[llvm] update_test_checks: keep meta variables stable by default (PR #76748)

Jannik Silvanus via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Mar 6 03:26:00 PST 2024

Nicolai =?utf-8?q?Hähnle?= <nicolai.haehnle at amd.com>,
Nicolai =?utf-8?q?Hähnle?= <nicolai.haehnle at amd.com>,
Nicolai =?utf-8?q?Hähnle?= <nicolai.haehnle at amd.com>,
Nicolai =?utf-8?q?Hähnle?= <nicolai.haehnle at amd.com>,
Nicolai =?utf-8?q?Hähnle?= <nicolai.haehnle at amd.com>
In-Reply-To: <llvm.org/llvm/llvm-project/pull/76748 at github.com>

@@ -1187,20 +1233,317 @@ def may_clash_with_default_check_prefix_name(check_prefix, var):
+def find_diff_matching(lhs: List[str], rhs: List[str]) -> List[int]:
+    """
+    Find a large ordered matching between strings in lhs and rhs.
+    Think of this as finding the *unchanged* lines in a diff, where the entries
+    of lhs and rhs are lines of the files being diffed.
+    Returns a list of matched (lhs_idx, rhs_idx) pairs.
+    """
+    # Collect matches in reverse order.
+    matches = []
+    def recurse(lhs_start, lhs_end, rhs_start, rhs_end):
+        if lhs_start == lhs_end or rhs_start == rhs_end:
+            return
+        # First, collect a set of candidate matching edges. We limit this to a
+        # constant multiple of the input size to avoid quadratic runtime.
+        patterns = collections.defaultdict(lambda: ([], []))
+        for idx in range(lhs_start, lhs_end):
+            patterns[lhs[idx]][0].append(idx)
+        for idx in range(rhs_start, rhs_end):
+            patterns[rhs[idx]][1].append(idx)
+        multiple_patterns = []
+        candidates = []
+        for pattern in patterns.values():
+            if not pattern[0] or not pattern[1]:
+                continue
+            if len(pattern[0]) == len(pattern[1]) == 1:
+                candidates.append((pattern[0][0], pattern[1][0]))
+            else:
+                multiple_patterns.append(pattern)
+        multiple_patterns.sort(key=lambda pattern: len(pattern[0]) * len(pattern[1]))
+        for pattern in multiple_patterns:
+            if len(candidates) + len(pattern[0]) * len(pattern[1]) > 2 * (len(lhs) + len(rhs)):
+                break
+            for lhs_idx in pattern[0]:
+                for rhs_idx in pattern[1]:
+                    candidates.append((lhs_idx, rhs_idx))
+        if not candidates:
+            # The LHS and RHS either share nothing in common, or lines are just too
+            # identical. In that case, let's give up and not match anything.
+            return
+        # Compute a maximal crossing-free matching via an algorithm that is
+        # inspired by a mixture of dynamic programming and line-sweeping in
+        # discrete geometry.
+        #
+        # I would be surprised if this algorithm didn't exist somewhere in the
+        # literature, but I found it without consciously recalling any
+        # references, so you'll have to make do with the explanation below.
+        # Sorry.
+        #
+        # The underlying graph is bipartite:
+        #  - nodes on the LHS represent lines in the original check
+        #  - nodes on the RHS represent lines in the new (updated) check
+        #
+        # Nodes are implicitly sorted by the corresponding line number.
+        # Edges (unique_matches) are sorted by the line number on the LHS.
+        #
+        # Here's the geometric intuition for the algorithm.
+        #
+        #  * Plot the edges as points in the plane, with the original line
+        #    number on the X axis and the updated line number on the Y axis.
+        #  * The goal is to find a longest "chain" of points where each point
+        #    is strictly above and to the right of the previous point.
+        #  * The algorithm proceeds by sweeping a vertical line from left to
+        #    right.
+        #  * The algorithm maintains a table where `table[N]` answers the
+        #    question "What is currently the 'best' way to build a chain of N+1
+        #    points to the left of the vertical line". Here, 'best' means
+        #    that the last point of the chain is a as low as possible (minimal
+        #    Y coordinate).
+        #   * `table[N]` is `(y, point_idx)` where `point_idx` is the index of
+        #     the last point in the chain and `y` is its Y coordinate
+        #   * A key invariant is that the Y values in the table are
+        #     monotonically increasing
+        #  * Thanks to these properties, the table can be used to answer the
+        #    question "What is the longest chain that can be built to the left
+        #    of the vertical line using only points below a certain Y value",
+        #    using a binary search over the table.
+        #  * The algorithm also builds a backlink structure in which every point
+        #    links back to the previous point on a best (longest) chain ending
+        #    at that point
+        #
+        # The core loop of the algorithm sweeps the line and updates the table
+        # and backlink structure for every point that we cross during the sweep.
+        # Therefore, the algorithm is trivially O(M log M) in the number of
+        # points. Since we only consider lines that are unique, it is log-linear
+        # in the problem size.
jasilvanus wrote:

We should mention the recursion scheme here. I think strictly speaking it may violate the runtime guarantee above, but then it only seems to be necessary to improve quality in cases where we did not add all possible edges in an attempt to limit running time.

Without artificial restrictions, the non-recursive sweep line DP algorithm should suffice.


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