[llvm] [LV, VP]VP intrinsics support for the Loop Vectorizer + adding new tail-folding mode using EVL. (PR #76172)

Florian Hahn via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Apr 1 03:10:45 PDT 2024

https://github.com/fhahn commented:

> And I answered that all these tests are target-specific, but you still insisted on making them independent. What's changed?

I took another look at the tests after seeing the UBSan failures, which lead to the comments. 
>From the previous comments my understanding was that we either have both target-dependent and target-independent versions of the tests or have a flag to force EVL support available (like it exists for forcing scalable vectors available) to have target-independent tests for most checks and target-dependent tests mostly for checking TTI hooks + cost-modeling.

I don’t remember insisting, just asking if possible with suggestion to add a force flag.

> Can this test be target independent? does it need to check the no VP case?
>> 1. No
>> 2. Yes, need to check that the option works correctly
>>> Added also target independent version

> This test file is getting quite big with 3 different run lines. I think it would be good to try to split this up a bit, to make it easier to see what's going on.
> I'd recommend having the test cases for various legality issues as target-independent tests with force flags (force EVL support, VF and IC). And keep cost-model specific tests target specific.
>> Done


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