[clang] [compiler-rt] [asan][windows] Eliminate the static asan runtime on windows (PR #81677)

Charlie Barto via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Mar 11 14:06:41 PDT 2024

barcharcraz wrote:

> > @vitalybuka Here's a more detailed explination on the motivations behind this change from @amyw-msft, who is the original author of these changes on our side. (And who I'll add as a co-author using fixup commits)
> > https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cppblog/msvc-address-sanitizer-one-dll-for-all-runtime-configurations/
> Thanks. Would be possible to extract summary paragraph and put on top of the main patch, with this URL.
> Also, to submit, it would be nice to do with smaller patches with some time between them to let bots test them separately. Or it's going to be annoying to revert/reland such large patch.
> Almost every item from description looks like a candidate for a patch.
> Relaxing `// CHECK: #{{[1-3]}}` could be done in a separate patch.

OK I'll extract at least the first few commits into their own PR, along with the test relaxations. The items in the description are harder to extract without breaking all the tests.


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