[llvm] [TabeGen] Add `PreferSmallerInstructions` for Targets. (PR #83587)

Sergei Barannikov via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Mar 6 04:47:01 PST 2024

@@ -3224,17 +3241,18 @@ void AsmMatcherEmitter::run(raw_ostream &OS) {
   // Sort the instruction table using the partial order on classes. We use
   // stable_sort to ensure that ambiguous instructions are still
   // deterministically ordered.
-  llvm::stable_sort(
-      Info.Matchables,
-      [](const std::unique_ptr<MatchableInfo> &a,
-         const std::unique_ptr<MatchableInfo> &b) { return *a < *b; });
+  llvm::stable_sort(Info.Matchables,
+                    [&Target](const std::unique_ptr<MatchableInfo> &a,
+                              const std::unique_ptr<MatchableInfo> &b) {
+                      return a->shouldBeMatchedBefore(*b, Target);
+                    });
   // Verify that the table is sorted and operator < works transitively.
   for (auto I = Info.Matchables.begin(), E = Info.Matchables.end(); I != E;
        ++I) {
     for (auto J = I; J != E; ++J) {
-      assert(!(**J < **I));
+      assert(!((*J)->shouldBeMatchedBefore(**I, Target)));
s-barannikov wrote:

Extra parens


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