[llvm] [AggressiveInstCombine] Inline strcmp/strncmp (PR #89371)

Florian Hahn via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed May 1 01:39:06 PDT 2024

fhahn wrote:

> > Looks like there is a hang while building the stage 2 compiler now: https://llvm-compile-time-tracker.com/show_error.php?commit=c690fb9bf301e84b21a239dfafb278bab262a762
> I should have known what is wrong. How can I run these tests before I push the fix?

I'd recommend you try and reproduce this locally, which you'll need to investigate. To do that, you need to do a 2 stage build
1) build clang using your system compiler
2) build LLVM/Clang again with the clang you just built


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