[llvm] Reenable JumpTableToSwitch pass by default (PR #83229)

David Spickett via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Apr 29 05:42:12 PDT 2024

DavidSpickett wrote:

> @DavidSpickett - thanks, just want to clarify - is flang (release) = the current trunk ?
> (the changes in Flang landed yesterday)

Yes it was https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/88a733f8e6ca42de8c7818cc404e38cbc8f497c9 for the clang and then I used the same commit for flang.
In case I was too early for those changes I'll try another build overnight.

You mentioned libstdc++ vs. libcxx, this build is using libstdc++. We do have a builder that uses libcxx but it's single stage.

> p.s. what would be the best way for me to reproduce this (if any) - i.e. is there any way to trigger this particular builld bot before the commit?

There is no way to run a pre-merge branch on a buildbot (but one day I hope).

The buildbot is running a docker container based on Ubuntu Focal. Our image is https://hub.docker.com/layers/linaro/ci-arm64-tcwg-llvmbot-ubuntu/focal/images/sha256-19e78b36b34f63c27ee53cdc92b6d38c4158167ba32856924442fc652e719c60?context=explore / https://git.linaro.org/ci/dockerfiles.git/tree/focal-arm64-tcwg-base/focal-arm64-tcwg-llvmbot/Dockerfile but there shouldn't be anything in there that's majorly different from the base Ubuntu so try that first.

If it's known to be AArch64 specific and you don't have access to a machine I can setup a container for you on one of ours. Email me at my commits address if you want to do that (and you / your employer is comfortable with that).

It may reproduce on an AWS Graviton, I'm checking now, I'm pretty sure it will. That's another option if you have access to AWS.


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