[llvm] [llvm-debuginfo-analyzer] Add support for WebAssembly binary format. (PR #82588)

Sam Clegg via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Feb 26 09:57:09 PST 2024

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+LLVM WebAssembly limitations
+LLVM does not support any conversion between the binary format (.wasm)
+and the text format (.wat):
sbc100 wrote:

I'm fine with including a way to rebuild any wasm binaries, but why not use the `.s` format, which we use elsewhere in llvm?

We don't currently have any usage or reference to wat in llvm and I think it would consistent to keep it that way.

When writing tests for the wasm binary format we tent to use wither `.yaml` files that convert to wasm objects using `objywaml` or `.s` files that convert to wasm using `llvm-mc`.    Can either of these two formats for for you? 

If you are are starting from `.c` sources that you should be able to simplest way to generate the `.s` is simply to run clang with `-S`.


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