[llvm] [Debuginfo][TailCallElim] Fix #86262: drop the debug location of entry branch (PR #86269)

J. Ryan Stinnett via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Mar 28 03:46:09 PDT 2024

jryans wrote:

> But it seems that this PR has remained unmerged for a while 🤔

LLVM PRs tend to wait a bit (sometimes a few days) even after the first approving review in case others may have feedback to add. There's no firm rule though. With simpler changes, it's typically fine to merge soon after the first approval.

Sometimes reviewers forget that new contributors (such as yourself) can't merge the PR themselves (when the PR author has commit access, the typical process is the PR author merges once there's approval). You may need to comment on PRs after approval to remind reviewers that you don't have commit access yourself, so they should merge for you.


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