.artifact-url.outputs.result.id }}"
+    - shell: bash
+      if: steps.artifact-url.outputs.url != ''
+      id: download-artifact
+      run: |
+        curl -L -o ${{ inputs.artifact-name }}.zip "${{ steps.artifact-url.outputs.url }}"
+        echo "filename=${{ inputs.artifact-name }}.zip" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
diff --git a/.github/workflows/write-timeout-file/action.yml b/.github/workflows/write-timeout-file/action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..a483185ab623fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/write-timeout-file/action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+name: Write Timeout File
+  job-name:
+    required: false
+    type: 'string'
+  using: "composite"
+  steps:
+      - uses: ./.github/workflows/get-job-id
+        id: job-id
+        with:
+          job-name: ${{ inputs.job-name }}
+      - shell: bash
+        run: |
+          echo '{"job_id": "${{ steps.job-id.outputs.job-id }}"}' > timeout

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