[llvm] [GISEL] Add G_SPLAT_VECTOR_PARTS to represent 64-bit splat vectors on… (PR #86970)

Michael Maitland via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Mar 28 11:02:55 PDT 2024

michaelmaitland wrote:

This node exists in SelectionDAG because type legalization and op legalization are separate steps. That's not true in GISel where there's only one legalizer. There's no G_SPLAT_VECTOR_PARTS instruction in RISC-V. So if the legalizer in GISel creates a G_SPLAT_VECTOR_PARTS when does it get removed?

Do you think it makes more sense to lower G_SPLAT_VECTOR with i64 elements to a RISCV::G_SPLAT_VECTOR_PARTS_I64 directly?


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