[llvm] Add adjustVMA option (PR #72870)

James Henderson via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Mar 20 01:49:59 PDT 2024

jh7370 wrote:

> > Ad 5,6) there are no other checks implemented. No out of bounds checking or overlap checks.
> I just tested on my Linux machine, using GNU objcopy and this doesn't appear to be correct. GNU objcopy complains if you try to adjust the VMA of a section in a way that causes problems with the program headers.
> I'm also a little confused how just adjusting the VMA of the section achieves anything without changing the program header addresses, because the section address isn't used by the loader. What is the use case for this?

Please respond to these comments. I won't be reviewing further until you do.


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