[llvm] [Support][Casting] Add predicates for `isa*` functions (PR #83753)

Jakub Kuderski via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Mar 5 10:24:32 PST 2024

kuhar wrote:

> > * Any code that explicitly specified the `From` template argument would **silently** break (the interpretation would change to another possible cast type)
> Hmm, not sure I follow this - I'd expect the functor to have one template parameter, so anyone explicitly specifying 2 would fail to compile at least...

Currently, `isa` is defined like this:

I'm worried that the meaning of `&isa</*To=*/T1, /*From=*/T2>` would change to `&isa</*To1=*/ T1, /*To2=*/T2>` in the context of something like:
auto fPtr = &isa<VectorType, Type>;


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