[llvm] [llvm-debuginfo-analyzer] Add support for WebAssembly binary format. (PR #82588)

Heejin Ahn via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Mar 11 21:47:28 PDT 2024

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+As we should avoid committing binaries (.wasm) to be used in tests,
+instead we provide the '.cpp' source files and the '.s' files.
+- For the tests, only the '.s' files are required.
+- We use the target 'wasm32' as the 'wasm64' is not standardized yet.
+How to generate .s from .cpp
+Use clang to generate the '.s'.
+  clang --target=wasm32 -S -g Inputs/hello-world.cpp -o Inputs/hello-world-clang.s
+  clang --target=wasm32 -S -g Inputs/pr-43860.cpp    -o Inputs/pr-43860-clang.s
+  clang --target=wasm32 -S -g Inputs/pr-44884.cpp    -o Inputs/pr-44884-clang.s
+  clang --target=wasm32 -S -g Inputs/pr-46466.cpp    -o Inputs/pr-46466-clang.s
+  clang --target=wasm32 -S -g Inputs/test.cpp        -o Inputs/test-clang.s
+How to generate .wasm from .s
aheejin wrote:

Here too. We usually use `.o` for object files (pre-linking); using `.wasm` doesn't mean it does not run though.


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