[llvm] [LV] Relax high loop trip count threshold for deciding to interleave a loop (PR #67725)

Nilanjana Basu via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Feb 6 12:52:46 PST 2024

nilanjana87 wrote:

> In the future, would be good to check the precommit test status as reported to the PR (as `buildkite/github-pull-requests` in the checks section)

Noted. Though for this particular failed test case, it wasn't caught in the pre-commit test because the [test build](https://buildkite.com/llvm-project/github-pull-requests/builds/36212) included the X86 target as well. This failure was only triggered when LLVM was built without an X86 target. 


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