[lld] [llvm] [Symbolizer] Support for Missing Line Numbers. (PR #82240)

David Blaikie via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Apr 29 21:32:00 PDT 2024

@@ -1312,32 +1312,52 @@ uint32_t DWARFDebugLine::LineTable::findRowInSeq(
   return RowPos - Rows.begin();
-uint32_t DWARFDebugLine::LineTable::lookupAddress(
-    object::SectionedAddress Address) const {
+std::pair<uint32_t, bool>
+DWARFDebugLine::LineTable::lookupAddress(object::SectionedAddress Address,
+                                         bool ApproximateLine) const {
   // Search for relocatable addresses
-  uint32_t Result = lookupAddressImpl(Address);
+  std::pair<uint32_t, bool> Result =
+      lookupAddressImpl(Address, ApproximateLine);
-  if (Result != UnknownRowIndex ||
+  if (Result.first != UnknownRowIndex ||
       Address.SectionIndex == object::SectionedAddress::UndefSection)
     return Result;
   // Search for absolute addresses
   Address.SectionIndex = object::SectionedAddress::UndefSection;
-  return lookupAddressImpl(Address);
+  return lookupAddressImpl(Address, ApproximateLine);
-uint32_t DWARFDebugLine::LineTable::lookupAddressImpl(
-    object::SectionedAddress Address) const {
+std::pair<uint32_t, bool>
+DWARFDebugLine::LineTable::lookupAddressImpl(object::SectionedAddress Address,
+                                             bool ApproximateLine) const {
   // First, find an instruction sequence containing the given address.
   DWARFDebugLine::Sequence Sequence;
   Sequence.SectionIndex = Address.SectionIndex;
   Sequence.HighPC = Address.Address;
   SequenceIter It = llvm::upper_bound(Sequences, Sequence,
   if (It == Sequences.end() || It->SectionIndex != Address.SectionIndex)
-    return UnknownRowIndex;
-  return findRowInSeq(*It, Address);
+    return {UnknownRowIndex, false};
+  uint32_t RowIndex = findRowInSeq(*It, Address);
+  bool IsApproximate = false;
+  if (ApproximateLine) {
+    uint32_t ApproxRowIndex = RowIndex;
+    while (ApproxRowIndex >= It->FirstRowIndex) {
+      if (ApproxRowIndex != UnknownRowIndex && Rows[ApproxRowIndex].Line)
+        break;
+      IsApproximate = true;
dwblaikie wrote:

Should/could this move to the same place where RowIndex is updated, outside the loop, so they're less likely to diverge? Or perhaps we could return from inside the loop once a non-zero value is found? That might be simpler?
if (!ApproximateLine || RowIndex == UnknownRowIndex || Rows[RowIndex].Line)
  return {RowIndex, false};
for (uint32_t ApproxRowIndex = RowIndex; ApproxRowIndex != It->FirstRowIndex; --ApproxRowIndex) {
  if (Rows[ApproxRowIndex].Line)
    return {ApproxRowIndex, true};
return {RowIndex, false};


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