[llvm] [GitHub] Allow shortcut for "introductory issue" and request linking to issue in PR (PR #84635)

Simon Pilgrim via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Mar 11 15:42:57 PDT 2024

RKSimon wrote:

This weekend we hit a problem on this very topic - a good-first-issue ticket had been claimed and assigned to somebody, who had been working on a patch but hadn't shown anything after a few days. Another contributor took the 'first to PR' approach and the PR was reviewed and had begun to be accepted before we realised that it wasn't from the original assignee. 

The conclusion was that the original assignee was given the chance to create their own PR for review, which they took and the earlier PR was closed, unfinished and uncommitted. Such wasted work, and bad feeling that was created, is something we need to avoid - we need issue assignments to be clear and respected. If an assigned issue looks to be too quiet, I recommended we keep to the 'ping after 7 days' guide we've used in the past for reviews instead of making wasteful assumptions.

I've been creating a number of good-first-issue tickets recently; they tend to be smaller/simpler in scope so more seasoned committers are likely to be able to put them together very quickly, which can be unfortunate if we're trying to encourage newcomers to take them on instead, as they will probably take a little longer to create a working patch and then upload the PR. They need the assignment to make it clear they are working on this.


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