[llvm] [XCOFF] Support the subtype in Dwarf section headers (PR #81667)

James Henderson via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Feb 16 01:32:21 PST 2024

@@ -983,6 +983,17 @@ const EnumEntry<XCOFF::SectionTypeFlags> SectionTypeFlagsNames[] = {
 #undef ECase
+const EnumEntry<XCOFF::DwarfSectionSubtypeFlags>
jh7370 wrote:

The test changes made weren't exactly what I had in mind. I was expecting to see the following:

1) A yaml2obj test that has a section with each DWARF sub-section type and shows that obj2yaml produces a YAML that contains the correct type values. No llvm-readobj involvement.
2) An llvm-readobj test that takes a yaml2obj-generated input (quite possibly identical to the one from 1), or an extended version of an existing YAML in an llvm-readobj test that has the necessary set of sections), and dumps the sections, showing that the sub-section type for each value is correct. Note that in this case, testing all the other fields is unnecessary: just the section name and sub-section type would be sufficient (testing other fields is just noise that makes the test harder to follow).


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