[llvm] [DirectX][DXIL] Align type spec of TableGen DXIL Op mapping with that of LLVM Intrinsic (PR #86311)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Mar 22 10:00:06 PDT 2024

llvmbot wrote:



Author: S. Bharadwaj Yadavalli (bharadwajy)


Align specification of return type and parameter type fields of DXIL Op mapping with those of TableGan class Intrinsic.

A `void` return type of LLVM Intrinsic is represented as `[]` in its TableGen description record. Currently, a `void` return type of DXIL Operation is represented as `[llvm_void_ty]`. In addition, return and parameter types are recorded as a single list with an understanding that element at index `0` is the return type.

These changes leverage and align DXIL Op type specification with the type specification of the LLVM Intrinsic. As a result, return and parameter types are now specified as two separate lists no longer requiring a different representation for `void` return type. Additionally, type specification would be more succinct yet equally informative for DXIL Op records for which the same LLVM Intrinsics types are also valid.

Added a test to verify lowering of LLVM intrinsic with `void` return.

Barrier intrinsic has a `void` return type. Specification of its DXIL Op can inherit the types of this intrinsic. The test verifies the changes.

Move OverloadKind to DXILABI.h.

Fixes #<!-- -->86229 


Patch is 22.49 KiB, truncated to 20.00 KiB below, full version: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/86311.diff

6 Files Affected:

- (modified) llvm/include/llvm/IR/IntrinsicsDirectX.td (+1) 
- (modified) llvm/include/llvm/Support/DXILABI.h (+15) 
- (modified) llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td (+19-12) 
- (modified) llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.cpp (+4-19) 
- (added) llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/barrier.ll (+11) 
- (modified) llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp (+173-114) 

diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/IR/IntrinsicsDirectX.td b/llvm/include/llvm/IR/IntrinsicsDirectX.td
index 1164b241ba7b0d..292aa4497916f1 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/IR/IntrinsicsDirectX.td
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/IR/IntrinsicsDirectX.td
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ def int_dx_thread_id : Intrinsic<[llvm_i32_ty], [llvm_i32_ty], [IntrNoMem, IntrW
 def int_dx_group_id : Intrinsic<[llvm_i32_ty], [llvm_i32_ty], [IntrNoMem, IntrWillReturn]>;
 def int_dx_thread_id_in_group : Intrinsic<[llvm_i32_ty], [llvm_i32_ty], [IntrNoMem, IntrWillReturn]>;
 def int_dx_flattened_thread_id_in_group : Intrinsic<[llvm_i32_ty], [], [IntrNoMem, IntrWillReturn]>;
+def int_dx_barrier  : Intrinsic<[], [llvm_i32_ty], [IntrNoDuplicate, IntrWillReturn]>;
 def int_dx_create_handle : ClangBuiltin<"__builtin_hlsl_create_handle">,
     Intrinsic<[ llvm_ptr_ty ], [llvm_i8_ty], [IntrWillReturn]>;
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/Support/DXILABI.h b/llvm/include/llvm/Support/DXILABI.h
index c1d81775b6711e..75cc17bad992d9 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/Support/DXILABI.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/Support/DXILABI.h
@@ -39,6 +39,21 @@ enum class ParameterKind : uint8_t {
+enum OverloadKind : uint16_t {
+  INVALID = 0,
+  VOID = 1,
+  HALF = 1 << 1,
+  FLOAT = 1 << 2,
+  DOUBLE = 1 << 3,
+  I1 = 1 << 4,
+  I8 = 1 << 5,
+  I16 = 1 << 6,
+  I32 = 1 << 7,
+  I64 = 1 << 8,
+  UserDefineType = 1 << 9,
+  ObjectType = 1 << 10,
 /// The kind of resource for an SRV or UAV resource. Sometimes referred to as
 /// "Shape" in the DXIL docs.
 enum class ResourceKind : uint32_t {
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td
index f7e69ebae15b6c..aa98b74c1ffe56 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td
@@ -240,18 +240,23 @@ class DXILOpMappingBase {
   DXILOpClass OpClass = UnknownOpClass;// Class of DXIL Operation.
   Intrinsic LLVMIntrinsic = ?;         // LLVM Intrinsic DXIL Operation maps to
   string Doc = "";                     // A short description of the operation
-  list<LLVMType> OpTypes = ?;          // Valid types of DXIL Operation in the
-                                       // format [returnTy, param1ty, ...]
+  // The following fields denote the same semantics as those of Intrinsic class
+  // and are initialized with the same values as those of LLVMIntrinsic unless
+  // overridden in the definition of a record.
+  list<LLVMType> OpRetTypes = ?;    // Valid return types of DXIL Operation
+  list<LLVMType> OpParamTypes = ?;     // Valid parameter types of DXIL Operation
 class DXILOpMapping<int opCode, DXILOpClass opClass,
                     Intrinsic intrinsic, string doc,
-                    list<LLVMType> opTys = []> : DXILOpMappingBase {
+                    list<LLVMType> retTys = [],
+                    list<LLVMType> paramTys = []> : DXILOpMappingBase {
   int OpCode = opCode;                 // Opcode corresponding to DXIL Operation
   DXILOpClass OpClass = opClass;       // Class of DXIL Operation.
   Intrinsic LLVMIntrinsic = intrinsic; // LLVM Intrinsic the DXIL Operation maps
   string Doc = doc;                    // to a short description of the operation
-  list<LLVMType> OpTypes = !if(!eq(!size(opTys), 0), LLVMIntrinsic.Types, opTys);
+  list<LLVMType> OpRetTypes = !if(!eq(!size(retTys), 0), LLVMIntrinsic.RetTypes, retTys);
+  list<LLVMType> OpParamTypes = !if(!eq(!size(paramTys), 0), LLVMIntrinsic.ParamTypes, paramTys);
 // Concrete definition of DXIL Operation mapping to corresponding LLVM intrinsic
@@ -259,32 +264,32 @@ def Abs : DXILOpMapping<6, unary, int_fabs,
                          "Returns the absolute value of the input.">;
 def IsInf : DXILOpMapping<9, isSpecialFloat, int_dx_isinf,
                          "Determines if the specified value is infinite.",
-                         [llvm_i1_ty, llvm_halforfloat_ty]>;
+                         [llvm_i1_ty], [llvm_halforfloat_ty]>;
 def Cos  : DXILOpMapping<12, unary, int_cos,
                          "Returns cosine(theta) for theta in radians.",
-                         [llvm_halforfloat_ty, LLVMMatchType<0>]>;
+                         [llvm_halforfloat_ty], [LLVMMatchType<0>]>;
 def Sin  : DXILOpMapping<13, unary, int_sin,
                          "Returns sine(theta) for theta in radians.",
-                         [llvm_halforfloat_ty, LLVMMatchType<0>]>;
+                         [llvm_halforfloat_ty], [LLVMMatchType<0>]>;
 def Exp2 : DXILOpMapping<21, unary, int_exp2,
                          "Returns the base 2 exponential, or 2**x, of the specified value."
                          "exp2(x) = 2**x.",
-                         [llvm_halforfloat_ty, LLVMMatchType<0>]>;
+                         [llvm_halforfloat_ty], [LLVMMatchType<0>]>;
 def Frac : DXILOpMapping<22, unary, int_dx_frac,
                          "Returns a fraction from 0 to 1 that represents the "
                          "decimal part of the input.",
-                         [llvm_halforfloat_ty, LLVMMatchType<0>]>;
+                         [llvm_halforfloat_ty], [LLVMMatchType<0>]>;
 def RSqrt : DXILOpMapping<25, unary, int_dx_rsqrt,
                          "Returns the reciprocal of the square root of the specified value."
                          "rsqrt(x) = 1 / sqrt(x).",
-                         [llvm_halforfloat_ty, LLVMMatchType<0>]>;
+                         [llvm_halforfloat_ty], [LLVMMatchType<0>]>;
 def Round : DXILOpMapping<26, unary, int_round,
                          "Returns the input rounded to the nearest integer"
                          "within a floating-point type.",
-                         [llvm_halforfloat_ty, LLVMMatchType<0>]>;
+                         [llvm_halforfloat_ty], [LLVMMatchType<0>]>;
 def Floor : DXILOpMapping<27, unary, int_floor,
                          "Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the input.",
-                         [llvm_halforfloat_ty, LLVMMatchType<0>]>;
+                         [llvm_halforfloat_ty], [LLVMMatchType<0>]>;
 def FMax : DXILOpMapping<35, binary, int_maxnum,
                          "Float maximum. FMax(a,b) = a > b ? a : b">;
 def FMin : DXILOpMapping<36, binary, int_minnum,
@@ -303,6 +308,8 @@ def IMad : DXILOpMapping<48, tertiary, int_dx_imad,
                          "Signed integer arithmetic multiply/add operation. imad(m,a,b) = m * a + b.">;
 def UMad : DXILOpMapping<49, tertiary, int_dx_umad,
                          "Unsigned integer arithmetic multiply/add operation. umad(m,a,b) = m * a + b.">;
+def Barrier : DXILOpMapping<80, barrier, int_dx_barrier,
+                          "Inserts a memory barrier in the shader">;
 def ThreadId : DXILOpMapping<93, threadId, int_dx_thread_id,
                              "Reads the thread ID">;
 def GroupId  : DXILOpMapping<94, groupId, int_dx_group_id,
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.cpp b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.cpp
index a1eacc2d48009c..f56155312aee50 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.cpp
@@ -21,24 +21,6 @@ using namespace llvm::dxil;
 constexpr StringLiteral DXILOpNamePrefix = "dx.op.";
-namespace {
-enum OverloadKind : uint16_t {
-  VOID = 1,
-  HALF = 1 << 1,
-  FLOAT = 1 << 2,
-  DOUBLE = 1 << 3,
-  I1 = 1 << 4,
-  I8 = 1 << 5,
-  I16 = 1 << 6,
-  I32 = 1 << 7,
-  I64 = 1 << 8,
-  UserDefineType = 1 << 9,
-  ObjectType = 1 << 10,
-} // namespace
 static const char *getOverloadTypeName(OverloadKind Kind) {
   switch (Kind) {
   case OverloadKind::HALF:
@@ -61,8 +43,11 @@ static const char *getOverloadTypeName(OverloadKind Kind) {
   case OverloadKind::ObjectType:
   case OverloadKind::UserDefineType:
+  case OverloadKind::INVALID:
+    report_fatal_error("Invalid Overload Type for type name lookup",
+                       /* gen_crash_diag=*/false);
-  llvm_unreachable("invalid overload type for name");
+  llvm_unreachable("Unhandled Overload Type specified for type name lookup");
   return "void";
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/barrier.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/barrier.ll
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..8be4aac1f782b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/barrier.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+; RUN: opt -S -dxil-op-lower < %s | FileCheck %s
+; Argument of llvm.dx.barrier is expected to be a mask of 
+; DXIL::BarrierMode values. Chose an int value for testing.
+define void @test_barrier() #0 {
+  ; CHECK: call void @dx.op.barrier.i32(i32 80, i32 9)
+  call void @llvm.dx.barrier(i32 noundef 9)
+  ret void
diff --git a/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp b/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
index af1efb8aa99f73..5f678a527381ca 100644
--- a/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
+++ b/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ struct DXILOperationDesc {
   int OpCode;         // ID of DXIL operation
   StringRef OpClass;  // name of the opcode class
   StringRef Doc;      // the documentation description of this instruction
-  SmallVector<Record *> OpTypes; // Vector of operand type records -
-                                 // return type is at index 0
+  SmallVector<OverloadKind> OpOverloadTys; // Vector of operand overload types -
+                                           // return type is at index 0
       OpAttributes;     // operation attribute represented as strings
   StringRef Intrinsic;  // The llvm intrinsic map to OpName. Default is "" which
@@ -65,41 +65,167 @@ struct DXILOperationDesc {
 } // end anonymous namespace
-/// Return dxil::ParameterKind corresponding to input LLVMType record
+/// Return dxil::ParameterKind corresponding to input Overload Kind
-/// \param R TableGen def record of class LLVMType
+/// \param OLKind Overload Kind
 /// \return ParameterKind As defined in llvm/Support/DXILABI.h
-static ParameterKind getParameterKind(const Record *R) {
+static ParameterKind getParameterKind(const dxil::OverloadKind OLKind) {
+  switch (OLKind) {
+  case OverloadKind::VOID:
+    return ParameterKind::VOID;
+  case OverloadKind::HALF:
+    return ParameterKind::HALF;
+  case OverloadKind::FLOAT:
+    return ParameterKind::FLOAT;
+  case OverloadKind::DOUBLE:
+    return ParameterKind::DOUBLE;
+  case OverloadKind::I1:
+    return ParameterKind::I1;
+  case OverloadKind::I8:
+    return ParameterKind::I8;
+  case OverloadKind::I16:
+    return ParameterKind::I16;
+  case OverloadKind::I32:
+    return ParameterKind::I32;
+  case OverloadKind::I64:
+    return ParameterKind::I64;
+  default:
+    if ((OLKind ==
+         (OverloadKind::HALF | OverloadKind::FLOAT | OverloadKind::DOUBLE)) ||
+        (OLKind == (OverloadKind::HALF | OverloadKind::FLOAT)) ||
+        (OLKind == (OverloadKind::I1 | OverloadKind::I8 | OverloadKind::I16 |
+                    OverloadKind::I32 | OverloadKind::I64)) ||
+        (OLKind == (OverloadKind::I16 | OverloadKind::I32))) {
+      return ParameterKind::OVERLOAD;
+    } else {
+      report_fatal_error("Unsupported Overload Type encountered",
+                         /* gen_crash_diag=*/false);
+    }
+  }
+/// Return a string representation of ParameterKind enum
+/// \param Kind Parameter Kind enum value
+/// \return std::string string representation of input Kind
+static std::string getParameterKindStr(ParameterKind Kind) {
+  switch (Kind) {
+  case ParameterKind::INVALID:
+    return "INVALID";
+  case ParameterKind::VOID:
+    return "VOID";
+  case ParameterKind::HALF:
+    return "HALF";
+  case ParameterKind::FLOAT:
+    return "FLOAT";
+  case ParameterKind::DOUBLE:
+    return "DOUBLE";
+  case ParameterKind::I1:
+    return "I1";
+  case ParameterKind::I8:
+    return "I8";
+  case ParameterKind::I16:
+    return "I16";
+  case ParameterKind::I32:
+    return "I32";
+  case ParameterKind::I64:
+    return "I64";
+  case ParameterKind::OVERLOAD:
+    return "OVERLOAD";
+  case ParameterKind::CBUFFER_RET:
+    return "CBUFFER_RET";
+  case ParameterKind::RESOURCE_RET:
+    return "RESOURCE_RET";
+  case ParameterKind::DXIL_HANDLE:
+    return "DXIL_HANDLE";
+  }
+  llvm_unreachable("Unknown llvm::dxil::ParameterKind enum");
+static dxil::OverloadKind getOverloadKind(const Record *R) {
   auto VTRec = R->getValueAsDef("VT");
   switch (getValueType(VTRec)) {
   case MVT::isVoid:
-    return ParameterKind::VOID;
+    return OverloadKind::VOID;
   case MVT::f16:
-    return ParameterKind::HALF;
+    return OverloadKind::HALF;
   case MVT::f32:
-    return ParameterKind::FLOAT;
+    return OverloadKind::FLOAT;
   case MVT::f64:
-    return ParameterKind::DOUBLE;
+    return OverloadKind::DOUBLE;
   case MVT::i1:
-    return ParameterKind::I1;
+    return OverloadKind::I1;
   case MVT::i8:
-    return ParameterKind::I8;
+    return OverloadKind::I8;
   case MVT::i16:
-    return ParameterKind::I16;
+    return OverloadKind::I16;
   case MVT::i32:
-    return ParameterKind::I32;
-  case MVT::fAny:
+    return OverloadKind::I32;
+  case MVT::i64:
+    return OverloadKind::I64;
   case MVT::iAny:
-    return ParameterKind::OVERLOAD;
+    return static_cast<dxil::OverloadKind>(
+        OverloadKind::I16 | OverloadKind::I32 | OverloadKind::I64);
+  case MVT::fAny:
+    return static_cast<dxil::OverloadKind>(
+        OverloadKind::HALF | OverloadKind::FLOAT | OverloadKind::DOUBLE);
   case MVT::Other:
     // Handle DXIL-specific overload types
-    if (R->getValueAsInt("isHalfOrFloat") || R->getValueAsInt("isI16OrI32")) {
-      return ParameterKind::OVERLOAD;
+    {
+      if (R->getValueAsInt("isHalfOrFloat")) {
+        return static_cast<dxil::OverloadKind>(OverloadKind::HALF |
+                                               OverloadKind::FLOAT);
+      } else if (R->getValueAsInt("isI16OrI32")) {
+        return static_cast<dxil::OverloadKind>(OverloadKind::I16 |
+                                               OverloadKind::I32);
+      }
-    llvm_unreachable("Support for specified DXIL Type not yet implemented");
+    report_fatal_error(
+        "Support for specified parameter OverloadKind not yet implemented",
+        /* gen_crash_diag=*/false);
+  }
+/// Return a string representation of OverloadKind enum
+/// \param OLKind Overload Kind
+/// \return std::string string representation of OverloadKind
+static std::string getOverloadKindStr(const dxil::OverloadKind OLKind) {
+  switch (OLKind) {
+  case OverloadKind::VOID:
+    return "OverloadKind::VOID";
+  case OverloadKind::HALF:
+    return "OverloadKind::HALF";
+  case OverloadKind::FLOAT:
+    return "OverloadKind::FLOAT";
+  case OverloadKind::DOUBLE:
+    return "OverloadKind::DOUBLE";
+  case OverloadKind::I1:
+    return "OverloadKind::I1";
+  case OverloadKind::I8:
+    return "OverloadKind::I8";
+  case OverloadKind::I16:
+    return "OverloadKind::I16";
+  case OverloadKind::I32:
+    return "OverloadKind::I32";
+  case OverloadKind::I64:
+    return "OverloadKind::I64";
+  default:
+    if (OLKind == (OverloadKind::I16 | OverloadKind::I32 | OverloadKind::I64)) {
+      return "OverloadKind::I16 | OverloadKind::I32 | OverloadKind::I64";
+    } else if (OLKind == (OverloadKind::HALF | OverloadKind::FLOAT |
+                          OverloadKind::DOUBLE)) {
+      return "OverloadKind::HALF | OverloadKind::FLOAT | OverloadKind::DOUBLE";
+    } else if (OLKind == (OverloadKind::HALF | OverloadKind::FLOAT)) {
+      return "OverloadKind::HALF | OverloadKind::FLOAT";
+    } else if (OLKind == (OverloadKind::I16 | OverloadKind::I32)) {
+      return "OverloadKind::I16 | OverloadKind::I32";
+    } else {
+      report_fatal_error("Unsupported OverloadKind specified",
+                         /* gen_crash_diag=*/false);
+    }
@@ -114,9 +240,25 @@ DXILOperationDesc::DXILOperationDesc(const Record *R) {
   Doc = R->getValueAsString("Doc");
-  auto TypeRecs = R->getValueAsListOfDefs("OpTypes");
+  // Populate OpOverloadTys with return type and parameter types
+  auto RetTypeRecs = R->getValueAsListOfDefs("OpRetTypes");
+  auto ParamTypeRecs = R->getValueAsListOfDefs("OpParamTypes");
+  unsigned RetTypeRecSize = RetTypeRecs.size();
+  unsigned ParamTypeRecSize = ParamTypeRecs.size();
+  // A vector with return type and parameter type records
+  std::vector<Record *> TypeRecs;
+  TypeRecs.reserve(RetTypeRecSize + ParamTypeRecSize);
+  // If return type lust is empty, the return type is void
+  if (RetTypeRecSize == 0) {
+    OpOverloadTys.emplace_back(OverloadKind::VOID);
+  } else {
+    // Append RetTypeRecs to TypeRecs
+    TypeRecs.insert(TypeRecs.end(), RetTypeRecs.begin(), RetTypeRecs.end());
+  }
+  // Append RetTypeRecs to TypeRecs
+  TypeRecs.insert(TypeRecs.end(), ParamTypeRecs.begin(), ParamTypeRecs.end());
   unsigned TypeRecsSize = TypeRecs.size();
-  // Populate OpTypes with return type and parameter types
   // Parameter indices of overloaded parameters.
   // This vector contains overload parameters in the order used to
@@ -146,13 +288,13 @@ DXILOperationDesc::DXILOperationDesc(const Record *R) {
         if (!knownType) {
           report_fatal_error("Specification of multiple differing overload "
                              "parameter types not yet supported",
-                             false);
+                             /* gen_crash_diag=*/false);
       } else {
-    // Populate OpTypes array according to the type specification
+    // Populate OpOverloadTys array according to the type specification
     if (TR->isAnonymous()) {
       // Check prior overload types exist
       assert(!OverloadParamIndices.empty() &&
@@ -160,10 +302,10 @@ DXILOperationDesc::DXILOperationDesc(const Record *R) {
       // Get the parameter index of anonymous type, TR, references
       auto OLParamIndex = TR->getValueAsInt("Number");
       // Resolve and insert the type to that at OLParamIndex
-      OpTypes.emplace_back(TypeRecs[OLParamIndex]);
+      OpOverloadTys.emplace_back(getOverloadKind(TypeRecs[OLParamIndex]));
     } else {
-      // A non-anonymous type. Just record it in OpTypes
-      OpTypes.emplace_back(TR);
+      // A non-anonymous type. Just record it in OpOverloadTys
+      OpOverloadTys.emplace_back(getOverloadKind(TR));
@@ -172,7 +314,7 @@ DXILOperationDesc::DXILOperationDesc(const Record *R) {
   if (!OverloadParamIndices.empty()) {
     if (OverloadParamIndices.size() > 1)
       report_fatal_error("Multiple overload type specification not supported",
-                         false);
+                         /* gen_crash_diag=*/false);
     OverloadParamIndex = OverloadParamIndices[0];
   // Get the operation class
@@ -196,89 +338,6 @@ DXILOperationDesc::DXILOperationDesc(const Record *R) {
-/// Return a string representation of ParameterKind enum
-/// \param Kind Parameter Kind enum value
-/// \return std::string string representation of input Kind
-static std::string getParameterKindStr(ParameterKind Kind) {
-  switch (Kind) {
-  case ParameterKind::INVALID:
-    return "INVALID";
-  case ParameterKind::VOID:
-    return "VOID";
-  case ParameterKind::HALF:
-    return "HALF";
-  case ParameterKind::FLOAT:
-    return "FLOAT";
-  case ParameterKind::DOUBLE:
-    return "DOUBLE";
-  case ParameterKind::I1:
-    return "I1";
-  case ParameterKind::I8:
-    return "I8";
-  case ParameterKind::I16:
-    return "I16";
-  case ParameterKind::I32:
-    return "I32";
-  case ParameterKind::I64:
-    return "I64";
-  case ParameterKind::OVERLOAD:
-    return "OVERLOAD";
-  case ParameterKind::CBUFFER_RET:
-    return "CBUFFER_RET";
-  case ParameterKind::RESOURCE_RET:
-    return "RESOURCE_RET";
-  case ParameterKind::DXIL_HANDLE:
-    return "DXIL_HANDLE";
-  }
-  llvm_unreachable("Unknown llvm::dxil::ParameterKind enum");
-/// Return a string representation of OverloadKind enum that maps to
-/// input LLVMType record
-/// \param R TableGen def record of class LLVMType
-/// \return std::string string representation of OverloadKind
-static std::string getOverloadKindStr(const Record *R) {
-  auto VTRec = R->getValueAsDef("VT");
-  switch (getValueType(VTRec)) {
-  case MVT::isVoid:
-    return "OverloadKind::VOID";
-  case MVT::f16:
-    return "OverloadKind::HALF";
-  case MVT::f32:
-    return "OverloadKind::FLOAT";
-  case MVT::f64:
-    return "OverloadKin...




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