[llvm] [DirectX][NFC] Simplified DXIL Operation mapping to LLVM or DirectX intrinsics in DXIL.td. (PR #83193)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Feb 27 13:58:18 PST 2024

llvmbot wrote:



Author: S. Bharadwaj Yadavalli (bharadwajy)


* Updated DXILEmitter backend to consume the change in the TableGen record specification.
* Updated DXILOpBuilder accordingly.
* Ensured that corresponding lit tests pass.


Patch is 28.29 KiB, truncated to 20.00 KiB below, full version: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/83193.diff

6 Files Affected:

- (modified) llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td (+15-131) 
- (modified) llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.cpp (+19-6) 
- (modified) llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.h (+1-2) 
- (modified) llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpLowering.cpp (+1-2) 
- (modified) llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/comput_ids.ll (+4-4) 
- (modified) llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp (+110-171) 

diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td
index 8a3454c89542ce..447887fbd474f8 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXIL.td
@@ -12,139 +12,23 @@
 include "llvm/IR/Intrinsics.td"
-include "llvm/IR/Attributes.td"
-// Abstract representation of the class a DXIL Operation belongs to.
-class DXILOpClass<string name> {
-  string Name = name;
-// Abstract representation of the category a DXIL Operation belongs to
-class DXILOpCategory<string name> {
-  string Name = name;
-def UnaryClass : DXILOpClass<"Unary">;
-def BinaryClass : DXILOpClass<"Binary">;
-def FlattenedThreadIdInGroupClass : DXILOpClass<"FlattenedThreadIdInGroup">;
-def ThreadIdInGroupClass : DXILOpClass<"ThreadIdInGroup">;
-def ThreadIdClass : DXILOpClass<"ThreadId">;
-def GroupIdClass : DXILOpClass<"GroupId">;
-def BinaryUintCategory : DXILOpCategory<"Binary uint">;
-def UnaryFloatCategory : DXILOpCategory<"Unary float">;
-def ComputeIDCategory : DXILOpCategory<"Compute/Mesh/Amplification shader">;
-// Represent as any pointer type with an option to change to a qualified pointer
-// type with address space specified.
-def dxil_handle_ty  : LLVMAnyPointerType;
-def dxil_cbuffer_ty : LLVMAnyPointerType;
-def dxil_resource_ty : LLVMAnyPointerType;
-// The parameter description for a DXIL operation
-class DXILOpParameter<int pos, LLVMType type, string name, string doc,
-                 bit isConstant = 0, string enumName = "",
-                 int maxValue = 0> {
-  int Pos = pos;               // Position in parameter list
-  LLVMType ParamType = type;   // Parameter type
-  string Name = name;          // Short, unique parameter name
-  string Doc = doc;            // Description of this parameter
-  bit IsConstant = isConstant; // Whether this parameter requires a constant value in the IR
-  string EnumName = enumName;  // Name of the enum type, if applicable
-  int MaxValue = maxValue;     // Maximum value for this parameter, if applicable
-// A representation for a DXIL operation
-class DXILOperationDesc {
-  string OpName = "";         // Name of DXIL operation
-  int OpCode = 0;             // Unique non-negative integer associated with the operation
-  DXILOpClass  OpClass;       // Class of the operation
-  DXILOpCategory OpCategory;  // Category of the operation
-  string Doc = "";            // Description of the operation
-  list<DXILOpParameter> Params = []; // Parameter list of the operation
-  list<LLVMType> OverloadTypes = [];  // Overload types, if applicable
-  EnumAttr Attribute;         // Operation Attribute. Leverage attributes defined in Attributes.td
-                              // ReadNone - operation does not access memory.
-                              // ReadOnly - only reads from memory.
-                              // "ReadMemory"   - reads memory
-  bit IsDerivative = 0;       // Whether this is some kind of derivative
-  bit IsGradient = 0;         // Whether this requires a gradient calculation
-  bit IsFeedback = 0;         // Whether this is a sampler feedback operation
-  bit IsWave = 0;             // Whether this requires in-wave, cross-lane functionality
-  bit NeedsUniformInputs = 0; // Whether this operation requires that all
-                              // of its inputs are uniform across the wave
-  // Group DXIL operation for stats - e.g., to accumulate the number of atomic/float/uint/int/...
-  // operations used in the program.
-  list<string> StatsGroup = [];
-class DXILOperation<string name, int opCode, DXILOpClass opClass, DXILOpCategory opCategory, string doc,
-              list<LLVMType> oloadTypes, EnumAttr attrs, list<DXILOpParameter> params,
-              list<string> statsGroup = []> : DXILOperationDesc {
-  let OpName = name;
-  let OpCode = opCode;
-  let Doc = doc;
-  let Params = params;
-  let OpClass = opClass;
-  let OpCategory = opCategory;
-  let OverloadTypes = oloadTypes;
-  let Attribute = attrs;
-  let StatsGroup = statsGroup;
 // LLVM intrinsic that DXIL operation maps to.
 class LLVMIntrinsic<Intrinsic llvm_intrinsic_> { Intrinsic llvm_intrinsic = llvm_intrinsic_; }
-def Sin : DXILOperation<"Sin", 13, UnaryClass, UnaryFloatCategory, "returns sine(theta) for theta in radians.",
-  [llvm_half_ty, llvm_float_ty], ReadNone,
-  [
-    DXILOpParameter<0, llvm_anyfloat_ty, "", "operation result">,
-    DXILOpParameter<1, llvm_i32_ty, "opcode", "DXIL opcode">,
-    DXILOpParameter<2, llvm_anyfloat_ty, "value", "input value">
-  ],
-  ["floats"]>,
-  LLVMIntrinsic<int_sin>;
-def UMax : DXILOperation< "UMax", 39, BinaryClass, BinaryUintCategory, "unsigned integer maximum. UMax(a,b) = a > b ? a : b",
-    [llvm_i16_ty, llvm_i32_ty, llvm_i64_ty], ReadNone,
-  [
-    DXILOpParameter<0, llvm_anyint_ty, "", "operation result">,
-    DXILOpParameter<1, llvm_i32_ty, "opcode", "DXIL opcode">,
-    DXILOpParameter<2, llvm_anyint_ty, "a", "input value">,
-    DXILOpParameter<3, llvm_anyint_ty, "b", "input value">
-  ],
-  ["uints"]>,
-  LLVMIntrinsic<int_umax>;
-def ThreadId : DXILOperation< "ThreadId", 93, ThreadIdClass, ComputeIDCategory, "reads the thread ID", [llvm_i32_ty], ReadNone,
-  [
-    DXILOpParameter<0, llvm_i32_ty, "", "thread ID component">,
-    DXILOpParameter<1, llvm_i32_ty, "opcode", "DXIL opcode">,
-    DXILOpParameter<2, llvm_i32_ty, "component", "component to read (x,y,z)">
-  ]>,
-  LLVMIntrinsic<int_dx_thread_id>;
-def GroupId : DXILOperation< "GroupId", 94, GroupIdClass, ComputeIDCategory, "reads the group ID (SV_GroupID)", [llvm_i32_ty], ReadNone,
-  [
-    DXILOpParameter<0, llvm_i32_ty, "", "group ID component">,
-    DXILOpParameter<1, llvm_i32_ty, "opcode", "DXIL opcode">,
-    DXILOpParameter<2, llvm_i32_ty, "component", "component to read">
-  ]>,
-  LLVMIntrinsic<int_dx_group_id>;
-def ThreadIdInGroup : DXILOperation< "ThreadIdInGroup", 95, ThreadIdInGroupClass, ComputeIDCategory,
-  "reads the thread ID within the group (SV_GroupThreadID)", [llvm_i32_ty], ReadNone,
-  [
-    DXILOpParameter<0, llvm_i32_ty, "", "thread ID in group component">,
-    DXILOpParameter<1, llvm_i32_ty, "opcode", "DXIL opcode">,
-    DXILOpParameter<2, llvm_i32_ty, "component", "component to read (x,y,z)">
-  ]>,
-  LLVMIntrinsic<int_dx_thread_id_in_group>;
+// Abstraction DXIL Operation to LLVM intrinsic
+class DXILOpMapping<int opCode, Intrinsic intrinsic, string doc> {
+  int OpCode = opCode;                 // Opcode corresponding to DXIL Operation
+  Intrinsic LLVMIntrinsic = intrinsic; // LLVM Intrinsic the DXIL Operation maps to
+  string Doc = doc;                    // a short description of the operation
-def FlattenedThreadIdInGroup : DXILOperation< "FlattenedThreadIdInGroup", 96, FlattenedThreadIdInGroupClass, ComputeIDCategory,
-   "provides a flattened index for a given thread within a given group (SV_GroupIndex)", [llvm_i32_ty], ReadNone,
-  [
-    DXILOpParameter<0, llvm_i32_ty, "", "result">,
-    DXILOpParameter<1, llvm_i32_ty, "opcode", "DXIL opcode">
-  ]>,
-  LLVMIntrinsic<int_dx_flattened_thread_id_in_group>;
+// Concrete definition of DXIL Operation mapping to corresponding LLVM intrinsic
+def Sin      : DXILOpMapping<13, int_sin, "Returns sine(theta) for theta in radians.">;
+def UMax     : DXILOpMapping<39, int_umax, "Unsigned integer maximum. UMax(a,b) = a > b ? a : b">;
+def ThreadId : DXILOpMapping<93, int_dx_thread_id, "Reads the thread ID">;
+def GroupId  : DXILOpMapping<94, int_dx_group_id, "Reads the group ID (SV_GroupID)">;
+def ThreadIdInGroup : DXILOpMapping<95, int_dx_thread_id_in_group,
+                                    "Reads the thread ID within the group (SV_GroupThreadID)">;
+def FlattenedThreadIdInGroup_New : DXILOpMapping<96, int_dx_flattened_thread_id_in_group,
+                                    "Provides a flattened index for a given thread within a given group (SV_GroupIndex)">;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.cpp b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.cpp
index 42180a865b72e3..21a20d45b922d9 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.cpp
@@ -221,12 +221,26 @@ static Type *getTypeFromParameterKind(ParameterKind Kind, Type *OverloadTy) {
   return nullptr;
+/// Construct DXIL function type. This is the type of a function with
+/// the following prototype
+///     OverloadType dx.op.<opclass>.<return-type>(int opcode, <param types>)
+/// <param-types> are constructed from types in Prop.
+/// \param Prop  Structure containing DXIL Operation properties based on
+///               its specification in DXIL.td.
+/// \param OverloadTy Return type to be used to construct DXIL function type.
 static FunctionType *getDXILOpFunctionType(const OpCodeProperty *Prop,
                                            Type *OverloadTy) {
   SmallVector<Type *> ArgTys;
   auto ParamKinds = getOpCodeParameterKind(*Prop);
+  // Add OverloadTy as return type of the function
+  ArgTys.emplace_back(OverloadTy);
+  // Add DXIL Opcode value type viz., Int32 as first argument
+  ArgTys.emplace_back(Type::getInt32Ty(OverloadTy->getContext()));
+  // Add DXIL Operation parameter types as specified in DXIL properties
   for (unsigned I = 0; I < Prop->NumOfParameters; ++I) {
     ParameterKind Kind = ParamKinds[I];
     ArgTys.emplace_back(getTypeFromParameterKind(Kind, OverloadTy));
@@ -267,13 +281,13 @@ CallInst *DXILOpBuilder::createDXILOpCall(dxil::OpCode OpCode, Type *OverloadTy,
   return B.CreateCall(Fn, FullArgs);
-Type *DXILOpBuilder::getOverloadTy(dxil::OpCode OpCode, FunctionType *FT,
-                                   bool NoOpCodeParam) {
+Type *DXILOpBuilder::getOverloadTy(dxil::OpCode OpCode, FunctionType *FT) {
   const OpCodeProperty *Prop = getOpCodeProperty(OpCode);
+  // If DXIL Op has no overload parameter, just return the
+  // precise return type specified.
   if (Prop->OverloadParamIndex < 0) {
     auto &Ctx = FT->getContext();
-    // When only has 1 overload type, just return it.
     switch (Prop->OverloadTys) {
     case OverloadKind::VOID:
       return Type::getVoidTy(Ctx);
@@ -302,9 +316,8 @@ Type *DXILOpBuilder::getOverloadTy(dxil::OpCode OpCode, FunctionType *FT,
   // Prop->OverloadParamIndex is 0, overload type is FT->getReturnType().
   Type *OverloadType = FT->getReturnType();
   if (Prop->OverloadParamIndex != 0) {
-    // Skip Return Type and Type for DXIL opcode.
-    const unsigned SkipedParam = NoOpCodeParam ? 2 : 1;
-    OverloadType = FT->getParamType(Prop->OverloadParamIndex - SkipedParam);
+    // Skip Return Type.
+    OverloadType = FT->getParamType(Prop->OverloadParamIndex - 1);
   auto ParamKinds = getOpCodeParameterKind(*Prop);
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.h b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.h
index 940ed538c7ce15..1c15f109184adf 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.h
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.h
@@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ class DXILOpBuilder {
   DXILOpBuilder(Module &M, IRBuilderBase &B) : M(M), B(B) {}
   CallInst *createDXILOpCall(dxil::OpCode OpCode, Type *OverloadTy,
                              llvm::iterator_range<Use *> Args);
-  Type *getOverloadTy(dxil::OpCode OpCode, FunctionType *FT,
-                      bool NoOpCodeParam);
+  Type *getOverloadTy(dxil::OpCode OpCode, FunctionType *FT);
   static const char *getOpCodeName(dxil::OpCode DXILOp);
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpLowering.cpp b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpLowering.cpp
index f6e2297e9af41f..6b649b76beecdf 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpLowering.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpLowering.cpp
@@ -33,8 +33,7 @@ static void lowerIntrinsic(dxil::OpCode DXILOp, Function &F, Module &M) {
   IRBuilder<> B(M.getContext());
   Value *DXILOpArg = B.getInt32(static_cast<unsigned>(DXILOp));
   DXILOpBuilder DXILB(M, B);
-  Type *OverloadTy =
-      DXILB.getOverloadTy(DXILOp, F.getFunctionType(), /*NoOpCodeParam*/ true);
+  Type *OverloadTy = DXILB.getOverloadTy(DXILOp, F.getFunctionType());
   for (User *U : make_early_inc_range(F.users())) {
     CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(U);
     if (!CI)
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/comput_ids.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/comput_ids.ll
index 553994094d71e5..c0ae5761b4970e 100644
--- a/llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/comput_ids.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/comput_ids.ll
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ target triple = "dxil-pc-shadermodel6.7-library"
 ; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone
 define i32 @test_thread_id(i32 %a) #0 {
-; CHECK:call i32 @dx.op.threadId.i32(i32 93, i32 %{{.*}})
+; CHECK:call i32 @dx.op.unary.i32(i32 93, i32 %{{.*}})
   %0 = call i32 @llvm.dx.thread.id(i32 %a)
   ret i32 %0
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ entry:
 ; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone
 define i32 @test_group_id(i32 %a) #0 {
-; CHECK: call i32 @dx.op.groupId.i32(i32 94, i32 %{{.*}})
+; CHECK: call i32 @dx.op.unary.i32(i32 94, i32 %{{.*}})
   %0 = call i32 @llvm.dx.group.id(i32 %a)
   ret i32 %0
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ entry:
 ; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone
 define i32 @test_thread_id_in_group(i32 %a) #0 {
-; CHECK: call i32 @dx.op.threadIdInGroup.i32(i32 95, i32 %{{.*}})
+; CHECK: call i32 @dx.op.unary.i32(i32 95, i32 %{{.*}})
   %0 = call i32 @llvm.dx.thread.id.in.group(i32 %a)
   ret i32 %0
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ entry:
 ; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone
 define i32 @test_flattened_thread_id_in_group() #0 {
-; CHECK: call i32 @dx.op.flattenedThreadIdInGroup.i32(i32 96)
+; CHECK: call i32 @dx.op.nullary.i32(i32 96)
   %0 = call i32 @llvm.dx.flattened.thread.id.in.group()
   ret i32 %0
diff --git a/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp b/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
index d47df597d53a35..a28830920eec21 100644
--- a/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
+++ b/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #include "SequenceToOffsetTable.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
@@ -30,28 +31,16 @@ struct DXILShaderModel {
   int Minor = 0;
-struct DXILParameter {
-  int Pos; // position in parameter list
-  ParameterKind Kind;
-  StringRef Name; // short, unique name
-  StringRef Doc;  // the documentation description of this parameter
-  bool IsConst;   // whether this argument requires a constant value in the IR
-  StringRef EnumName; // the name of the enum type if applicable
-  int MaxValue;       // the maximum value for this parameter if applicable
-  DXILParameter(const Record *R);
 struct DXILOperationDesc {
-  StringRef OpName;   // name of DXIL operation
+  std::string OpName; // name of DXIL operation
   int OpCode;         // ID of DXIL operation
   StringRef OpClass;  // name of the opcode class
-  StringRef Category; // classification for this instruction
   StringRef Doc;      // the documentation description of this instruction
-  SmallVector<DXILParameter> Params; // the operands that this instruction takes
-  SmallVector<ParameterKind> OverloadTypes; // overload types if applicable
-  StringRef Attr; // operation attribute; reference to string representation
-                  // of llvm::Attribute::AttrKind
+  SmallVector<std::string> OpTypeNames; // Vector of operand type name strings -
+                                        // return type is at index 0
+  SmallVector<std::string>
+      OpAttributes;     // operation attribute represented as strings
   StringRef Intrinsic;  // The llvm intrinsic map to OpName. Default is "" which
                         // means no map exists
   bool IsDeriv = false; // whether this is some kind of derivative
@@ -102,50 +91,67 @@ static ParameterKind lookupParameterKind(StringRef typeNameStr) {
   return paramKind;
+/// Construct an object using the DXIL Operation records specified
+/// in DXIL.td. This serves as the single source of reference for
+/// C++ code generated by this TableGen backend.
 DXILOperationDesc::DXILOperationDesc(const Record *R) {
-  OpName = R->getValueAsString("OpName");
+  OpName = R->getNameInitAsString();
   OpCode = R->getValueAsInt("OpCode");
-  OpClass = R->getValueAsDef("OpClass")->getValueAsString("Name");
-  Category = R->getValueAsDef("OpCategory")->getValueAsString("Name");
-  if (R->getValue("llvm_intrinsic")) {
-    auto *IntrinsicDef = R->getValueAsDef("llvm_intrinsic");
+  Doc = R->getValueAsString("Doc");
+  if (R->getValue("LLVMIntrinsic")) {
+    auto *IntrinsicDef = R->getValueAsDef("LLVMIntrinsic");
     auto DefName = IntrinsicDef->getName();
     assert(DefName.starts_with("int_") && "invalid intrinsic name");
     // Remove the int_ from intrinsic name.
     Intrinsic = DefName.substr(4);
+    // NOTE: It is expected that return type and parameter types of
+    // DXIL Operation are the same as that of the intrinsic. Deviations
+    // are expected to be encoded in TableGen record specification and
+    // handled accordingly here. Support to be added later, as needed.
+    // Get parameter type list of the intrinsic. Types attribute contains
+    // the list of as [returnType, param1Type,, param2Type, ...]
+    auto TypeList = IntrinsicDef->getValueAsListInit("Types");
+    unsigned TypeListSize = TypeList->size();
+    OverloadParamIndex = -1;
+    // Populate return type and parameter type names
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < TypeListSize; i++) {
+      OpTypeNames.emplace_back(TypeList->getElement(i)->getAsString());
+      // Get the overload parameter index.
+      // REVISIT : Seems hacky. Is it possible that more than one parameter can
+      // be of overload kind?? REVISIT-2: Check for any additional constraints
+      // specified for DXIL operation restricting return type.
+      if (i > 0) {
+        auto &CurParam = OpTypeNames.back();
+        if (lookupParameterKind(CurParam) >= ParameterKind::OVERLOAD) {
+          OverloadParamIndex = i;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // Determine the operation class (unary/binary) based on the number of
+    // parameters As parameter types are being considered, skip return type
+    auto ParamSize = TypeListSize - 1;
+    if (ParamSize == 0) {
+      OpClass = "Nullary";
+    } else if (ParamSize == 1) {
+      OpClass = "Unary";
+    } else if (ParamSize == 2) {
+      OpClass = "Binary";
+    } else {
+      // TODO: Extend as needed
+      llvm_unreachable("Unhandled parameter size");
+    }
+    // NOTE: For now, assume that attributes of DXIL Operation are the same as
+    // that of the intrinsic. Deviations are expected to be encoded in TableGen
+    // record specification and handled accordingly here. Support to be added
+    // later.
+    auto IntrPropList = IntrinsicDef->getValueAsListInit("IntrProperties");
+    auto IntrPropListSize = IntrPropList->size();
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < IntrPropListSize; i++) {
+      OpAttributes.emplace_back(IntrPropList->getElement(i)->getAsString());
+    }
-  Doc = R->getValueAsString("Doc");
-  ListInit *ParamList = R->getValueAsListInit("Params");
-  OverloadParamIndex = -1;
-  for (unsigned I = 0; I < ParamList->size(); ++I) {
-    Record *Param = ParamList->getElementAsRecord(I);
-    Params.emplace_back(DXILParameter(Param));
-    auto &CurParam = Params.back();
-    if (CurParam.Kind >= ParameterKind::OVERLOAD)
-      OverloadParamIndex = I;
-  }
-  ListInit *OverloadTypeList = R->getValueAsListInit("OverloadTypes");
-  for (unsigned I = 0; I < OverloadTypeList->size(); ++I) {
-    Record *R = OverloadTypeList->getElementAsRecord(I);
-    OverloadTypes.emplace_back(lookupParameterKind(R->getNameInitAsString()));
-  }
-  Attr = StringRef(R->getValue("Attribute")->getNameInitAsString());
-DXILParameter::DXILParameter(const Record *R) {
-  Name = R->getValueAsString("Name");
-  Pos = R->getValueAsInt("Pos");
-  Kind =
-      lookupParameterKind(R->getValue("ParamType")->getValue()->getAsString());
-  if (R->getValue("Doc"))
-    Doc = R->getValueAsString("Doc");
-  IsConst = R->getValueAsBit("IsConstant");
-  EnumName = R->getValueAsString("EnumName");
-  MaxValue = R->getValueAsInt("MaxValue");
 static std::string parameterKindToString(ParameterKind Kind) {
@@ -187,82 +193,31 @@ static void emitDXILOpEnum(DXILOperationDesc &Op, raw...




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