[llvm] 5818572 - [Object][Wasm] Generate symbol info from name section names (#81063)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 8 13:20:51 PST 2024

Author: Derek Schuff
Date: 2024-02-08T13:20:47-08:00
New Revision: 581857278961b41bc1676499f92167b97a5e4c58

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/581857278961b41bc1676499f92167b97a5e4c58
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/581857278961b41bc1676499f92167b97a5e4c58.diff

LOG: [Object][Wasm] Generate symbol info from name section names (#81063)

Currently symbol info is generated from a linking section or from export
names. This PR generates symbols in a WasmObjectFile from the name
section as well, which allows tools like objdump and nm to show useful
information for more linked binaries. There are some limitations:
most notably that we don't assume any particular ABI, so we don't get
detailed information about data symbols if the segments are merged
(which is the default).

Covers most of the desired functionality from #76107




diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Object/WasmObjectFile.cpp b/llvm/lib/Object/WasmObjectFile.cpp
index 8c1bbe9c264593..ea1715446d9d90 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Object/WasmObjectFile.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Object/WasmObjectFile.cpp
@@ -508,10 +508,17 @@ Error WasmObjectFile::parseNameSection(ReadContext &Ctx) {
   llvm::DenseSet<uint64_t> SeenGlobals;
   llvm::DenseSet<uint64_t> SeenSegments;
+  // If there is symbol info from the export section, this info will supersede
+  // it, but not info from a linking section
+  if (!HasLinkingSection) {
+    Symbols.clear();
+  }
   while (Ctx.Ptr < Ctx.End) {
     uint8_t Type = readUint8(Ctx);
     uint32_t Size = readVaruint32(Ctx);
     const uint8_t *SubSectionEnd = Ctx.Ptr + Size;
     switch (Type) {
     case wasm::WASM_NAMES_FUNCTION:
     case wasm::WASM_NAMES_GLOBAL:
@@ -521,6 +528,16 @@ Error WasmObjectFile::parseNameSection(ReadContext &Ctx) {
         uint32_t Index = readVaruint32(Ctx);
         StringRef Name = readString(Ctx);
         wasm::NameType nameType = wasm::NameType::FUNCTION;
+        wasm::WasmSymbolInfo Info{Name,
+                                  /*Kind */ wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_TYPE_FUNCTION,
+                                  /* Flags */ 0,
+                                  /* ImportModule */ std::nullopt,
+                                  /* ImportName */ std::nullopt,
+                                  /* ExportName */ std::nullopt,
+                                  {/* ElementIndex */ Index}};
+        const wasm::WasmSignature *Signature = nullptr;
+        const wasm::WasmGlobalType *GlobalType = nullptr;
+        const wasm::WasmTableType *TableType = nullptr;
         if (Type == wasm::WASM_NAMES_FUNCTION) {
           if (!SeenFunctions.insert(Index).second)
             return make_error<GenericBinaryError>(
@@ -529,26 +546,50 @@ Error WasmObjectFile::parseNameSection(ReadContext &Ctx) {
             return make_error<GenericBinaryError>("invalid function name entry",
-          if (isDefinedFunctionIndex(Index))
-            getDefinedFunction(Index).DebugName = Name;
+          if (isDefinedFunctionIndex(Index)) {
+            wasm::WasmFunction &F = getDefinedFunction(Index);
+            F.DebugName = Name;
+            Signature = &Signatures[F.SigIndex];
+            if (F.ExportName) {
+              Info.ExportName = F.ExportName;
+              Info.Flags |= wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_BINDING_GLOBAL;
+            } else {
+              Info.Flags |= wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_BINDING_LOCAL;
+            }
+          } else {
+            Info.Flags |= wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_UNDEFINED;
+          }
         } else if (Type == wasm::WASM_NAMES_GLOBAL) {
-          nameType = wasm::NameType::GLOBAL;
           if (!SeenGlobals.insert(Index).second)
             return make_error<GenericBinaryError>("global named more than once",
           if (!isValidGlobalIndex(Index) || Name.empty())
             return make_error<GenericBinaryError>("invalid global name entry",
+          nameType = wasm::NameType::GLOBAL;
+          Info.Kind = wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_TYPE_GLOBAL;
+          if (isDefinedGlobalIndex(Index)) {
+            GlobalType = &getDefinedGlobal(Index).Type;
+          } else {
+            Info.Flags |= wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_UNDEFINED;
+          }
         } else {
-          nameType = wasm::NameType::DATA_SEGMENT;
           if (!SeenSegments.insert(Index).second)
             return make_error<GenericBinaryError>(
                 "segment named more than once", object_error::parse_failed);
           if (Index > DataSegments.size())
             return make_error<GenericBinaryError>("invalid data segment name entry",
+          nameType = wasm::NameType::DATA_SEGMENT;
+          Info.Kind = wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_TYPE_DATA;
+          Info.Flags |= wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_BINDING_LOCAL;
+          assert(Index < DataSegments.size());
+          Info.DataRef = wasm::WasmDataReference{
+              Index, 0, DataSegments[Index].Data.Content.size()};
         DebugNames.push_back(wasm::WasmDebugName{nameType, Index, Name});
+        if (!HasLinkingSection)
+          Symbols.emplace_back(Info, GlobalType, TableType, Signature);

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Object/wasm-linked-namesec-with-linkingsec.yaml b/llvm/test/Object/wasm-linked-namesec-with-linkingsec.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..c730417f0c3add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/Object/wasm-linked-namesec-with-linkingsec.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# RUN: yaml2obj %s -o %t.wasm
+# RUN: llvm-nm -P %t.wasm | FileCheck %s
+# Test that names from the linking section override those from the name section
+# CHECK:  foo T 1 0
+# CHECK-NOT: my_func_local_name
+--- !WASM
+  Version:         0x1
+  - Type:            TYPE
+    Signatures:
+      - Index:           0
+        ParamTypes:      []
+        ReturnTypes:     []
+  - Type:            FUNCTION
+    FunctionTypes:   [ 0, 0 ]
+  - Type:            CODE
+    Functions:
+      - Index:           0
+        Locals:
+        Body:            00
+      - Index:           1
+        Locals:
+        Body:            00
+  - Type:            CUSTOM
+    Name:            linking
+    Version:         2
+    SymbolTable:
+      - Index:           0
+        Kind:            FUNCTION
+        Name:            foo
+        Flags:           [ VISIBILITY_HIDDEN ]
+        Function:        0
+  - Type:            CUSTOM
+    Name:            name
+    FunctionNames:
+     - Index:        1
+       Name:         my_func_local_name

diff  --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-objdump/wasm/linked-symbol-table.yaml b/llvm/test/Object/wasm-linked-symbol-table.yaml
similarity index 100%
rename from llvm/test/tools/llvm-objdump/wasm/linked-symbol-table.yaml
rename to llvm/test/Object/wasm-linked-symbol-table.yaml

diff  --git a/llvm/test/tools/llvm-objdump/wasm/linked-symbol-table-namesec.yaml b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-objdump/wasm/linked-symbol-table-namesec.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..622a6060b902a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/tools/llvm-objdump/wasm/linked-symbol-table-namesec.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# RUN: yaml2obj %s -o %t.wasm
+# RUN: llvm-objdump -t %t.wasm | FileCheck %s
+# CHECK-NEXT: 00000000   F *UND* my_func_import_name
+# CHECK-NEXT: 00000083 g F CODE my_func_export_name
+# CHECK-NEXT: 00000086 l F CODE my_func_local_name
+# CHECK-NEXT: 00000000    *UND* my_global_import_name
+# CHECK-NEXT: 00000001 g  GLOBAL my_global_export_name
+# CHECK-NEXT: 00000000 l O DATA my_datasegment_name
+--- !WASM
+  Version:         0x1
+  - Type:            TYPE
+    Signatures:
+      - Index:           0
+        ParamTypes:      []
+        ReturnTypes:     []
+  - Type:            IMPORT
+    Imports:
+      - Module:          env
+        Field:           foo
+        Kind:            FUNCTION
+        SigIndex:        0
+      - Module:          env
+        Field:           bar
+        Kind:            GLOBAL
+        GlobalType:      I32
+        GlobalMutable:   true
+      - Module:          env
+        Field:           memory
+        Kind:            MEMORY
+        Memory:
+          Minimum:         0x1
+  - Type:            FUNCTION
+    FunctionTypes:   [ 0, 0 ]
+  - Type:            GLOBAL
+    Globals:
+      - Index:           1
+        Mutable:         false
+        Type:            I32
+        InitExpr:
+          Opcode:          I32_CONST
+          Value:           42
+  - Type:            EXPORT
+    Exports:
+      - Name:            my_func_export
+        Kind:            FUNCTION
+        Index:           1
+      - Name:            my_global_export
+        Kind:            GLOBAL
+        Index:           1
+  - Type:            CODE
+    Functions:
+      - Index:           1
+        Locals:
+        Body:            00
+      - Index:           2
+        Locals:
+        Body:            00
+  - Type:            DATA
+    Segments:
+      - SectionOffset:   0
+        InitFlags:       0
+        Offset:
+          Opcode:          I32_CONST
+          Value:           0
+        Content:         'abcd1234'
+  - Type:            CUSTOM
+    Name:            name
+    FunctionNames:
+     - Index:        0
+       Name:         my_func_import_name
+     - Index:        1
+       Name:         my_func_export_name
+     - Index:        2
+       Name:         my_func_local_name
+    GlobalNames:
+     - Index:        0
+       Name:         my_global_import_name
+     - Index:        1
+       Name:         my_global_export_name
+    DataSegmentNames:
+     - Index:        0
+       Name:         my_datasegment_name


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