[compiler-rt] Fix __isOSVersionAtLeast for Android (PR #80496)

Jooyung Han via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Feb 6 16:55:27 PST 2024

jooyunghan wrote:

> But a preview of N+1 won't have the N+2 APIs? ` __builtin_available(android N+2)` when run on a preview of N+1 would pass and the call would segfault, right? That would be a regression.

I don't think it's a problem or regression because it's still a preview. Besides, an API for N+2 guarded with `__builtin_available(android 10000)` (as of today) and `__builtin_available(android N+2)` (as this change enables) while it's missing will show the same behavior.


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