[llvm] llvm-dwarfdump --verify aggregated output to JSON file (PR #81762)

Kevin Frei via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Feb 16 14:58:37 PST 2024

@@ -834,8 +842,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
                           "-verbose is currently not supported";
     return 1;
-  if (!Verify && ErrorDetails != Unspecified)
-    WithColor::warning() << "-error-detail has no affect without -verify";
+  // -error-detail and -json-summary-file both imply -verify
+  if (ErrorDetails != Unspecified || !JsonSummaryFile.empty()) {
+    Verify = true;
kevinfrei wrote:

I'm still happy to change it to literally *anything* someone who uses this thing regularly wants me to change it to. --json-error-summary-file? --aggregated-json-errors? --omg-this-is-a-long-switch-name? Whatever floats your boat. The --help that says "implies --verify" seems pretty explicit, but yes, with it's current name it may not be quite as obvious that it triggers verification.

I really just need someone with write privileges to make up their mind, I'll change that code to whatever they want, then that someone can click the big purple button of freedom :) 


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