[llvm] [DebugInfo][RemoveDIs] Extend intrinsic-conversion in debugify (PR #80861)

Jeremy Morse via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Feb 6 08:28:37 PST 2024

jmorse wrote:

Thanks for the review!,

> Would we change debugify to use new debug values natively at some stage (instead of converting)...?

100% yes -- but right now we're hitting difficulties keeping up with the rate-of-change in LLVM. It's unfortunately infeasible to have everything change in a single big-bang commit, so we've been trying to stage things in manageable chunks (and getting it wrong, see #80865). It's sort of feasible to enable this work for all optimisations soon (i.e.: actually tomorrow), and if that sticks, then we'll be able to circle back to areas we've walled off with these conversion calls.


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