[llvm] [bazel] Add support for building lldb (PR #87589)

Haojian Wu via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Apr 5 05:07:18 PDT 2024

hokein wrote:

IIUC, the `debugserver` binary and its dependencies (e.g. `DebugServerCommon`) are only available on MacOS. If we build these targets explicitly with bazel on Linux, bazel will give the `incompatible and cannot be built, but was explicitly requested.` error message.

The bazel buildkite setup is like:
1. run `bazelisk query //... + @llvm-project//...` command to list all available targets;
2. run `bazelisk test` on each target which is list in step1;

Step1 lists some incompatible targets like `DebugServerCommon` which causes the issue. I guess the fix is to not emit these incompatible targets in step1 for non-MacOS platforms. 


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