[clang-tools-extra] [llvm] Add bazel support for clangd as a library. (PR #81556)

Fangrui Song via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Mar 14 14:06:19 PDT 2024

MaskRay wrote:

> Ping!

llvm-project email notifications are extremely high-volume and nobody can notice every change even if they are subscribed to the relevant labels...

If you don't have write/triage role (https://docs.github.com/en/organizations/managing-user-access-to-your-organizations-repositories/managing-repository-roles/repository-roles-for-an-organization#repository-roles-for-organizations), the best is to CC relevant people (`git log -- directory` and finding recent reviewers is a good way).

(Now, I noticed this patch because I noticed a message in an IM I am subscribed to... not that I actively check clang-tools-extra patches/issues)

Feel free to ping the patch once a week when no feedback is received per https://llvm.org/docs/Contributing.html#how-to-submit-a-patch

> If you have received no comments on your patch for a week, you can request a review by ‘ping’ing the GitHub PR with “Ping”. The common courtesy ‘ping’ rate is once a week. Please remember that you are asking for valuable time from other professional developers.


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