[llvm] [llvm-debuginfo-analyzer] Add support for WebAssembly binary format. (PR #82588)

Heejin Ahn via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Mar 11 21:47:26 PDT 2024

@@ -1952,6 +1953,315 @@ The **{Coverage}** and **{Location}** attributes describe the debug
 location and coverage for logical symbols. For optimized code, the
 coverage value decreases and it affects the program debuggability.
+The below example is used to show the WebAssembly output generated by
+:program:`llvm-debuginfo-analyzer`. We compiled the example for a
+WebAssembly 32-bit target with Clang (-O0 -g --target=wasm32):
+.. code-block:: c++
+  1  using INTPTR = const int *;
+  2  int foo(INTPTR ParamPtr, unsigned ParamUnsigned, bool ParamBool) {
+  3    if (ParamBool) {
+  4      typedef int INTEGER;
+  5      const INTEGER CONSTANT = 7;
+  6      return CONSTANT;
+  7    }
+  8    return ParamUnsigned;
+  9  }
+The following command prints basic details for all the logical elements
+sorted by the debug information internal offset; it includes its lexical
+level and debug info format.
+.. code-block:: none
+  llvm-debuginfo-analyzer --attribute=level,format
+                          --output-sort=offset
+                          --print=scopes,symbols,types,lines,instructions
+                          test-clang.wasm
+.. code-block:: none
+  llvm-debuginfo-analyzer --attribute=level,format
+                          --output-sort=offset
+                          --print=elements
+                          test-clang.wasm
+Each row represents an element that is present within the debug
+information. The first column represents the scope level, followed by
+the associated line number (if any), and finally the description of
+the element.
+.. code-block:: none
+  Logical View:
+  [000]           {File} 'test-clang.wasm' -> WASM
+  [001]             {CompileUnit} 'test.cpp'
+  [002]     2         {Function} extern not_inlined 'foo' -> 'int'
+  [003]     2           {Parameter} 'ParamPtr' -> 'INTPTR'
+  [003]     2           {Parameter} 'ParamUnsigned' -> 'unsigned int'
+  [003]     2           {Parameter} 'ParamBool' -> 'bool'
+  [003]                 {Block}
+  [004]     5             {Variable} 'CONSTANT' -> 'const INTEGER'
+  [004]     5             {Line}
+  [004]                   {Code} 'i32.const	7'
+  [004]                   {Code} 'local.set	10'
+  [004]                   {Code} 'local.get	5'
+  [004]                   {Code} 'local.get	10'
+  [004]                   {Code} 'i32.store	12'
+  [004]     6             {Line}
+  [004]                   {Code} 'i32.const	7'
+  [004]                   {Code} 'local.set	11'
+  [004]                   {Code} 'local.get	5'
+  [004]                   {Code} 'local.get	11'
+  [004]                   {Code} 'i32.store	28'
+  [004]                   {Code} 'br      	1'
+  [004]     -             {Line}
+  [004]                   {Code} 'end'
+  [003]     4           {TypeAlias} 'INTEGER' -> 'int'
+  [003]     2           {Line}
+  [003]                 {Code} 'nop'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'end'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'i64.div_s'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'global.get	0'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.set	3'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'i32.const	32'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.set	4'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.get	3'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.get	4'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'i32.sub'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.set	5'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.get	5'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.get	0'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'i32.store	24'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.get	5'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.get	1'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'i32.store	20'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.get	2'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.set	6'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.get	5'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.get	6'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'i32.store8	19'
+  [003]     3           {Line}
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.get	5'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'i32.load8_u	19'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.set	7'
+  [003]     3           {Line}
+  [003]                 {Code} 'i32.const	1'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.set	8'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.get	7'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.get	8'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'i32.and'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.set	9'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'block'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'block'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.get	9'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'i32.eqz'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'br_if   	0'
+  [003]     8           {Line}
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.get	5'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'i32.load	20'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.set	12'
+  [003]     8           {Line}
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.get	5'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.get	12'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'i32.store	28'
+  [003]     -           {Line}
+  [003]                 {Code} 'end'
+  [003]     9           {Line}
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.get	5'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'i32.load	28'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.set	13'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'local.get	13'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'return'
+  [003]                 {Code} 'end'
+  [003]     9           {Line}
+  [003]                 {Code} 'unreachable'
+  [002]     1         {TypeAlias} 'INTPTR' -> '* const int'
+The following prints all *instructions*, *symbols* and *types* that
+contain **'block'** or **'.store'** in their names or types, using a tab
+layout and given the number of matches.
+.. code-block:: none
+  llvm-debuginfo-analyzer --attribute=level
+                          --select-nocase --select-regex
+                          --select=BLOCK --select=.store
+                          --report=list
+                          --print=symbols,types,instructions,summary
+                          test-clang.wasm
+  Logical View:
+  [000]           {File} 'test-clang.wasm'
+  [001]           {CompileUnit} 'test.cpp'
+  [003]           {Code} 'block'
+  [003]           {Code} 'block'
+  [004]           {Code} 'i32.store	12'
+  [003]           {Code} 'i32.store	20'
+  [003]           {Code} 'i32.store	24'
+  [004]           {Code} 'i32.store	28'
+  [003]           {Code} 'i32.store	28'
+  [003]           {Code} 'i32.store8	19'
+  -----------------------------
+  Element      Total    Printed
+  -----------------------------
+  Scopes           3          0
+  Symbols          4          0
+  Types            2          0
+  Lines           62          8
+  -----------------------------
+  Total           71          8
+Given the previous example we found the above debug information issue
+(related to the previous invalid scope location for the **'typedef int
+INTEGER'**) by comparing against another compiler.
+Using GCC to generate test-dwarf-gcc.o, we can apply a selection pattern
+with the printing mode to obtain the following logical view output.
+.. code-block:: none
+  llvm-debuginfo-analyzer --attribute=level
+                          --select-regex --select-nocase --select=INTe
+                          --report=list
+                          --print=symbols,types
+                          test-clang.wasm test-dwarf-gcc.o
+  Logical View:
+  [000]           {File} 'test-clang.wasm'
+  [001]           {CompileUnit} 'test.cpp'
+  [003]     4     {TypeAlias} 'INTEGER' -> 'int'
+  [004]     5     {Variable} 'CONSTANT' -> 'const INTEGER'
+  Logical View:
+  [000]           {File} 'test-dwarf-gcc.o'
+  [001]           {CompileUnit} 'test.cpp'
+  [004]     4     {TypeAlias} 'INTEGER' -> 'int'
+  [004]     5     {Variable} 'CONSTANT' -> 'const INTEGER'
+The output shows that both objects contain the same elements. But the
+**'typedef INTEGER'** is located at different scope level. The GCC
+generated object, shows **'4'**, which is the correct value.
+There are 2 comparison methods: logical view and logical elements.
+It compares the logical view as a whole unit; for a match, each compared
+logical element must have the same parents and children.
+The output shows in view form the **missing (-), added (+)** elements,
+giving more context by swapping the reference and target object files.
+.. code-block:: none
+  llvm-debuginfo-analyzer --attribute=level
+                          --compare=types
+                          --report=view
+                          --print=symbols,types
+                          test-clang.wasm test-dwarf-gcc.o
+  Reference: 'test-clang.wasm'
+  Target:    'test-dwarf-gcc.o'
+  Logical View:
+   [000]           {File} 'test-clang.wasm'
+   [001]             {CompileUnit} 'test.cpp'
+   [002]     1         {TypeAlias} 'INTPTR' -> '* const int'
+   [002]     2         {Function} extern not_inlined 'foo' -> 'int'
+   [003]                 {Block}
+   [004]     5             {Variable} 'CONSTANT' -> 'const INTEGER'
+  +[004]     4             {TypeAlias} 'INTEGER' -> 'int'
+   [003]     2           {Parameter} 'ParamBool' -> 'bool'
+   [003]     2           {Parameter} 'ParamPtr' -> 'INTPTR'
+   [003]     2           {Parameter} 'ParamUnsigned' -> 'unsigned int'
+  -[003]     4           {TypeAlias} 'INTEGER' -> 'int'
+The output shows the merging view path (reference and target) with the
+missing and added elements.
+It compares individual logical elements without considering if their
+parents are the same. For both comparison methods, the equal criteria
+includes the name, source code location, type, lexical scope level.
+.. code-block:: none
+  llvm-debuginfo-analyzer --attribute=level
+                          --compare=types
+                          --report=list
+                          --print=symbols,types,summary
+                          test-clang.wasm test-dwarf-gcc.o
+  Reference: 'test-clang.wasm'
+  Target:    'test-dwarf-gcc.o'
+  (1) Missing Types:
+  -[003]     4     {TypeAlias} 'INTEGER' -> 'int'
+  (1) Added Types:
+  +[004]     4     {TypeAlias} 'INTEGER' -> 'int'
+  ----------------------------------------
+  Element   Expected    Missing      Added
+  ----------------------------------------
+  Scopes           4          0          0
+  Symbols          0          0          0
+  Types            2          1          1
+  Lines            0          0          0
+  ----------------------------------------
+  Total            6          1          1
+Changing the *Reference* and *Target* order:
+.. code-block:: none
+  llvm-debuginfo-analyzer --attribute=level
+                          --compare=types
+                          --report=list
+                          --print=symbols,types,summary
+                          test-dwarf-gcc.o test-clang.wasm
+  Reference: 'test-dwarf-gcc.o'
+  Target:    'test-clang.wasm'
+  (1) Missing Types:
+  -[004]     4     {TypeAlias} 'INTEGER' -> 'int'
+  (1) Added Types:
+  +[003]     4     {TypeAlias} 'INTEGER' -> 'int'
+  ----------------------------------------
+  Element   Expected    Missing      Added
+  ----------------------------------------
+  Scopes           4          0          0
+  Symbols          0          0          0
+  Types            2          1          1
+  Lines            0          0          0
+  ----------------------------------------
+  Total            6          1          1
aheejin wrote:

The table looks the same as the previous one after the reference and the target switched. Is that correct?


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