[llvm] [DXIL] Model DXIL Class and Shader Model association of DXIL Ops in DXIL.td (PR #87803)
Chris B via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Apr 8 08:25:29 PDT 2024
@@ -13,331 +13,200 @@
include "llvm/IR/Intrinsics.td"
-class DXILOpClass;
+// Abstract class to demarcate minimum Shader model version required
+// to support DXIL Op
+class DXILShaderModel<int major, int minor> {
+ int MajorAndMinor = !add(!mul(major, 10), minor);
-// Following is a set of DXIL Operation classes whose names appear to be
-// arbitrary, yet need to be a substring of the function name used during
-// lowering to DXIL Operation calls. These class name strings are specified
-// as the third argument of add_dixil_op in utils/hct/hctdb.py and case converted
-// in utils/hct/hctdb_instrhelp.py of DirectXShaderCompiler repo. The function
-// name has the format "dx.op.<class-name>.<return-type>".
+// Valid minimum Shader model version records
-defset list<DXILOpClass> OpClasses = {
- def acceptHitAndEndSearch : DXILOpClass;
- def allocateNodeOutputRecords : DXILOpClass;
- def allocateRayQuery : DXILOpClass;
- def annotateHandle : DXILOpClass;
- def annotateNodeHandle : DXILOpClass;
- def annotateNodeRecordHandle : DXILOpClass;
- def atomicBinOp : DXILOpClass;
- def atomicCompareExchange : DXILOpClass;
- def attributeAtVertex : DXILOpClass;
- def barrier : DXILOpClass;
- def barrierByMemoryHandle : DXILOpClass;
- def barrierByMemoryType : DXILOpClass;
- def barrierByNodeRecordHandle : DXILOpClass;
- def binary : DXILOpClass;
- def binaryWithCarryOrBorrow : DXILOpClass;
- def binaryWithTwoOuts : DXILOpClass;
- def bitcastF16toI16 : DXILOpClass;
- def bitcastF32toI32 : DXILOpClass;
- def bitcastF64toI64 : DXILOpClass;
- def bitcastI16toF16 : DXILOpClass;
- def bitcastI32toF32 : DXILOpClass;
- def bitcastI64toF64 : DXILOpClass;
- def bufferLoad : DXILOpClass;
- def bufferStore : DXILOpClass;
- def bufferUpdateCounter : DXILOpClass;
- def calculateLOD : DXILOpClass;
- def callShader : DXILOpClass;
- def cbufferLoad : DXILOpClass;
- def cbufferLoadLegacy : DXILOpClass;
- def checkAccessFullyMapped : DXILOpClass;
- def coverage : DXILOpClass;
- def createHandle : DXILOpClass;
- def createHandleForLib : DXILOpClass;
- def createHandleFromBinding : DXILOpClass;
- def createHandleFromHeap : DXILOpClass;
- def createNodeInputRecordHandle : DXILOpClass;
- def createNodeOutputHandle : DXILOpClass;
- def cutStream : DXILOpClass;
- def cycleCounterLegacy : DXILOpClass;
- def discard : DXILOpClass;
- def dispatchMesh : DXILOpClass;
- def dispatchRaysDimensions : DXILOpClass;
- def dispatchRaysIndex : DXILOpClass;
- def domainLocation : DXILOpClass;
- def dot2 : DXILOpClass;
- def dot2AddHalf : DXILOpClass;
- def dot3 : DXILOpClass;
- def dot4 : DXILOpClass;
- def dot4AddPacked : DXILOpClass;
- def emitIndices : DXILOpClass;
- def emitStream : DXILOpClass;
- def emitThenCutStream : DXILOpClass;
- def evalCentroid : DXILOpClass;
- def evalSampleIndex : DXILOpClass;
- def evalSnapped : DXILOpClass;
- def finishedCrossGroupSharing : DXILOpClass;
- def flattenedThreadIdInGroup : DXILOpClass;
- def geometryIndex : DXILOpClass;
- def getDimensions : DXILOpClass;
- def getInputRecordCount : DXILOpClass;
- def getMeshPayload : DXILOpClass;
- def getNodeRecordPtr : DXILOpClass;
- def getRemainingRecursionLevels : DXILOpClass;
- def groupId : DXILOpClass;
- def gsInstanceID : DXILOpClass;
- def hitKind : DXILOpClass;
- def ignoreHit : DXILOpClass;
- def incrementOutputCount : DXILOpClass;
- def indexNodeHandle : DXILOpClass;
- def innerCoverage : DXILOpClass;
- def instanceID : DXILOpClass;
- def instanceIndex : DXILOpClass;
- def isHelperLane : DXILOpClass;
- def isSpecialFloat : DXILOpClass;
- def legacyDoubleToFloat : DXILOpClass;
- def legacyDoubleToSInt32 : DXILOpClass;
- def legacyDoubleToUInt32 : DXILOpClass;
- def legacyF16ToF32 : DXILOpClass;
- def legacyF32ToF16 : DXILOpClass;
- def loadInput : DXILOpClass;
- def loadOutputControlPoint : DXILOpClass;
- def loadPatchConstant : DXILOpClass;
- def makeDouble : DXILOpClass;
- def minPrecXRegLoad : DXILOpClass;
- def minPrecXRegStore : DXILOpClass;
- def nodeOutputIsValid : DXILOpClass;
- def objectRayDirection : DXILOpClass;
- def objectRayOrigin : DXILOpClass;
- def objectToWorld : DXILOpClass;
- def outputComplete : DXILOpClass;
- def outputControlPointID : DXILOpClass;
- def pack4x8 : DXILOpClass;
- def primitiveID : DXILOpClass;
- def primitiveIndex : DXILOpClass;
- def quadOp : DXILOpClass;
- def quadReadLaneAt : DXILOpClass;
- def quadVote : DXILOpClass;
- def quaternary : DXILOpClass;
- def rawBufferLoad : DXILOpClass;
- def rawBufferStore : DXILOpClass;
- def rayFlags : DXILOpClass;
- def rayQuery_Abort : DXILOpClass;
- def rayQuery_CommitNonOpaqueTriangleHit : DXILOpClass;
- def rayQuery_CommitProceduralPrimitiveHit : DXILOpClass;
- def rayQuery_Proceed : DXILOpClass;
- def rayQuery_StateMatrix : DXILOpClass;
- def rayQuery_StateScalar : DXILOpClass;
- def rayQuery_StateVector : DXILOpClass;
- def rayQuery_TraceRayInline : DXILOpClass;
- def rayTCurrent : DXILOpClass;
- def rayTMin : DXILOpClass;
- def renderTargetGetSampleCount : DXILOpClass;
- def renderTargetGetSamplePosition : DXILOpClass;
- def reportHit : DXILOpClass;
- def sample : DXILOpClass;
- def sampleBias : DXILOpClass;
- def sampleCmp : DXILOpClass;
- def sampleCmpBias : DXILOpClass;
- def sampleCmpGrad : DXILOpClass;
- def sampleCmpLevel : DXILOpClass;
- def sampleCmpLevelZero : DXILOpClass;
- def sampleGrad : DXILOpClass;
- def sampleIndex : DXILOpClass;
- def sampleLevel : DXILOpClass;
- def setMeshOutputCounts : DXILOpClass;
- def splitDouble : DXILOpClass;
- def startInstanceLocation : DXILOpClass;
- def startVertexLocation : DXILOpClass;
- def storeOutput : DXILOpClass;
- def storePatchConstant : DXILOpClass;
- def storePrimitiveOutput : DXILOpClass;
- def storeVertexOutput : DXILOpClass;
- def tempRegLoad : DXILOpClass;
- def tempRegStore : DXILOpClass;
- def tertiary : DXILOpClass;
- def texture2DMSGetSamplePosition : DXILOpClass;
- def textureGather : DXILOpClass;
- def textureGatherCmp : DXILOpClass;
- def textureGatherRaw : DXILOpClass;
- def textureLoad : DXILOpClass;
- def textureStore : DXILOpClass;
- def textureStoreSample : DXILOpClass;
- def threadId : DXILOpClass;
- def threadIdInGroup : DXILOpClass;
- def traceRay : DXILOpClass;
- def unary : DXILOpClass;
- def unaryBits : DXILOpClass;
- def unpack4x8 : DXILOpClass;
- def viewID : DXILOpClass;
- def waveActiveAllEqual : DXILOpClass;
- def waveActiveBallot : DXILOpClass;
- def waveActiveBit : DXILOpClass;
- def waveActiveOp : DXILOpClass;
- def waveAllOp : DXILOpClass;
- def waveAllTrue : DXILOpClass;
- def waveAnyTrue : DXILOpClass;
- def waveGetLaneCount : DXILOpClass;
- def waveGetLaneIndex : DXILOpClass;
- def waveIsFirstLane : DXILOpClass;
- def waveMatch : DXILOpClass;
- def waveMatrix_Accumulate : DXILOpClass;
- def waveMatrix_Annotate : DXILOpClass;
- def waveMatrix_Depth : DXILOpClass;
- def waveMatrix_Fill : DXILOpClass;
- def waveMatrix_LoadGroupShared : DXILOpClass;
- def waveMatrix_LoadRawBuf : DXILOpClass;
- def waveMatrix_Multiply : DXILOpClass;
- def waveMatrix_ScalarOp : DXILOpClass;
- def waveMatrix_StoreGroupShared : DXILOpClass;
- def waveMatrix_StoreRawBuf : DXILOpClass;
- def waveMultiPrefixBitCount : DXILOpClass;
- def waveMultiPrefixOp : DXILOpClass;
- def wavePrefixOp : DXILOpClass;
- def waveReadLaneAt : DXILOpClass;
- def waveReadLaneFirst : DXILOpClass;
- def worldRayDirection : DXILOpClass;
- def worldRayOrigin : DXILOpClass;
- def worldToObject : DXILOpClass;
- def writeSamplerFeedback : DXILOpClass;
- def writeSamplerFeedbackBias : DXILOpClass;
- def writeSamplerFeedbackGrad : DXILOpClass;
- def writeSamplerFeedbackLevel: DXILOpClass;
+// Shader Mode 6.x
+foreach i = 0...9 in {
+ def SM6_#i : DXILShaderModel<6, i>;
+// Shader Mode 7.x - for now 7.0 is defined. Extend as needed
+foreach i = 0 in {
+ def SM7_#i : DXILShaderModel<7, i>;
- // This is a sentinel definition. Hence placed at the end of the list
- // and not as part of the above alphabetically sorted valid definitions.
- // Additionally it is capitalized unlike all the others.
- def UnknownOpClass: DXILOpClass;
+// Abstraction of class mapping valid DXIL Op overloads the minimum
+// version of Shader Model they are supported
+class DXILOpOverload<DXILShaderModel minsm, list<LLVMType> overloads> {
+ DXILShaderModel ShaderModel = minsm;
+ list<LLVMType> OpOverloads = overloads;
-// Several of the overloaded DXIL Operations support for data types
-// that are a subset of the overloaded LLVM intrinsics that they map to.
-// For e.g., llvm.sin.* intrinsic operates on any floating-point type and
-// maps for lowering to DXIL Op Sin. However, valid overloads of DXIL Sin
-// operation overloads are half (f16) and float (f32) only.
-// The following abstracts overload types specific to DXIL operations.
+// Abstraction of DXIL Operation class.
+// It encapsulates an associated function signature viz.,
+// returnTy(param1Ty, param2Ty, ...) represented as a list of LLVMTypes.
+// DXIL Ops that belong to a DXILOpClass record the signature of that
+// DXILOpClass
-class DXILType : LLVMType<OtherVT> {
- let isAny = 1;
- int isI16OrI32 = 0;
- int isHalfOrFloat = 0;
+class DXILOpClass<list<LLVMType> OpSig> {
+ list<LLVMType> OpSignature = OpSig;
-// Concrete records for various overload types supported specifically by
-// DXIL Operations.
-let isI16OrI32 = 1 in
- def llvm_i16ori32_ty : DXILType;
+// Concrete definitions of DXIL Op Classes
+// Note that these class name strings are specified as the third argument
+// of add_dixil_op in utils/hct/hctdb.py and case converted in
+// utils/hct/hctdb_instrhelp.py of DirectXShaderCompiler repo. The function
llvm-beanz wrote:
> I would hope that as part of this work we're writing a more complete DXIL spec that we can reference, rather than code in the DXC repo.

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