[clang] [llvm] [RISCV] Add back SiFive's cdiscard.d.l1 and cflush.d.l1 instructions. (PR #83896)

Garvit Gupta via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Mar 11 11:18:18 PDT 2024

quic-garvgupt wrote:

> > Hi @topperc, can you add instruction alias for cflush and cdiscard instructions when the rs1 is X0 to `sf.cflush.d.l1` and `sf.cflush.d.l1` respectively, as this register is optional according to spec?
> x0 has special meaning, but the spec never says it is "optional".

Possibly I am mistaken here but this is what I inferred from the below text in the mannual - rs1 is optional, so if a user does not specify it then by default it will be X0. Apologies if I am missing something here but just wanted to be clear.

>From the mannual - 
`Opcode 0xFC000073, with **optional** rs1 field in bits [19:15]`


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