[lld] [lld][ELF] Add --debug-names to create merged .debug_names. (PR #86508)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Apr 16 22:24:57 PDT 2024

@@ -2711,6 +2714,599 @@ static uint32_t computeGdbHash(StringRef s) {
   return h;
+// 4-byte alignment ensures that values in the hash lookup table and the name
+// table are aligned.
+    : SyntheticSection(0, SHT_PROGBITS, 4, ".debug_names") {}
+// Get the size of the .debug_names section header in bytes for DWARF32:
+static uint32_t getDebugNamesHeaderSize(uint32_t augmentationStringSize) {
+  return /* unit length */ 4 +
+         /* version */ 2 +
+         /* padding */ 2 +
+         /* CU count */ 4 +
+         /* TU count */ 4 +
+         /* Foreign TU count */ 4 +
+         /* Bucket Count */ 4 +
+         /* Name Count */ 4 +
+         /* Abbrev table size */ 4 +
+         /* Augmentation string size */ 4 +
+         /* Augmentation string */ augmentationStringSize;
+void DebugNamesBaseSection::parseDebugNames(
+    InputChunk &inputChunk, OutputChunk &chunk,
+    DWARFDataExtractor &namesExtractor, DataExtractor &strExtractor,
+    function_ref<SmallVector<uint32_t, 0>(
+        uint32_t numCus, const DWARFDebugNames::Header &,
+        const DWARFDebugNames::DWARFDebugNamesOffsets &)>
+        readOffsets) {
+  const LLDDWARFSection namesSec = inputChunk.section;
+  DenseMap<uint32_t, IndexEntry *> offsetMap;
+  // Number of CUs seen in previous NameIndex sections within current chunk.
+  uint32_t numCus = 0;
+  for (const DWARFDebugNames::NameIndex &ni : *inputChunk.llvmDebugNames) {
+    NameData &nd = inputChunk.nameData.emplace_back();
+    nd.hdr = ni.getHeader();
+    if (nd.hdr.Format != DwarfFormat::DWARF32) {
+      errorOrWarn(toString(namesSec.sec) +
+                  Twine(": found DWARF64, which is currently unsupported"));
+      return;
+    }
+    if (nd.hdr.Version != 5) {
+      errorOrWarn(toString(namesSec.sec) + Twine(": unsupported version: ") +
+                  Twine(nd.hdr.Version));
+      return;
+    }
+    const uint32_t dwarfSize =
+        dwarf::getDwarfOffsetByteSize(DwarfFormat::DWARF32);
+    DWARFDebugNames::DWARFDebugNamesOffsets locs = ni.getOffsets();
+    if (locs.EntriesBase > namesExtractor.getData().size()) {
+      errorOrWarn(toString(namesSec.sec) +
+                  Twine(": entry pool start is beyond end of section"));
+      return;
+    }
+    SmallVector<uint32_t, 0> entryOffsets = readOffsets(numCus, nd.hdr, locs);
+    // Read the entry pool.
+    offsetMap.clear();
+    nd.nameEntries.resize(nd.hdr.NameCount);
+    for (auto i : seq(nd.hdr.NameCount)) {
+      NameEntry &ne = nd.nameEntries[i];
+      uint64_t strOffset = locs.StringOffsetsBase + i * dwarfSize;
+      ne.stringOffset = strOffset;
+      uint64_t strp = namesExtractor.getRelocatedValue(dwarfSize, &strOffset);
+      StringRef name = strExtractor.getCStrRef(&strp);
+      ne.name = name.data();
+      ne.hashValue = caseFoldingDjbHash(name);
+      // Read a series of index entries that end with abbreviation code 0.
+      const char *errMsg = nullptr;
+      uint64_t offset = locs.EntriesBase + entryOffsets[i];
+      while (offset < namesSec.Data.size() && namesSec.Data[offset] != 0) {
+        // Read & store all entries (for the same string).
+        auto ie = makeThreadLocal<IndexEntry>();
+        ie->poolOffset = offset;
+        Error err = Error::success();
+        ie->abbrevCode =
+            static_cast<uint32_t>(namesExtractor.getULEB128(&offset, &err));
+        if (err) {
+          consumeError(std::move(err));
+          errMsg = ": invalid abbrev code in entry";
+          break;
+        }
+        auto it = ni.getAbbrevs().find_as(ie->abbrevCode);
+        if (it == ni.getAbbrevs().end()) {
+          errMsg = ": invalid abbrev code in entry";
+          break;
+        }
+        AttrValue attr, cuAttr = {0, 0};
+        for (DWARFDebugNames::AttributeEncoding a : it->Attributes) {
+          if (a.Index == dwarf::DW_IDX_parent) {
+            if (a.Form == dwarf::DW_FORM_ref4) {
+              attr.attrValue = namesExtractor.getU32(&offset, &err);
+              attr.attrSize = 4;
+              ie->parentOffset = locs.EntriesBase + attr.attrValue;
+            } else if (a.Form != DW_FORM_flag_present) {
+              errMsg = ": invalid form for DW_IDX_parent";
+            }
+          } else {
+            switch (a.Form) {
+            case DW_FORM_data1:
+            case DW_FORM_ref1: {
+              attr.attrValue = namesExtractor.getU8(&offset, &err);
+              attr.attrSize = 1;
+              break;
+            }
+            case DW_FORM_data2:
+            case DW_FORM_ref2: {
+              attr.attrValue = namesExtractor.getU16(&offset, &err);
+              attr.attrSize = 2;
+              break;
+            }
+            case DW_FORM_data4:
+            case DW_FORM_ref4: {
+              attr.attrValue = namesExtractor.getU32(&offset, &err);
+              attr.attrSize = 4;
+              break;
+            }
+            default:
+              errorOrWarn(toString(namesSec.sec) +
+                          Twine(": unrecognized form encoding ") +
+                          Twine(a.Form) + Twine(" in abbrev table"));
+              return;
+            }
+          }
+          if (err) {
+            errorOrWarn(toString(namesSec.sec) +
+                        Twine(": error while reading attributes: ") +
+                        toString(std::move(err)));
+            return;
+          }
+          if (a.Index == DW_IDX_compile_unit)
+            cuAttr = attr;
+          else if (a.Form != DW_FORM_flag_present)
+            ie->attrValues.push_back(attr);
+        }
+        // Canonicalize abbrev by placing the CU/TU index at the end.
+        ie->attrValues.push_back(cuAttr);
+        ne.indexEntries.push_back(std::move(ie));
+      }
+      if (offset >= namesSec.Data.size())
+        errMsg = ": index entry is out of bounds";
+      if (errMsg)
+        errorOrWarn(toString(namesSec.sec) + Twine(errMsg));
+      for (IndexEntry &ie : ne.entries())
+        offsetMap[ie.poolOffset] = &ie;
+    }
+    // Assign parent pointers, which will be used to update DW_IDX_parent index
+    // attributes. Note: offsetMap[0] does not exist, so parentOffset == 0 will
+    // get parentEntry == null as well.
+    for (NameEntry &ne : nd.nameEntries)
+      for (IndexEntry &ie : ne.entries())
+        ie.parentEntry = offsetMap.lookup(ie.parentOffset);
+    numCus += nd.hdr.CompUnitCount;
+  }
+// Compute the form for output DW_IDX_compile_unit attributes, similar to
+// DIEInteger::BestForm. The input form (often DW_FORM_data1) may not hold all
+// the merged CU indices.
+std::pair<uint8_t, dwarf::Form> static getMergedCuCountForm(
+    uint32_t compUnitCount) {
+  if (compUnitCount > UINT16_MAX)
+    return {4, DW_FORM_data4};
+  if (compUnitCount > UINT8_MAX)
+    return {2, DW_FORM_data2};
+  return {1, DW_FORM_data1};
+void DebugNamesBaseSection::computeHdrAndAbbrevTable(
+    MutableArrayRef<InputChunk> inputChunks) {
+  TimeTraceScope timeScope("Merge .debug_names", "hdr and abbrev table");
+  size_t numCu = 0;
+  hdr.Format = DwarfFormat::DWARF32;
+  hdr.Version = 5;
+  hdr.CompUnitCount = 0;
+  hdr.LocalTypeUnitCount = 0;
+  hdr.ForeignTypeUnitCount = 0;
+  hdr.AugmentationStringSize = 0;
+  // Compute CU and TU counts.
+  for (auto i : seq(numChunks)) {
+    InputChunk &inputChunk = inputChunks[i];
+    inputChunk.baseCuIdx = numCu;
+    numCu += chunks[i].compUnits.size();
cmtice wrote:

The problem is that the index variable 'i' is needed later in the loop, when updating the augmentation string info, to determine if it's the first iteration through the loop or not...


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