[llvm] [llvm][AArch64] Autoupgrade function attributes from Module attributes. (PR #82763)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Mar 14 08:15:55 PDT 2024

partaror wrote:

The original pull-request description states:

sign-return-address and similar module attributes should be propagated to
the function level before got merged because module flags may contradict and
this information is not recoverable.

In this patch, why are we adding attributes to the function which are neither present in the function and nor the module? Currently ,we are adding function attribute with value `false`, if an attribute is neither present in the function and nor the module. This behavior does not conform to the PR description -- attributes which were never present are being propagated. This behavior seems incorrect because default value for the missing attributes might be 'true' in some cases.


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