[lld] [lld][ELF] Add --debug-names to create merged .debug_names. (PR #86508)

David Blaikie via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Apr 16 15:08:16 PDT 2024

@@ -2711,6 +2714,599 @@ static uint32_t computeGdbHash(StringRef s) {
   return h;
+// 4-byte alignment ensures that values in the hash lookup table and the name
+// table are aligned.
+    : SyntheticSection(0, SHT_PROGBITS, 4, ".debug_names") {}
+// Get the size of the .debug_names section header in bytes for DWARF32:
+static uint32_t getDebugNamesHeaderSize(uint32_t augmentationStringSize) {
+  return /* unit length */ 4 +
+         /* version */ 2 +
+         /* padding */ 2 +
+         /* CU count */ 4 +
+         /* TU count */ 4 +
+         /* Foreign TU count */ 4 +
+         /* Bucket Count */ 4 +
+         /* Name Count */ 4 +
+         /* Abbrev table size */ 4 +
+         /* Augmentation string size */ 4 +
+         /* Augmentation string */ augmentationStringSize;
+void DebugNamesBaseSection::parseDebugNames(
+    InputChunk &inputChunk, OutputChunk &chunk,
+    DWARFDataExtractor &namesExtractor, DataExtractor &strExtractor,
+    function_ref<SmallVector<uint32_t, 0>(
+        uint32_t numCus, const DWARFDebugNames::Header &,
+        const DWARFDebugNames::DWARFDebugNamesOffsets &)>
+        readOffsets) {
+  const LLDDWARFSection namesSec = inputChunk.section;
+  DenseMap<uint32_t, IndexEntry *> offsetMap;
+  // Number of CUs seen in previous NameIndex sections within current chunk.
+  uint32_t numCus = 0;
+  for (const DWARFDebugNames::NameIndex &ni : *inputChunk.llvmDebugNames) {
+    NameData &nd = inputChunk.nameData.emplace_back();
+    nd.hdr = ni.getHeader();
+    if (nd.hdr.Format != DwarfFormat::DWARF32) {
+      errorOrWarn(toString(namesSec.sec) +
+                  Twine(": found DWARF64, which is currently unsupported"));
+      return;
+    }
+    if (nd.hdr.Version != 5) {
+      errorOrWarn(toString(namesSec.sec) + Twine(": unsupported version: ") +
+                  Twine(nd.hdr.Version));
+      return;
+    }
+    const uint32_t dwarfSize =
+        dwarf::getDwarfOffsetByteSize(DwarfFormat::DWARF32);
+    DWARFDebugNames::DWARFDebugNamesOffsets locs = ni.getOffsets();
+    if (locs.EntriesBase > namesExtractor.getData().size()) {
+      errorOrWarn(toString(namesSec.sec) +
+                  Twine(": entry pool start is beyond end of section"));
+      return;
+    }
+    SmallVector<uint32_t, 0> entryOffsets = readOffsets(numCus, nd.hdr, locs);
+    // Read the entry pool.
+    offsetMap.clear();
+    nd.nameEntries.resize(nd.hdr.NameCount);
+    for (auto i : seq(nd.hdr.NameCount)) {
+      NameEntry &ne = nd.nameEntries[i];
+      uint64_t strOffset = locs.StringOffsetsBase + i * dwarfSize;
+      ne.stringOffset = strOffset;
+      uint64_t strp = namesExtractor.getRelocatedValue(dwarfSize, &strOffset);
+      StringRef name = strExtractor.getCStrRef(&strp);
+      ne.name = name.data();
+      ne.hashValue = caseFoldingDjbHash(name);
+      // Read a series of index entries that end with abbreviation code 0.
+      const char *errMsg = nullptr;
+      uint64_t offset = locs.EntriesBase + entryOffsets[i];
+      while (offset < namesSec.Data.size() && namesSec.Data[offset] != 0) {
+        // Read & store all entries (for the same string).
+        auto ie = makeThreadLocal<IndexEntry>();
+        ie->poolOffset = offset;
+        Error err = Error::success();
+        ie->abbrevCode =
+            static_cast<uint32_t>(namesExtractor.getULEB128(&offset, &err));
+        if (err) {
+          consumeError(std::move(err));
+          errMsg = ": invalid abbrev code in entry";
+          break;
+        }
+        auto it = ni.getAbbrevs().find_as(ie->abbrevCode);
+        if (it == ni.getAbbrevs().end()) {
+          errMsg = ": invalid abbrev code in entry";
+          break;
+        }
+        AttrValue attr, cuAttr = {0, 0};
+        for (DWARFDebugNames::AttributeEncoding a : it->Attributes) {
+          if (a.Index == dwarf::DW_IDX_parent) {
+            if (a.Form == dwarf::DW_FORM_ref4) {
+              attr.attrValue = namesExtractor.getU32(&offset, &err);
+              attr.attrSize = 4;
+              ie->parentOffset = locs.EntriesBase + attr.attrValue;
+            } else if (a.Form != DW_FORM_flag_present) {
+              errMsg = ": invalid form for DW_IDX_parent";
+            }
+          } else {
+            switch (a.Form) {
+            case DW_FORM_data1:
+            case DW_FORM_ref1: {
+              attr.attrValue = namesExtractor.getU8(&offset, &err);
+              attr.attrSize = 1;
+              break;
+            }
+            case DW_FORM_data2:
+            case DW_FORM_ref2: {
+              attr.attrValue = namesExtractor.getU16(&offset, &err);
+              attr.attrSize = 2;
+              break;
+            }
+            case DW_FORM_data4:
+            case DW_FORM_ref4: {
+              attr.attrValue = namesExtractor.getU32(&offset, &err);
+              attr.attrSize = 4;
+              break;
+            }
+            default:
+              errorOrWarn(toString(namesSec.sec) +
+                          Twine(": unrecognized form encoding ") +
+                          Twine(a.Form) + Twine(" in abbrev table"));
+              return;
+            }
+          }
+          if (err) {
+            errorOrWarn(toString(namesSec.sec) +
+                        Twine(": error while reading attributes: ") +
+                        toString(std::move(err)));
+            return;
+          }
+          if (a.Index == DW_IDX_compile_unit)
+            cuAttr = attr;
+          else if (a.Form != DW_FORM_flag_present)
+            ie->attrValues.push_back(attr);
+        }
+        // Canonicalize abbrev by placing the CU/TU index at the end.
+        ie->attrValues.push_back(cuAttr);
+        ne.indexEntries.push_back(std::move(ie));
+      }
+      if (offset >= namesSec.Data.size())
+        errMsg = ": index entry is out of bounds";
+      if (errMsg)
+        errorOrWarn(toString(namesSec.sec) + Twine(errMsg));
+      for (IndexEntry &ie : ne.entries())
+        offsetMap[ie.poolOffset] = &ie;
+    }
+    // Assign parent pointers, which will be used to update DW_IDX_parent index
+    // attributes. Note: offsetMap[0] does not exist, so parentOffset == 0 will
+    // get parentEntry == null as well.
+    for (NameEntry &ne : nd.nameEntries)
+      for (IndexEntry &ie : ne.entries())
+        ie.parentEntry = offsetMap.lookup(ie.parentOffset);
+    numCus += nd.hdr.CompUnitCount;
+  }
+// Compute the form for output DW_IDX_compile_unit attributes, similar to
+// DIEInteger::BestForm. The input form (often DW_FORM_data1) may not hold all
+// the merged CU indices.
+std::pair<uint8_t, dwarf::Form> static getMergedCuCountForm(
+    uint32_t compUnitCount) {
+  if (compUnitCount > UINT16_MAX)
+    return {4, DW_FORM_data4};
+  if (compUnitCount > UINT8_MAX)
+    return {2, DW_FORM_data2};
+  return {1, DW_FORM_data1};
+void DebugNamesBaseSection::computeHdrAndAbbrevTable(
+    MutableArrayRef<InputChunk> inputChunks) {
+  TimeTraceScope timeScope("Merge .debug_names", "hdr and abbrev table");
+  size_t numCu = 0;
+  hdr.Format = DwarfFormat::DWARF32;
+  hdr.Version = 5;
+  hdr.CompUnitCount = 0;
+  hdr.LocalTypeUnitCount = 0;
+  hdr.ForeignTypeUnitCount = 0;
+  hdr.AugmentationStringSize = 0;
+  // Compute CU and TU counts.
+  for (auto i : seq(numChunks)) {
+    InputChunk &inputChunk = inputChunks[i];
+    inputChunk.baseCuIdx = numCu;
+    numCu += chunks[i].compUnits.size();
dwblaikie wrote:

I think I mentioned in some comment somewhere that having an accessor for `chunks` that wraps it in an ArrayRef would be nice - then loops like this could be written like:
for (auto &[inputChuck, chunk] : zip_equal(inputChunks, getChunks()))
  inputChunk.baseCuIdx = numCu;
  NumCu += chunk.compUnits.size();


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