[llvm] [Offload] Introduce `offload-tblgen` (PR #88923)

Callum Fare via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Apr 17 02:46:52 PDT 2024

https://github.com/callumfare updated https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/88923

>From a368d066f5c54c5fbf555119a4a8844b6fd2cc72 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Callum Fare <callum at codeplay.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 16:49:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] [Offload] Introduce `offload-tblgen`

 offload/API/APIDefs.td                        | 158 ++++++
 offload/API/Example.td                        | 481 ++++++++++++++++++
 offload/API/OffloadAPI.td                     |   5 +
 offload/API/README.md                         | 103 ++++
 offload/CMakeLists.txt                        |  15 +
 offload/tools/offload-tblgen/APIGen.cpp       | 156 ++++++
 offload/tools/offload-tblgen/CMakeLists.txt   |  12 +
 offload/tools/offload-tblgen/GenCommon.hpp    |  20 +
 offload/tools/offload-tblgen/Generators.hpp   |   4 +
 offload/tools/offload-tblgen/RecordTypes.hpp  | 186 +++++++
 .../tools/offload-tblgen/ValidationGen.cpp    | 121 +++++
 .../tools/offload-tblgen/offload-tblgen.cpp   |  61 +++
 12 files changed, 1322 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 offload/API/APIDefs.td
 create mode 100644 offload/API/Example.td
 create mode 100644 offload/API/OffloadAPI.td
 create mode 100644 offload/API/README.md
 create mode 100644 offload/CMakeLists.txt
 create mode 100644 offload/tools/offload-tblgen/APIGen.cpp
 create mode 100644 offload/tools/offload-tblgen/CMakeLists.txt
 create mode 100644 offload/tools/offload-tblgen/GenCommon.hpp
 create mode 100644 offload/tools/offload-tblgen/Generators.hpp
 create mode 100644 offload/tools/offload-tblgen/RecordTypes.hpp
 create mode 100644 offload/tools/offload-tblgen/ValidationGen.cpp
 create mode 100644 offload/tools/offload-tblgen/offload-tblgen.cpp

diff --git a/offload/API/APIDefs.td b/offload/API/APIDefs.td
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..c7fe2f986ac9ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/offload/API/APIDefs.td
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+// See offload/API/README.md for documentation.
+// Parameter flags
+defvar PARAM_IN = 0x1;
+defvar PARAM_OUT = 0x2;
+defvar PARAM_OPTIONAL = 0x4;
+// Prefix for API naming. This could be hard-coded in the future when a value
+// is agreed upon.
+defvar PREFIX = "OL";
+defvar prefix = !tolower(PREFIX);
+// Does the type end with '_handle_t'?
+class IsHandleType<string Type> {
+    // size("_handle_t") == 9
+    bit ret = !if(!lt(!size(Type), 9), 0, !ne(!find(Type, "_handle_t", !sub(!size(Type), 9)), -1));
+// Does the type end with '*'?
+class IsPointerType<string Type> {
+    bit ret = !ne(!find(Type, "*", !sub(!size(Type), 1)), -1);
+class Param<string Type, string Name, string Desc, bits<3> Flags = 0> {
+    string type = Type;
+    string name = Name;
+    string desc = Desc;
+    bits<3> flags = Flags;
+    bit IsHandle = IsHandleType<type>.ret;
+    bit IsPointer = IsPointerType<type>.ret;
+class Return<string Value, list<string> Conditions = []> {
+    string value = Value;
+    list<string> conditions = Conditions;
+class ShouldCheckHandle<Param P> {
+    bit ret = !and(P.IsHandle, !eq(!and(PARAM_OPTIONAL, P.flags), 0));
+class ShouldCheckPointer<Param P> {
+    bit ret = !and(P.IsPointer, !eq(!and(PARAM_OPTIONAL, P.flags), 0));
+// For a list of returns that contains a specific return code, find and append
+// new conditions to that return
+class AppendConditionsToReturn<list<Return> Returns, string ReturnValue, list<string> Conditions> {
+    list<Return> ret = !foreach(Ret, Returns, !if(!eq(Ret.value, ReturnValue), Return<Ret.value, Ret.conditions # Conditions>, Ret));
+// Add null handle checks to a function's return value descriptions
+class AddHandleChecksToReturns<list<Param> Params, list<Return> Returns> {
+    list<string> handle_params = !foreach(P, Params, !if(ShouldCheckHandle<P>.ret, P.name, ""));
+    list<string> handle_params_filt = !filter(param, handle_params, !ne(param, ""));
+    list<string> handle_param_conds = !foreach(handle, handle_params_filt, "`NULL == "#handle#"`");
+    // Does the list of returns already contain ERROR_INVALID_NULL_HANDLE?
+    bit returns_has_inv_handle = !foldl(0, Returns, HasErr, Ret, !or(HasErr, !eq(Ret.value, PREFIX # "_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_NULL_HANDLE")));
+    list<Return> returns_out = !if(returns_has_inv_handle,
+        AppendConditionsToReturn<Returns, PREFIX # "_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_NULL_HANDLE", handle_param_conds>.ret,
+        !listconcat(Returns, [Return<PREFIX # "_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_NULL_HANDLE", handle_param_conds>])
+    );
+// Add null pointer checks to a function's return value descriptions
+class AddPointerChecksToReturns<list<Param> Params, list<Return> Returns> {
+    list<string> ptr_params = !foreach(P, Params, !if(ShouldCheckPointer<P>.ret, P.name, ""));
+    list<string> ptr_params_filt = !filter(param, ptr_params, !ne(param, ""));
+    list<string> ptr_param_conds = !foreach(ptr, ptr_params_filt, "`NULL == "#ptr#"`");
+    // Does the list of returns already contain ERROR_INVALID_NULL_POINTER?
+    bit returns_has_inv_ptr = !foldl(0, Returns, HasErr, Ret, !or(HasErr, !eq(Ret.value, PREFIX # "_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_NULL_POINTER")));
+    list<Return> returns_out = !if(returns_has_inv_ptr,
+        AppendConditionsToReturn<Returns, PREFIX # "_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_NULL_POINTER", ptr_param_conds>.ret,
+        !listconcat(Returns, [Return<PREFIX # "_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_NULL_POINTER", ptr_param_conds>])
+    );
+defvar DefaultReturns = [
+    Return<PREFIX # "_RESULT_SUCCESS">,
+class APIObject {
+    string name;
+    string desc;
+class Function<string Class> : APIObject { 
+    string api_class = Class;
+    list<Param> params;
+    list<Return> returns;
+    list<string> details = [];
+    list<string> analogues = [];
+    list<Return> returns_with_def = !listconcat(DefaultReturns, returns);
+    list<Return> all_returns = AddPointerChecksToReturns<params,
+        AddHandleChecksToReturns<params, returns_with_def>.returns_out>.returns_out;
+class Etor<string Name, string Desc> {
+    string name = Name;
+    string desc = Desc;
+class Enum : APIObject {
+    // This refers to whether the enumerator descriptions specify a return
+    // type for functions where this enum may be used as an input type.
+    // The format is "[$x_some_return_t] Description text"
+    // (TODO: This is lifted from UR, is it relevant?)
+    bit is_typed = 0;
+    list<Etor> etors = [];
+class StructMember<string Type, string Name, string Desc> {
+    string type = Type;
+    string name = Name;
+    string desc = Desc;
+defvar DefaultPropStructMembers = [
+    StructMember<prefix#"_structure_type_t", "stype", "type of this structure">,
+    StructMember<"void*", "pNext", "pointer to extension-specific structure">
+class StructHasInheritedMembers<string BaseClass> {
+    bit ret = !or(!eq(BaseClass, prefix#"_base_properties_t"), !eq(BaseClass, prefix#"_base_desc_t"));
+class Struct : APIObject {
+    string base_class = "";
+    list<StructMember> members;
+    list<StructMember> all_members = !if(StructHasInheritedMembers<base_class>.ret, DefaultPropStructMembers, []) # members;
+class Typedef : APIObject {
+    string value;
+class FptrTypedef : APIObject {
+    list<Param> params;
+    list<Return> returns;
+class Macro : APIObject {
+    string value;
+    string condition;
+    string alt_value;
+class Handle : APIObject;
diff --git a/offload/API/Example.td b/offload/API/Example.td
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..04987292aa853c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/offload/API/Example.td
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+// This file serves as an example for the Offload tablegen framework.
+// It is NOT an actual representation of the API. It is based off a random
+// selection of features from Unified Runtime.
+def : Macro {
+  let name = "OL_MAKE_VERSION( _major, _minor )";
+  let desc = "Generates generic API versions";
+  let value = "(( _major << 16 )|( _minor & 0x0000ffff))";
+def : Macro {
+  let name = "OL_MAJOR_VERSION( _ver )";
+  let desc = "Extracts API major version";
+  let value = "( _ver >> 16 )";
+def : Macro {
+  let name = "OL_MINOR_VERSION( _ver )";
+  let desc = "Extracts API minor version";
+  let value = "( _ver & 0x0000ffff )";
+def : Macro {
+  let name = "OL_APICALL";
+  let desc = "Calling convention for all API functions";
+  let condition = "defined(_WIN32)";
+  let value = "__cdecl";
+  let alt_value = "";
+def : Macro {
+  let name = "OL_APIEXPORT";
+  let desc = "Microsoft-specific dllexport storage-class attribute";
+  let condition = "defined(_WIN32)";
+  let value = "__declspec(dllexport)";
+  let alt_value = "";
+def : Macro {
+  let name = "OL_DLLEXPORT";
+  let desc = "Microsoft-specific dllexport storage-class attribute";
+  let condition = "defined(_WIN32)";
+  let value = "__declspec(dllexport)";
+def : Macro {
+  let name = "OL_DLLEXPORT";
+  let desc = "GCC-specific dllexport storage-class attribute";
+  let condition = "__GNUC__ >= 4";
+  let value = "__attribute__ ((visibility (\"default\")))";
+  let alt_value = "";
+def : Typedef {
+  let name = "ol_bool_t";
+  let value = "uint8_t";
+  let desc = "compiler-independent type";
+def : Handle {
+  let name = "ol_loader_config_handle_t";
+  let desc = "Handle of a loader config object";
+def : Handle {
+  let name = "ol_adapter_handle_t";
+  let desc = "Handle of an adapter instance";
+def : Handle {
+  let name = "ol_platform_handle_t";
+  let desc = "Handle of a platform instance";
+def : Handle {
+  let name = "ol_device_handle_t";
+  let desc = "Handle of platform's device object";
+def : Handle {
+  let name = "ol_context_handle_t";
+  let desc = "Handle of context object";
+def : Handle {
+  let name = "ol_event_handle_t";
+  let desc = "Handle of event object";
+def : Handle {
+  let name = "ol_program_handle_t";
+  let desc = "Handle of Program object";
+def : Handle {
+  let name = "ol_kernel_handle_t";
+  let desc = "Handle of program's Kernel object";
+def : Handle {
+  let name = "ol_queue_handle_t";
+  let desc = "Handle of a queue object";
+def : Handle {
+  let name = "ol_native_handle_t";
+  let desc = "Handle of a native object";
+def : Handle {
+  let name = "ol_sampler_handle_t";
+  let desc = "Handle of a Sampler object";
+def : Handle {
+  let name = "ol_mem_handle_t";
+  let desc = "Handle of memory object which can either be buffer or image";
+def : Handle {
+  let name = "ol_physical_mem_handle_t";
+  let desc = "Handle of physical memory object";
+def : Macro {
+  let name = "OL_BIT( _i )";
+  let desc = "Generic macro for enumerator bit masks";
+  let value = "( 1 << _i )";
+def : Enum {
+  let name = "ol_result_t";
+  let desc = "Defines Return/Error codes";
+  let etors =[
+    Etor<"SUCCESS", "Success">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION", "Invalid operation">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_QUEUE_PROPERTIES", "Invalid queue properties">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_QUEUE", "Invalid queue">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_VALUE", "Invalid Value">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_CONTEXT", "Invalid context">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_PLATFORM", "Invalid platform">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_BINARY", "Invalid binary">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_PROGRAM", "Invalid program">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_SAMPLER", "Invalid sampler">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE", "Invalid buffer size">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT", "Invalid memory object">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_EVENT", "Invalid event">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST", "Returned when the event wait list or the events in the wait list are invalid.">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET", "Misaligned sub buffer offset">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE", "Invalid work group size">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_COMPILER_NOT_AVAILABLE", "Compiler not available">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_PROFILING_INFO_NOT_AVAILABLE", "Profiling info not available">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND", "Device not found">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_DEVICE", "Invalid device">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_DEVICE_LOST", "Device hung, reset, was removed, or adapter update occurred">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_DEVICE_REQUIRES_RESET", "Device requires a reset">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_DEVICE_IN_LOW_POWER_STATE", "Device currently in low power state">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_DEVICE_PARTITION_FAILED", "Device partitioning failed">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_WORK_ITEM_SIZE", "Invalid work item size">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_WORK_DIMENSION", "Invalid work dimension">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_KERNEL_ARGS", "Invalid kernel args">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_KERNEL", "Invalid kernel">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_KERNEL_NAME", "[Validation] kernel name is not found in the program">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_KERNEL_ARGUMENT_INDEX", "[Validation] kernel argument index is not valid for kernel">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_KERNEL_ARGUMENT_SIZE", "[Validation] kernel argument size does not match kernel">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_KERNEL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE", "[Validation] value of kernel attribute is not valid for the kernel or device">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_IMAGE_SIZE", "Invalid image size">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT_DESCRIPTOR", "Invalid image format descriptor">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_IMAGE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED", "Image format not supported">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE", "Memory object allocation failure">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_PROGRAM_EXECUTABLE", "Program object parameter is invalid.">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_UNINITIALIZED", "[Validation] adapter is not initialized or specific entry-point is not implemented">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY", "Insufficient host memory to satisfy call">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY", "Insufficient device memory to satisfy call">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES", "Out of resources">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_PROGRAM_BUILD_FAILURE", "Error occurred when building program, see build log for details">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_PROGRAM_LINK_FAILURE", "Error occurred when linking programs, see build log for details">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION", "[Validation] generic error code for unsupported versions">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE", "[Validation] generic error code for unsupported features">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT", "[Validation] generic error code for invalid arguments">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_NULL_HANDLE", "[Validation] handle argument is not valid">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_HANDLE_OBJECT_IN_USE", "[Validation] object pointed to by handle still in-use by device">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_NULL_POINTER", "[Validation] pointer argument may not be nullptr">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_SIZE", "[Validation] invalid size or dimensions (e.g., must not be zero, or is out of bounds)">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_SIZE", "[Validation] size argument is not supported by the device (e.g., too large)">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ALIGNMENT", "[Validation] alignment argument is not supported by the device (e.g., too small)">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_SYNCHRONIZATION_OBJECT", "[Validation] synchronization object in invalid state">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_ENUMERATION", "[Validation] enumerator argument is not valid">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ENUMERATION", "[Validation] enumerator argument is not supported by the device">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMAT", "[Validation] image format is not supported by the device">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_NATIVE_BINARY", "[Validation] native binary is not supported by the device">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_GLOBAL_NAME", "[Validation] global variable is not found in the program">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION_NAME", "[Validation] function name is not found in the program">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_GROUP_SIZE_DIMENSION", "[Validation] group size dimension is not valid for the kernel or device">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_GLOBAL_WIDTH_DIMENSION", "[Validation] global width dimension is not valid for the kernel or device">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_PROGRAM_UNLINKED", "[Validation] compiled program or program with imports needs to be linked before kernels can be created from it.">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_OVERLAPPING_REGIONS", "[Validation] copy operations do not support overlapping regions of memory">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_HOST_PTR", "Invalid host pointer">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_INVALID_USM_SIZE", "Invalid USM size">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE", "Objection allocation failure">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_ADAPTER_SPECIFIC", "An adapter specific warning/error has been reported and can be retrieved via the urPlatformGetLastError entry point.">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_LAYER_NOT_PRESENT", "A requested layer was not found by the loader.">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_IN_EVENT_LIST_EXEC_STATUS", "An event in the provided wait list has OL_EVENT_STATUS_ERROR.">,
+    Etor<"ERROR_UNKNOWN", "Unknown or internal error">
+  ];
+def : Struct {
+  let name = "ol_base_properties_t";
+  let desc = "Base for all properties types";
+  let members = [
+    StructMember<"ol_structure_type_t", "stype", "[in] type of this structure">,
+    StructMember<"void*", "pNext", "[in,out][optional] pointer to extension-specific structure">
+  ];
+def : Struct {
+  let name = "ol_base_desc_t";
+  let desc = "Base for all descriptor types";
+  let members = [
+    StructMember<"ol_structure_type_t", "stype", "[in] type of this structure">,
+    StructMember<"const void*", "pNext", "[in][optional] pointer to extension-specific structure">
+  ];
+def : Struct {
+  let name = "ol_rect_offset_t";
+  let desc = "3D offset argument passed to buffer rect operations";
+  let members = [
+    StructMember<"uint64_t", "x", "[in] x offset (bytes)">,
+    StructMember<"uint64_t", "y", "[in] y offset (scalar)">,
+    StructMember<"uint64_t", "z", "[in] z offset (scalar)">
+  ];
+def : Struct {
+  let name = "ol_rect_region_t";
+  let desc = "3D region argument passed to buffer rect operations";
+  let members = [
+    StructMember<"uint64_t", "width", "[in] width (bytes)">,
+    StructMember<"uint64_t", "height", "[in] height (scalar)">,
+    StructMember<"uint64_t", "depth", "[in] scalar (scalar)">
+  ];
+def : Enum {
+  let name = "ol_queue_info_t";
+  let desc = "Query queue info";
+    let is_typed = 1;
+  let etors =[
+    Etor<"CONTEXT", "[ol_context_handle_t] context associated with this queue.">,
+    Etor<"DEVICE", "[ol_device_handle_t] device associated with this queue.">,
+    Etor<"DEVICE_DEFAULT", "[ol_queue_handle_t] the current default queue of the underlying device.">,
+    Etor<"FLAGS", "[ol_queue_flags_t] the properties associated with ol_queue_properties_t::flags.">,
+    Etor<"REFERENCE_COUNT", [{[uint32_t] Reference count of the queue object.
+The reference count returned should be considered immediately stale. 
+It is unsuitable for general use in applications. This feature is provided for identifying memory leaks.}]>,
+    Etor<"SIZE", "[uint32_t] The size of the queue">,
+    Etor<"EMPTY", "[ol_bool_t] return true if the queue was empty at the time of the query">
+  ];
+def : Enum {
+  let name = "ol_queue_flags_t";
+  let desc = "Queue property flags";
+  let etors =[
+    Etor<"OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE", "Enable/disable out of order execution">,
+    Etor<"PROFILING_ENABLE", "Enable/disable profiling">,
+    Etor<"ON_DEVICE", "Is a device queue">,
+    Etor<"ON_DEVICE_DEFAULT", "Is the default queue for a device">,
+    Etor<"DISCARD_EVENTS", "Events will be discarded">,
+    Etor<"PRIORITY_LOW", "Low priority queue">,
+    Etor<"PRIORITY_HIGH", "High priority queue">,
+    Etor<"SUBMISSION_BATCHED", "Hint: enqueue and submit in a batch later. No change in queue semantics. Implementation chooses submission mode.">,
+    Etor<"SUBMISSION_IMMEDIATE", "Hint: enqueue and submit immediately. No change in queue semantics. Implementation chooses submission mode.">,
+    Etor<"USE_DEFAULT_STREAM", "Use the default stream. Only meaningful for CUDA. Other platforms may ignore this flag.">,
+    Etor<"SYNC_WITH_DEFAULT_STREAM", "Synchronize with the default stream. Only meaningful for CUDA. Other platforms may ignore this flag.">
+  ];
+def : Function<"olQueue"> {
+  let name = "GetInfo";
+  let desc = "Query information about a command queue";
+  let params = [
+    Param<"ol_queue_handle_t", "hQueue", "handle of the queue object", PARAM_IN>,
+    Param<"ol_queue_info_t", "propName", "name of the queue property to query", PARAM_IN>,
+    Param<"size_t", "propSize", "size in bytes of the queue property value provided", PARAM_IN>,
+    Param<"void*", "pPropValue", "[typename(propName, propSize)] value of the queue property", !or(PARAM_OUT, PARAM_OPTIONAL)>,
+    Param<"size_t*", "pPropSizeRet", "size in bytes returned in queue property value", !or(PARAM_OUT, PARAM_OPTIONAL)>
+  ];
+  let returns = [
+      "If `propName` is not supported by the adapter."
+    ]>,
+      "`propSize == 0 && pPropValue != NULL`",
+      "If `propSize` is less than the real number of bytes needed to return the info."
+    ]>,
+      "`propSize != 0 && pPropValue == NULL`",
+      "`pPropValue == NULL && pPropSizeRet == NULL`"
+    ]>,
+  ];
+def : Struct {
+  let name = "ol_queue_properties_t";
+  let desc = "Queue creation properties";
+  let base_class = "ol_base_properties_t";
+  let members = [
+    StructMember<"ol_queue_flags_t", "flags", "[in] Bitfield of queue creation flags">
+  ];
+def : Struct {
+  let name = "ol_queue_index_properties_t";
+  let desc = "Queue index creation properties";
+  let base_class = "ol_base_properties_t";
+  let members = [
+    StructMember<"uint32_t", "computeIndex", "[in] Specifies the compute index as described in the sycl_ext_intel_queue_index extension.">
+  ];
+def : Function<"olQueue"> {
+  let name = "Create";
+  let desc = "Create a command queue for a device in a context";
+  let details = [
+    "See also ol_queue_index_properties_t."
+  ];
+  let params = [
+    Param<"ol_context_handle_t", "hContext", "handle of the context object", PARAM_IN>,
+    Param<"ol_device_handle_t", "hDevice", "handle of the device object", PARAM_IN>,
+    Param<"const ol_queue_properties_t*", "pProperties", "pointer to queue creation properties.", !or(PARAM_IN, PARAM_OPTIONAL)>,
+    Param<"ol_queue_handle_t*", "phQueue", "pointer to handle of queue object created", PARAM_OUT>
+  ];
+  let returns = [
+      "`pProperties != NULL && pProperties->flags & OL_QUEUE_FLAG_PRIORITY_HIGH && pProperties->flags & OL_QUEUE_FLAG_PRIORITY_LOW`",
+      "`pProperties != NULL && pProperties->flags & OL_QUEUE_FLAG_SUBMISSION_BATCHED && pProperties->flags & OL_QUEUE_FLAG_SUBMISSION_IMMEDIATE`"
+    ]>,
+  ];
+def : Function<"olQueue"> {
+  let name = "Retain";
+  let desc = "Get a reference to the command queue handle. Increment the command queue's reference count";
+  let details = [
+    "Useful in library function to retain access to the command queue after the caller released the queue."
+  ];
+  let params = [
+    Param<"ol_queue_handle_t", "hQueue", "handle of the queue object to get access", PARAM_IN>
+  ];
+  let returns = [
+  ];
+def : Function<"olQueue"> {
+  let name = "Release";
+  let desc = "Decrement the command queue's reference count and delete the command queue if the reference count becomes zero.";
+  let details = [
+    "After the command queue reference count becomes zero and all queued commands in the queue have finished, the queue is deleted.",
+    "It also performs an implicit flush to issue all previously queued commands in the queue."
+  ];
+  let params = [
+    Param<"ol_queue_handle_t", "hQueue", "handle of the queue object to release", PARAM_IN>
+  ];
+  let returns = [
+  ];
+def : Struct {
+  let name = "ol_queue_native_desc_t";
+  let desc = "Descriptor for olQueueGetNativeHandle and olQueueCreateWithNativeHandle.";
+  let base_class = "ol_base_desc_t";
+  let members = [
+    StructMember<"void*", "pNativeData", "[in][optional] Adapter-specific metadata needed to create the handle.">
+  ];
+def : Function<"olQueue"> {
+  let name = "GetNativeHandle";
+  let desc = "Return queue native queue handle.";
+  let details = [
+    "Retrieved native handle can be used for direct interaction with the native platform driver.",
+    "Use interoperability queue extensions to convert native handle to native type.",
+    "The application may call this function from simultaneous threads for the same context.",
+    "The implementation of this function should be thread-safe."
+  ];
+  let params = [
+    Param<"ol_queue_handle_t", "hQueue", "handle of the queue.", PARAM_IN>,
+    Param<"ol_queue_native_desc_t*", "pDesc", "pointer to native descriptor", !or(PARAM_IN, PARAM_OPTIONAL)>,
+    Param<"ol_native_handle_t*", "phNativeQueue", "a pointer to the native handle of the queue.", PARAM_OUT>
+  ];
+  let returns = [
+      "If the adapter has no underlying equivalent handle."
+    ]>
+  ];
+def : Struct {
+  let name = "ol_queue_native_properties_t";
+  let desc = "Properties for for olQueueCreateWithNativeHandle.";
+  let base_class = "ol_base_properties_t";
+  let members = [
+    StructMember<"bool", "isNativeHandleOwned", [{[in] Indicates UR owns the native handle or if it came from an interoperability
+operation in the application that asked to not transfer the ownership to
+the unified-runtime.}]>
+  ];
+def : Function<"olQueue"> {
+  let name = "CreateWithNativeHandle";
+  let desc = "Create runtime queue object from native queue handle.";
+  let details = [
+    "Creates runtime queue handle from native driver queue handle.",
+    "The application may call this function from simultaneous threads for the same context.",
+    "The implementation of this function should be thread-safe."
+  ];
+  let params = [
+    Param<"ol_native_handle_t", "hNativeQueue", "[nocheck] the native handle of the queue.", PARAM_IN>,
+    Param<"ol_context_handle_t", "hContext", "handle of the context object", PARAM_IN>,
+    Param<"ol_device_handle_t", "hDevice", "handle of the device object", PARAM_IN>,
+    Param<"const ol_queue_native_properties_t*", "pProperties", "pointer to native queue properties struct", !or(PARAM_IN, PARAM_OPTIONAL)>,
+    Param<"ol_queue_handle_t*", "phQueue", "pointer to the handle of the queue object created.", PARAM_OUT>
+  ];
+  let returns = [
+      "If the adapter has no underlying equivalent handle."
+    ]>
+  ];
+def : Function<"olQueue"> {
+  let name = "Finish";
+  let desc = "Blocks until all previously issued commands to the command queue are finished.";
+  let details = [
+    "Blocks until all previously issued commands to the command queue are issued and completed.",
+    "olQueueFinish does not return until all enqueued commands have been processed and finished.",
+    "olQueueFinish acts as a synchronization point."
+  ];
+  let params = [
+    Param<"ol_queue_handle_t", "hQueue", "handle of the queue to be finished.", PARAM_IN>
+  ];
+  let returns = [
+  ];
+def : Function<"olQueue"> {
+  let name = "Flush";
+  let desc = "Issues all previously enqueued commands in a command queue to the device.";
+  let details = [
+    "Guarantees that all enqueued commands will be issued to the appropriate device.",
+    "There is no guarantee that they will be completed after olQueueFlush returns."
+  ];
+  let params = [
+    Param<"ol_queue_handle_t", "hQueue", "handle of the queue to be flushed.", PARAM_IN>
+  ];
+  let returns = [
+  ];
diff --git a/offload/API/OffloadAPI.td b/offload/API/OffloadAPI.td
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..4bfaec29568951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/offload/API/OffloadAPI.td
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Always include this file first
+include "APIDefs.td"
+// Add API definition files here
+include "Example.td"
diff --git a/offload/API/README.md b/offload/API/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..4bc69b4740e784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/offload/API/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Offload API definitions
+**Note**: This is a work-in-progress. The intention is for this to serve as a
+starting off point for design discussion. It is loosely based on equivalent
+tooling in Unified Runtime.
+The Tablegen files in this directory are used to define the Offload API. They
+are used with the `offload-tblgen` tool to generate API headers and (stub)
+validation code. There are plans to add support for tracing, printing (e.g. 
+adding `operator<<(std::ostream)` defs to API structs, enums, etc), and test
+The root file is `OffloadAPI.td` - additional `.td` files can be included in
+this file to add them to the API.
+## API Objects
+The API consists of a number of objects, which always have a *name* field and
+*description* field, and are one of the following types:
+### Function
+Represents an API entry point function. Has a list of returns and parameters.
+Also has fields for details (representing a bullet-point list of
+information about the function that would otherwise be too detailed for the
+description), and analogues (equivalent functions in other APIs).
+#### Parameter
+Represents a parameter to a function, has *type*, *name*, and *desc* fields.
+Also has a *flags* field containing flags representing whether the parameter is
+in, out, or optional.
+The *type* field is used to infer if the parameter is a pointer or handle type.
+A *handle* type is a pointer to an opaque struct, used to abstract over
+plugin-specific implementation details.
+#### Return
+A return represents a possible return code from the function, and optionally a
+list of conditions in which this value may be returned. The conditions list is
+not expected to be exhaustive. A condition is considered free-form text, but
+if it is wrapped in \`backticks\` then it is treated as literal code
+representing an error condition (e.g. `someParam < 1`). These conditions are
+used to automatically create validation checks by the `offload-tblgen`
+validation generator.
+Returns are automatically generated for functions with pointer or handle
+parameters, so API authors do not need to exhaustively add null checks for
+these types of parameters. All functions also get a number of default return
+values automatically.
+### Struct
+Represents a struct. Contains a list of members, which each have a *type*,
+*name*, and *desc*.
+Also optionally takes a *base_class* field. If this is either of the special
+`ol_base_properties_t` or `ol_base_desc_t` structs, then the struct will inherit
+members from those structs. The generated struct does **not** use actual C++
+inheritance, but instead explicitly has those members copied in, which preserves
+compatibility with C.
+### Enum
+Represents a C-style enum. Contains a list of `etor` values.
+All enums automatically get a `<enum_name>_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff` value,
+which forces the underlying type to be uint32.
+### Handle
+Represents a pointer to an opaque struct, as described in the Parameter section.
+It does not take any extra fields.
+### Typedef
+Represents a typedef, contains only a *value* field.
+### Macro
+Represents a C preprocessor `#define`. Contains a *value* field. Optionally
+takes a *condition* field, which allows the macro to be conditionally defined,
+and an *alt_value* field, which represents the value if the condition is false.
+Macro arguments are presented in the *name* field (e.g. name = `mymacro(arg)`).
+While there may seem little point generating a macro from tablegen, doing this
+allows the entire source of the header file to be generated from the tablegen
+files, rather than requiring a mix of C source and tablegen.
+## Generation
+### API header
+./offload-tblgen -I <path-to-llvm>/offload/API  <path-to-llvm>/offload/API/OffloadAPI.td --gen-api
+The comments in the generated header are in Doxygen format, although
+generating documentation from them hasn't been tested yet.
+### Validation functions
+./offload-tblgen -I <path-to-llvm>/offload/API  <path-to-llvm>/offload/API/OffloadAPI.td --gen-validation
+The functions are partially stubbed and are designed to be used in conjunction
+with code that can track live handle references, etc. See the equivalent code
+in Unified Runtime for an idea of how this might work.
+### Future Tablegen backends
+`RecordTypes.hpp` contains wrappers for all of the API object types, which will
+allow more backends to be easily added in future.
diff --git a/offload/CMakeLists.txt b/offload/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..39a299d350cc85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/offload/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# TODO: #75125 isn't merged yet, use some hacky CMake to get things building in
+# the mean time.
diff --git a/offload/tools/offload-tblgen/APIGen.cpp b/offload/tools/offload-tblgen/APIGen.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..7ee335887154c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/offload/tools/offload-tblgen/APIGen.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
+#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
+#include "llvm/TableGen/TableGenBackend.h"
+#include "GenCommon.hpp"
+#include "RecordTypes.hpp"
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace offload::tblgen;
+// Produce a possibly multi-line comment from the input string
+static std::string MakeComment(StringRef in) {
+  std::string out = "";
+  size_t LineStart = 0;
+  size_t LineBreak = 0;
+  while (LineBreak < in.size()) {
+    LineBreak = in.find_first_of("\n", LineStart);
+    if (LineBreak - LineStart <= 1) {
+      break;
+    }
+    out += std::string("\t///< ") +
+           in.substr(LineStart, LineBreak - LineStart).str() + "\n";
+    LineStart = LineBreak + 1;
+  }
+  return out;
+static void ProcessHandle(const HandleRec &H, raw_ostream &OS) {
+  OS << CommentsHeader;
+  OS << formatv("/// @brief {0}\n", H.getDesc());
+  OS << formatv("typedef struct {0}_ *{0};\n", H.getName());
+static void ProcessTypedef(const TypedefRec &T, raw_ostream &OS) {
+  OS << CommentsHeader;
+  OS << formatv("/// @brief {0}\n", T.getDesc());
+  OS << formatv("typedef {0} {1};\n", T.getValue(), T.getName());
+static void ProcessMacro(const MacroRec &M, raw_ostream &OS) {
+  OS << CommentsHeader;
+  OS << formatv("#ifndef {0}\n", M.getName());
+  if (auto Condition = M.getCondition()) {
+    OS << formatv("#if {0}\n", *Condition);
+  }
+  OS << "/// @brief " << M.getDesc() << "\n";
+  OS << formatv("#define {0} {1}\n", M.getName(), M.getValue());
+  if (auto AltValue = M.getAltValue()) {
+    OS << "#else\n";
+    OS << formatv("#define {0} {1}\n", M.getName(), *AltValue);
+  }
+  if (auto Condition = M.getCondition()) {
+    OS << formatv("#endif // {0}\n", *Condition);
+  }
+  OS << formatv("#endif // {0}\n", M.getName());
+static void ProcessFunction(const FunctionRec &F, raw_ostream &OS) {
+  OS << CommentsHeader;
+  OS << formatv("/// @brief {0}\n", F.getDesc());
+  OS << CommentsBreak;
+  OS << "/// @details\n";
+  for (auto &Detail : F.getDetails()) {
+    OS << formatv("///    - {0}\n", Detail);
+  }
+  OS << CommentsBreak;
+  // Emit analogue remarks
+  auto Analogues = F.getAnalogues();
+  if (!Analogues.empty()) {
+    OS << "/// @remarks\n///  _Analogues_\n";
+    for (auto &Analogue : Analogues) {
+      OS << formatv("///    - **{0}**\n", Analogue);
+    }
+    OS << CommentsBreak;
+  }
+  OS << "/// @returns\n";
+  auto Returns = F.getReturns();
+  for (auto &Ret : Returns) {
+    OS << formatv("///     - ::{0}\n", Ret.getValue());
+    auto RetConditions = Ret.getConditions();
+    for (auto &RetCondition : RetConditions) {
+      OS << formatv("///         + {0}\n", RetCondition);
+    }
+  }
+  OS << formatv("{0}_APIEXPORT {1}_result_t {0}_APICALL ", PrefixUpper,
+                PrefixLower);
+  OS << F.getFullName();
+  OS << "(\n";
+  auto Params = F.getParams();
+  for (auto &Param : Params) {
+    OS << "  " << Param.getType() << " " << Param.getName();
+    if (Param != Params.back()) {
+      OS << ", ";
+    } else {
+      OS << " ";
+    }
+    OS << MakeParamComment(Param) << "\n";
+  }
+  OS << ");\n\n";
+static void ProcessEnum(const EnumRec &Enum, raw_ostream &OS) {
+  OS << CommentsHeader;
+  OS << formatv("/// @brief {0}\n", Enum.getDesc());
+  OS << formatv("typedef enum {0} {{\n", Enum.getName());
+  uint32_t EtorVal = 0;
+  for (const auto &EnumVal : Enum.getValues()) {
+    auto Desc = MakeComment(EnumVal.getDesc());
+    OS << formatv("    {0}_{1} = {2}, {3}", Enum.getEnumValNamePrefix(),
+                  EnumVal.getName(), EtorVal++, Desc);
+  }
+  // Add force uint32 val
+  OS << formatv(
+      "    /// @cond\n    {0}_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff\n    /// @endcond\n\n",
+      Enum.getEnumValNamePrefix());
+  OS << formatv("} {0};\n", Enum.getName());
+static void ProcessStruct(const StructRec &Struct, raw_ostream &OS) {
+  OS << CommentsHeader;
+  OS << formatv("/// @brief {0}\n", Struct.getDesc());
+  OS << formatv("typedef struct {0} {{\n", Struct.getName());
+  for (const auto &Member : Struct.getMembers()) {
+    OS << formatv("    {0} {1}; {2}", Member.getType(), Member.getName(),
+                  MakeComment(Member.getDesc()));
+  }
+  OS << formatv("} {0};\n\n", Struct.getName());
+void EmitOffloadAPI(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS) {
+  for (auto *R : Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("APIObject")) {
+    if (R->isSubClassOf("Macro")) {
+      ProcessMacro(MacroRec{R}, OS);
+    } else if (R->isSubClassOf("Typedef")) {
+      ProcessTypedef(TypedefRec{R}, OS);
+    } else if (R->isSubClassOf("Handle")) {
+      ProcessHandle(HandleRec{R}, OS);
+    } else if (R->isSubClassOf("Function")) {
+      ProcessFunction(FunctionRec{R}, OS);
+    } else if (R->isSubClassOf("Enum")) {
+      ProcessEnum(EnumRec{R}, OS);
+    } else if (R->isSubClassOf("Struct")) {
+      ProcessStruct(StructRec{R}, OS);
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/offload/tools/offload-tblgen/CMakeLists.txt b/offload/tools/offload-tblgen/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..61c733b8bc46ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/offload/tools/offload-tblgen/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+  Demangle
+  Support
+  TableGen
+add_tablegen(offload-tblgen Offload
+  EXPORT Offload
+  APIGen.cpp
+  offload-tblgen.cpp
+  ValidationGen.cpp
+  )
diff --git a/offload/tools/offload-tblgen/GenCommon.hpp b/offload/tools/offload-tblgen/GenCommon.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..c5634e1e99fc23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/offload/tools/offload-tblgen/GenCommon.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "RecordTypes.hpp"
+#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
+constexpr auto CommentsHeader = R"(
+constexpr auto CommentsBreak = "///\n";
+constexpr auto PrefixLower = "ol";
+constexpr auto PrefixUpper = "OL";
+static std::string
+MakeParamComment(const llvm::offload::tblgen::ParamRec &Param) {
+  return llvm::formatv("///< {0}{1}{2} {3}", (Param.isIn() ? "[in]" : ""),
+                       (Param.isOut() ? "[out]" : ""),
+                       (Param.isOpt() ? "[optional]" : ""), Param.getDesc());
diff --git a/offload/tools/offload-tblgen/Generators.hpp b/offload/tools/offload-tblgen/Generators.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..b3e568f43025fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/offload/tools/offload-tblgen/Generators.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
+void EmitOffloadAPI(llvm::RecordKeeper &Records, llvm::raw_ostream &OS);
+void EmitOffloadValidation(llvm::RecordKeeper &Records, llvm::raw_ostream &OS);
diff --git a/offload/tools/offload-tblgen/RecordTypes.hpp b/offload/tools/offload-tblgen/RecordTypes.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..286737b1ec00a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/offload/tools/offload-tblgen/RecordTypes.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <string>
+#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
+namespace llvm {
+namespace offload {
+namespace tblgen {
+class HandleRec {
+  explicit HandleRec(Record *rec) : rec(rec) {}
+  StringRef getName() const { return rec->getValueAsString("name"); }
+  StringRef getDesc() const { return rec->getValueAsString("desc"); }
+  Record *rec;
+class MacroRec {
+  explicit MacroRec(Record *rec) : rec(rec) {}
+  StringRef getName() const { return rec->getValueAsString("name"); }
+  StringRef getDesc() const { return rec->getValueAsString("desc"); }
+  std::optional<StringRef> getCondition() const {
+    return rec->getValueAsOptionalString("condition");
+  }
+  StringRef getValue() const { return rec->getValueAsString("value"); }
+  std::optional<StringRef> getAltValue() const {
+    return rec->getValueAsOptionalString("alt_value");
+  }
+  Record *rec;
+class TypedefRec {
+  explicit TypedefRec(Record *rec) : rec(rec) {}
+  StringRef getName() const { return rec->getValueAsString("name"); }
+  StringRef getDesc() const { return rec->getValueAsString("desc"); }
+  StringRef getValue() const { return rec->getValueAsString("value"); }
+  Record *rec;
+class EnumValueRec {
+  explicit EnumValueRec(Record *rec) : rec(rec) {}
+  std::string getName() const { return rec->getValueAsString("name").upper(); }
+  StringRef getDesc() const { return rec->getValueAsString("desc"); }
+  Record *rec;
+class EnumRec {
+  explicit EnumRec(Record *rec) : rec(rec) {
+    for (auto *Val : rec->getValueAsListOfDefs("etors")) {
+      vals.emplace_back(EnumValueRec{Val});
+    }
+  }
+  StringRef getName() const { return rec->getValueAsString("name"); }
+  StringRef getDesc() const { return rec->getValueAsString("desc"); }
+  const std::vector<EnumValueRec> &getValues() const { return vals; }
+  std::string getEnumValNamePrefix() const {
+    return StringRef(getName().str().substr(0, getName().str().length() - 2))
+        .upper();
+  }
+  Record *rec;
+  std::vector<EnumValueRec> vals;
+class StructMemberRec {
+  explicit StructMemberRec(Record *rec) : rec(rec) {}
+  StringRef getType() const { return rec->getValueAsString("type"); }
+  StringRef getName() const { return rec->getValueAsString("name"); }
+  StringRef getDesc() const { return rec->getValueAsString("desc"); }
+  Record *rec;
+class StructRec {
+  explicit StructRec(Record *rec) : rec(rec) {
+    for (auto *Member : rec->getValueAsListOfDefs("all_members")) {
+      members.emplace_back(StructMemberRec(Member));
+    }
+  }
+  StringRef getName() const { return rec->getValueAsString("name"); }
+  StringRef getDesc() const { return rec->getValueAsString("desc"); }
+  std::optional<StringRef> getBaseClass() const {
+    return rec->getValueAsOptionalString("base_class");
+  }
+  const std::vector<StructMemberRec> &getMembers() const { return members; }
+  Record *rec;
+  std::vector<StructMemberRec> members;
+class ParamRec {
+  explicit ParamRec(Record *rec) : rec(rec) {
+    flags = rec->getValueAsBitsInit("flags");
+  }
+  StringRef getName() const { return rec->getValueAsString("name"); }
+  StringRef getType() const { return rec->getValueAsString("type"); }
+  StringRef getDesc() const { return rec->getValueAsString("desc"); }
+  bool isIn() const { return dyn_cast<BitInit>(flags->getBit(0))->getValue(); }
+  bool isOut() const { return dyn_cast<BitInit>(flags->getBit(1))->getValue(); }
+  bool isOpt() const { return dyn_cast<BitInit>(flags->getBit(2))->getValue(); }
+  Record *getRec() const { return rec; }
+  // Needed to check whether we're at the back of a vector of params
+  bool operator!=(const ParamRec &p) const { return rec != p.getRec(); }
+  Record *rec;
+  BitsInit *flags;
+class ReturnRec {
+  ReturnRec(Record *rec) : rec(rec) {}
+  StringRef getValue() const { return rec->getValueAsString("value"); }
+  std::vector<StringRef> getConditions() const {
+    return rec->getValueAsListOfStrings("conditions");
+  }
+  Record *rec;
+class FunctionRec {
+  FunctionRec(Record *rec) : rec(rec) {
+    for (auto &Ret : rec->getValueAsListOfDefs("all_returns"))
+      rets.emplace_back(Ret);
+    for (auto &Param : rec->getValueAsListOfDefs("params"))
+      params.emplace_back(Param);
+  }
+  std::string getFullName() const {
+    return rec->getValueAsString("api_class").str() +
+           rec->getValueAsString("name").str();
+  }
+  StringRef getName() const { return rec->getValueAsString("name"); }
+  StringRef getClass() const { return rec->getValueAsString("api_class"); }
+  const std::vector<ReturnRec> &getReturns() const { return rets; }
+  const std::vector<ParamRec> &getParams() const { return params; }
+  StringRef getDesc() const { return rec->getValueAsString("desc"); }
+  std::vector<StringRef> getDetails() const {
+    return rec->getValueAsListOfStrings("details");
+  }
+  std::vector<StringRef> getAnalogues() const {
+    return rec->getValueAsListOfStrings("analogues");
+  }
+  bool modifiesRefCount() const {
+    auto Name = rec->getValueAsString("name");
+    auto Class = rec->getValueAsString("api_class");
+    return (Name == "Create") || (Name == "Retain") || (Name == "Release") ||
+           (Name == "Get" && Class == "Adapter");
+  }
+  std::vector<ReturnRec> rets;
+  std::vector<ParamRec> params;
+  Record *rec;
+} // namespace tblgen
+} // namespace offload
+} // namespace llvm
diff --git a/offload/tools/offload-tblgen/ValidationGen.cpp b/offload/tools/offload-tblgen/ValidationGen.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..23ab94e7ee1f08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/offload/tools/offload-tblgen/ValidationGen.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
+#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
+#include "GenCommon.hpp"
+#include "RecordTypes.hpp"
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace offload::tblgen;
+static void EmitValidationFunc(const FunctionRec &F, raw_ostream &OS) {
+  OS << CommentsHeader;
+  OS << formatv("/// @brief Intercept function for {0}\n", F.getFullName());
+  // Emit preamble
+  OS << formatv("{0}_result_t {1}_APICALL val_{2}(\n", PrefixLower, PrefixUpper,
+                F.getFullName());
+  // Emit arguments
+  std::string ParamNameList = "";
+  for (auto &Param : F.getParams()) {
+    OS << "  " << Param.getType() << " " << Param.getName();
+    if (Param != F.getParams().back()) {
+      OS << ", ";
+    } else {
+      OS << " ";
+    }
+    OS << MakeParamComment(Param) << "\n";
+    ParamNameList += Param.getName().str() + ", ";
+  }
+  OS << ") {\n";
+  OS << "  if (true /*enableParameterValidation*/) {\n";
+  // Emit validation checks
+  for (const auto &Return : F.getReturns()) {
+    for (auto &Condition : Return.getConditions()) {
+      if (Condition.starts_with("`") && Condition.ends_with("`")) {
+        auto ConditionString = Condition.substr(1, Condition.size() - 2);
+        OS << formatv("    if ({0}) {{\n", ConditionString);
+        OS << formatv("      return {0};\n", Return.getValue());
+        OS << "    }\n\n";
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  OS << "  }\n\n";
+  auto LifetimeTodoComment =
+      R"(  // TODO: Implement. `refCountContext` is some global object that tracks known
+  // live handle objects, and logs related errors.
+  // In UR this is implemented as an unordered_map of handles to structs
+  // containing the reference count, amongst other details. In this case, a 
+  // handle is invalid if it does not exist in the map.
+  bool EmittedTodo = false;
+  // Emit handle lifetime checks
+  for (auto &Param : F.getParams()) {
+    if (Param.getType().ends_with("handle_t")) {
+      // Only add this comment once per function to keep the code size down
+      if (!EmittedTodo) {
+        OS << LifetimeTodoComment;
+        EmittedTodo = true;
+      }
+      OS << formatv("  if (true /* enableLifeTimeValidation && "
+                    "!refCountContext.isReferenceValid({0}) */) {{\n",
+                    Param.getName());
+      OS << formatv("    // refCountContext.logInvalidReference({0});\n",
+                    Param.getName());
+      OS << "  }\n\n";
+    }
+  }
+  // Perform actual function call
+  ParamNameList = ParamNameList.substr(0, ParamNameList.size() - 2);
+  OS << formatv("  {0}_result_t result = {1}({2});\n\n", PrefixLower,
+                F.getFullName(), ParamNameList);
+  // Handle reference counting for cases where the function modifies the ref
+  // count of a handle
+  // * `Create` - initialize a reference count
+  // * `Retain` - increment a reference count
+  // * `Release` - decerement a reference count
+  if (F.modifiesRefCount()) {
+    OS << formatv("  if ( /*context.enableLeakChecking &&*/ result == "
+                  "{0}_RESULT_SUCCESS) {\n",
+                  PrefixUpper);
+    // The refcount context optionally takes a bool specifying whether the
+    // handle being tracked is an adapter handle, as they are counted
+    // differently.
+    // TODO: This behavior is lifted from UR. Offload will likely be different.
+    auto AdapterHandleArg = (F.getClass() == "Adapter") ? "true" : "false";
+    if (F.getName() == "Create") {
+      // We only expect one handle output for these types of functions, but loop
+      // over all params just in case
+      for (auto &Param : F.getParams()) {
+        if (Param.isOut()) {
+          OS << formatv("    // refCountContext.createRefCount(*{0});\n",
+                        Param.getName());
+        }
+      }
+      // Retain and release functions only have 1 parameter
+    } else if (F.getName() == "Retain") {
+      OS << formatv("    // refCountContext.incrementRefCount({0}, {1});\n",
+                    F.getParams().at(0).getName(), AdapterHandleArg);
+    } else {
+      OS << formatv("    // refCountContext.decrementRefCount({0}, {1});\n",
+                    F.getParams().at(0).getName(), AdapterHandleArg);
+    }
+    OS << "  }\n";
+  }
+  OS << "  return result;\n";
+  OS << "}\n";
+void EmitOffloadValidation(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS) {
+  for (auto *R : Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("Function")) {
+    EmitValidationFunc(FunctionRec{R}, OS);
+  }
diff --git a/offload/tools/offload-tblgen/offload-tblgen.cpp b/offload/tools/offload-tblgen/offload-tblgen.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..02fd6fffa04e54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/offload/tools/offload-tblgen/offload-tblgen.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/InitLLVM.h"
+#include "llvm/TableGen/Main.h"
+#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
+#include "Generators.hpp"
+namespace llvm {
+namespace offload {
+namespace tblgen {
+enum ActionType { PrintRecords, DumpJSON, GenAPI, GenValidation };
+namespace {
+cl::opt<ActionType> Action(
+    cl::desc("Action to perform:"),
+    cl::values(
+        clEnumValN(PrintRecords, "print-records",
+                   "Print all records to stdout (default)"),
+        clEnumValN(DumpJSON, "dump-json",
+                   "Dump all records as machine-readable JSON"),
+        clEnumValN(GenAPI, "gen-api", "Generate Offload API header contents"),
+        clEnumValN(GenValidation, "gen-validation",
+                   "Generate Offload entry point validation functions")));
+static bool OffloadTableGenMain(raw_ostream &OS, RecordKeeper &Records) {
+  switch (Action) {
+  case PrintRecords:
+    OS << Records;
+    break;
+  case DumpJSON:
+    EmitJSON(Records, OS);
+    break;
+  case GenAPI:
+    EmitOffloadAPI(Records, OS);
+    break;
+  case GenValidation:
+    EmitOffloadValidation(Records, OS);
+    break;
+  default:
+    break;
+  }
+  return false;
+int OffloadTblgenMain(int argc, char **argv) {
+  InitLLVM y(argc, argv);
+  cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv);
+  return TableGenMain(argv[0], &OffloadTableGenMain);
+  ;
+} // namespace tblgen
+} // namespace offload
+} // namespace llvm
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace offload::tblgen;
+int main(int argc, char **argv) { return OffloadTblgenMain(argc, argv); }

>From 26a186c26b0f60753f23734c0993c9f2356ae299 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Callum Fare <callum at codeplay.com>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 10:46:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Format APIDefs.td

 offload/API/APIDefs.td | 160 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 86 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)

diff --git a/offload/API/APIDefs.td b/offload/API/APIDefs.td
index c7fe2f986ac9ce..9b8ea3e89f0f16 100644
--- a/offload/API/APIDefs.td
+++ b/offload/API/APIDefs.td
@@ -12,53 +12,63 @@ defvar prefix = !tolower(PREFIX);
 // Does the type end with '_handle_t'?
 class IsHandleType<string Type> {
-    // size("_handle_t") == 9
-    bit ret = !if(!lt(!size(Type), 9), 0, !ne(!find(Type, "_handle_t", !sub(!size(Type), 9)), -1));
+  // size("_handle_t") == 9
+  bit ret = !if(!lt(!size(Type), 9), 0,
+                !ne(!find(Type, "_handle_t", !sub(!size(Type), 9)), -1));
 // Does the type end with '*'?
 class IsPointerType<string Type> {
-    bit ret = !ne(!find(Type, "*", !sub(!size(Type), 1)), -1);
+  bit ret = !ne(!find(Type, "*", !sub(!size(Type), 1)), -1);
 class Param<string Type, string Name, string Desc, bits<3> Flags = 0> {
-    string type = Type;
-    string name = Name;
-    string desc = Desc;
-    bits<3> flags = Flags;
-    bit IsHandle = IsHandleType<type>.ret;
-    bit IsPointer = IsPointerType<type>.ret;
+  string type = Type;
+  string name = Name;
+  string desc = Desc;
+  bits<3> flags = Flags;
+  bit IsHandle = IsHandleType<type>.ret;
+  bit IsPointer = IsPointerType<type>.ret;
 class Return<string Value, list<string> Conditions = []> {
-    string value = Value;
-    list<string> conditions = Conditions;
+  string value = Value;
+  list<string> conditions = Conditions;
 class ShouldCheckHandle<Param P> {
-    bit ret = !and(P.IsHandle, !eq(!and(PARAM_OPTIONAL, P.flags), 0));
+  bit ret = !and(P.IsHandle, !eq(!and(PARAM_OPTIONAL, P.flags), 0));
 class ShouldCheckPointer<Param P> {
-    bit ret = !and(P.IsPointer, !eq(!and(PARAM_OPTIONAL, P.flags), 0));
+  bit ret = !and(P.IsPointer, !eq(!and(PARAM_OPTIONAL, P.flags), 0));
 // For a list of returns that contains a specific return code, find and append
 // new conditions to that return
-class AppendConditionsToReturn<list<Return> Returns, string ReturnValue, list<string> Conditions> {
-    list<Return> ret = !foreach(Ret, Returns, !if(!eq(Ret.value, ReturnValue), Return<Ret.value, Ret.conditions # Conditions>, Ret));
+class AppendConditionsToReturn<list<Return> Returns, string ReturnValue,
+                               list<string> Conditions> {
+  list<Return> ret =
+      !foreach(Ret, Returns,
+               !if(!eq(Ret.value, ReturnValue),
+                   Return<Ret.value, Ret.conditions#Conditions>, Ret));
 // Add null handle checks to a function's return value descriptions
 class AddHandleChecksToReturns<list<Param> Params, list<Return> Returns> {
-    list<string> handle_params = !foreach(P, Params, !if(ShouldCheckHandle<P>.ret, P.name, ""));
-    list<string> handle_params_filt = !filter(param, handle_params, !ne(param, ""));
-    list<string> handle_param_conds = !foreach(handle, handle_params_filt, "`NULL == "#handle#"`");
-    // Does the list of returns already contain ERROR_INVALID_NULL_HANDLE?
-    bit returns_has_inv_handle = !foldl(0, Returns, HasErr, Ret, !or(HasErr, !eq(Ret.value, PREFIX # "_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_NULL_HANDLE")));
-    list<Return> returns_out = !if(returns_has_inv_handle,
+  list<string> handle_params =
+      !foreach(P, Params, !if(ShouldCheckHandle<P>.ret, P.name, ""));
+  list<string> handle_params_filt =
+      !filter(param, handle_params, !ne(param, ""));
+  list<string> handle_param_conds =
+      !foreach(handle, handle_params_filt, "`NULL == "#handle#"`");
+  // Does the list of returns already contain ERROR_INVALID_NULL_HANDLE?
+  bit returns_has_inv_handle = !foldl(
+      0, Returns, HasErr, Ret,
+      !or(HasErr, !eq(Ret.value, PREFIX#"_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_NULL_HANDLE")));
+  list<Return> returns_out = !if(returns_has_inv_handle,
         AppendConditionsToReturn<Returns, PREFIX # "_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_NULL_HANDLE", handle_param_conds>.ret,
         !listconcat(Returns, [Return<PREFIX # "_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_NULL_HANDLE", handle_param_conds>])
@@ -66,93 +76,95 @@ class AddHandleChecksToReturns<list<Param> Params, list<Return> Returns> {
 // Add null pointer checks to a function's return value descriptions
 class AddPointerChecksToReturns<list<Param> Params, list<Return> Returns> {
-    list<string> ptr_params = !foreach(P, Params, !if(ShouldCheckPointer<P>.ret, P.name, ""));
-    list<string> ptr_params_filt = !filter(param, ptr_params, !ne(param, ""));
-    list<string> ptr_param_conds = !foreach(ptr, ptr_params_filt, "`NULL == "#ptr#"`");
-    // Does the list of returns already contain ERROR_INVALID_NULL_POINTER?
-    bit returns_has_inv_ptr = !foldl(0, Returns, HasErr, Ret, !or(HasErr, !eq(Ret.value, PREFIX # "_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_NULL_POINTER")));
-    list<Return> returns_out = !if(returns_has_inv_ptr,
+  list<string> ptr_params =
+      !foreach(P, Params, !if(ShouldCheckPointer<P>.ret, P.name, ""));
+  list<string> ptr_params_filt = !filter(param, ptr_params, !ne(param, ""));
+  list<string> ptr_param_conds =
+      !foreach(ptr, ptr_params_filt, "`NULL == "#ptr#"`");
+  // Does the list of returns already contain ERROR_INVALID_NULL_POINTER?
+  bit returns_has_inv_ptr = !foldl(
+      0, Returns, HasErr, Ret,
+      !or(HasErr, !eq(Ret.value, PREFIX#"_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_NULL_POINTER")));
+  list<Return> returns_out = !if(returns_has_inv_ptr,
         AppendConditionsToReturn<Returns, PREFIX # "_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_NULL_POINTER", ptr_param_conds>.ret,
         !listconcat(Returns, [Return<PREFIX # "_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_NULL_POINTER", ptr_param_conds>])
-defvar DefaultReturns = [
-    Return<PREFIX # "_RESULT_SUCCESS">,
+defvar DefaultReturns = [Return<PREFIX#"_RESULT_SUCCESS">,
+                         Return<PREFIX#"_RESULT_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED">,
+                         Return<PREFIX#"_RESULT_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST">,
+                         Return<PREFIX#"_RESULT_ERROR_ADAPTER_SPECIFIC">];
 class APIObject {
-    string name;
-    string desc;
+  string name;
+  string desc;
-class Function<string Class> : APIObject { 
-    string api_class = Class;
-    list<Param> params;
-    list<Return> returns;
-    list<string> details = [];
-    list<string> analogues = [];
+class Function<string Class> : APIObject {
+  string api_class = Class;
+  list<Param> params;
+  list<Return> returns;
+  list<string> details = [];
+  list<string> analogues = [];
-    list<Return> returns_with_def = !listconcat(DefaultReturns, returns);
-    list<Return> all_returns = AddPointerChecksToReturns<params,
+  list<Return> returns_with_def = !listconcat(DefaultReturns, returns);
+  list<Return> all_returns = AddPointerChecksToReturns<params,
         AddHandleChecksToReturns<params, returns_with_def>.returns_out>.returns_out;
 class Etor<string Name, string Desc> {
-    string name = Name;
-    string desc = Desc;
+  string name = Name;
+  string desc = Desc;
 class Enum : APIObject {
-    // This refers to whether the enumerator descriptions specify a return
-    // type for functions where this enum may be used as an input type.
-    // The format is "[$x_some_return_t] Description text"
-    // (TODO: This is lifted from UR, is it relevant?)
-    bit is_typed = 0;
+  // This refers to whether the enumerator descriptions specify a return
+  // type for functions where this enum may be used as an input type.
+  // The format is "[$x_some_return_t] Description text"
+  // (TODO: This is lifted from UR, is it relevant?)
+  bit is_typed = 0;
-    list<Etor> etors = [];
+  list<Etor> etors = [];
 class StructMember<string Type, string Name, string Desc> {
-    string type = Type;
-    string name = Name;
-    string desc = Desc;
+  string type = Type;
+  string name = Name;
+  string desc = Desc;
-defvar DefaultPropStructMembers = [
-    StructMember<prefix#"_structure_type_t", "stype", "type of this structure">,
-    StructMember<"void*", "pNext", "pointer to extension-specific structure">
+defvar DefaultPropStructMembers =
+    [StructMember<prefix#"_structure_type_t", "stype",
+                  "type of this structure">,
+     StructMember<"void*", "pNext", "pointer to extension-specific structure">];
 class StructHasInheritedMembers<string BaseClass> {
-    bit ret = !or(!eq(BaseClass, prefix#"_base_properties_t"), !eq(BaseClass, prefix#"_base_desc_t"));
+  bit ret = !or(!eq(BaseClass, prefix#"_base_properties_t"),
+                !eq(BaseClass, prefix#"_base_desc_t"));
 class Struct : APIObject {
-    string base_class = "";
-    list<StructMember> members;
-    list<StructMember> all_members = !if(StructHasInheritedMembers<base_class>.ret, DefaultPropStructMembers, []) # members;
+  string base_class = "";
+  list<StructMember> members;
+  list<StructMember> all_members =
+      !if(StructHasInheritedMembers<base_class>.ret,
+          DefaultPropStructMembers, [])#members;
-class Typedef : APIObject {
-    string value;
+class Typedef : APIObject { string value; }
 class FptrTypedef : APIObject {
-    list<Param> params;
-    list<Return> returns;
+  list<Param> params;
+  list<Return> returns;
 class Macro : APIObject {
-    string value;
+  string value;
-    string condition;
-    string alt_value;
+  string condition;
+  string alt_value;
 class Handle : APIObject;

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