[llvm] llvm-dwarfdump --verify aggregated output to JSON file (PR #81762)

Kevin Frei via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Feb 16 09:16:18 PST 2024

@@ -286,6 +286,8 @@ static opt<bool> Verify("verify", desc("Verify the DWARF debug info."),
 static opt<ErrorDetailLevel> ErrorDetails(
     "error-display", init(Unspecified),
+    desc("Set the level of detail and summary to display when verifying "
+         "(implies --verify)"),
     values(clEnumValN(NoDetailsOrSummary, "quiet",
                       "Only display whether errors occurred."),
            clEnumValN(NoDetailsOnlySummary, "summary",
kevinfrei wrote:

That's another "axis" for the enumeration for [--error-display](url), unless you'd define it to be that if you're asking for JSON output, you just should get details in the JOSN and no details or summary to stdout. It's not a terrible idea, but I'm not well informed about the variety of ways folks currently use `--verify`.


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