[llvm] [BOLT] Add number of basic blocks to BAT (PR #86045)

Amir Ayupov via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Mar 22 08:46:26 PDT 2024

https://github.com/aaupov updated https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/86045

>From fd9071cd43079d82a4b733fb2b92bc44feb88c87 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Amir Ayupov <aaupov at fb.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 16:52:40 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] =?UTF-8?q?[=F0=9D=98=80=F0=9D=97=BD=F0=9D=97=BF]=20ch?=
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[skip ci]
 bolt/docs/BAT.md                              |   16 +-
 .../bolt/Profile/BoltAddressTranslation.h     |    9 +-
 bolt/include/bolt/Profile/DataAggregator.h    |    4 +
 bolt/lib/Profile/BoltAddressTranslation.cpp   |   39 +-
 bolt/lib/Profile/DataAggregator.cpp           |   69 +-
 bolt/lib/Rewrite/RewriteInstance.cpp          |   25 +-
 bolt/lib/Utils/CommandLineOpts.cpp            |    4 +
 bolt/test/X86/Inputs/blarge_new.preagg.txt    |   81 +
 bolt/test/X86/Inputs/blarge_new.yaml          | 1648 +++++++++++++++++
 .../test/X86/Inputs/blarge_new_bat.preagg.txt |   79 +
 .../X86/bolt-address-translation-yaml.test    |   40 +
 bolt/test/X86/bolt-address-translation.test   |    2 +-
 12 files changed, 1978 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 bolt/test/X86/Inputs/blarge_new.preagg.txt
 create mode 100644 bolt/test/X86/Inputs/blarge_new.yaml
 create mode 100644 bolt/test/X86/Inputs/blarge_new_bat.preagg.txt
 create mode 100644 bolt/test/X86/bolt-address-translation-yaml.test

diff --git a/bolt/docs/BAT.md b/bolt/docs/BAT.md
index 060fc632f68671..436593478a398e 100644
--- a/bolt/docs/BAT.md
+++ b/bolt/docs/BAT.md
@@ -14,9 +14,8 @@ binary onto the original binary.
 # Usage
 `--enable-bat` flag controls the generation of BAT section. Sampled profile
 needs to be passed along with the optimized binary containing BAT section to
-`perf2bolt` which reads BAT section and produces fdata profile for the original
-binary. Note that YAML profile generation is not supported since BAT doesn't
-contain the metadata for input functions.
+`perf2bolt` which reads BAT section and produces profile for the original
 # Internals
 ## Section contents
@@ -91,11 +90,12 @@ current function.
 ### Address translation table
 Delta encoding means that only the difference with the previous corresponding
 entry is encoded. Input offsets implicitly start at zero.
-| Entry  | Encoding | Description |
-| ------ | ------| ----------- |
-| `OutputOffset` | Continuous, Delta, ULEB128 | Function offset in output binary |
-| `InputOffset` | Optional, Delta, SLEB128 | Function offset in input binary with `BRANCHENTRY` LSB bit |
-| `BBHash` | Optional, 8b | Basic block entries only: basic block hash in input binary |
+| Entry  | Encoding | Description | Branch/BB |
+| ------ | ------| ----------- | ------ |
+| `OutputOffset` | Continuous, Delta, ULEB128 | Function offset in output binary | Both |
+| `InputOffset` | Optional, Delta, SLEB128 | Function offset in input binary with `BRANCHENTRY` LSB bit | Both |
+| `BBHash` | Optional, 8b | Basic block hash in input binary | BB |
+| `BBIdx`  | Optional, Delta, ULEB128 | Basic block index in input binary | BB |
 `BRANCHENTRY` bit denotes whether a given offset pair is a control flow source
 (branch or call instruction). If not set, it signifies a control flow target
diff --git a/bolt/include/bolt/Profile/BoltAddressTranslation.h b/bolt/include/bolt/Profile/BoltAddressTranslation.h
index 5f2f0959d93f10..e4798a97d496ac 100644
--- a/bolt/include/bolt/Profile/BoltAddressTranslation.h
+++ b/bolt/include/bolt/Profile/BoltAddressTranslation.h
@@ -122,6 +122,12 @@ class BoltAddressTranslation {
   /// Returns BF hash by function output address (after BOLT).
   size_t getBFHash(uint64_t OutputAddress) const;
+  /// True if a given \p Address is a function with translation table entry.
+  bool isBATFunction(uint64_t Address) const { return Maps.count(Address); }
+  /// Returns BB index by function output address (after BOLT) and basic block
+  /// input offset.
+  unsigned getBBIndex(uint64_t FuncOutputAddress, uint32_t BBInputOffset) const;
   /// Helper to update \p Map by inserting one or more BAT entries reflecting
   /// \p BB for function located at \p FuncAddress. At least one entry will be
@@ -151,7 +157,8 @@ class BoltAddressTranslation {
   std::map<uint64_t, MapTy> Maps;
-  using BBHashMap = std::unordered_map<uint32_t, size_t>;
+  /// Map basic block input offset to a basic block index and hash pair.
+  using BBHashMap = std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::pair<unsigned, size_t>>;
   std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::pair<size_t, BBHashMap>> FuncHashes;
   /// Links outlined cold bocks to their original function
diff --git a/bolt/include/bolt/Profile/DataAggregator.h b/bolt/include/bolt/Profile/DataAggregator.h
index 5bb4d00024c503..f7840b49199f90 100644
--- a/bolt/include/bolt/Profile/DataAggregator.h
+++ b/bolt/include/bolt/Profile/DataAggregator.h
@@ -463,6 +463,10 @@ class DataAggregator : public DataReader {
   /// Dump data structures into a file readable by llvm-bolt
   std::error_code writeAggregatedFile(StringRef OutputFilename) const;
+  /// Dump translated data structures into YAML
+  std::error_code writeBATYAML(BinaryContext &BC,
+                               StringRef OutputFilename) const;
   /// Filter out binaries based on PID
   void filterBinaryMMapInfo();
diff --git a/bolt/lib/Profile/BoltAddressTranslation.cpp b/bolt/lib/Profile/BoltAddressTranslation.cpp
index e279852517753c..b1ef8749dac434 100644
--- a/bolt/lib/Profile/BoltAddressTranslation.cpp
+++ b/bolt/lib/Profile/BoltAddressTranslation.cpp
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ void BoltAddressTranslation::writeEntriesForBB(MapTy &Map,
                     << " Val: " << Twine::utohexstr(BBInputOffset) << "\n");
   LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << formatv(" Hash: {0:x}\n",
                                getBBHash(HotFuncAddress, BBInputOffset)));
+  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << formatv(" Index: {0}\n",
+                               getBBIndex(HotFuncAddress, BBInputOffset)));
   // In case of conflicts (same Key mapping to different Vals), the last
   // update takes precedence. Of course it is not ideal to have conflicts and
   // those happen when we have an empty BB that either contained only
@@ -216,6 +218,7 @@ void BoltAddressTranslation::writeMaps(std::map<uint64_t, MapTy> &Maps,
     size_t Index = 0;
     uint64_t InOffset = 0;
+    size_t PrevBBIndex = 0;
     // Output and Input addresses and delta-encoded
     for (std::pair<const uint32_t, uint32_t> &KeyVal : Map) {
       const uint64_t OutputAddress = KeyVal.first + Address;
@@ -225,11 +228,15 @@ void BoltAddressTranslation::writeMaps(std::map<uint64_t, MapTy> &Maps,
         encodeSLEB128(KeyVal.second - InOffset, OS);
       InOffset = KeyVal.second; // Keeping InOffset as if BRANCHENTRY is encoded
       if ((InOffset & BRANCHENTRY) == 0) {
-        // Basic block hash
-        size_t BBHash = FuncHashPair.second[InOffset >> 1];
+        unsigned BBIndex;
+        size_t BBHash;
+        std::tie(BBIndex, BBHash) = FuncHashPair.second[InOffset >> 1];
         OS.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&BBHash), 8);
-        LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << formatv("{0:x} -> {1:x} {2:x}\n", KeyVal.first,
-                                     InOffset >> 1, BBHash));
+        // Basic block index in the input binary
+        encodeULEB128(BBIndex - PrevBBIndex, OS);
+        PrevBBIndex = BBIndex;
+        LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << formatv("{0:x} -> {1:x} {2:x} {3}\n", KeyVal.first,
+                                     InOffset >> 1, BBHash, BBIndex));
@@ -315,6 +322,7 @@ void BoltAddressTranslation::parseMaps(std::vector<uint64_t> &HotFuncs,
     LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Parsing " << NumEntries << " entries for 0x"
                       << Twine::utohexstr(Address) << "\n");
     uint64_t InputOffset = 0;
+    size_t BBIndex = 0;
     for (uint32_t J = 0; J < NumEntries; ++J) {
       const uint64_t OutputDelta = DE.getULEB128(&Offset, &Err);
       const uint64_t OutputAddress = PrevAddress + OutputDelta;
@@ -329,19 +337,25 @@ void BoltAddressTranslation::parseMaps(std::vector<uint64_t> &HotFuncs,
       Map.insert(std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>(OutputOffset, InputOffset));
       size_t BBHash = 0;
+      size_t BBIndexDelta = 0;
       const bool IsBranchEntry = InputOffset & BRANCHENTRY;
       if (!IsBranchEntry) {
         BBHash = DE.getU64(&Offset, &Err);
+        BBIndexDelta = DE.getULEB128(&Offset, &Err);
+        BBIndex += BBIndexDelta;
         // Map basic block hash to hot fragment by input offset
-        FuncHashes[HotAddress].second.emplace(InputOffset >> 1, BBHash);
+        FuncHashes[HotAddress].second.emplace(InputOffset >> 1,
+                                              std::pair(BBIndex, BBHash));
         dbgs() << formatv(
             "{0:x} -> {1:x} ({2}/{3}b -> {4}/{5}b), {6:x}", OutputOffset,
             InputOffset, OutputDelta, getULEB128Size(OutputDelta), InputDelta,
             (J < EqualElems) ? 0 : getSLEB128Size(InputDelta), OutputAddress);
-        if (BBHash)
-          dbgs() << formatv(" {0:x}", BBHash);
+        if (!IsBranchEntry) {
+          dbgs() << formatv(" {0:x} {1}/{2}b", BBHash, BBIndex,
+                            getULEB128Size(BBIndexDelta));
+        }
         dbgs() << '\n';
@@ -493,19 +507,24 @@ void BoltAddressTranslation::saveMetadata(BinaryContext &BC) {
     FuncHashes[BF.getAddress()].first = BF.computeHash();
     for (const BinaryBasicBlock &BB : BF)
-      FuncHashes[BF.getAddress()].second.emplace(BB.getInputOffset(),
-                                                 BB.getHash());
+      FuncHashes[BF.getAddress()].second.emplace(
+          BB.getInputOffset(), std::pair(BB.getIndex(), BB.getHash()));
 size_t BoltAddressTranslation::getBBHash(uint64_t FuncOutputAddress,
                                          uint32_t BBInputOffset) const {
-  return FuncHashes.at(FuncOutputAddress).second.at(BBInputOffset);
+  return FuncHashes.at(FuncOutputAddress).second.at(BBInputOffset).second;
 size_t BoltAddressTranslation::getBFHash(uint64_t OutputAddress) const {
   return FuncHashes.at(OutputAddress).first;
+unsigned BoltAddressTranslation::getBBIndex(uint64_t FuncOutputAddress,
+                                            uint32_t BBInputOffset) const {
+  return FuncHashes.at(FuncOutputAddress).second.at(BBInputOffset).first;
 } // namespace bolt
 } // namespace llvm
diff --git a/bolt/lib/Profile/DataAggregator.cpp b/bolt/lib/Profile/DataAggregator.cpp
index 6a64bcde911e66..a2bcb6b3abdc6e 100644
--- a/bolt/lib/Profile/DataAggregator.cpp
+++ b/bolt/lib/Profile/DataAggregator.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include "bolt/Core/BinaryFunction.h"
 #include "bolt/Profile/BoltAddressTranslation.h"
 #include "bolt/Profile/Heatmap.h"
+#include "bolt/Profile/YAMLProfileWriter.h"
 #include "bolt/Utils/CommandLineOpts.h"
 #include "bolt/Utils/Utils.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
 #include "llvm/Support/Regex.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Timer.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+#include <algorithm>
 #include <map>
 #include <optional>
 #include <unordered_map>
@@ -85,6 +87,7 @@ MaxSamples("max-samples",
 extern cl::opt<opts::ProfileFormatKind> ProfileFormat;
+extern cl::opt<std::string> SaveProfile;
 cl::opt<bool> ReadPreAggregated(
     "pa", cl::desc("skip perf and read data from a pre-aggregated file format"),
@@ -594,10 +597,21 @@ Error DataAggregator::readProfile(BinaryContext &BC) {
-  if (opts::AggregateOnly &&
-      opts::ProfileFormat == opts::ProfileFormatKind::PF_Fdata) {
-    if (std::error_code EC = writeAggregatedFile(opts::OutputFilename))
-      report_error("cannot create output data file", EC);
+  if (opts::AggregateOnly) {
+    if (opts::ProfileFormat == opts::ProfileFormatKind::PF_Fdata)
+      if (std::error_code EC = writeAggregatedFile(opts::OutputFilename))
+        report_error("cannot create output data file", EC);
+    // BAT YAML is handled by DataAggregator since normal YAML output requires
+    // CFG which is not available in BAT mode.
+    if (usesBAT()) {
+      if (opts::ProfileFormat == opts::ProfileFormatKind::PF_YAML)
+        if (std::error_code EC = writeBATYAML(BC, opts::OutputFilename))
+          report_error("cannot create output data file", EC);
+      if (!opts::SaveProfile.empty())
+        if (std::error_code EC = writeBATYAML(BC, opts::SaveProfile))
+          report_error("cannot create output data file", EC);
+    }
   return Error::success();
@@ -2258,6 +2272,53 @@ DataAggregator::writeAggregatedFile(StringRef OutputFilename) const {
   return std::error_code();
+std::error_code DataAggregator::writeBATYAML(BinaryContext &BC,
+                                             StringRef OutputFilename) const {
+  std::error_code EC;
+  raw_fd_ostream OutFile(OutputFilename, EC, sys::fs::OpenFlags::OF_None);
+  if (EC)
+    return EC;
+  yaml::bolt::BinaryProfile BP;
+  // Fill out the header info.
+  BP.Header.Version = 1;
+  BP.Header.FileName = std::string(BC.getFilename());
+  std::optional<StringRef> BuildID = BC.getFileBuildID();
+  BP.Header.Id = BuildID ? std::string(*BuildID) : "<unknown>";
+  BP.Header.Origin = std::string(getReaderName());
+  // Only the input binary layout order is supported.
+  BP.Header.IsDFSOrder = false;
+  // FIXME: Need to match hash function used to produce BAT hashes.
+  BP.Header.HashFunction = HashFunction::Default;
+  ListSeparator LS(",");
+  raw_string_ostream EventNamesOS(BP.Header.EventNames);
+  for (const StringMapEntry<std::nullopt_t> &EventEntry : EventNames)
+    EventNamesOS << LS << EventEntry.first().str();
+  BP.Header.Flags = opts::BasicAggregation ? BinaryFunction::PF_SAMPLE
+                                           : BinaryFunction::PF_LBR;
+  if (!opts::BasicAggregation) {
+    // Convert profile for functions not covered by BAT
+    for (auto &BFI : BC.getBinaryFunctions()) {
+      BinaryFunction &Function = BFI.second;
+      if (!Function.hasProfile())
+        continue;
+      if (BAT->isBATFunction(Function.getAddress()))
+        continue;
+      BP.Functions.emplace_back(
+          YAMLProfileWriter::convert(Function, /*UseDFS=*/false));
+    }
+  }
+  // Write the profile.
+  yaml::Output Out(OutFile, nullptr, 0);
+  Out << BP;
+  return std::error_code();
 void DataAggregator::dump() const { DataReader::dump(); }
 void DataAggregator::dump(const LBREntry &LBR) const {
diff --git a/bolt/lib/Rewrite/RewriteInstance.cpp b/bolt/lib/Rewrite/RewriteInstance.cpp
index cde195c1739074..03f4298e817d17 100644
--- a/bolt/lib/Rewrite/RewriteInstance.cpp
+++ b/bolt/lib/Rewrite/RewriteInstance.cpp
@@ -199,10 +199,7 @@ static cl::opt<cl::boolOrDefault> RelocationMode(
     "relocs", cl::desc("use relocations in the binary (default=autodetect)"),
-static cl::opt<std::string>
-  cl::desc("save recorded profile to a file"),
-  cl::cat(BoltOutputCategory));
+extern cl::opt<std::string> SaveProfile;
 static cl::list<std::string>
@@ -732,6 +729,13 @@ Error RewriteInstance::run() {
   // Skip disassembling if we have a translation table and we are running an
   // aggregation job.
   if (opts::AggregateOnly && BAT->enabledFor(InputFile)) {
+    // YAML profile in BAT mode requires CFG for .bolt.org.text functions
+    if (!opts::SaveProfile.empty() ||
+        opts::ProfileFormat == opts::ProfileFormatKind::PF_YAML) {
+      selectFunctionsToProcess();
+      disassembleFunctions();
+      buildFunctionsCFG();
+    }
     return Error::success();
@@ -2027,14 +2031,6 @@ void RewriteInstance::adjustCommandLineOptions() {
   if (opts::Lite)
     BC->outs() << "BOLT-INFO: enabling lite mode\n";
-  if (!opts::SaveProfile.empty() && BAT->enabledFor(InputFile)) {
-    BC->errs()
-        << "BOLT-ERROR: unable to save profile in YAML format for input "
-           "file processed by BOLT. Please remove -w option and use branch "
-           "profile.\n";
-    exit(1);
-  }
 namespace {
@@ -3126,12 +3122,13 @@ void RewriteInstance::processProfileData() {
-  if (!opts::SaveProfile.empty()) {
+  if (!opts::SaveProfile.empty() && !BAT->enabledFor(InputFile)) {
     YAMLProfileWriter PW(opts::SaveProfile);
   if (opts::AggregateOnly &&
-      opts::ProfileFormat == opts::ProfileFormatKind::PF_YAML) {
+      opts::ProfileFormat == opts::ProfileFormatKind::PF_YAML &&
+      !BAT->enabledFor(InputFile)) {
     YAMLProfileWriter PW(opts::OutputFilename);
diff --git a/bolt/lib/Utils/CommandLineOpts.cpp b/bolt/lib/Utils/CommandLineOpts.cpp
index e910fa4f867225..ba296c10c00ae1 100644
--- a/bolt/lib/Utils/CommandLineOpts.cpp
+++ b/bolt/lib/Utils/CommandLineOpts.cpp
@@ -162,6 +162,10 @@ cl::opt<ProfileFormatKind> ProfileFormat(
                clEnumValN(PF_YAML, "yaml", "dense YAML representation")),
     cl::ZeroOrMore, cl::Hidden, cl::cat(BoltCategory));
+cl::opt<std::string> SaveProfile("w",
+                                 cl::desc("save recorded profile to a file"),
+                                 cl::cat(BoltOutputCategory));
 cl::opt<bool> SplitEH("split-eh", cl::desc("split C++ exception handling code"),
                       cl::Hidden, cl::cat(BoltOptCategory));
diff --git a/bolt/test/X86/Inputs/blarge_new.preagg.txt b/bolt/test/X86/Inputs/blarge_new.preagg.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..e92f356d918887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bolt/test/X86/Inputs/blarge_new.preagg.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+B 40164b 401608 109 0
+B 401611 4017e0 115 0
+B 4017f0 401616 117 0
+B 401ba2 4015da 6 0
+B 4015d5 401b60 1 0
+B 40159a 401b60 5 0
+B 401b9d 401b70 615 2
+B 401b90 401b99 344 37
+B 401ba2 40159f 8 0
+B 4015b0 401070 9 0
+B 401544 4014a0 6 0
+B 40188a 401928 5 0
+B 40152a 4014b0 21 0
+B 40169e 40165b 2 0
+B 4014dd 401070 12 1
+B 401509 4014ec 2 2
+B 401510 401030 673 0
+B 4019de 401080 1 0
+B 401500 401070 22 0
+B 401921 4014d6 9 0
+B 4019b3 401080 3 0
+B 40162d 401070 113 0
+B 4014d1 401800 27 0
+B 401a3f 401080 1 0
+B 4018d2 401050 17 0
+B 401664 4017c0 2 0
+B 401680 401070 2 0
+B 4017d0 401669 2 0
+B 4018f7 40190d 9 0
+B 4015bc 401592 6 0
+B 401964 401090 5 0
+B 4015f8 4015cd 1 0
+B 4015ec 401070 6 0
+F 40165b 401664 2
+F 4017c0 4017d0 2
+F 401669 401680 2
+F 40190d 401921 9
+F 4014d6 4014dd 9
+F 401800 4018d2 17
+F 4018d7 4018f7 9
+F 40159f 4015b0 8
+F 401515 401544 6
+F 401070 401500 1
+F 401070 401070 157
+F 4014a0 4014d1 6
+F 401616 40162d 112
+F 4019e3 401a3f 1
+F 4014e2 401500 19
+F 401090 401090 5
+F 401030 401030 673
+F 401505 401510 668
+F 401616 4017f0 2
+F 401070 4015b0 1
+F 4015da 4015ec 6
+F 401b60 401b90 6
+F 4019b8 4019de 1
+F 401969 4019b3 3
+F 401505 401509 2
+F 401515 40152a 21
+F 401592 40159a 4
+F 401050 401050 17
+F 4015cd 4015d5 1
+F 401070 4014dd 1
+F 401b99 401ba2 8
+F 401b70 401b90 326
+F 401b99 401b9d 324
+F 401592 4015bc 1
+F 401608 401611 109
+F 401b70 401b9d 268
+F 4015b5 4015bc 5
+F 401b99 401b90 1
+F 401b70 401ba2 5
+F 401632 40164b 108
+F 401080 401080 5
+F 4014b0 4014d1 21
+F 4017e0 4017f0 115
+F 4015f1 4015f8 1
+F 401685 40169e 2
+F 401928 401964 5
+F 401800 40188a 5
+F 4014ec 401500 2
diff --git a/bolt/test/X86/Inputs/blarge_new.yaml b/bolt/test/X86/Inputs/blarge_new.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..0380f5180e9055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bolt/test/X86/Inputs/blarge_new.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,1648 @@
+--- !ELF
+  Class:           ELFCLASS64
+  Data:            ELFDATA2LSB
+  Type:            ET_EXEC
+  Machine:         EM_X86_64
+  Entry:           0x4016D0
+  - Type:            PT_PHDR
+    Flags:           [ PF_R ]
+    VAddr:           0x400040
+    Align:           0x8
+    Offset:          0x40
+  - Type:            PT_INTERP
+    Flags:           [ PF_R ]
+    FirstSec:        .interp
+    LastSec:         .interp
+    VAddr:           0x4002A8
+    Offset:          0x2A8
+  - Type:            PT_LOAD
+    Flags:           [ PF_R ]
+    FirstSec:        .interp
+    LastSec:         .rela.plt
+    VAddr:           0x400000
+    Align:           0x1000
+    Offset:          0x0
+  - Type:            PT_LOAD
+    Flags:           [ PF_X, PF_R ]
+    FirstSec:        .init
+    LastSec:         .fini
+    VAddr:           0x401000
+    Align:           0x1000
+    Offset:          0x1000
+  - Type:            PT_LOAD
+    Flags:           [ PF_R ]
+    FirstSec:        .rodata
+    LastSec:         .eh_frame
+    VAddr:           0x402000
+    Align:           0x1000
+    Offset:          0x2000
+  - Type:            PT_LOAD
+    Flags:           [ PF_W, PF_R ]
+    FirstSec:        .init_array
+    LastSec:         .bss
+    VAddr:           0x403E00
+    Align:           0x1000
+    Offset:          0x2E00
+  - Type:            PT_DYNAMIC
+    Flags:           [ PF_W, PF_R ]
+    FirstSec:        .dynamic
+    LastSec:         .dynamic
+    VAddr:           0x403E10
+    Align:           0x8
+    Offset:          0x2E10
+  - Type:            PT_NOTE
+    Flags:           [ PF_R ]
+    FirstSec:        .note.gnu.build-id
+    LastSec:         .note.ABI-tag
+    VAddr:           0x4002C4
+    Align:           0x4
+    Offset:          0x2C4
+  - Type:            PT_GNU_EH_FRAME
+    Flags:           [ PF_R ]
+    FirstSec:        .eh_frame_hdr
+    LastSec:         .eh_frame_hdr
+    VAddr:           0x402270
+    Align:           0x4
+    Offset:          0x2270
+  - Type:            PT_GNU_STACK
+    Flags:           [ PF_W, PF_R ]
+    Align:           0x10
+    Offset:          0x0
+  - Type:            PT_GNU_RELRO
+    Flags:           [ PF_R ]
+    FirstSec:        .init_array
+    LastSec:         .got
+    VAddr:           0x403E00
+    Offset:          0x2E00
+  - Name:            .interp
+    Type:            SHT_PROGBITS
+    Flags:           [ SHF_ALLOC ]
+    Address:         0x4002A8
+    AddressAlign:    0x1
+    Content:         2F6C696236342F6C642D6C696E75782D7838362D36342E736F2E3200
+  - Name:            .note.gnu.build-id
+    Type:            SHT_NOTE
+    Flags:           [ SHF_ALLOC ]
+    Address:         0x4002C4
+    AddressAlign:    0x4
+    Notes:
+      - Name:            GNU
+        Desc:            66CF856212C3B313EA98AD840984B20EA781118A
+        Type:            NT_PRPSINFO
+  - Name:            .note.ABI-tag
+    Type:            SHT_NOTE
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+        Addend:          191
+      - Offset:          0x401115
+        Symbol:          'printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x40112C
+        Symbol:          .rodata
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+        Addend:          202
+      - Offset:          0x40113A
+        Symbol:          'printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x40114A
+        Symbol:          'putchar@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x40115B
+        Symbol:          .LC6
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401163
+        Symbol:          .LC11
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+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x40116B
+        Symbol:          .LC12
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+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401177
+        Symbol:          .LC4
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401181
+        Symbol:          SolveCubic
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401186
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+        Addend:          191
+      - Offset:          0x40118D
+        Symbol:          'printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4011A4
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+        Addend:          202
+      - Offset:          0x4011B2
+        Symbol:          'printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4011C2
+        Symbol:          'putchar@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4011C9
+        Symbol:          .LC4
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4011D1
+        Symbol:          .LC13
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+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4011DE
+        Symbol:          .LC14
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4011E6
+        Symbol:          .LC15
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4011F5
+        Symbol:          SolveCubic
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4011FA
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+        Addend:          191
+      - Offset:          0x401201
+        Symbol:          'printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401218
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+        Addend:          202
+      - Offset:          0x401226
+        Symbol:          'printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401236
+        Symbol:          'putchar@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401247
+        Symbol:          .LC4
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x40124F
+        Symbol:          .LC16
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401257
+        Symbol:          .LC17
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
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+      - Offset:          0x401266
+        Symbol:          SolveCubic
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x40126B
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+        Addend:          191
+      - Offset:          0x401272
+        Symbol:          'printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401289
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+        Addend:          202
+      - Offset:          0x401297
+        Symbol:          'printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4012A7
+        Symbol:          'putchar@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4012AE
+        Symbol:          .LC2
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4012B6
+        Symbol:          .LC18
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4012C3
+        Symbol:          .LC19
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4012CB
+        Symbol:          .LC20
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
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+      - Offset:          0x4012DA
+        Symbol:          SolveCubic
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4012DF
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+        Addend:          191
+      - Offset:          0x4012E6
+        Symbol:          'printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4012FB
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+        Addend:          202
+      - Offset:          0x401309
+        Symbol:          'printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401319
+        Symbol:          'putchar@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401321
+        Symbol:          .LC21
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401329
+        Symbol:          .LC22
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401336
+        Symbol:          .LC23
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x40133E
+        Symbol:          .LC24
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+      - Offset:          0x401348
+        Symbol:          SolveCubic
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x40134D
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+        Addend:          191
+      - Offset:          0x401354
+        Symbol:          'printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401369
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
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+      - Offset:          0x401377
+        Symbol:          'printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401387
+        Symbol:          'putchar@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x40138F
+        Symbol:          .LC25
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401397
+        Symbol:          .LC26
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4013A4
+        Symbol:          .LC27
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4013AC
+        Symbol:          .LC28
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4013B6
+        Symbol:          SolveCubic
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4013BB
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+        Addend:          191
+      - Offset:          0x4013C2
+        Symbol:          'printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4013D7
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+        Addend:          202
+      - Offset:          0x4013E5
+        Symbol:          'printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4013F5
+        Symbol:          'putchar@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4013FD
+        Symbol:          .LC29
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401405
+        Symbol:          .LC30
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401412
+        Symbol:          .LC31
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x40141A
+        Symbol:          .LC32
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401424
+        Symbol:          SolveCubic
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401429
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+        Addend:          191
+      - Offset:          0x401430
+        Symbol:          'printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401445
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+        Addend:          202
+      - Offset:          0x401453
+        Symbol:          'printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401469
+        Symbol:          'putchar@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401470
+        Symbol:          .LC4
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x40147C
+        Symbol:          .LC3
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x40148E
+        Symbol:          .LC2
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4014A3
+        Symbol:          .LC0
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4014D2
+        Symbol:          SolveCubic
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4014D7
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+        Addend:          191
+      - Offset:          0x4014DE
+        Symbol:          'printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4014F3
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+        Addend:          202
+      - Offset:          0x401501
+        Symbol:          'printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401511
+        Symbol:          'putchar@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x40151E
+        Symbol:          .LC33
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401530
+        Symbol:          .LC34
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401554
+        Symbol:          .LC35
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x40156C
+        Symbol:          .LC4
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401587
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+        Addend:          48
+      - Offset:          0x40158E
+        Symbol:          'puts@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x40159B
+        Symbol:          usqrt
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4015A6
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+        Addend:          206
+      - Offset:          0x4015B1
+        Symbol:          'printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4015C9
+        Symbol:          'putchar@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4015D6
+        Symbol:          usqrt
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4015E4
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+        Addend:          223
+      - Offset:          0x4015ED
+        Symbol:          'printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4015FB
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+        Addend:          88
+      - Offset:          0x401600
+        Symbol:          'puts@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401612
+        Symbol:          deg2rad
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x40161C
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+        Addend:          128
+      - Offset:          0x40162E
+        Symbol:          'printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x40163B
+        Symbol:          .LC41
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401643
+        Symbol:          .LC42
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x40164E
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+        Addend:          238
+      - Offset:          0x401653
+        Symbol:          'puts@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401665
+        Symbol:          rad2deg
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x40166F
+        Symbol:          .rodata
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+        Addend:          160
+      - Offset:          0x401681
+        Symbol:          'printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x40168E
+        Symbol:          .LC45
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401696
+        Symbol:          .LC46
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4016C0
+        Symbol:          '__stack_chk_fail@@GLIBC_2.4'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4016E6
+        Symbol:          __libc_csu_fini
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32S
+      - Offset:          0x4016ED
+        Symbol:          __libc_csu_init
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32S
+      - Offset:          0x4016F4
+        Symbol:          main
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32S
+      - Offset:          0x4016FA
+        Symbol:          '__libc_start_main@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_GOTPCRELX
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401711
+        Symbol:          __TMC_END__
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+      - Offset:          0x401717
+        Symbol:          .tm_clone_table
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32S
+      - Offset:          0x40171E
+        Symbol:          _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+      - Offset:          0x401728
+        Symbol:          .tm_clone_table
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+      - Offset:          0x401741
+        Symbol:          __TMC_END__
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+      - Offset:          0x401748
+        Symbol:          .tm_clone_table
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32S
+      - Offset:          0x401760
+        Symbol:          _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+      - Offset:          0x40176A
+        Symbol:          .tm_clone_table
+        Type:            R_X86_64_32
+      - Offset:          0x401782
+        Symbol:          .bss
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -5
+      - Offset:          0x401794
+        Symbol:          .bss
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -5
+      - Offset:          0x4017C4
+        Symbol:          '.LC0 (1)'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4017CC
+        Symbol:          .LC1
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4017E4
+        Symbol:          .LC1
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4017EC
+        Symbol:          '.LC0 (1)'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401836
+        Symbol:          '.LC0 (2)'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401840
+        Symbol:          '.LC1 (1)'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401860
+        Symbol:          '.LC2 (1)'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x40186C
+        Symbol:          '.LC3 (1)'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4018B4
+        Symbol:          .LC9
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4018C6
+        Symbol:          .LC10
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4018D3
+        Symbol:          'pow@@GLIBC_2.29'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401903
+        Symbol:          '.LC12 (1)'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401912
+        Symbol:          '.LC0 (2)'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401965
+        Symbol:          'acos@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401997
+        Symbol:          '.LC6 (1)'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x40199F
+        Symbol:          .LC5
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4019B4
+        Symbol:          'cos@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4019C9
+        Symbol:          '.LC0 (2)'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4019D1
+        Symbol:          '.LC7 (1)'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x4019DF
+        Symbol:          'cos@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401A35
+        Symbol:          '.LC8 (1)'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401A40
+        Symbol:          'cos@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401A6F
+        Symbol:          'sqrt@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401A8F
+        Symbol:          'sqrt@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401AB1
+        Symbol:          'sqrt@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401AB9
+        Symbol:          '.LC6 (1)'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401ACD
+        Symbol:          .LC5
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401AE2
+        Symbol:          'cos@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401AF7
+        Symbol:          '.LC0 (2)'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401B15
+        Symbol:          'sqrt@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PLT32
+        Addend:          -4
+      - Offset:          0x401B23
+        Symbol:          '.LC7 (1)'
+        Type:            R_X86_64_PC32
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+    Type:            STT_FUNC
+    Binding:         STB_GLOBAL
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+    Binding:         STB_GLOBAL
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+    Type:            STT_FUNC
+    Binding:         STB_GLOBAL
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+    Type:            STT_FUNC
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+F 401592 4015bc 1
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+F 4015f1 4015f8 2
+F 800000 800010 116
+F 401608 401611 115
+F 401632 40164b 114
+F 401515 40152a 24
+F 40165b 401664 7
+F 401505 401510 612
+F 4014d6 4014dd 8
diff --git a/bolt/test/X86/bolt-address-translation-yaml.test b/bolt/test/X86/bolt-address-translation-yaml.test
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..75de5c7cef97b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bolt/test/X86/bolt-address-translation-yaml.test
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Check new BAT format containing hashes for YAML profile.
+RUN: yaml2obj %p/Inputs/blarge_new.yaml &> %t.exe
+RUN: llvm-bolt %t.exe -o %t.out --pa -p %p/Inputs/blarge_new.preagg.txt \
+RUN:   --reorder-blocks=ext-tsp --split-functions --split-strategy=cdsplit \
+RUN:   --reorder-functions=cdsort --enable-bat --dyno-stats --skip-funcs=main \
+RUN:   2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix WRITE-BAT-CHECK %s
+RUN: perf2bolt %t.out --pa -p %p/Inputs/blarge_new_bat.preagg.txt -w %t.yaml -o %t.fdata \
+RUN:   2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix READ-BAT-CHECK %s
+RUN: FileCheck --input-file %t.yaml --check-prefix YAML-BAT-CHECK %s
+# Check that YAML converted from fdata matches YAML created directly with BAT.
+RUN: llvm-bolt %t.exe -data %t.fdata -w %t.yaml-fdata -o /dev/null
+RUN: FileCheck --input-file %t.yaml-fdata --check-prefix YAML-BAT-CHECK %s
+# Test resulting YAML profile with the original binary (no-stale mode)
+RUN: llvm-bolt %t.exe -data %t.yaml -o %t.null -dyno-stats \
+RUN:   | FileCheck --check-prefix CHECK-BOLT-YAML %s
+WRITE-BAT-CHECK: BOLT-INFO: Wrote 4 function and 22 basic block hashes
+WRITE-BAT-CHECK: BOLT-INFO: BAT section size (bytes): 408
+READ-BAT-CHECK-NOT: BOLT-ERROR: unable to save profile in YAML format for input file processed by BOLT
+READ-BAT-CHECK: BOLT-INFO: Parsed 5 BAT entries
+READ-BAT-CHECK: PERF2BOLT: read 79 aggregated LBR entries
+YAML-BAT-CHECK:      functions:
+YAML-BAT-CHECK:      - name:    main
+YAML-BAT-CHECK-NEXT:   fid:     2
+YAML-BAT-CHECK-NEXT:   hash:    0x9895746D48B2C876
+YAML-BAT-CHECK-NEXT:   exec:    0
+YAML-BAT-CHECK-NEXT:   nblocks: 46
+YAML-BAT-CHECK-NEXT:   - bid:   0
+YAML-BAT-CHECK-NEXT:     insns: 26
+YAML-BAT-CHECK-NEXT:     hash:  0xA900AE79CFD40000
+YAML-BAT-CHECK-NEXT:     succ:  [ { bid: 3, cnt: 0 }, { bid: 1, cnt: 0 } ]
+CHECK-BOLT-YAML:      pre-processing profile using YAML profile reader
+CHECK-BOLT-YAML-NEXT: 5 out of 16 functions in the binary (31.2%) have non-empty execution profile
diff --git a/bolt/test/X86/bolt-address-translation.test b/bolt/test/X86/bolt-address-translation.test
index 4277b4e0d0fef0..5c1db89e3c6b25 100644
--- a/bolt/test/X86/bolt-address-translation.test
+++ b/bolt/test/X86/bolt-address-translation.test
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 # CHECK:      BOLT: 3 out of 7 functions were overwritten.
 # CHECK:      BOLT-INFO: Wrote 6 BAT maps
 # CHECK:      BOLT-INFO: Wrote 3 function and 58 basic block hashes
-# CHECK:      BOLT-INFO: BAT section size (bytes): 816
+# CHECK:      BOLT-INFO: BAT section size (bytes): 920
 # usqrt mappings (hot part). We match against any key (left side containing
 # the bolted binary offsets) because BOLT may change where it puts instructions

>From d54237dc3429b8d0a88ca7be286a74c382c5c1c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Amir Ayupov <aaupov at fb.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 17:08:46 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] =?UTF-8?q?[=F0=9D=98=80=F0=9D=97=BD=F0=9D=97=BF]=20ch?=
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Created using spr 1.3.4

[skip ci]
 bolt/test/X86/bolt-address-translation-yaml.test | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bolt/test/X86/bolt-address-translation-yaml.test b/bolt/test/X86/bolt-address-translation-yaml.test
index 75de5c7cef97b7..4516a662697acc 100644
--- a/bolt/test/X86/bolt-address-translation-yaml.test
+++ b/bolt/test/X86/bolt-address-translation-yaml.test
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ RUN:   | FileCheck --check-prefix CHECK-BOLT-YAML %s
 WRITE-BAT-CHECK: BOLT-INFO: Wrote 4 function and 22 basic block hashes
-WRITE-BAT-CHECK: BOLT-INFO: BAT section size (bytes): 408
+WRITE-BAT-CHECK: BOLT-INFO: BAT section size (bytes): 376
 READ-BAT-CHECK-NOT: BOLT-ERROR: unable to save profile in YAML format for input file processed by BOLT
 READ-BAT-CHECK: BOLT-INFO: Parsed 5 BAT entries
@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ YAML-BAT-CHECK-NEXT:     hash:  0xA900AE79CFD40000
 YAML-BAT-CHECK-NEXT:     succ:  [ { bid: 3, cnt: 0 }, { bid: 1, cnt: 0 } ]
 CHECK-BOLT-YAML:      pre-processing profile using YAML profile reader
-CHECK-BOLT-YAML-NEXT: 5 out of 16 functions in the binary (31.2%) have non-empty execution profile
+CHECK-BOLT-YAML-NEXT: 1 out of 16 functions in the binary (6.2%) have non-empty execution profile

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