[llvm] [RISCV][TableGen] Generate RISCVTargetParser.inc from the new RISCVExtension tblgen information. (PR #89335)

Brandon Wu via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Apr 20 02:59:37 PDT 2024

@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+// RUN: llvm-tblgen -gen-riscv-target-def -I %p/../../include %s | FileCheck %s
+include "llvm/Target/Target.td"
+class RISCVExtension<string name, int major, int minor, string fieldname,
+                     string desc, list<SubtargetFeature> implies = [],
+                     string value = "true">
+  : SubtargetFeature<name, fieldname, value, desc, implies> {
+  int MajorVersion = major;
+  int MinorVersion = minor;
+  bit Experimental = false;
+def FeatureStdExtI
+    : RISCVExtension<"i", 2, 1, "HasStdExtI",
+                     "'I' (Base Integer Instruction Set)">;
+def FeatureStdExtZicsr
+    : RISCVExtension<"zicsr", 2, 0, "HasStdExtZicsr",
+                     "'zicsr' (CSRs)">;
+def FeatureStdExtZifencei
+    : RISCVExtension<"zifencei", 2, 0, "HasStdExtZifencei",
+                     "'Zifencei' (fence.i)">;
+def Feature32Bit
+    : SubtargetFeature<"32bit", "IsRV32", "true", "Implements RV32">;
+def Feature64Bit
+    : SubtargetFeature<"64bit", "IsRV64", "true", "Implements RV64">;
+// Dummy feature that isn't an extension.
+def FeatureDummy
+    : SubtargetFeature<"dummy", "Dummy", "true", "Dummy">;
+class RISCVProcessorModel<string n,
+                          SchedMachineModel m,
+                          list<SubtargetFeature> f,
+                          list<SubtargetFeature> tunef = [],
+                          string default_march = "">
+      :  ProcessorModel<n, m, f, tunef> {
4vtomat wrote:

I guess the indention here needs to be 2 instead of 4?


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