[llvm] [CSSPGO] Fix the issue of missing callee profile matches (PR #85715)

Lei Wang via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Mar 20 12:56:03 PDT 2024

wlei-llvm wrote:

> The patch is good in general, but I think this problem is still worth fixing separately?

Yeah, I have some pending patches to mitigate this issue(use a diff alg), TBH, I'm not sure if that would completely solve this, there are some challenges, such as lack of the anchor in the profile, misleading indirect call, incorrect profile merging..

Or I'm thinking maybe we can add a defensive check before the matching: if all/most of(tuned by a flag) the profile anchors are matched to the IR, even the checksum is matched, we still don't run the stale matching.  we can easily get those info from the `FuncCallsiteMatchStates`  

Any thoughts?


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