[clang] [llvm] [SpecialCaseList] Use glob by default (PR #74809)

Eli Friedman via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Mar 14 13:43:40 PDT 2024

efriedma-quic wrote:

CC @llvm/clang-vendors

> I [announced this change on discourse](https://discourse.llvm.org/t/use-glob-instead-of-regex-for-specialcaselists/71666?u=ellishg) last year.

"Use glob instead of regex for SpecialCaseLists" doesn't mean anything for anyone not actively working on the relevant code.  An announcement would be titled something like "Syntax change for -fsanitize-ignorelist"... and it would be posted when the change actually happened.


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