[llvm] [DirectX][NFC] Change all DXIL TableGen tokens to CamelCase (PR #80714)

Tex Riddell via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Feb 5 11:03:52 PST 2024

@@ -7,138 +7,139 @@
 /// \file
-/// This is a target description file for DXIL operation.
+/// This is a target description file for DXIL operations.
 include "llvm/IR/Intrinsics.td"
-class dxil_class<string _name> {
-  string name = _name;
+// Abstract representation of the class a DXIL Operation belongs to.
+class DXILOpClass<string name> {
+  string Name = name;
-class dxil_category<string _name> {
-  string name = _name;
+// Abstract representation of the category a DXIL Operation belongs to
+class DXILOpCategory<string name> {
+  string Name = name;
-def Unary : dxil_class<"Unary">;
-def Binary : dxil_class<"Binary">;
-def FlattenedThreadIdInGroupClass : dxil_class<"FlattenedThreadIdInGroup">;
-def ThreadIdInGroupClass : dxil_class<"ThreadIdInGroup">;
-def ThreadIdClass : dxil_class<"ThreadId">;
-def GroupIdClass : dxil_class<"GroupId">;
-def binary_uint : dxil_category<"Binary uint">;
-def unary_float : dxil_category<"Unary float">;
-def ComputeID : dxil_category<"Compute/Mesh/Amplification shader">;
-// The parameter description for a DXIL instruction
-class dxil_param<int _pos, string type, string _name, string _doc,
-                 bit _is_const = 0, string _enum_name = "",
-                 int _max_value = 0> {
-  int pos = _pos;           // position in parameter list
-  string llvm_type = type; // llvm type name, $o for overload, $r for resource
-                           // type, $cb for legacy cbuffer, $u4 for u4 struct
-  string name = _name;      // short, unique name
-  string doc = _doc;        // the documentation description of this parameter
-  bit is_const =
-      _is_const; // whether this argument requires a constant value in the IR
-  string enum_name = _enum_name; // the name of the enum type if applicable
-  int max_value =
-      _max_value; // the maximum value for this parameter if applicable
+def UnaryClass : DXILOpClass<"Unary">;
+def BinaryClass : DXILOpClass<"Binary">;
+def FlattenedThreadIdInGroupClass : DXILOpClass<"FlattenedThreadIdInGroup">;
+def ThreadIdInGroupClass : DXILOpClass<"ThreadIdInGroup">;
+def ThreadIdClass : DXILOpClass<"ThreadId">;
+def GroupIdClass : DXILOpClass<"GroupId">;
+def BinaryUintCategory : DXILOpCategory<"Binary uint">;
+def UnaryFloatCategory : DXILOpCategory<"Unary float">;
+def ComputeIDCategory : DXILOpCategory<"Compute/Mesh/Amplification shader">;
+// The parameter description for a DXIL operation
+class DXILOpParameter<int pos, string type, string name, string doc,
+                 bit isConstant = 0, string enumName = "",
+                 int maxValue = 0> {
+  int Pos = pos;               // Position in parameter list
+  string LLVMType = type;      // LLVM type name, $o for overload, $r for resource
+                               // type, $cb for legacy cbuffer, $u4 for u4 struct
+  string Name = name;          // Short, unique parameter name
+  string Doc = doc;            // Description of this parameter
+  bit IsConstant = isConstant; // Whether this parameter requires a constant value in the IR
+  string EnumName = enumName;  // Name of the enum type, if applicable
+  int MaxValue = maxValue;     // Maximum value for this parameter, if applicable
-// A representation for a DXIL instruction
-class dxil_inst<string _name> {
-  string name = _name; // short, unique name
-  string dxil_op = "";       // name of DXIL operation
-  int dxil_opid = 0;         // ID of DXIL operation
-  dxil_class  op_class;      // name of the opcode class
-  dxil_category category;    // classification for this instruction
-  string doc = "";           // the documentation description of this instruction
-  list<dxil_param> ops = []; // the operands that this instruction takes
-  string oload_types = "";   // overload types if applicable
-  string fn_attr = "";       // attribute shorthands: rn=does not access
-                             // memory,ro=only reads from memory,
-  bit is_deriv = 0;          // whether this is some kind of derivative
-  bit is_gradient = 0;       // whether this requires a gradient calculation
-  bit is_feedback = 0;       // whether this is a sampler feedback op
-  bit is_wave = 0; // whether this requires in-wave, cross-lane functionality
-  bit requires_uniform_inputs = 0; // whether this operation requires that all
-                                   // of its inputs are uniform across the wave
-  // Group dxil operation for stats.
-  // Like how many atomic/float/uint/int/... instructions used in the program.
-  list<string> stats_group = [];
+// A representation for a DXIL operation
+class DXILOperationDesc<string name> {
+  // TODO : Appears redundant. OpName should serve the same purpose
+  string Name = name; // short, unique name
+  string OpName = "";         // Name of DXIL operation
+  int OpCode = 0;             // Unique non-negative integer associated with the operation
+  DXILOpClass  OpClass;       // Class of the operation
+  DXILOpCategory OpCategory;  // Category of the operation
+  string Doc = "";            // Description of the operation
+  list<DXILOpParameter> Params = []; // Parameter list of the operation
+  string OverloadTypes = "";  // Overload types, if applicable
+  string Attributes = "";     // Attribute shorthands: rn=does not access
+                              // memory,ro=only reads from memory,
+  bit IsDerivative = 0;       // Whether this is some kind of derivative
+  bit IsGradient = 0;         // Whether this requires a gradient calculation
+  bit IsFeedback = 0;         // Whether this is a sampler feedback operation
+  bit IsWave = 0;             // Whether this requires in-wave, cross-lane functionality
+  bit NeedsUniformInputs = 0; // Whether this operation requires that all
+                              // of its inputs are uniform across the wave
+  // Group DXIL operation for stats - e.g., to accumulate the number of atomic/float/uint/int/...
+  // operations used in the program.
+  list<string> StatsGroup = [];
-class dxil_op<string name, int code_id, dxil_class code_class, dxil_category op_category, string _doc,
-              string _oload_types, string _fn_attr, list<dxil_param> op_params,
-              list<string> _stats_group = []> : dxil_inst<name> {
-  let dxil_op = name;
-  let dxil_opid = code_id;
-  let doc = _doc;
-  let ops = op_params;
-  let op_class = code_class;
-  let category = op_category;
-  let oload_types = _oload_types;
-  let fn_attr = _fn_attr;
-  let stats_group = _stats_group;
+class DXILOperation<string name, int opCode, DXILOpClass opClass, DXILOpCategory opCategory, string doc,
tex3d wrote:

Elsewhere (in DXC), we do have an established pattern of using `Dxil` when in CamelCase with other words, and `DXIL` when used by itself.  Perhaps we can establish the preferred pattern here before we have too much code depending on one pattern or the other.


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