[llvm] [DirectX][NFC] Leverage LLVM and DirectX intrinsic description in DXIL Op records (PR #83193)

S. Bharadwaj Yadavalli via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Feb 28 17:27:38 PST 2024

https://github.com/bharadwajy updated https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/83193

>From 3ea3ad12abed583ce191acade7229e487ccd12b5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bharadwaj Yadavalli <Bharadwaj.Yadavalli at microsoft.com>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2024 19:12:12 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/6] [DirectX][NFC] Simplified DXIL Operation mapping to LLVM
 or DirectX intrinsics in DXIL.td.

Updated DXILEmitter backend to consume the change in the TableGen record specification.
Updated DXILOpBuilder accordingly.
Ensured that corresponding lit tests pass.
 llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td            | 146 ++---------
 llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.cpp  |  25 +-
 llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.h    |   3 +-
 llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpLowering.cpp |   3 +-
 llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/comput_ids.ll    |   8 +-
 llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp        | 281 ++++++++-------------
 6 files changed, 150 insertions(+), 316 deletions(-)

diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td
index 8a3454c89542ce..447887fbd474f8 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td
@@ -12,139 +12,23 @@
 include "llvm/IR/Intrinsics.td"
-include "llvm/IR/Attributes.td"
-// Abstract representation of the class a DXIL Operation belongs to.
-class DXILOpClass<string name> {
-  string Name = name;
-// Abstract representation of the category a DXIL Operation belongs to
-class DXILOpCategory<string name> {
-  string Name = name;
-def UnaryClass : DXILOpClass<"Unary">;
-def BinaryClass : DXILOpClass<"Binary">;
-def FlattenedThreadIdInGroupClass : DXILOpClass<"FlattenedThreadIdInGroup">;
-def ThreadIdInGroupClass : DXILOpClass<"ThreadIdInGroup">;
-def ThreadIdClass : DXILOpClass<"ThreadId">;
-def GroupIdClass : DXILOpClass<"GroupId">;
-def BinaryUintCategory : DXILOpCategory<"Binary uint">;
-def UnaryFloatCategory : DXILOpCategory<"Unary float">;
-def ComputeIDCategory : DXILOpCategory<"Compute/Mesh/Amplification shader">;
-// Represent as any pointer type with an option to change to a qualified pointer
-// type with address space specified.
-def dxil_handle_ty  : LLVMAnyPointerType;
-def dxil_cbuffer_ty : LLVMAnyPointerType;
-def dxil_resource_ty : LLVMAnyPointerType;
-// The parameter description for a DXIL operation
-class DXILOpParameter<int pos, LLVMType type, string name, string doc,
-                 bit isConstant = 0, string enumName = "",
-                 int maxValue = 0> {
-  int Pos = pos;               // Position in parameter list
-  LLVMType ParamType = type;   // Parameter type
-  string Name = name;          // Short, unique parameter name
-  string Doc = doc;            // Description of this parameter
-  bit IsConstant = isConstant; // Whether this parameter requires a constant value in the IR
-  string EnumName = enumName;  // Name of the enum type, if applicable
-  int MaxValue = maxValue;     // Maximum value for this parameter, if applicable
-// A representation for a DXIL operation
-class DXILOperationDesc {
-  string OpName = "";         // Name of DXIL operation
-  int OpCode = 0;             // Unique non-negative integer associated with the operation
-  DXILOpClass  OpClass;       // Class of the operation
-  DXILOpCategory OpCategory;  // Category of the operation
-  string Doc = "";            // Description of the operation
-  list<DXILOpParameter> Params = []; // Parameter list of the operation
-  list<LLVMType> OverloadTypes = [];  // Overload types, if applicable
-  EnumAttr Attribute;         // Operation Attribute. Leverage attributes defined in Attributes.td
-                              // ReadNone - operation does not access memory.
-                              // ReadOnly - only reads from memory.
-                              // "ReadMemory"   - reads memory
-  bit IsDerivative = 0;       // Whether this is some kind of derivative
-  bit IsGradient = 0;         // Whether this requires a gradient calculation
-  bit IsFeedback = 0;         // Whether this is a sampler feedback operation
-  bit IsWave = 0;             // Whether this requires in-wave, cross-lane functionality
-  bit NeedsUniformInputs = 0; // Whether this operation requires that all
-                              // of its inputs are uniform across the wave
-  // Group DXIL operation for stats - e.g., to accumulate the number of atomic/float/uint/int/...
-  // operations used in the program.
-  list<string> StatsGroup = [];
-class DXILOperation<string name, int opCode, DXILOpClass opClass, DXILOpCategory opCategory, string doc,
-              list<LLVMType> oloadTypes, EnumAttr attrs, list<DXILOpParameter> params,
-              list<string> statsGroup = []> : DXILOperationDesc {
-  let OpName = name;
-  let OpCode = opCode;
-  let Doc = doc;
-  let Params = params;
-  let OpClass = opClass;
-  let OpCategory = opCategory;
-  let OverloadTypes = oloadTypes;
-  let Attribute = attrs;
-  let StatsGroup = statsGroup;
 // LLVM intrinsic that DXIL operation maps to.
 class LLVMIntrinsic<Intrinsic llvm_intrinsic_> { Intrinsic llvm_intrinsic = llvm_intrinsic_; }
-def Sin : DXILOperation<"Sin", 13, UnaryClass, UnaryFloatCategory, "returns sine(theta) for theta in radians.",
-  [llvm_half_ty, llvm_float_ty], ReadNone,
-  [
-    DXILOpParameter<0, llvm_anyfloat_ty, "", "operation result">,
-    DXILOpParameter<1, llvm_i32_ty, "opcode", "DXIL opcode">,
-    DXILOpParameter<2, llvm_anyfloat_ty, "value", "input value">
-  ],
-  ["floats"]>,
-  LLVMIntrinsic<int_sin>;
-def UMax : DXILOperation< "UMax", 39, BinaryClass, BinaryUintCategory, "unsigned integer maximum. UMax(a,b) = a > b ? a : b",
-    [llvm_i16_ty, llvm_i32_ty, llvm_i64_ty], ReadNone,
-  [
-    DXILOpParameter<0, llvm_anyint_ty, "", "operation result">,
-    DXILOpParameter<1, llvm_i32_ty, "opcode", "DXIL opcode">,
-    DXILOpParameter<2, llvm_anyint_ty, "a", "input value">,
-    DXILOpParameter<3, llvm_anyint_ty, "b", "input value">
-  ],
-  ["uints"]>,
-  LLVMIntrinsic<int_umax>;
-def ThreadId : DXILOperation< "ThreadId", 93, ThreadIdClass, ComputeIDCategory, "reads the thread ID", [llvm_i32_ty], ReadNone,
-  [
-    DXILOpParameter<0, llvm_i32_ty, "", "thread ID component">,
-    DXILOpParameter<1, llvm_i32_ty, "opcode", "DXIL opcode">,
-    DXILOpParameter<2, llvm_i32_ty, "component", "component to read (x,y,z)">
-  ]>,
-  LLVMIntrinsic<int_dx_thread_id>;
-def GroupId : DXILOperation< "GroupId", 94, GroupIdClass, ComputeIDCategory, "reads the group ID (SV_GroupID)", [llvm_i32_ty], ReadNone,
-  [
-    DXILOpParameter<0, llvm_i32_ty, "", "group ID component">,
-    DXILOpParameter<1, llvm_i32_ty, "opcode", "DXIL opcode">,
-    DXILOpParameter<2, llvm_i32_ty, "component", "component to read">
-  ]>,
-  LLVMIntrinsic<int_dx_group_id>;
-def ThreadIdInGroup : DXILOperation< "ThreadIdInGroup", 95, ThreadIdInGroupClass, ComputeIDCategory,
-  "reads the thread ID within the group (SV_GroupThreadID)", [llvm_i32_ty], ReadNone,
-  [
-    DXILOpParameter<0, llvm_i32_ty, "", "thread ID in group component">,
-    DXILOpParameter<1, llvm_i32_ty, "opcode", "DXIL opcode">,
-    DXILOpParameter<2, llvm_i32_ty, "component", "component to read (x,y,z)">
-  ]>,
-  LLVMIntrinsic<int_dx_thread_id_in_group>;
+// Abstraction DXIL Operation to LLVM intrinsic
+class DXILOpMapping<int opCode, Intrinsic intrinsic, string doc> {
+  int OpCode = opCode;                 // Opcode corresponding to DXIL Operation
+  Intrinsic LLVMIntrinsic = intrinsic; // LLVM Intrinsic the DXIL Operation maps to
+  string Doc = doc;                    // a short description of the operation
-def FlattenedThreadIdInGroup : DXILOperation< "FlattenedThreadIdInGroup", 96, FlattenedThreadIdInGroupClass, ComputeIDCategory,
-   "provides a flattened index for a given thread within a given group (SV_GroupIndex)", [llvm_i32_ty], ReadNone,
-  [
-    DXILOpParameter<0, llvm_i32_ty, "", "result">,
-    DXILOpParameter<1, llvm_i32_ty, "opcode", "DXIL opcode">
-  ]>,
-  LLVMIntrinsic<int_dx_flattened_thread_id_in_group>;
+// Concrete definition of DXIL Operation mapping to corresponding LLVM intrinsic
+def Sin      : DXILOpMapping<13, int_sin, "Returns sine(theta) for theta in radians.">;
+def UMax     : DXILOpMapping<39, int_umax, "Unsigned integer maximum. UMax(a,b) = a > b ? a : b">;
+def ThreadId : DXILOpMapping<93, int_dx_thread_id, "Reads the thread ID">;
+def GroupId  : DXILOpMapping<94, int_dx_group_id, "Reads the group ID (SV_GroupID)">;
+def ThreadIdInGroup : DXILOpMapping<95, int_dx_thread_id_in_group,
+                                    "Reads the thread ID within the group (SV_GroupThreadID)">;
+def FlattenedThreadIdInGroup_New : DXILOpMapping<96, int_dx_flattened_thread_id_in_group,
+                                    "Provides a flattened index for a given thread within a given group (SV_GroupIndex)">;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.cpp b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.cpp
index 42180a865b72e3..21a20d45b922d9 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.cpp
@@ -221,12 +221,26 @@ static Type *getTypeFromParameterKind(ParameterKind Kind, Type *OverloadTy) {
   return nullptr;
+/// Construct DXIL function type. This is the type of a function with
+/// the following prototype
+///     OverloadType dx.op.<opclass>.<return-type>(int opcode, <param types>)
+/// <param-types> are constructed from types in Prop.
+/// \param Prop  Structure containing DXIL Operation properties based on
+///               its specification in DXIL.td.
+/// \param OverloadTy Return type to be used to construct DXIL function type.
 static FunctionType *getDXILOpFunctionType(const OpCodeProperty *Prop,
                                            Type *OverloadTy) {
   SmallVector<Type *> ArgTys;
   auto ParamKinds = getOpCodeParameterKind(*Prop);
+  // Add OverloadTy as return type of the function
+  ArgTys.emplace_back(OverloadTy);
+  // Add DXIL Opcode value type viz., Int32 as first argument
+  ArgTys.emplace_back(Type::getInt32Ty(OverloadTy->getContext()));
+  // Add DXIL Operation parameter types as specified in DXIL properties
   for (unsigned I = 0; I < Prop->NumOfParameters; ++I) {
     ParameterKind Kind = ParamKinds[I];
     ArgTys.emplace_back(getTypeFromParameterKind(Kind, OverloadTy));
@@ -267,13 +281,13 @@ CallInst *DXILOpBuilder::createDXILOpCall(dxil::OpCode OpCode, Type *OverloadTy,
   return B.CreateCall(Fn, FullArgs);
-Type *DXILOpBuilder::getOverloadTy(dxil::OpCode OpCode, FunctionType *FT,
-                                   bool NoOpCodeParam) {
+Type *DXILOpBuilder::getOverloadTy(dxil::OpCode OpCode, FunctionType *FT) {
   const OpCodeProperty *Prop = getOpCodeProperty(OpCode);
+  // If DXIL Op has no overload parameter, just return the
+  // precise return type specified.
   if (Prop->OverloadParamIndex < 0) {
     auto &Ctx = FT->getContext();
-    // When only has 1 overload type, just return it.
     switch (Prop->OverloadTys) {
     case OverloadKind::VOID:
       return Type::getVoidTy(Ctx);
@@ -302,9 +316,8 @@ Type *DXILOpBuilder::getOverloadTy(dxil::OpCode OpCode, FunctionType *FT,
   // Prop->OverloadParamIndex is 0, overload type is FT->getReturnType().
   Type *OverloadType = FT->getReturnType();
   if (Prop->OverloadParamIndex != 0) {
-    // Skip Return Type and Type for DXIL opcode.
-    const unsigned SkipedParam = NoOpCodeParam ? 2 : 1;
-    OverloadType = FT->getParamType(Prop->OverloadParamIndex - SkipedParam);
+    // Skip Return Type.
+    OverloadType = FT->getParamType(Prop->OverloadParamIndex - 1);
   auto ParamKinds = getOpCodeParameterKind(*Prop);
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.h b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.h
index 940ed538c7ce15..1c15f109184adf 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.h
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.h
@@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ class DXILOpBuilder {
   DXILOpBuilder(Module &M, IRBuilderBase &B) : M(M), B(B) {}
   CallInst *createDXILOpCall(dxil::OpCode OpCode, Type *OverloadTy,
                              llvm::iterator_range<Use *> Args);
-  Type *getOverloadTy(dxil::OpCode OpCode, FunctionType *FT,
-                      bool NoOpCodeParam);
+  Type *getOverloadTy(dxil::OpCode OpCode, FunctionType *FT);
   static const char *getOpCodeName(dxil::OpCode DXILOp);
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpLowering.cpp b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpLowering.cpp
index f6e2297e9af41f..6b649b76beecdf 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpLowering.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpLowering.cpp
@@ -33,8 +33,7 @@ static void lowerIntrinsic(dxil::OpCode DXILOp, Function &F, Module &M) {
   IRBuilder<> B(M.getContext());
   Value *DXILOpArg = B.getInt32(static_cast<unsigned>(DXILOp));
   DXILOpBuilder DXILB(M, B);
-  Type *OverloadTy =
-      DXILB.getOverloadTy(DXILOp, F.getFunctionType(), /*NoOpCodeParam*/ true);
+  Type *OverloadTy = DXILB.getOverloadTy(DXILOp, F.getFunctionType());
   for (User *U : make_early_inc_range(F.users())) {
     CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(U);
     if (!CI)
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/comput_ids.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/comput_ids.ll
index 553994094d71e5..c0ae5761b4970e 100644
--- a/llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/comput_ids.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/comput_ids.ll
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ target triple = "dxil-pc-shadermodel6.7-library"
 ; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone
 define i32 @test_thread_id(i32 %a) #0 {
-; CHECK:call i32 @dx.op.threadId.i32(i32 93, i32 %{{.*}})
+; CHECK:call i32 @dx.op.unary.i32(i32 93, i32 %{{.*}})
   %0 = call i32 @llvm.dx.thread.id(i32 %a)
   ret i32 %0
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ entry:
 ; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone
 define i32 @test_group_id(i32 %a) #0 {
-; CHECK: call i32 @dx.op.groupId.i32(i32 94, i32 %{{.*}})
+; CHECK: call i32 @dx.op.unary.i32(i32 94, i32 %{{.*}})
   %0 = call i32 @llvm.dx.group.id(i32 %a)
   ret i32 %0
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ entry:
 ; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone
 define i32 @test_thread_id_in_group(i32 %a) #0 {
-; CHECK: call i32 @dx.op.threadIdInGroup.i32(i32 95, i32 %{{.*}})
+; CHECK: call i32 @dx.op.unary.i32(i32 95, i32 %{{.*}})
   %0 = call i32 @llvm.dx.thread.id.in.group(i32 %a)
   ret i32 %0
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ entry:
 ; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone
 define i32 @test_flattened_thread_id_in_group() #0 {
-; CHECK: call i32 @dx.op.flattenedThreadIdInGroup.i32(i32 96)
+; CHECK: call i32 @dx.op.nullary.i32(i32 96)
   %0 = call i32 @llvm.dx.flattened.thread.id.in.group()
   ret i32 %0
diff --git a/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp b/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
index d47df597d53a35..a28830920eec21 100644
--- a/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
+++ b/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #include "SequenceToOffsetTable.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
@@ -30,28 +31,16 @@ struct DXILShaderModel {
   int Minor = 0;
-struct DXILParameter {
-  int Pos; // position in parameter list
-  ParameterKind Kind;
-  StringRef Name; // short, unique name
-  StringRef Doc;  // the documentation description of this parameter
-  bool IsConst;   // whether this argument requires a constant value in the IR
-  StringRef EnumName; // the name of the enum type if applicable
-  int MaxValue;       // the maximum value for this parameter if applicable
-  DXILParameter(const Record *R);
 struct DXILOperationDesc {
-  StringRef OpName;   // name of DXIL operation
+  std::string OpName; // name of DXIL operation
   int OpCode;         // ID of DXIL operation
   StringRef OpClass;  // name of the opcode class
-  StringRef Category; // classification for this instruction
   StringRef Doc;      // the documentation description of this instruction
-  SmallVector<DXILParameter> Params; // the operands that this instruction takes
-  SmallVector<ParameterKind> OverloadTypes; // overload types if applicable
-  StringRef Attr; // operation attribute; reference to string representation
-                  // of llvm::Attribute::AttrKind
+  SmallVector<std::string> OpTypeNames; // Vector of operand type name strings -
+                                        // return type is at index 0
+  SmallVector<std::string>
+      OpAttributes;     // operation attribute represented as strings
   StringRef Intrinsic;  // The llvm intrinsic map to OpName. Default is "" which
                         // means no map exists
   bool IsDeriv = false; // whether this is some kind of derivative
@@ -102,50 +91,67 @@ static ParameterKind lookupParameterKind(StringRef typeNameStr) {
   return paramKind;
+/// Construct an object using the DXIL Operation records specified
+/// in DXIL.td. This serves as the single source of reference for
+/// C++ code generated by this TableGen backend.
 DXILOperationDesc::DXILOperationDesc(const Record *R) {
-  OpName = R->getValueAsString("OpName");
+  OpName = R->getNameInitAsString();
   OpCode = R->getValueAsInt("OpCode");
-  OpClass = R->getValueAsDef("OpClass")->getValueAsString("Name");
-  Category = R->getValueAsDef("OpCategory")->getValueAsString("Name");
-  if (R->getValue("llvm_intrinsic")) {
-    auto *IntrinsicDef = R->getValueAsDef("llvm_intrinsic");
+  Doc = R->getValueAsString("Doc");
+  if (R->getValue("LLVMIntrinsic")) {
+    auto *IntrinsicDef = R->getValueAsDef("LLVMIntrinsic");
     auto DefName = IntrinsicDef->getName();
     assert(DefName.starts_with("int_") && "invalid intrinsic name");
     // Remove the int_ from intrinsic name.
     Intrinsic = DefName.substr(4);
+    // NOTE: It is expected that return type and parameter types of
+    // DXIL Operation are the same as that of the intrinsic. Deviations
+    // are expected to be encoded in TableGen record specification and
+    // handled accordingly here. Support to be added later, as needed.
+    // Get parameter type list of the intrinsic. Types attribute contains
+    // the list of as [returnType, param1Type,, param2Type, ...]
+    auto TypeList = IntrinsicDef->getValueAsListInit("Types");
+    unsigned TypeListSize = TypeList->size();
+    OverloadParamIndex = -1;
+    // Populate return type and parameter type names
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < TypeListSize; i++) {
+      OpTypeNames.emplace_back(TypeList->getElement(i)->getAsString());
+      // Get the overload parameter index.
+      // REVISIT : Seems hacky. Is it possible that more than one parameter can
+      // be of overload kind?? REVISIT-2: Check for any additional constraints
+      // specified for DXIL operation restricting return type.
+      if (i > 0) {
+        auto &CurParam = OpTypeNames.back();
+        if (lookupParameterKind(CurParam) >= ParameterKind::OVERLOAD) {
+          OverloadParamIndex = i;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // Determine the operation class (unary/binary) based on the number of
+    // parameters As parameter types are being considered, skip return type
+    auto ParamSize = TypeListSize - 1;
+    if (ParamSize == 0) {
+      OpClass = "Nullary";
+    } else if (ParamSize == 1) {
+      OpClass = "Unary";
+    } else if (ParamSize == 2) {
+      OpClass = "Binary";
+    } else {
+      // TODO: Extend as needed
+      llvm_unreachable("Unhandled parameter size");
+    }
+    // NOTE: For now, assume that attributes of DXIL Operation are the same as
+    // that of the intrinsic. Deviations are expected to be encoded in TableGen
+    // record specification and handled accordingly here. Support to be added
+    // later.
+    auto IntrPropList = IntrinsicDef->getValueAsListInit("IntrProperties");
+    auto IntrPropListSize = IntrPropList->size();
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < IntrPropListSize; i++) {
+      OpAttributes.emplace_back(IntrPropList->getElement(i)->getAsString());
+    }
-  Doc = R->getValueAsString("Doc");
-  ListInit *ParamList = R->getValueAsListInit("Params");
-  OverloadParamIndex = -1;
-  for (unsigned I = 0; I < ParamList->size(); ++I) {
-    Record *Param = ParamList->getElementAsRecord(I);
-    Params.emplace_back(DXILParameter(Param));
-    auto &CurParam = Params.back();
-    if (CurParam.Kind >= ParameterKind::OVERLOAD)
-      OverloadParamIndex = I;
-  }
-  ListInit *OverloadTypeList = R->getValueAsListInit("OverloadTypes");
-  for (unsigned I = 0; I < OverloadTypeList->size(); ++I) {
-    Record *R = OverloadTypeList->getElementAsRecord(I);
-    OverloadTypes.emplace_back(lookupParameterKind(R->getNameInitAsString()));
-  }
-  Attr = StringRef(R->getValue("Attribute")->getNameInitAsString());
-DXILParameter::DXILParameter(const Record *R) {
-  Name = R->getValueAsString("Name");
-  Pos = R->getValueAsInt("Pos");
-  Kind =
-      lookupParameterKind(R->getValue("ParamType")->getValue()->getAsString());
-  if (R->getValue("Doc"))
-    Doc = R->getValueAsString("Doc");
-  IsConst = R->getValueAsBit("IsConstant");
-  EnumName = R->getValueAsString("EnumName");
-  MaxValue = R->getValueAsInt("MaxValue");
 static std::string parameterKindToString(ParameterKind Kind) {
@@ -187,82 +193,31 @@ static void emitDXILOpEnum(DXILOperationDesc &Op, raw_ostream &OS) {
   OS << Op.OpName << " = " << Op.OpCode << ", // " << Op.Doc << "\n";
-static std::string buildCategoryStr(StringSet<> &Cetegorys) {
-  std::string Str;
-  raw_string_ostream OS(Str);
-  for (auto &It : Cetegorys) {
-    OS << " " << It.getKey();
-  }
-  return OS.str();
-// Emit enum declaration for DXIL.
 static void emitDXILEnums(std::vector<DXILOperationDesc> &Ops,
                           raw_ostream &OS) {
-  // Sort by Category + OpName.
+  // Sort by OpCode
   llvm::sort(Ops, [](DXILOperationDesc &A, DXILOperationDesc &B) {
-    // Group by Category first.
-    if (A.Category == B.Category)
-      // Inside same Category, order by OpName.
-      return A.OpName < B.OpName;
-    else
-      return A.Category < B.Category;
+    return A.OpCode < B.OpCode;
   OS << "// Enumeration for operations specified by DXIL\n";
   OS << "enum class OpCode : unsigned {\n";
-  StringMap<StringSet<>> ClassMap;
-  StringRef PrevCategory = "";
   for (auto &Op : Ops) {
-    StringRef Category = Op.Category;
-    if (Category != PrevCategory) {
-      OS << "\n// " << Category << "\n";
-      PrevCategory = Category;
-    }
     emitDXILOpEnum(Op, OS);
-    auto It = ClassMap.find(Op.OpClass);
-    if (It != ClassMap.end()) {
-      It->second.insert(Op.Category);
-    } else {
-      ClassMap[Op.OpClass].insert(Op.Category);
-    }
   OS << "\n};\n\n";
-  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> ClassVec;
-  for (auto &It : ClassMap) {
-    ClassVec.emplace_back(
-        std::pair(It.getKey().str(), buildCategoryStr(It.second)));
-  }
-  // Sort by Category + ClassName.
-  llvm::sort(ClassVec, [](std::pair<std::string, std::string> &A,
-                          std::pair<std::string, std::string> &B) {
-    StringRef ClassA = A.first;
-    StringRef CategoryA = A.second;
-    StringRef ClassB = B.first;
-    StringRef CategoryB = B.second;
-    // Group by Category first.
-    if (CategoryA == CategoryB)
-      // Inside same Category, order by ClassName.
-      return ClassA < ClassB;
-    else
-      return CategoryA < CategoryB;
-  });
   OS << "// Groups for DXIL operations with equivalent function templates\n";
   OS << "enum class OpCodeClass : unsigned {\n";
-  PrevCategory = "";
-  for (auto &It : ClassVec) {
-    StringRef Category = It.second;
-    if (Category != PrevCategory) {
-      OS << "\n// " << Category << "\n";
-      PrevCategory = Category;
-    }
-    StringRef Name = It.first;
-    OS << Name << ",\n";
+  // Build an OpClass set to print
+  SmallSet<StringRef, 2> OpClassSet;
+  for (auto &Op : Ops) {
+    OpClassSet.insert(Op.OpClass);
+  }
+  for (auto &C : OpClassSet) {
+    OS << C << ",\n";
   OS << "\n};\n\n";
@@ -291,49 +246,37 @@ static void emitDXILIntrinsicMap(std::vector<DXILOperationDesc> &Ops,
  @param Attr string reference
  @return std::string Attribute enum string
-static std::string emitDXILOperationAttr(StringRef Attr) {
-  return StringSwitch<std::string>(Attr)
-      .Case("ReadNone", "Attribute::ReadNone")
-      .Case("ReadOnly", "Attribute::ReadOnly")
-      .Default("Attribute::None");
-static std::string overloadKindStr(ParameterKind Overload) {
-  switch (Overload) {
-  case ParameterKind::HALF:
-    return "OverloadKind::HALF";
-  case ParameterKind::FLOAT:
-    return "OverloadKind::FLOAT";
-  case ParameterKind::DOUBLE:
-    return "OverloadKind::DOUBLE";
-  case ParameterKind::I1:
-    return "OverloadKind::I1";
-  case ParameterKind::I8:
-    return "OverloadKind::I8";
-  case ParameterKind::I16:
-    return "OverloadKind::I16";
-  case ParameterKind::I32:
-    return "OverloadKind::I32";
-  case ParameterKind::I64:
-    return "OverloadKind::I64";
-  case ParameterKind::VOID:
-    return "OverloadKind::VOID";
-  default:
-    return "OverloadKind::UNKNOWN";
+static std::string emitDXILOperationAttr(SmallVector<std::string> Attrs) {
+  for (auto Attr : Attrs) {
+    // For now just recognize IntrNoMem and IntrReadMem as valid and ignore
+    // others
+    if (Attr == "IntrNoMem") {
+      return "Attribute::ReadNone";
+    } else if (Attr == "IntrReadMem") {
+      return "Attribute::ReadOnly";
+    }
+  return "Attribute::None";
-static std::string
-getDXILOperationOverloads(SmallVector<ParameterKind> Overloads) {
-  // Format is: OverloadKind::FLOAT | OverloadKind::HALF
-  auto It = Overloads.begin();
-  std::string Result;
-  raw_string_ostream OS(Result);
-  OS << overloadKindStr(*It);
-  for (++It; It != Overloads.end(); ++It) {
-    OS << " | " << overloadKindStr(*It);
-  }
-  return OS.str();
+static std::string emitOverloadKindStr(std::string OpTypeStr) {
+  std::string Result =
+      StringSwitch<std::string>(OpTypeStr)
+          .Case("llvm_i16_ty", "OverloadKind::I16")
+          .Case("llvm_i32_ty", "OverloadKind::I32")
+          .Case("llvm_i64_ty", "OverloadKind::I64")
+          .Case("llvm_anyint_ty",
+                "OverloadKind::I16 | OverloadKind::I32 | OverloadKind::I64")
+          .Case("llvm_half_ty", "OverloadKind::HALF")
+          .Case("llvm_float_ty", "OverloadKind::FLOAT")
+          .Case("llvm_double_ty", "OverloadKind::DOUBLE")
+          .Case(
+              "llvm_anyfloat_ty",
+              "OverloadKind::HALF | OverloadKind::FLOAT | OverloadKind::DOUBLE")
+          .Default("UNHANDLED_TYPE");
+  assert(Result != "UNHANDLED_TYPE" && "Unhandled parameter type");
+  return Result;
 static std::string lowerFirstLetter(StringRef Name) {
@@ -369,15 +312,16 @@ static void emitDXILOperationTable(std::vector<DXILOperationDesc> &Ops,
   StringMap<SmallVector<ParameterKind>> ParameterMap;
   StringSet<> ClassSet;
   for (auto &Op : Ops) {
-    OpStrings.add(Op.OpName.str());
+    OpStrings.add(Op.OpName);
     if (ClassSet.contains(Op.OpClass))
     SmallVector<ParameterKind> ParamKindVec;
-    for (auto &Param : Op.Params) {
-      ParamKindVec.emplace_back(Param.Kind);
+    // ParamKindVec is a vector of parameters. Skip return type at index 0
+    for (unsigned i = 1; i < Op.OpTypeNames.size(); i++) {
+      ParamKindVec.emplace_back(lookupParameterKind(Op.OpTypeNames[i]));
     ParameterMap[Op.OpClass] = ParamKindVec;
@@ -398,12 +342,12 @@ static void emitDXILOperationTable(std::vector<DXILOperationDesc> &Ops,
   OS << "  static const OpCodeProperty OpCodeProps[] = {\n";
   for (auto &Op : Ops) {
-    OS << "  { dxil::OpCode::" << Op.OpName << ", "
-       << OpStrings.get(Op.OpName.str()) << ", OpCodeClass::" << Op.OpClass
-       << ", " << OpClassStrings.get(getDXILOpClassName(Op.OpClass)) << ", "
-       << getDXILOperationOverloads(Op.OverloadTypes) << ", "
-       << emitDXILOperationAttr(Op.Attr) << ", " << Op.OverloadParamIndex
-       << ", " << Op.Params.size() << ", "
+    OS << "  { dxil::OpCode::" << Op.OpName << ", " << OpStrings.get(Op.OpName)
+       << ", OpCodeClass::" << Op.OpClass << ", "
+       << OpClassStrings.get(getDXILOpClassName(Op.OpClass)) << ", "
+       << emitOverloadKindStr(Op.OpTypeNames[0]) << ", "
+       << emitDXILOperationAttr(Op.OpAttributes) << ", "
+       << Op.OverloadParamIndex << ", " << Op.OpTypeNames.size() - 1 << ", "
        << Parameters.get(ParameterMap[Op.OpClass]) << " },\n";
   OS << "  };\n";
@@ -460,29 +404,24 @@ static void emitDXILOperationTable(std::vector<DXILOperationDesc> &Ops,
 static void EmitDXILOperation(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS) {
-  std::vector<Record *> Ops = Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("DXILOperation");
   OS << "// Generated code, do not edit.\n";
   OS << "\n";
+  // Get all DXIL Ops to intrinsic mapping records
+  std::vector<Record *> OpIntrMaps =
+      Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("DXILOpMapping");
   std::vector<DXILOperationDesc> DXILOps;
-  DXILOps.reserve(Ops.size());
-  for (auto *Record : Ops) {
+  for (auto *Record : OpIntrMaps) {
   OS << "#ifdef DXIL_OP_ENUM\n";
   emitDXILEnums(DXILOps, OS);
   OS << "#endif\n\n";
   OS << "#ifdef DXIL_OP_INTRINSIC_MAP\n";
   emitDXILIntrinsicMap(DXILOps, OS);
   OS << "#endif\n\n";
   OS << "#ifdef DXIL_OP_OPERATION_TABLE\n";
   emitDXILOperationTable(DXILOps, OS);
   OS << "#endif\n\n";
-  OS << "\n";
 static TableGen::Emitter::Opt X("gen-dxil-operation", EmitDXILOperation,

>From 9f2cc515b74efa490b51f1cdc147f2d74996a131 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bharadwaj Yadavalli <Bharadwaj.Yadavalli at microsoft.com>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2024 10:33:46 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 2/6] PR feedback: Format and comment cleanup

 llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td     | 27 ++++++++++++++++++---------
 llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp | 13 +++++++------
 2 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td
index 447887fbd474f8..2f1ffc33190fda 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td
@@ -14,21 +14,30 @@
 include "llvm/IR/Intrinsics.td"
 // LLVM intrinsic that DXIL operation maps to.
-class LLVMIntrinsic<Intrinsic llvm_intrinsic_> { Intrinsic llvm_intrinsic = llvm_intrinsic_; }
+class LLVMIntrinsic<Intrinsic llvm_intrinsic_> {
+                                  Intrinsic llvm_intrinsic = llvm_intrinsic_;
+                                 }
 // Abstraction DXIL Operation to LLVM intrinsic
 class DXILOpMapping<int opCode, Intrinsic intrinsic, string doc> {
   int OpCode = opCode;                 // Opcode corresponding to DXIL Operation
-  Intrinsic LLVMIntrinsic = intrinsic; // LLVM Intrinsic the DXIL Operation maps to
-  string Doc = doc;                    // a short description of the operation
+  Intrinsic LLVMIntrinsic = intrinsic; // LLVM Intrinsic the DXIL Operation maps
+  string Doc = doc;                    // to a short description of the operation
 // Concrete definition of DXIL Operation mapping to corresponding LLVM intrinsic
-def Sin      : DXILOpMapping<13, int_sin, "Returns sine(theta) for theta in radians.">;
-def UMax     : DXILOpMapping<39, int_umax, "Unsigned integer maximum. UMax(a,b) = a > b ? a : b">;
+def Sin  : DXILOpMapping<13, int_sin,
+                         "Returns sine(theta) for theta in radians.">;
+def UMax : DXILOpMapping<39, int_umax,
+                         "Unsigned integer maximum. UMax(a,b) = a > b ? a : b">;
 def ThreadId : DXILOpMapping<93, int_dx_thread_id, "Reads the thread ID">;
-def GroupId  : DXILOpMapping<94, int_dx_group_id, "Reads the group ID (SV_GroupID)">;
+def GroupId  : DXILOpMapping<94, int_dx_group_id,
+                             "Reads the group ID (SV_GroupID)">;
 def ThreadIdInGroup : DXILOpMapping<95, int_dx_thread_id_in_group,
-                                    "Reads the thread ID within the group (SV_GroupThreadID)">;
-def FlattenedThreadIdInGroup_New : DXILOpMapping<96, int_dx_flattened_thread_id_in_group,
-                                    "Provides a flattened index for a given thread within a given group (SV_GroupIndex)">;
\ No newline at end of file
+                                    "Reads the thread ID within the group "
+                                    "(SV_GroupThreadID)">;
+def FlattenedThreadIdInGroup : DXILOpMapping<96,
+                                             int_dx_flattened_thread_id_in_group,
+                                             "Provides a flattened index for a "
+                                             "given thread within a given "
+                                             "group (SV_GroupIndex)">;
diff --git a/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp b/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
index a28830920eec21..1f7526fd82ddc3 100644
--- a/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
+++ b/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ DXILOperationDesc::DXILOperationDesc(const Record *R) {
     assert(DefName.starts_with("int_") && "invalid intrinsic name");
     // Remove the int_ from intrinsic name.
     Intrinsic = DefName.substr(4);
-    // NOTE: It is expected that return type and parameter types of
+    // TODO: It is expected that return type and parameter types of
     // DXIL Operation are the same as that of the intrinsic. Deviations
     // are expected to be encoded in TableGen record specification and
     // handled accordingly here. Support to be added later, as needed.
@@ -119,9 +119,10 @@ DXILOperationDesc::DXILOperationDesc(const Record *R) {
     for (unsigned i = 0; i < TypeListSize; i++) {
       // Get the overload parameter index.
-      // REVISIT : Seems hacky. Is it possible that more than one parameter can
-      // be of overload kind?? REVISIT-2: Check for any additional constraints
-      // specified for DXIL operation restricting return type.
+      // TODO : Seems hacky. Is it possible that more than one parameter can
+      // be of overload kind??
+      // TODO: Check for any additional constraints specified for DXIL operation
+      // restricting return type.
       if (i > 0) {
         auto &CurParam = OpTypeNames.back();
         if (lookupParameterKind(CurParam) >= ParameterKind::OVERLOAD) {
@@ -248,8 +249,8 @@ static void emitDXILIntrinsicMap(std::vector<DXILOperationDesc> &Ops,
 static std::string emitDXILOperationAttr(SmallVector<std::string> Attrs) {
   for (auto Attr : Attrs) {
-    // For now just recognize IntrNoMem and IntrReadMem as valid and ignore
-    // others
+    // TODO: For now just recognize IntrNoMem and IntrReadMem as valid and
+    //  ignore others.
     if (Attr == "IntrNoMem") {
       return "Attribute::ReadNone";
     } else if (Attr == "IntrReadMem") {

>From c47f3b6a1384cc4e43ec5cba102666eb7ce286fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bharadwaj Yadavalli <Bharadwaj.Yadavalli at microsoft.com>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2024 14:19:04 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 3/6] [DirectX][NFC] Add DXILOPClass attribute to DXILOpMapping

A unique OpClass string is associated with each of the DXIL operations.
This is needed to construct a valid DXIL operation function name to
be called in the lowered DXIL code.
 llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td         | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++-----
 llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/comput_ids.ll |  8 +++---
 llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp     | 16 +++---------
 3 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td
index 2f1ffc33190fda..c37609562595c6 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td
@@ -13,30 +13,50 @@
 include "llvm/IR/Intrinsics.td"
+class DXILOpClass;
+// Following is a set of DXIL Operation classes whose names appear to be
+// arbitrary, yet need to be a substring of the function name used during
+// lowering to DXIL Operation calls. These class name strings are specified as
+// the third argument of add_dixil_op inutils/hct/hctdb.py. The function name
+// has the format "dx.op.<class-name>.<return-type>".
+defset list<DXILOpClass> OpClasses = {
+  def unary : DXILOpClass;
+  def binary : DXILOpClass;
+  def threadId : DXILOpClass;
+  def groupId : DXILOpClass;
+  def threadIdInGroup : DXILOpClass;
+  def flattenedThreadIdInGroup : DXILOpClass;
 // LLVM intrinsic that DXIL operation maps to.
 class LLVMIntrinsic<Intrinsic llvm_intrinsic_> {
                                   Intrinsic llvm_intrinsic = llvm_intrinsic_;
 // Abstraction DXIL Operation to LLVM intrinsic
-class DXILOpMapping<int opCode, Intrinsic intrinsic, string doc> {
+class DXILOpMapping<int opCode, DXILOpClass opClass, Intrinsic intrinsic, string doc> {
   int OpCode = opCode;                 // Opcode corresponding to DXIL Operation
+  DXILOpClass OpClass = opClass;             // Class of DXIL Operation.
   Intrinsic LLVMIntrinsic = intrinsic; // LLVM Intrinsic the DXIL Operation maps
   string Doc = doc;                    // to a short description of the operation
 // Concrete definition of DXIL Operation mapping to corresponding LLVM intrinsic
-def Sin  : DXILOpMapping<13, int_sin,
+def Sin  : DXILOpMapping<13, unary, int_sin,
                          "Returns sine(theta) for theta in radians.">;
-def UMax : DXILOpMapping<39, int_umax,
+def UMax : DXILOpMapping<39, binary, int_umax,
                          "Unsigned integer maximum. UMax(a,b) = a > b ? a : b">;
-def ThreadId : DXILOpMapping<93, int_dx_thread_id, "Reads the thread ID">;
-def GroupId  : DXILOpMapping<94, int_dx_group_id,
+def ThreadId : DXILOpMapping<93, threadId, int_dx_thread_id,
+                             "Reads the thread ID">;
+def GroupId  : DXILOpMapping<94, groupId, int_dx_group_id,
                              "Reads the group ID (SV_GroupID)">;
-def ThreadIdInGroup : DXILOpMapping<95, int_dx_thread_id_in_group,
+def ThreadIdInGroup : DXILOpMapping<95, threadIdInGroup,
+                                    int_dx_thread_id_in_group,
                                     "Reads the thread ID within the group "
-def FlattenedThreadIdInGroup : DXILOpMapping<96,
+def FlattenedThreadIdInGroup : DXILOpMapping<96, flattenedThreadIdInGroup,
                                              "Provides a flattened index for a "
                                              "given thread within a given "
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/comput_ids.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/comput_ids.ll
index c0ae5761b4970e..553994094d71e5 100644
--- a/llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/comput_ids.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/comput_ids.ll
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ target triple = "dxil-pc-shadermodel6.7-library"
 ; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone
 define i32 @test_thread_id(i32 %a) #0 {
-; CHECK:call i32 @dx.op.unary.i32(i32 93, i32 %{{.*}})
+; CHECK:call i32 @dx.op.threadId.i32(i32 93, i32 %{{.*}})
   %0 = call i32 @llvm.dx.thread.id(i32 %a)
   ret i32 %0
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ entry:
 ; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone
 define i32 @test_group_id(i32 %a) #0 {
-; CHECK: call i32 @dx.op.unary.i32(i32 94, i32 %{{.*}})
+; CHECK: call i32 @dx.op.groupId.i32(i32 94, i32 %{{.*}})
   %0 = call i32 @llvm.dx.group.id(i32 %a)
   ret i32 %0
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ entry:
 ; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone
 define i32 @test_thread_id_in_group(i32 %a) #0 {
-; CHECK: call i32 @dx.op.unary.i32(i32 95, i32 %{{.*}})
+; CHECK: call i32 @dx.op.threadIdInGroup.i32(i32 95, i32 %{{.*}})
   %0 = call i32 @llvm.dx.thread.id.in.group(i32 %a)
   ret i32 %0
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ entry:
 ; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone
 define i32 @test_flattened_thread_id_in_group() #0 {
-; CHECK: call i32 @dx.op.nullary.i32(i32 96)
+; CHECK: call i32 @dx.op.flattenedThreadIdInGroup.i32(i32 96)
   %0 = call i32 @llvm.dx.flattened.thread.id.in.group()
   ret i32 %0
diff --git a/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp b/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
index 1f7526fd82ddc3..1eca7cde0fb2a7 100644
--- a/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
+++ b/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
@@ -130,19 +130,9 @@ DXILOperationDesc::DXILOperationDesc(const Record *R) {
-    // Determine the operation class (unary/binary) based on the number of
-    // parameters As parameter types are being considered, skip return type
-    auto ParamSize = TypeListSize - 1;
-    if (ParamSize == 0) {
-      OpClass = "Nullary";
-    } else if (ParamSize == 1) {
-      OpClass = "Unary";
-    } else if (ParamSize == 2) {
-      OpClass = "Binary";
-    } else {
-      // TODO: Extend as needed
-      llvm_unreachable("Unhandled parameter size");
-    }
+    // Get the operation class
+    OpClass = R->getValueAsDef("OpClass")->getName();
     // NOTE: For now, assume that attributes of DXIL Operation are the same as
     // that of the intrinsic. Deviations are expected to be encoded in TableGen
     // record specification and handled accordingly here. Support to be added

>From f2e546eea43f3201f7d7f1c80b61728cbc164d47 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bharadwaj Yadavalli <Bharadwaj.Yadavalli at microsoft.com>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2024 19:08:59 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 4/6] [DirectX][NFC] Use Simple Value Types instead of strings
 to denote DXIL parameter types in DXILEmitter.  * Performed addtional code

 llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp | 201 +++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 107 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)

diff --git a/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp b/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
index 1eca7cde0fb2a7..da64f5b9267ae6 100644
--- a/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
+++ b/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
+#include "CodeGenTarget.h"
 #include "SequenceToOffsetTable.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@
 #include "llvm/Support/DXILABI.h"
 #include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
 #include "llvm/TableGen/TableGenBackend.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGenTypes/MachineValueType.h"
 using namespace llvm;
 using namespace llvm::dxil;
@@ -36,9 +38,8 @@ struct DXILOperationDesc {
   int OpCode;         // ID of DXIL operation
   StringRef OpClass;  // name of the opcode class
   StringRef Doc;      // the documentation description of this instruction
-  SmallVector<std::string> OpTypeNames; // Vector of operand type name strings -
-                                        // return type is at index 0
+  SmallVector<MVT::SimpleValueType> OpTypes; // Vector of operand types -
+                                             // return type is at index 0
       OpAttributes;     // operation attribute represented as strings
   StringRef Intrinsic;  // The llvm intrinsic map to OpName. Default is "" which
@@ -63,37 +64,42 @@ struct DXILOperationDesc {
 } // end anonymous namespace
- Convert DXIL type name string to dxil::ParameterKind
- @param typeNameStr Type name string
- @return ParameterKind As defined in llvm/Support/DXILABI.h
-static ParameterKind lookupParameterKind(StringRef typeNameStr) {
-  auto paramKind = StringSwitch<ParameterKind>(typeNameStr)
-                       .Case("llvm_void_ty", ParameterKind::VOID)
-                       .Case("llvm_half_ty", ParameterKind::HALF)
-                       .Case("llvm_float_ty", ParameterKind::FLOAT)
-                       .Case("llvm_double_ty", ParameterKind::DOUBLE)
-                       .Case("llvm_i1_ty", ParameterKind::I1)
-                       .Case("llvm_i8_ty", ParameterKind::I8)
-                       .Case("llvm_i16_ty", ParameterKind::I16)
-                       .Case("llvm_i32_ty", ParameterKind::I32)
-                       .Case("llvm_i64_ty", ParameterKind::I64)
-                       .Case("llvm_anyfloat_ty", ParameterKind::OVERLOAD)
-                       .Case("llvm_anyint_ty", ParameterKind::OVERLOAD)
-                       .Case("dxil_handle_ty", ParameterKind::DXIL_HANDLE)
-                       .Case("dxil_cbuffer_ty", ParameterKind::CBUFFER_RET)
-                       .Case("dxil_resource_ty", ParameterKind::RESOURCE_RET)
-                       .Default(ParameterKind::INVALID);
-  assert(paramKind != ParameterKind::INVALID &&
-         "Unsupported DXIL Type specified");
-  return paramKind;
+/// Convert DXIL type name string to dxil::ParameterKind
+/// \param VT Simple Value Type
+/// \return ParameterKind As defined in llvm/Support/DXILABI.h
+static ParameterKind getParameterKind(MVT::SimpleValueType VT) {
+  switch (VT) {
+    case MVT::isVoid :
+      return ParameterKind::VOID;
+    case MVT::f16 :
+      return ParameterKind::HALF;
+    case MVT::f32 :
+      return ParameterKind::FLOAT;
+    case MVT::f64 :
+      return ParameterKind::DOUBLE;
+    case MVT::i1 :
+      return ParameterKind::I1;
+    case MVT::i8 :
+      return ParameterKind::I8;
+    case MVT::i16 :
+      return ParameterKind::I16;
+    case MVT::i32 :
+      return ParameterKind::I32;
+    case MVT::fAny :
+    case MVT::iAny :
+      return ParameterKind::OVERLOAD;
+    default:
+      llvm_unreachable("Support for specified DXIL Type not yet implemented");
+  }
 /// Construct an object using the DXIL Operation records specified
-/// in DXIL.td. This serves as the single source of reference for
+/// in DXIL.td. This serves as the single source of reference of
+/// the information extracted from the specified Record R, for
 /// C++ code generated by this TableGen backend.
+//  \param R Object representing TableGen record of a DXIL Operation
 DXILOperationDesc::DXILOperationDesc(const Record *R) {
   OpName = R->getNameInitAsString();
   OpCode = R->getValueAsInt("OpCode");
@@ -112,20 +118,22 @@ DXILOperationDesc::DXILOperationDesc(const Record *R) {
     // handled accordingly here. Support to be added later, as needed.
     // Get parameter type list of the intrinsic. Types attribute contains
     // the list of as [returnType, param1Type,, param2Type, ...]
-    auto TypeList = IntrinsicDef->getValueAsListInit("Types");
-    unsigned TypeListSize = TypeList->size();
     OverloadParamIndex = -1;
+    auto TypeRecs = IntrinsicDef->getValueAsListOfDefs("Types");
+    unsigned TypeRecsSize = TypeRecs.size();
     // Populate return type and parameter type names
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < TypeListSize; i++) {
-      OpTypeNames.emplace_back(TypeList->getElement(i)->getAsString());
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < TypeRecsSize; i++) {
+      auto TR = TypeRecs[i];
+      OpTypes.emplace_back(getValueType(TR->getValueAsDef("VT")));
       // Get the overload parameter index.
       // TODO : Seems hacky. Is it possible that more than one parameter can
       // be of overload kind??
       // TODO: Check for any additional constraints specified for DXIL operation
       // restricting return type.
       if (i > 0) {
-        auto &CurParam = OpTypeNames.back();
-        if (lookupParameterKind(CurParam) >= ParameterKind::OVERLOAD) {
+        auto &CurParam = OpTypes.back();
+        if (getParameterKind(CurParam) >= ParameterKind::OVERLOAD) {
           OverloadParamIndex = i;
@@ -145,7 +153,10 @@ DXILOperationDesc::DXILOperationDesc(const Record *R) {
-static std::string parameterKindToString(ParameterKind Kind) {
+/// Return a string representation of ParameterKind enum
+/// \param Kind Parameter Kind enum value
+/// \return std::string string representation of input Kind
+static std::string getParameterKindStr(ParameterKind Kind) {
   switch (Kind) {
   case ParameterKind::INVALID:
     return "INVALID";
@@ -179,11 +190,43 @@ static std::string parameterKindToString(ParameterKind Kind) {
   llvm_unreachable("Unknown llvm::dxil::ParameterKind enum");
-static void emitDXILOpEnum(DXILOperationDesc &Op, raw_ostream &OS) {
-  // Name = ID, // Doc
-  OS << Op.OpName << " = " << Op.OpCode << ", // " << Op.Doc << "\n";
+/// Return a string representation of OverloadKind enum that maps to
+/// input Simple Value Type enum
+/// \param VT Simple Value Type enum
+/// \return std::string string representation of OverloadKind
+static std::string getOverloadKindStr(MVT::SimpleValueType VT) {
+  switch (VT) {
+    case MVT::isVoid :
+      return "OverloadKind::VOID";
+    case MVT::f16 :
+      return "OverloadKind::HALF";
+    case MVT::f32 :
+      return "OverloadKind::FLOAT";
+    case MVT::f64 :
+      return "OverloadKind::DOUBLE";
+    case MVT::i1 :
+      return "OverloadKind::I1";
+    case MVT::i8 :
+      return "OverloadKind::I8";
+    case MVT::i16 :
+      return "OverloadKind::I16";
+    case MVT::i32 :
+      return "OverloadKind::I32";
+    case MVT::i64 :
+      return "OverloadKind::I64";
+    case MVT::iAny :
+      return "OverloadKind::I16 | OverloadKind::I32 | OverloadKind::I64";
+    case MVT::fAny :
+      return "OverloadKind::HALF | OverloadKind::FLOAT | OverloadKind::DOUBLE";
+    default:
+      llvm_unreachable("Support for specified parameter OverloadKind not yet implemented");
+  }
+/// Emit Enums of DXIL Ops
+/// \param A vector of DXIL Ops
+/// \param Output stream
 static void emitDXILEnums(std::vector<DXILOperationDesc> &Ops,
                           raw_ostream &OS) {
   // Sort by OpCode
@@ -195,7 +238,8 @@ static void emitDXILEnums(std::vector<DXILOperationDesc> &Ops,
   OS << "enum class OpCode : unsigned {\n";
   for (auto &Op : Ops) {
-    emitDXILOpEnum(Op, OS);
+    // Name = ID, // Doc
+    OS << Op.OpName << " = " << Op.OpCode << ", // " << Op.Doc << "\n";
   OS << "\n};\n\n";
@@ -213,7 +257,9 @@ static void emitDXILEnums(std::vector<DXILOperationDesc> &Ops,
   OS << "\n};\n\n";
-// Emit map from llvm intrinsic to DXIL operation.
+/// Emit map of DXIL operation to LLVM or DirectX intrinsic
+/// \param A vector of DXIL Ops
+/// \param Output stream
 static void emitDXILIntrinsicMap(std::vector<DXILOperationDesc> &Ops,
                                  raw_ostream &OS) {
   OS << "\n";
@@ -231,12 +277,11 @@ static void emitDXILIntrinsicMap(std::vector<DXILOperationDesc> &Ops,
   OS << "\n";
- Convert operation attribute string to Attribute enum
+/// Convert operation attribute string to Attribute enum
+/// \param Attr string reference
+/// \return std::string Attribute enum string
- @param Attr string reference
- @return std::string Attribute enum string
- */
 static std::string emitDXILOperationAttr(SmallVector<std::string> Attrs) {
   for (auto Attr : Attrs) {
     // TODO: For now just recognize IntrNoMem and IntrReadMem as valid and
@@ -250,44 +295,9 @@ static std::string emitDXILOperationAttr(SmallVector<std::string> Attrs) {
   return "Attribute::None";
-static std::string emitOverloadKindStr(std::string OpTypeStr) {
-  std::string Result =
-      StringSwitch<std::string>(OpTypeStr)
-          .Case("llvm_i16_ty", "OverloadKind::I16")
-          .Case("llvm_i32_ty", "OverloadKind::I32")
-          .Case("llvm_i64_ty", "OverloadKind::I64")
-          .Case("llvm_anyint_ty",
-                "OverloadKind::I16 | OverloadKind::I32 | OverloadKind::I64")
-          .Case("llvm_half_ty", "OverloadKind::HALF")
-          .Case("llvm_float_ty", "OverloadKind::FLOAT")
-          .Case("llvm_double_ty", "OverloadKind::DOUBLE")
-          .Case(
-              "llvm_anyfloat_ty",
-              "OverloadKind::HALF | OverloadKind::FLOAT | OverloadKind::DOUBLE")
-          .Default("UNHANDLED_TYPE");
-  assert(Result != "UNHANDLED_TYPE" && "Unhandled parameter type");
-  return Result;
-static std::string lowerFirstLetter(StringRef Name) {
-  if (Name.empty())
-    return "";
-  std::string LowerName = Name.str();
-  LowerName[0] = llvm::toLower(Name[0]);
-  return LowerName;
-static std::string getDXILOpClassName(StringRef OpClass) {
-  // Lower first letter expect for special case.
-  return StringSwitch<std::string>(OpClass)
-      .Case("CBufferLoad", "cbufferLoad")
-      .Case("CBufferLoadLegacy", "cbufferLoadLegacy")
-      .Case("GSInstanceID", "gsInstanceID")
-      .Default(lowerFirstLetter(OpClass));
+/// Emit DXIL operation table
+/// \param A vector of DXIL Ops
+/// \param Output stream
 static void emitDXILOperationTable(std::vector<DXILOperationDesc> &Ops,
                                    raw_ostream &OS) {
   // Sort by OpCode.
@@ -308,11 +318,11 @@ static void emitDXILOperationTable(std::vector<DXILOperationDesc> &Ops,
     if (ClassSet.contains(Op.OpClass))
-    OpClassStrings.add(getDXILOpClassName(Op.OpClass));
+    OpClassStrings.add(Op.OpClass.data());
     SmallVector<ParameterKind> ParamKindVec;
     // ParamKindVec is a vector of parameters. Skip return type at index 0
-    for (unsigned i = 1; i < Op.OpTypeNames.size(); i++) {
-      ParamKindVec.emplace_back(lookupParameterKind(Op.OpTypeNames[i]));
+    for (unsigned i = 1; i < Op.OpTypes.size(); i++) {
+      ParamKindVec.emplace_back(getParameterKind(Op.OpTypes[i]));
     ParameterMap[Op.OpClass] = ParamKindVec;
@@ -324,7 +334,7 @@ static void emitDXILOperationTable(std::vector<DXILOperationDesc> &Ops,
   // Emit the DXIL operation table.
-  //{dxil::OpCode::Sin, OpCodeNameIndex, OpCodeClass::Unary,
+  //{dxil::OpCode::Sin, OpCodeNameIndex, OpCodeClass::unary,
   // OpCodeClassNameIndex,
   // OverloadKind::FLOAT | OverloadKind::HALF, Attribute::AttrKind::ReadNone, 0,
   // 3, ParameterTableOffset},
@@ -335,10 +345,10 @@ static void emitDXILOperationTable(std::vector<DXILOperationDesc> &Ops,
   for (auto &Op : Ops) {
     OS << "  { dxil::OpCode::" << Op.OpName << ", " << OpStrings.get(Op.OpName)
        << ", OpCodeClass::" << Op.OpClass << ", "
-       << OpClassStrings.get(getDXILOpClassName(Op.OpClass)) << ", "
-       << emitOverloadKindStr(Op.OpTypeNames[0]) << ", "
+       << OpClassStrings.get(Op.OpClass.data()) << ", "
+       << getOverloadKindStr(Op.OpTypes[0]) << ", "
        << emitDXILOperationAttr(Op.OpAttributes) << ", "
-       << Op.OverloadParamIndex << ", " << Op.OpTypeNames.size() - 1 << ", "
+       << Op.OverloadParamIndex << ", " << Op.OpTypes.size() - 1 << ", "
        << Parameters.get(ParameterMap[Op.OpClass]) << " },\n";
   OS << "  };\n";
@@ -353,7 +363,7 @@ static void emitDXILOperationTable(std::vector<DXILOperationDesc> &Ops,
         "OpCodeProperty &B) {\n";
   OS << "                          return A.OpCode < B.OpCode;\n";
   OS << "                        });\n";
-  OS << "  assert(Prop && \"fail to find OpCodeProperty\");\n";
+  OS << "  assert(Prop && \"failed to find OpCodeProperty\");\n";
   OS << "  return Prop;\n";
   OS << "}\n\n";
@@ -385,7 +395,7 @@ static void emitDXILOperationTable(std::vector<DXILOperationDesc> &Ops,
       [](raw_ostream &ParamOS, ParameterKind Kind) {
-        ParamOS << "ParameterKind::" << parameterKindToString(Kind);
+        ParamOS << "ParameterKind::" << getParameterKindStr(Kind);
   OS << "  };\n\n";
@@ -394,6 +404,9 @@ static void emitDXILOperationTable(std::vector<DXILOperationDesc> &Ops,
   OS << "}\n ";
+/// Entry function call that invokes the functionality of this TableGen backend
+/// \param Records TableGen records of DXIL Operations defined in DXIL.td
+/// \param OS output stream
 static void EmitDXILOperation(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS) {
   OS << "// Generated code, do not edit.\n";
   OS << "\n";

>From 7e8ec6a3df2576622fea097981df692c69f1547b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bharadwaj Yadavalli <Bharadwaj.Yadavalli at microsoft.com>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2024 20:18:00 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 5/6] [DirectX][NFC] Add all currently defined DXIL Operation

 llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td | 194 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 183 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td
index c37609562595c6..67ef7986622092 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td
@@ -17,24 +17,196 @@ class DXILOpClass;
 // Following is a set of DXIL Operation classes whose names appear to be
 // arbitrary, yet need to be a substring of the function name used during
-// lowering to DXIL Operation calls. These class name strings are specified as
-// the third argument of add_dixil_op inutils/hct/hctdb.py. The function name
-// has the format "dx.op.<class-name>.<return-type>".
+// lowering to DXIL Operation calls. These class name strings are specified
+// as the third argument of add_dixil_op in utils/hct/hctdb.py and case converted
+// in utils/hct/hctdb_instrhelp.py of DirectXShaderCompiler repo. The function
+// name has the format "dx.op.<class-name>.<return-type>".
 defset list<DXILOpClass> OpClasses = {
-  def unary : DXILOpClass;
+  def acceptHitAndEndSearch : DXILOpClass;
+  def allocateNodeOutputRecords : DXILOpClass;
+  def allocateRayQuery : DXILOpClass;
+  def annotateHandle : DXILOpClass;
+  def annotateNodeHandle : DXILOpClass;
+  def annotateNodeRecordHandle : DXILOpClass;
+  def atomicBinOp : DXILOpClass;
+  def atomicCompareExchange : DXILOpClass;
+  def attributeAtVertex : DXILOpClass;
+  def barrier : DXILOpClass;
+  def barrierByMemoryHandle : DXILOpClass;
+  def barrierByMemoryType : DXILOpClass;
+  def barrierByNodeRecordHandle : DXILOpClass;
   def binary : DXILOpClass;
-  def threadId : DXILOpClass;
+  def binaryWithCarryOrBorrow : DXILOpClass;
+  def binaryWithTwoOuts : DXILOpClass;
+  def bitcastF16toI16 : DXILOpClass;
+  def bitcastF32toI32 : DXILOpClass;
+  def bitcastF64toI64 : DXILOpClass;
+  def bitcastI16toF16 : DXILOpClass;
+  def bitcastI32toF32 : DXILOpClass;
+  def bitcastI64toF64 : DXILOpClass;
+  def bufferLoad : DXILOpClass;
+  def bufferStore : DXILOpClass;
+  def bufferUpdateCounter : DXILOpClass;
+  def calculateLOD : DXILOpClass;
+  def callShader : DXILOpClass;
+  def cbufferLoad : DXILOpClass;
+  def cbufferLoadLegacy : DXILOpClass;
+  def checkAccessFullyMapped : DXILOpClass;
+  def coverage : DXILOpClass;
+  def createHandle : DXILOpClass;
+  def createHandleForLib : DXILOpClass;
+  def createHandleFromBinding : DXILOpClass;
+  def createHandleFromHeap : DXILOpClass;
+  def createNodeInputRecordHandle : DXILOpClass;
+  def createNodeOutputHandle : DXILOpClass;
+  def cutStream : DXILOpClass;
+  def cycleCounterLegacy : DXILOpClass;
+  def discard : DXILOpClass;
+  def dispatchMesh : DXILOpClass;
+  def dispatchRaysDimensions : DXILOpClass;
+  def dispatchRaysIndex : DXILOpClass;
+  def domainLocation : DXILOpClass;
+  def dot2 : DXILOpClass;
+  def dot2AddHalf : DXILOpClass;
+  def dot3 : DXILOpClass;
+  def dot4 : DXILOpClass;
+  def dot4AddPacked : DXILOpClass;
+  def emitIndices : DXILOpClass;
+  def emitStream : DXILOpClass;
+  def emitThenCutStream : DXILOpClass;
+  def evalCentroid : DXILOpClass;
+  def evalSampleIndex : DXILOpClass;
+  def evalSnapped : DXILOpClass;
+  def finishedCrossGroupSharing : DXILOpClass;
+  def flattenedThreadIdInGroup : DXILOpClass;
+  def geometryIndex : DXILOpClass;
+  def getDimensions : DXILOpClass;
+  def getInputRecordCount : DXILOpClass;
+  def getMeshPayload : DXILOpClass;
+  def getNodeRecordPtr : DXILOpClass;
+  def getRemainingRecursionLevels : DXILOpClass;
   def groupId : DXILOpClass;
+  def gsInstanceID : DXILOpClass;
+  def hitKind : DXILOpClass;
+  def ignoreHit : DXILOpClass;
+  def incrementOutputCount : DXILOpClass;
+  def indexNodeHandle : DXILOpClass;
+  def innerCoverage : DXILOpClass;
+  def instanceID : DXILOpClass;
+  def instanceIndex : DXILOpClass;
+  def isHelperLane : DXILOpClass;
+  def isSpecialFloat : DXILOpClass;
+  def legacyDoubleToFloat : DXILOpClass;
+  def legacyDoubleToSInt32 : DXILOpClass;
+  def legacyDoubleToUInt32 : DXILOpClass;
+  def legacyF16ToF32 : DXILOpClass;
+  def legacyF32ToF16 : DXILOpClass;
+  def loadInput : DXILOpClass;
+  def loadOutputControlPoint : DXILOpClass;
+  def loadPatchConstant : DXILOpClass;
+  def makeDouble : DXILOpClass;
+  def minPrecXRegLoad : DXILOpClass;
+  def minPrecXRegStore : DXILOpClass;
+  def nodeOutputIsValid : DXILOpClass;
+  def objectRayDirection : DXILOpClass;
+  def objectRayOrigin : DXILOpClass;
+  def objectToWorld : DXILOpClass;
+  def outputComplete : DXILOpClass;
+  def outputControlPointID : DXILOpClass;
+  def pack4x8 : DXILOpClass;
+  def primitiveID : DXILOpClass;
+  def primitiveIndex : DXILOpClass;
+  def quadOp : DXILOpClass;
+  def quadReadLaneAt : DXILOpClass;
+  def quadVote : DXILOpClass;
+  def quaternary : DXILOpClass;
+  def rawBufferLoad : DXILOpClass;
+  def rawBufferStore : DXILOpClass;
+  def rayFlags : DXILOpClass;
+  def rayQuery_Abort : DXILOpClass;
+  def rayQuery_CommitNonOpaqueTriangleHit : DXILOpClass;
+  def rayQuery_CommitProceduralPrimitiveHit : DXILOpClass;
+  def rayQuery_Proceed : DXILOpClass;
+  def rayQuery_StateMatrix : DXILOpClass;
+  def rayQuery_StateScalar : DXILOpClass;
+  def rayQuery_StateVector : DXILOpClass;
+  def rayQuery_TraceRayInline : DXILOpClass;
+  def rayTCurrent : DXILOpClass;
+  def rayTMin : DXILOpClass;
+  def renderTargetGetSampleCount : DXILOpClass;
+  def renderTargetGetSamplePosition : DXILOpClass;
+  def reportHit : DXILOpClass;
+  def sample : DXILOpClass;
+  def sampleBias : DXILOpClass;
+  def sampleCmp : DXILOpClass;
+  def sampleCmpBias : DXILOpClass;
+  def sampleCmpGrad : DXILOpClass;
+  def sampleCmpLevel : DXILOpClass;
+  def sampleCmpLevelZero : DXILOpClass;
+  def sampleGrad : DXILOpClass;
+  def sampleIndex : DXILOpClass;
+  def sampleLevel : DXILOpClass;
+  def setMeshOutputCounts : DXILOpClass;
+  def splitDouble : DXILOpClass;
+  def startInstanceLocation : DXILOpClass;
+  def startVertexLocation : DXILOpClass;
+  def storeOutput : DXILOpClass;
+  def storePatchConstant : DXILOpClass;
+  def storePrimitiveOutput : DXILOpClass;
+  def storeVertexOutput : DXILOpClass;
+  def tempRegLoad : DXILOpClass;
+  def tempRegStore : DXILOpClass;
+  def tertiary : DXILOpClass;
+  def texture2DMSGetSamplePosition : DXILOpClass;
+  def textureGather : DXILOpClass;
+  def textureGatherCmp : DXILOpClass;
+  def textureGatherRaw : DXILOpClass;
+  def textureLoad : DXILOpClass;
+  def textureStore : DXILOpClass;
+  def textureStoreSample : DXILOpClass;
+  def threadId : DXILOpClass;
   def threadIdInGroup : DXILOpClass;
-  def flattenedThreadIdInGroup : DXILOpClass;
+  def traceRay : DXILOpClass;
+  def unary : DXILOpClass;
+  def unaryBits : DXILOpClass;
+  def unpack4x8 : DXILOpClass;
+  def viewID : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveActiveAllEqual : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveActiveBallot : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveActiveBit : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveActiveOp : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveAllOp : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveAllTrue : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveAnyTrue : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveGetLaneCount : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveGetLaneIndex : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveIsFirstLane : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveMatch : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveMatrix_Accumulate : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveMatrix_Annotate : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveMatrix_Depth : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveMatrix_Fill : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveMatrix_LoadGroupShared : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveMatrix_LoadRawBuf : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveMatrix_Multiply : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveMatrix_ScalarOp : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveMatrix_StoreGroupShared : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveMatrix_StoreRawBuf : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveMultiPrefixBitCount : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveMultiPrefixOp : DXILOpClass;
+  def wavePrefixOp : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveReadLaneAt : DXILOpClass;
+  def waveReadLaneFirst : DXILOpClass;
+  def worldRayDirection : DXILOpClass;
+  def worldRayOrigin : DXILOpClass;
+  def worldToObject : DXILOpClass;
+  def writeSamplerFeedback : DXILOpClass;
+  def writeSamplerFeedbackBias : DXILOpClass;
+  def writeSamplerFeedbackGrad : DXILOpClass;
+  def writeSamplerFeedbackLevel: DXILOpClass;
-// LLVM intrinsic that DXIL operation maps to.
-class LLVMIntrinsic<Intrinsic llvm_intrinsic_> {
-                                  Intrinsic llvm_intrinsic = llvm_intrinsic_;
-                                 }
 // Abstraction DXIL Operation to LLVM intrinsic
 class DXILOpMapping<int opCode, DXILOpClass opClass, Intrinsic intrinsic, string doc> {
   int OpCode = opCode;                 // Opcode corresponding to DXIL Operation

>From b5a9fc89b42eeefa5b148512966dde752d96359f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bharadwaj Yadavalli <Bharadwaj.Yadavalli at microsoft.com>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2024 20:25:54 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 6/6] git-clang-format changes

 llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp | 93 +++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 47 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp b/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
index da64f5b9267ae6..fc958f5328736c 100644
--- a/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
+++ b/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGenTypes/MachineValueType.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/DXILABI.h"
 #include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
 #include "llvm/TableGen/TableGenBackend.h"
-#include "llvm/CodeGenTypes/MachineValueType.h"
 using namespace llvm;
 using namespace llvm::dxil;
@@ -71,27 +71,27 @@ struct DXILOperationDesc {
 static ParameterKind getParameterKind(MVT::SimpleValueType VT) {
   switch (VT) {
-    case MVT::isVoid :
-      return ParameterKind::VOID;
-    case MVT::f16 :
-      return ParameterKind::HALF;
-    case MVT::f32 :
-      return ParameterKind::FLOAT;
-    case MVT::f64 :
-      return ParameterKind::DOUBLE;
-    case MVT::i1 :
-      return ParameterKind::I1;
-    case MVT::i8 :
-      return ParameterKind::I8;
-    case MVT::i16 :
-      return ParameterKind::I16;
-    case MVT::i32 :
-      return ParameterKind::I32;
-    case MVT::fAny :
-    case MVT::iAny :
-      return ParameterKind::OVERLOAD;
-    default:
-      llvm_unreachable("Support for specified DXIL Type not yet implemented");
+  case MVT::isVoid:
+    return ParameterKind::VOID;
+  case MVT::f16:
+    return ParameterKind::HALF;
+  case MVT::f32:
+    return ParameterKind::FLOAT;
+  case MVT::f64:
+    return ParameterKind::DOUBLE;
+  case MVT::i1:
+    return ParameterKind::I1;
+  case MVT::i8:
+    return ParameterKind::I8;
+  case MVT::i16:
+    return ParameterKind::I16;
+  case MVT::i32:
+    return ParameterKind::I32;
+  case MVT::fAny:
+  case MVT::iAny:
+    return ParameterKind::OVERLOAD;
+  default:
+    llvm_unreachable("Support for specified DXIL Type not yet implemented");
@@ -197,30 +197,31 @@ static std::string getParameterKindStr(ParameterKind Kind) {
 static std::string getOverloadKindStr(MVT::SimpleValueType VT) {
   switch (VT) {
-    case MVT::isVoid :
-      return "OverloadKind::VOID";
-    case MVT::f16 :
-      return "OverloadKind::HALF";
-    case MVT::f32 :
-      return "OverloadKind::FLOAT";
-    case MVT::f64 :
-      return "OverloadKind::DOUBLE";
-    case MVT::i1 :
-      return "OverloadKind::I1";
-    case MVT::i8 :
-      return "OverloadKind::I8";
-    case MVT::i16 :
-      return "OverloadKind::I16";
-    case MVT::i32 :
-      return "OverloadKind::I32";
-    case MVT::i64 :
-      return "OverloadKind::I64";
-    case MVT::iAny :
-      return "OverloadKind::I16 | OverloadKind::I32 | OverloadKind::I64";
-    case MVT::fAny :
-      return "OverloadKind::HALF | OverloadKind::FLOAT | OverloadKind::DOUBLE";
-    default:
-      llvm_unreachable("Support for specified parameter OverloadKind not yet implemented");
+  case MVT::isVoid:
+    return "OverloadKind::VOID";
+  case MVT::f16:
+    return "OverloadKind::HALF";
+  case MVT::f32:
+    return "OverloadKind::FLOAT";
+  case MVT::f64:
+    return "OverloadKind::DOUBLE";
+  case MVT::i1:
+    return "OverloadKind::I1";
+  case MVT::i8:
+    return "OverloadKind::I8";
+  case MVT::i16:
+    return "OverloadKind::I16";
+  case MVT::i32:
+    return "OverloadKind::I32";
+  case MVT::i64:
+    return "OverloadKind::I64";
+  case MVT::iAny:
+    return "OverloadKind::I16 | OverloadKind::I32 | OverloadKind::I64";
+  case MVT::fAny:
+    return "OverloadKind::HALF | OverloadKind::FLOAT | OverloadKind::DOUBLE";
+  default:
+    llvm_unreachable(
+        "Support for specified parameter OverloadKind not yet implemented");

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