[llvm] Imprecise switch case (PR #82795)

Acim Maravic via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Mar 26 07:47:02 PDT 2024

@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_test_checks.py
+; RUN: opt -S -passes=simplifycfg -switch-to-select < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=ALL %s
+define float @SimpleTestTwoCasesAndDefault(<2 x float> noundef %PerspInterpCenter, i32 inreg noundef %PrimMask) {
+; ALL-LABEL: @SimpleTestTwoCasesAndDefault(
+; ALL-NEXT:  .entry:
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I1:%.*]] = extractelement <2 x float> [[PERSPINTERPCENTER:%.*]], i64 1
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I0:%.*]] = extractelement <2 x float> [[PERSPINTERPCENTER]], i64 0
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p1(float [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I0]], i32 immarg 1, i32 immarg 0, i32 [[PRIMMASK:%.*]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p2(float [[TMP0]], float [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I1]], i32 immarg 1, i32 immarg 0, i32 [[PRIMMASK]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = fmul reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float [[TMP1]], 3.000000e+00
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = call reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float @llvm.floor.f32(float [[TMP2]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = fptosi float [[TMP3]] to i32
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[DOTFR:%.*]] = freeze i32 [[TMP4]]
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[DOTFR]], 1
+; ALL-NEXT:    br i1 [[TMP5]], label [[TMP6:%.*]], label [[TMP12:%.*]]
+; ALL:       6:
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP7:%.*]] = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p1(float [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I0]], i32 immarg 0, i32 immarg 0, i32 [[PRIMMASK]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP8:%.*]] = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p2(float [[TMP7]], float [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I1]], i32 immarg 0, i32 immarg 0, i32 [[PRIMMASK]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP9:%.*]] = fmul reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float [[TMP8]], 4.000000e+00
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP10:%.*]] = call reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float @llvm.floor.f32(float [[TMP9]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP11:%.*]] = fptosi float [[TMP10]] to i32
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[COND_FREEZE1:%.*]] = freeze i32 [[TMP11]]
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[SWITCH_SELECTCMP:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[COND_FREEZE1]], 1
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[SWITCH_SELECT:%.*]] = select i1 [[SWITCH_SELECTCMP]], float 2.000000e+00, float 4.000000e+00
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[SWITCH_SELECTCMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[COND_FREEZE1]], 0
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[SWITCH_SELECT2:%.*]] = select i1 [[SWITCH_SELECTCMP1]], float 1.000000e+00, float [[SWITCH_SELECT]]
+; ALL-NEXT:    br label [[TMP12]]
+; ALL:       12:
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[SAMPLEPOS_1_I0:%.*]] = phi float [ 0.000000e+00, [[DOTENTRY:%.*]] ], [ [[SWITCH_SELECT2]], [[TMP6]] ]
+; ALL-NEXT:    ret float [[SAMPLEPOS_1_I0]]
+  %PerspInterpCenter.i1 = extractelement <2 x float> %PerspInterpCenter, i64 1
+  %PerspInterpCenter.i0 = extractelement <2 x float> %PerspInterpCenter, i64 0
+  %0 = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p1(float %PerspInterpCenter.i0, i32 immarg 1, i32 immarg 0, i32 %PrimMask) #1
+  %1 = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p2(float %0, float %PerspInterpCenter.i1, i32 immarg 1, i32 immarg 0, i32 %PrimMask) #1
+  %2 = fmul reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float %1, 3.000000e00
+  %3 = call reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float @llvm.floor.f32(float %2)
+  %4 = fptosi float %3 to i32
+  %.fr = freeze i32 %4
+  %5 = icmp eq i32 %.fr, 1
+  br i1 %5, label %6, label %14
+6:                                                ; preds = %.entry
+  %7 = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p1(float %PerspInterpCenter.i0, i32 immarg 0, i32 immarg 0, i32 %PrimMask) #1
+  %8 = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p2(float %7, float %PerspInterpCenter.i1, i32 immarg 0, i32 immarg 0, i32 %PrimMask) #1
+  %9 = fmul reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float %8, 4.000000e00
+  %10 = call reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float @llvm.floor.f32(float %9)
+  %11 = fptosi float %10 to i32
+  %cond.freeze1 = freeze i32 %11
+  switch i32 %cond.freeze1, label %14 [
+  i32 0, label %12
+  i32 1, label %13
+  ]
+12:                                               ; preds = %6
+  br label %14
+13:                                               ; preds = %6
+  br label %14
+14:                                               ; preds = %12, %13, %6, %.entry
+  %samplePos.1.i0 = phi float [ 0.000000e00, %.entry ], [ 2.000000e00, %13 ], [ 1.000000e00, %12 ], [ 4.000000e00, %6 ]
+  ret float %samplePos.1.i0
+define float @SimpleTestTwoCases(<2 x float> noundef %PerspInterpCenter, i32 inreg noundef %PrimMask) {
+; ALL-LABEL: @SimpleTestTwoCases(
+; ALL-NEXT:  .entry:
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I1:%.*]] = extractelement <2 x float> [[PERSPINTERPCENTER:%.*]], i64 1
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I0:%.*]] = extractelement <2 x float> [[PERSPINTERPCENTER]], i64 0
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p1(float [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I0]], i32 immarg 1, i32 immarg 0, i32 [[PRIMMASK:%.*]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p2(float [[TMP0]], float [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I1]], i32 immarg 1, i32 immarg 0, i32 [[PRIMMASK]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = fmul reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float [[TMP1]], 3.000000e+00
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = call reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float @llvm.floor.f32(float [[TMP2]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = fptosi float [[TMP3]] to i32
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[DOTFR:%.*]] = freeze i32 [[TMP4]]
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[DOTFR]], 1
+; ALL-NEXT:    br i1 [[TMP5]], label [[TMP6:%.*]], label [[TMP12:%.*]]
+; ALL:       6:
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP7:%.*]] = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p1(float [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I0]], i32 immarg 0, i32 immarg 0, i32 [[PRIMMASK]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP8:%.*]] = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p2(float [[TMP7]], float [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I1]], i32 immarg 0, i32 immarg 0, i32 [[PRIMMASK]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP9:%.*]] = fmul reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float [[TMP8]], 4.000000e+00
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP10:%.*]] = call reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float @llvm.floor.f32(float [[TMP9]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP11:%.*]] = fptosi float [[TMP10]] to i32
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[COND_FREEZE1:%.*]] = freeze i32 [[TMP11]]
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[SWITCH_SELECTCMP:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[COND_FREEZE1]], 1
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[SWITCH_SELECT:%.*]] = select i1 [[SWITCH_SELECTCMP]], float 2.000000e+00, float 0.000000e+00
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[SWITCH_SELECTCMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[COND_FREEZE1]], 0
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[SWITCH_SELECT2:%.*]] = select i1 [[SWITCH_SELECTCMP1]], float 1.000000e+00, float [[SWITCH_SELECT]]
+; ALL-NEXT:    br label [[TMP12]]
+; ALL:       12:
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[SAMPLEPOS_1_I0:%.*]] = phi float [ 0.000000e+00, [[DOTENTRY:%.*]] ], [ [[SWITCH_SELECT2]], [[TMP6]] ]
+; ALL-NEXT:    ret float [[SAMPLEPOS_1_I0]]
+  %PerspInterpCenter.i1 = extractelement <2 x float> %PerspInterpCenter, i64 1
+  %PerspInterpCenter.i0 = extractelement <2 x float> %PerspInterpCenter, i64 0
+  %0 = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p1(float %PerspInterpCenter.i0, i32 immarg 1, i32 immarg 0, i32 %PrimMask) #1
+  %1 = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p2(float %0, float %PerspInterpCenter.i1, i32 immarg 1, i32 immarg 0, i32 %PrimMask) #1
+  %2 = fmul reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float %1, 3.000000e00
+  %3 = call reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float @llvm.floor.f32(float %2)
+  %4 = fptosi float %3 to i32
+  %.fr = freeze i32 %4
+  %5 = icmp eq i32 %.fr, 1
+  br i1 %5, label %6, label %14
+6:                                                ; preds = %.entry
+  %7 = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p1(float %PerspInterpCenter.i0, i32 immarg 0, i32 immarg 0, i32 %PrimMask) #1
+  %8 = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p2(float %7, float %PerspInterpCenter.i1, i32 immarg 0, i32 immarg 0, i32 %PrimMask) #1
+  %9 = fmul reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float %8, 4.000000e00
+  %10 = call reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float @llvm.floor.f32(float %9)
+  %11 = fptosi float %10 to i32
+  %cond.freeze1 = freeze i32 %11
+  switch i32 %cond.freeze1, label %14 [
+  i32 0, label %12
+  i32 1, label %13
+  ]
+12:                                               ; preds = %6
+  br label %14
+13:                                               ; preds = %6
+  br label %14
+14:                                               ; preds = %6, %12, %13, %.entry
+  %samplePos.1.i0 = phi float [ 0.000000e00, %.entry ], [ 0.000000e00, %6 ], [ 2.000000e00, %13 ], [ 1.000000e00, %12 ]
+  ret float %samplePos.1.i0
+define float @SimpleTestSwitch(<2 x float> noundef %PerspInterpCenter, i32 inreg noundef %PrimMask) {
+; ALL-LABEL: @SimpleTestSwitch(
+; ALL-NEXT:  .entry:
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I1:%.*]] = extractelement <2 x float> [[PERSPINTERPCENTER:%.*]], i64 1
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I0:%.*]] = extractelement <2 x float> [[PERSPINTERPCENTER]], i64 0
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p1(float [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I0]], i32 immarg 1, i32 immarg 0, i32 [[PRIMMASK:%.*]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p2(float [[TMP0]], float [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I1]], i32 immarg 1, i32 immarg 0, i32 [[PRIMMASK]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = fmul reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float [[TMP1]], 3.000000e+00
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = call reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float @llvm.floor.f32(float [[TMP2]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = fptosi float [[TMP3]] to i32
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[DOTFR:%.*]] = freeze i32 [[TMP4]]
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[DOTFR]], 1
+; ALL-NEXT:    br i1 [[TMP5]], label [[TMP6:%.*]], label [[TMP12:%.*]]
+; ALL:       6:
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP7:%.*]] = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p1(float [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I0]], i32 immarg 0, i32 immarg 0, i32 [[PRIMMASK]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP8:%.*]] = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p2(float [[TMP7]], float [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I1]], i32 immarg 0, i32 immarg 0, i32 [[PRIMMASK]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP9:%.*]] = fmul reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float [[TMP8]], 4.000000e+00
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP10:%.*]] = call reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float @llvm.floor.f32(float [[TMP9]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP11:%.*]] = fptosi float [[TMP10]] to i32
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[COND_FREEZE1:%.*]] = freeze i32 [[TMP11]]
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[SWITCH_SELECTCMP:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[COND_FREEZE1]], 0
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[SWITCH_SELECTCMP1:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[COND_FREEZE1]], 1
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[SWITCH_SELECTCMP2:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[COND_FREEZE1]], 2
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[SWITCH_SELECTCMP3:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[COND_FREEZE1]], 3
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[SWITCHACIM_SELECT:%.*]] = select i1 [[SWITCH_SELECTCMP3]], float 4.000000e+00, float 0.000000e+00
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[SWITCHACIM_SELECT4:%.*]] = select i1 [[SWITCH_SELECTCMP2]], float 3.000000e+00, float [[SWITCHACIM_SELECT]]
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[SWITCHACIM_SELECT5:%.*]] = select i1 [[SWITCH_SELECTCMP1]], float 2.000000e+00, float [[SWITCHACIM_SELECT4]]
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[SWITCHACIM_SELECT6:%.*]] = select i1 [[SWITCH_SELECTCMP]], float 1.000000e+00, float [[SWITCHACIM_SELECT5]]
+; ALL-NEXT:    br label [[TMP12]]
+; ALL:       12:
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[SAMPLEPOS_1_I0:%.*]] = phi float [ 0.000000e+00, [[DOTENTRY:%.*]] ], [ [[SWITCHACIM_SELECT6]], [[TMP6]] ]
+; ALL-NEXT:    ret float [[SAMPLEPOS_1_I0]]
+  %PerspInterpCenter.i1 = extractelement <2 x float> %PerspInterpCenter, i64 1
+  %PerspInterpCenter.i0 = extractelement <2 x float> %PerspInterpCenter, i64 0
+  %0 = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p1(float %PerspInterpCenter.i0, i32 immarg 1, i32 immarg 0, i32 %PrimMask) #1
+  %1 = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p2(float %0, float %PerspInterpCenter.i1, i32 immarg 1, i32 immarg 0, i32 %PrimMask) #1
+  %2 = fmul reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float %1, 3.000000e00
+  %3 = call reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float @llvm.floor.f32(float %2)
+  %4 = fptosi float %3 to i32
+  %.fr = freeze i32 %4
+  %5 = icmp eq i32 %.fr, 1
+  br i1 %5, label %6, label %16
+6:                                                ; preds = %.entry
+  %7 = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p1(float %PerspInterpCenter.i0, i32 immarg 0, i32 immarg 0, i32 %PrimMask) #1
+  %8 = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p2(float %7, float %PerspInterpCenter.i1, i32 immarg 0, i32 immarg 0, i32 %PrimMask) #1
+  %9 = fmul reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float %8, 4.000000e00
+  %10 = call reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float @llvm.floor.f32(float %9)
+  %11 = fptosi float %10 to i32
+  %cond.freeze1 = freeze i32 %11
+  switch i32 %cond.freeze1, label %16 [
+  i32 0, label %12
+  i32 1, label %13
+  i32 2, label %14
+  i32 3, label %15
+  ]
+12:                                               ; preds = %6
+  br label %16
+13:                                               ; preds = %6
+  br label %16
+14:                                               ; preds = %6
+  br label %16
+15:                                               ; preds = %6
+  br label %16
+16:                                               ; preds = %6, %12, %13, %14, %15, %.entry
+  %samplePos.1.i0 = phi float [ 0.000000e00, %.entry ], [ 0.000000e00, %6 ], [ 4.000000e00, %15 ], [ 3.000000e00, %14 ], [ 2.000000e00, %13 ], [ 1.000000e00, %12 ]
+  ret float %samplePos.1.i0
+define float @LittleMoreComplexSwitch(<2 x float> noundef %PerspInterpCenter, i32 inreg noundef %PrimMask) {
+; ALL-LABEL: @LittleMoreComplexSwitch(
+; ALL-NEXT:  .entry:
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I1:%.*]] = extractelement <2 x float> [[PERSPINTERPCENTER:%.*]], i64 1
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I0:%.*]] = extractelement <2 x float> [[PERSPINTERPCENTER]], i64 0
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP0:%.*]] = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p1(float [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I0]], i32 immarg 1, i32 immarg 0, i32 [[PRIMMASK:%.*]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP1:%.*]] = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p2(float [[TMP0]], float [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I1]], i32 immarg 1, i32 immarg 0, i32 [[PRIMMASK]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP2:%.*]] = fmul reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float [[TMP1]], 3.000000e+00
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP3:%.*]] = call reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float @llvm.floor.f32(float [[TMP2]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP4:%.*]] = fptosi float [[TMP3]] to i32
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[DOTFR:%.*]] = freeze i32 [[TMP4]]
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP5:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[DOTFR]], 1
+; ALL-NEXT:    br i1 [[TMP5]], label [[TMP6:%.*]], label [[TMP21:%.*]]
+; ALL:       6:
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP7:%.*]] = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p1(float [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I0]], i32 immarg 0, i32 immarg 0, i32 [[PRIMMASK]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP8:%.*]] = call float @llvm.amdgcn.interp.p2(float [[TMP7]], float [[PERSPINTERPCENTER_I1]], i32 immarg 0, i32 immarg 0, i32 [[PRIMMASK]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP9:%.*]] = fmul reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float [[TMP8]], 4.000000e+00
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP10:%.*]] = call reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float @llvm.floor.f32(float [[TMP9]])
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP11:%.*]] = fptosi float [[TMP10]] to i32
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[COND_FREEZE1:%.*]] = freeze i32 [[TMP11]]
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP12:%.*]] = sitofp i32 [[COND_FREEZE1]] to float
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP13:%.*]] = fsub reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float [[TMP9]], [[TMP12]]
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[SCALE_I0:%.*]] = fmul reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float [[TMP13]], 2.000000e+00
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP14:%.*]] = fmul reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float [[TMP1]], 6.000000e+00
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[DOTI0:%.*]] = fadd reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float [[SCALE_I0]], -1.000000e+00
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[DOTI1:%.*]] = fadd reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float [[TMP14]], -3.000000e+00
+; ALL-NEXT:    switch i32 [[COND_FREEZE1]], label [[TMP21]] [
+; ALL-NEXT:      i32 0, label [[TMP15:%.*]]
+; ALL-NEXT:      i32 1, label [[TMP16:%.*]]
+; ALL-NEXT:      i32 2, label [[TMP17:%.*]]
+; ALL-NEXT:      i32 3, label [[TMP19:%.*]]
+; ALL-NEXT:    ]
+; ALL:       15:
+; ALL-NEXT:    br label [[TMP21]]
+; ALL:       16:
+; ALL-NEXT:    br label [[TMP21]]
+; ALL:       17:
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP18:%.*]] = fneg reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float [[DOTI0]]
+; ALL-NEXT:    br label [[TMP21]]
+; ALL:       19:
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[TMP20:%.*]] = fneg reassoc nnan nsz arcp contract afn float [[DOTI0]]
+; ALL-NEXT:    br label [[TMP21]]
+; ALL:       21:
+; ALL-NEXT:    [[SAMPLEPOS_1_I0:%.*]] = phi float [ 0.000000e+00, [[DOTENTRY:%.*]] ], [ 0.000000e+00, [[TMP6]] ], [ [[TMP20]], [[TMP19]] ], [ 1.000000e+00, [[TMP17]] ], [ [[DOTI0]], [[TMP16]] ], [ 1.000000e+00, [[TMP15]] ]
Acim-Maravic wrote:

Now, it should be working with non-constant PHI Nodes, and with multiple PHI nodes.


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