[llvm] d8428df - [PatternMatching] Add generic API for matching constants using custom conditions

Noah Goldstein via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri May 3 12:10:43 PDT 2024

Author: Noah Goldstein
Date: 2024-05-03T14:10:24-05:00
New Revision: d8428dfeb8d9a0bbb5345f96f29a4a66eb950769

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/d8428dfeb8d9a0bbb5345f96f29a4a66eb950769
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/d8428dfeb8d9a0bbb5345f96f29a4a66eb950769.diff

LOG: [PatternMatching] Add generic API for matching constants using custom conditions

The new API is:
        - Matches non-undef constants s.t `Lambda(ele)` is true for all
        - Matches constants/undef s.t `Lambda(ele)` is true for all

The goal with these is to be able to replace the common usage of:
    match(X, m_APInt(C)) && CustomCheck(C)
    match(X, m_CheckedInt(C, CustomChecks);

The rationale if we often ignore non-splat vectors because there are
no good APIs to handle them with and its not worth increasing code
complexity for such cases.

The hope is the API creates a common method handling
scalars/splat-vecs/non-splat-vecs to essentially make this a




diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/IR/PatternMatch.h b/llvm/include/llvm/IR/PatternMatch.h
index 5da4956c54e8bb..5d8f5c134bb5b5 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/IR/PatternMatch.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/IR/PatternMatch.h
@@ -460,6 +460,39 @@ template <typename Predicate> struct apf_pred_ty : public Predicate {
+template <typename APTy> struct custom_checkfn {
+  function_ref<bool(const APTy &)> CheckFn;
+  bool isValue(const APTy &C) { return CheckFn(C); }
+/// Match an integer or vector where CheckFn(ele) for each element is true.
+/// For vectors, poison elements are assumed to match.
+inline cst_pred_ty<custom_checkfn<APInt>>
+m_CheckedInt(function_ref<bool(const APInt &)> CheckFn) {
+  return cst_pred_ty<custom_checkfn<APInt>>{CheckFn};
+inline api_pred_ty<custom_checkfn<APInt>>
+m_CheckedInt(const APInt *&V, function_ref<bool(const APInt &)> CheckFn) {
+  api_pred_ty<custom_checkfn<APInt>> P(V);
+  P.CheckFn = CheckFn;
+  return P;
+/// Match a float or vector where CheckFn(ele) for each element is true.
+/// For vectors, poison elements are assumed to match.
+inline cstfp_pred_ty<custom_checkfn<APFloat>>
+m_CheckedFp(function_ref<bool(const APFloat &)> CheckFn) {
+  return cstfp_pred_ty<custom_checkfn<APFloat>>{CheckFn};
+inline apf_pred_ty<custom_checkfn<APFloat>>
+m_CheckedFp(const APFloat *&V, function_ref<bool(const APFloat &)> CheckFn) {
+  apf_pred_ty<custom_checkfn<APFloat>> P(V);
+  P.CheckFn = CheckFn;
+  return P;
 struct is_any_apint {
   bool isValue(const APInt &C) { return true; }

diff  --git a/llvm/unittests/IR/PatternMatch.cpp b/llvm/unittests/IR/PatternMatch.cpp
index a25885faa3a442..d5a4a6a05687d0 100644
--- a/llvm/unittests/IR/PatternMatch.cpp
+++ b/llvm/unittests/IR/PatternMatch.cpp
@@ -611,6 +611,134 @@ TEST_F(PatternMatchTest, BitCast) {
+TEST_F(PatternMatchTest, CheckedInt) {
+  Type *I8Ty = IRB.getInt8Ty();
+  const APInt *Res = nullptr;
+  auto CheckUgt1 = [](const APInt &C) { return C.ugt(1); };
+  auto CheckTrue = [](const APInt &) { return true; };
+  auto CheckFalse = [](const APInt &) { return false; };
+  auto CheckNonZero = [](const APInt &C) { return !C.isZero(); };
+  auto CheckPow2 = [](const APInt &C) { return C.isPowerOf2(); };
+  auto DoScalarCheck = [&](int8_t Val) {
+    APInt APVal(8, Val);
+    Constant *C = ConstantInt::get(I8Ty, Val);
+    Res = nullptr;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(m_CheckedInt(CheckTrue).match(C));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(m_CheckedInt(Res, CheckTrue).match(C));
+    EXPECT_EQ(*Res, APVal);
+    Res = nullptr;
+    EXPECT_FALSE(m_CheckedInt(CheckFalse).match(C));
+    EXPECT_FALSE(m_CheckedInt(Res, CheckFalse).match(C));
+    Res = nullptr;
+    EXPECT_EQ(CheckUgt1(APVal), m_CheckedInt(CheckUgt1).match(C));
+    EXPECT_EQ(CheckUgt1(APVal), m_CheckedInt(Res, CheckUgt1).match(C));
+    if (CheckUgt1(APVal)) {
+      EXPECT_NE(Res, nullptr);
+      EXPECT_EQ(*Res, APVal);
+    }
+    Res = nullptr;
+    EXPECT_EQ(CheckNonZero(APVal), m_CheckedInt(CheckNonZero).match(C));
+    EXPECT_EQ(CheckNonZero(APVal), m_CheckedInt(Res, CheckNonZero).match(C));
+    if (CheckNonZero(APVal)) {
+      EXPECT_NE(Res, nullptr);
+      EXPECT_EQ(*Res, APVal);
+    }
+    Res = nullptr;
+    EXPECT_EQ(CheckPow2(APVal), m_CheckedInt(CheckPow2).match(C));
+    EXPECT_EQ(CheckPow2(APVal), m_CheckedInt(Res, CheckPow2).match(C));
+    if (CheckPow2(APVal)) {
+      EXPECT_NE(Res, nullptr);
+      EXPECT_EQ(*Res, APVal);
+    }
+  };
+  DoScalarCheck(0);
+  DoScalarCheck(1);
+  DoScalarCheck(2);
+  DoScalarCheck(3);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(m_CheckedInt(CheckTrue).match(UndefValue::get(I8Ty)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(m_CheckedInt(Res, CheckTrue).match(UndefValue::get(I8Ty)));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Res, nullptr);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(m_CheckedInt(CheckFalse).match(UndefValue::get(I8Ty)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(m_CheckedInt(Res, CheckFalse).match(UndefValue::get(I8Ty)));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Res, nullptr);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(m_CheckedInt(CheckTrue).match(PoisonValue::get(I8Ty)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(m_CheckedInt(Res, CheckTrue).match(PoisonValue::get(I8Ty)));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Res, nullptr);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(m_CheckedInt(CheckFalse).match(PoisonValue::get(I8Ty)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(m_CheckedInt(Res, CheckFalse).match(PoisonValue::get(I8Ty)));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Res, nullptr);
+  auto DoVecCheckImpl = [&](ArrayRef<std::optional<int8_t>> Vals,
+                            function_ref<bool(const APInt &)> CheckFn,
+                            bool UndefAsPoison) {
+    SmallVector<Constant *> VecElems;
+    std::optional<bool> Okay;
+    bool AllSame = true;
+    bool HasUndef = false;
+    std::optional<APInt> First;
+    for (const std::optional<int8_t> &Val : Vals) {
+      if (!Val.has_value()) {
+        VecElems.push_back(UndefAsPoison ? PoisonValue::get(I8Ty)
+                                         : UndefValue::get(I8Ty));
+        HasUndef = true;
+      } else {
+        if (!Okay.has_value())
+          Okay = true;
+        APInt APVal(8, *Val);
+        if (!First.has_value())
+          First = APVal;
+        else
+          AllSame &= First->eq(APVal);
+        Okay = *Okay && CheckFn(APVal);
+        VecElems.push_back(ConstantInt::get(I8Ty, *Val));
+      }
+    }
+    Constant *C = ConstantVector::get(VecElems);
+    EXPECT_EQ(!(HasUndef && !UndefAsPoison) && Okay.value_or(false),
+              m_CheckedInt(CheckFn).match(C));
+    Res = nullptr;
+    bool Expec =
+        !(HasUndef && !UndefAsPoison) && AllSame && Okay.value_or(false);
+    EXPECT_EQ(Expec, m_CheckedInt(Res, CheckFn).match(C));
+    if (Expec) {
+      EXPECT_NE(Res, nullptr);
+      EXPECT_EQ(*Res, *First);
+    }
+  };
+  auto DoVecCheck = [&](ArrayRef<std::optional<int8_t>> Vals) {
+    DoVecCheckImpl(Vals, CheckTrue, /*UndefAsPoison=*/false);
+    DoVecCheckImpl(Vals, CheckFalse, /*UndefAsPoison=*/false);
+    DoVecCheckImpl(Vals, CheckTrue, /*UndefAsPoison=*/true);
+    DoVecCheckImpl(Vals, CheckFalse, /*UndefAsPoison=*/true);
+    DoVecCheckImpl(Vals, CheckUgt1, /*UndefAsPoison=*/false);
+    DoVecCheckImpl(Vals, CheckNonZero, /*UndefAsPoison=*/false);
+    DoVecCheckImpl(Vals, CheckPow2, /*UndefAsPoison=*/false);
+  };
+  DoVecCheck({0, 1});
+  DoVecCheck({1, 1});
+  DoVecCheck({1, 2});
+  DoVecCheck({1, std::nullopt});
+  DoVecCheck({1, std::nullopt, 1});
+  DoVecCheck({1, std::nullopt, 2});
+  DoVecCheck({std::nullopt, std::nullopt, std::nullopt});
 TEST_F(PatternMatchTest, Power2) {
   Value *C128 = IRB.getInt32(128);
   Value *CNeg128 = ConstantExpr::getNeg(cast<Constant>(C128));
@@ -1397,21 +1525,58 @@ TEST_F(PatternMatchTest, VectorUndefFloat) {
   EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorInfPoison, m_Finite()));
   EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorNaNPoison, m_Finite()));
+  auto CheckTrue = [](const APFloat &) { return true; };
+  EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorZeroUndef, m_CheckedFp(CheckTrue)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(match(VectorZeroPoison, m_CheckedFp(CheckTrue)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(match(ScalarPosInf, m_CheckedFp(CheckTrue)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(match(ScalarNegInf, m_CheckedFp(CheckTrue)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(match(ScalarNaN, m_CheckedFp(CheckTrue)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorInfUndef, m_CheckedFp(CheckTrue)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(match(VectorInfPoison, m_CheckedFp(CheckTrue)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorNaNUndef, m_CheckedFp(CheckTrue)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(match(VectorNaNPoison, m_CheckedFp(CheckTrue)));
+  auto CheckFalse = [](const APFloat &) { return false; };
+  EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorZeroUndef, m_CheckedFp(CheckFalse)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorZeroPoison, m_CheckedFp(CheckFalse)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(match(ScalarPosInf, m_CheckedFp(CheckFalse)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(match(ScalarNegInf, m_CheckedFp(CheckFalse)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(match(ScalarNaN, m_CheckedFp(CheckFalse)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorInfUndef, m_CheckedFp(CheckFalse)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorInfPoison, m_CheckedFp(CheckFalse)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorNaNUndef, m_CheckedFp(CheckFalse)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorNaNPoison, m_CheckedFp(CheckFalse)));
+  auto CheckNonNaN = [](const APFloat &C) { return !C.isNaN(); };
+  EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorZeroUndef, m_CheckedFp(CheckNonNaN)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(match(VectorZeroPoison, m_CheckedFp(CheckNonNaN)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(match(ScalarPosInf, m_CheckedFp(CheckNonNaN)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(match(ScalarNegInf, m_CheckedFp(CheckNonNaN)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(match(ScalarNaN, m_CheckedFp(CheckNonNaN)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorInfUndef, m_CheckedFp(CheckNonNaN)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(match(VectorInfPoison, m_CheckedFp(CheckNonNaN)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorNaNUndef, m_CheckedFp(CheckNonNaN)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorNaNPoison, m_CheckedFp(CheckNonNaN)));
   const APFloat *C;
   // Regardless of whether poison is allowed,
   // a fully undef/poison constant does not match.
   EXPECT_FALSE(match(ScalarUndef, m_APFloat(C)));
   EXPECT_FALSE(match(ScalarUndef, m_APFloatForbidPoison(C)));
   EXPECT_FALSE(match(ScalarUndef, m_APFloatAllowPoison(C)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(match(ScalarUndef, m_CheckedFp(C, CheckTrue)));
   EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorUndef, m_APFloat(C)));
   EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorUndef, m_APFloatForbidPoison(C)));
   EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorUndef, m_APFloatAllowPoison(C)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorUndef, m_CheckedFp(C, CheckTrue)));
   EXPECT_FALSE(match(ScalarPoison, m_APFloat(C)));
   EXPECT_FALSE(match(ScalarPoison, m_APFloatForbidPoison(C)));
   EXPECT_FALSE(match(ScalarPoison, m_APFloatAllowPoison(C)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(match(ScalarPoison, m_CheckedFp(C, CheckTrue)));
   EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorPoison, m_APFloat(C)));
   EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorPoison, m_APFloatForbidPoison(C)));
   EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorPoison, m_APFloatAllowPoison(C)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(match(VectorPoison, m_CheckedFp(C, CheckTrue)));
   // We can always match simple constants and simple splats.
   C = nullptr;
@@ -1432,6 +1597,12 @@ TEST_F(PatternMatchTest, VectorUndefFloat) {
   C = nullptr;
   EXPECT_TRUE(match(VectorZero, m_APFloatAllowPoison(C)));
+  C = nullptr;
+  EXPECT_TRUE(match(VectorZero, m_CheckedFp(C, CheckTrue)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(C->isZero());
+  C = nullptr;
+  EXPECT_TRUE(match(VectorZero, m_CheckedFp(C, CheckNonNaN)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(C->isZero());
   // Splats with undef are never allowed.
   // Whether splats with poison can be matched depends on the matcher.
@@ -1456,6 +1627,12 @@ TEST_F(PatternMatchTest, VectorUndefFloat) {
   C = nullptr;
   EXPECT_TRUE(match(VectorZeroPoison, m_Finite(C)));
+  C = nullptr;
+  EXPECT_TRUE(match(VectorZeroPoison, m_CheckedFp(C, CheckTrue)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(C->isZero());
+  C = nullptr;
+  EXPECT_TRUE(match(VectorZeroPoison, m_CheckedFp(C, CheckNonNaN)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(C->isZero());
 TEST_F(PatternMatchTest, FloatingPointFNeg) {


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