[llvm] [StandardInstrumentation] Annotate loops with the function name (PR #90756)

Jamie Schmeiser via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu May 2 09:07:07 PDT 2024

jamieschmeiser wrote:

> I would not find demangling helpful here -- if I'm looking at debug logs, I want to line them up with IR, not with source.

I guess it depends on the situation as to whether demangling would be useful.  I find demangled names easier to understand but the filtering mechanisms work with mangled names.  This is why I suggested both but that may be too much info on the line.  At the risk of over-designing something simple, perhaps demangling could be controlled by a hidden option?  

Demangled or not, adding the function name is a good step.


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