[llvm] [AMDGPU] Add IR-level pass to rewrite away address space 7 (PR #77952)

Krzysztof Drewniak via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 1 12:28:58 PST 2024

@@ -0,0 +1,1983 @@
+//===-- AMDGPULowerBufferFatPointers.cpp ---------------------------=//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This pass lowers operations on buffer fat pointers (addrspace 7) to
+// operations on buffer resources (addrspace 8) and is needed for correct
+// codegen.
+// # Background
+// Address space 7 (the buffer fat pointer) is a 160-bit pointer that consists
+// of a 128-bit buffer descriptor and a 32-bit offset into that descriptor.
+// The buffer resource part needs to be it needs to be a "raw" buffer resource
+// (it must have a stride of 0 and bounds checks must be in raw buffer mode
+// or disabled).
+// When these requirements are met, a buffer resource can be treated as a
+// typical (though quite wide) pointer that follows typical LLVM pointer
+// semantics. This allows the frontend to reason about such buffers (which are
+// often encountered in the context of SPIR-V kernels).
+// However, because of their non-power-of-2 size, these fat pointers cannot be
+// present during translation to MIR (though this restriction may be lifted
+// during the transition to GlobalISel). Therefore, this pass is needed in order
+// to correctly implement these fat pointers.
+// The resource intrinsics take the resource part (the address space 8 pointer)
+// and the offset part (the 32-bit integer) as separate arguments. In addition,
+// many users of these buffers manipulate the offset while leaving the resource
+// part alone. For these reasons, we want to typically separate the resource
+// and offset parts into separate variables, but combine them together when
+// encountering cases where this is required, such as by inserting these values
+// into aggretates or moving them to memory.
+// Therefore, at a high level, `ptr addrspace(7) %x` becomes `ptr addrspace(8)
+// %x.rsrc` and `i32 %x.off`, which will be combined into `{ptr addrspace(8),
+// i32} %x = {%x.rsrc, %x.off}` if needed. Similarly, `vector<Nxp7>` becomes
+// `{vector<Nxp8>, vector<Nxi32 >}` and its component parts.
+// # Implementation
+// This pass proceeds in three main phases:
+// ## Rewriting loads and stores of p7
+// The first phase is to rewrite away all loads and stors of `ptr addrspace(7)`,
+// including aggregates containing such pointers, to ones that use `i160`. This
+// is handled by `StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor` , which visits loads, stores, and
+// allocas and, if the loaded or stored type contains `ptr addrspace(7)`,
+// rewrites that type to one where the p7s are replaced by i160s, copying other
+// parts of aggregates as needed. In the case of a store, each pointer is
+// `ptrtoint`d to i160 before storing, and load integers are `inttoptr`d back.
+// This same transformation is applied to vectors of pointers.
+// Such a transformation allows the later phases of the pass to not need
+// to handle buffer fat pointers moving to and from memory, where we load
+// have to handle the incompatibility between a `{Nxp8, Nxi32}` representation
+// and `Nxi60` directly. Instead, that transposing action (where the vectors
+// of resources and vectors of offsets are concatentated before being stored to
+// memory) are handled through implementing `inttoptr` and `ptrtoint` only.
+// Atomics operations on `ptr addrspace(7)` values are not suppported, as the
+// hardware does not include a 160-bit atomic.
+// ## Type remapping
+// We use a `ValueMapper` to mangle uses of [vectors of] buffer fat pointers
+// to the corresponding struct type, which has a resource part and an offset
+// part.
+// This uses a `BufferFatPtrToStructTypeMap` and a `FatPtrConstMaterializer`
+// to, usually by way of `setType`ing values. Constants are handled here
+// because there isn't a good way to fix them up later.
+// This has the downside of leaving the IR in an invalid state (for example,
+// the instruction `getelementptr {ptr addrspace(8), i32} %p, ...` will exist),
+// but all such invalid states will be resolved by the third phase.
+// Functions that don't take buffer fat pointers are modified in place. Those
+// that do take such pointers have their basic blocks moved to a new function
+// with arguments that are {ptr addrspace(8), i32} arguments and return values.
+// This phase also records intrinsics so that they can be remangled or deleted
+// later.
+// ## Splitting pointer structs
+// The meat of this pass consists of defining semantics for operations that
+// produce or consume [vectors of] buffer fat pointers in terms of their
+// resource and offset parts. This is accomplished throgh the `SplitPtrStructs`
+// visitor.
+// In the first pass through each function that is being lowered, the splitter
+// inserts new instructions to implement the split-structures behavior, which is
+// needed for correctness and performance. It records a list of "split users",
+// instructions that are being replaced by operations on the resource and offset
+// parts.
+// Split users do not necessarily need to produce parts themselves (
+// a `load float, ptr addrspace(7)` does not, for example), but, if they do not
+// generate fat buffer pointers, they must RAUW in their replacement
+// instructions during the initial visit.
+// When these new instructions are created, they use the split parts recorded
+// for their initial arguments in order to generate their replacements, creating
+// a parallel set of instructions that does not refer to the original fat
+// pointer values but instead to their resource and offset components.
+// Instructions, such as `extractvalue`, that produce buffer fat pointers from
+// sources that do not have split parts, have such parts generated using
+// `extractvalue`. This is also the initial handling of PHI nodes, which
+// are then cleaned up.
+// ### Conditionals
+// PHI nodes are initially given resource parts via `extractvalue`. However,
+// this is not an efficient rewrite of such nodes, as, in most cases, the
+// resource part in a conditional or loop remains constant throughout the loop
+// and only the offset varies. Failing to optimize away these constant resources
+// would cause additional registers to be sent around loops and might lead to
+// waterfall loops being generated for buffer operations due to the
+// "non-uniform" resource argument.
+// Therefore, after all instructions have been visited, the pointer splitter
+// post-processes all encountered conditionals. Given a PHI node or select,
+// getPossibleRsrcRoots() collects all values that the resource parts of that
+// conditional's input could come from as well as collecting all conditional
+// instructions encountered during the search. If, after filtering out the
+// initial node itself, the set of encountered conditionals is a subset of the
+// potential roots and there is a single potential resource that isn't in the
+// conditional set, that value is the only possible value the resource argument
+// could have throughout the control flow.
+// If that condition is met, then a PHI node can have its resource part changed
+// to the singleton value and then be replaced by a PHI on the offsets.
+// Otherwise, each PHI node is split into two, one for the resource part and one
+// for the offset part, which replace the temporary `extractvalue` instructions
+// that were added during the first pass.
+// Similar logic applies to `select`, where
+// `%z = select i1 %cond, %cond, ptr addrspace(7) %x, ptr addrspace(7) %y`
+// can be split into `%z.rsrc = %x.rsrc` and
+// `%z.off = select i1 %cond, ptr i32 %x.off, i32 %y.off`
+// if both `%x` and `%y` have the same resource part, but two `select`
+// operations will be needed if they do not.
+// ### Final processing
+// After conditionals have been cleaned up, the IR for each function is
+// rewritten to remove all the old instructions that have been split up.
+// Any instruction that used to produce a buffer fat pointer (and therefore now
+// produces a resource-and-offset struct after type remapping) is
+// replaced as follows:
+// 1. All debug value annotations are cloned to reflect that the resource part
+//    and offset parts are computed separately and constitute different
+//    fragments of the underlying source language variable.
+// 2. All uses that were themselves split are replaced by a `poison` of the
+//    struct type, as they will themselves be erased soon. This rule, combined
+//    with debug handling, should leave the use lists of split instructions
+//    empty in almost all cases.
+// 3. If a user of the original struct-valued result remains, the structure
+//    needed for the new types to work is constructed out of the newly-defined
+//    parts, and the original instruction is replaced by this structure
+//    before being erased. Instructions requiring this construction include
+//    `ret` and `insertvalue`.
+// # Consequences
+// This pass does not alter the CFG.
+// Alias analysis information will become coarser, as the LLVM alias analyzer
+// cannot handle the buffer intrinsics. Specifically, while we can determine
+// that the following two loads do not alias:
+// ```
+//   %y = getelementptr i32, ptr addrspace(7) %x, i32 1
+//   %a = load i32, ptr addrspace(7) %x
+//   %b = load i32, ptr addrspace(7) %y
+// ```
+// we cannot (except through some code that runs during scheduling) determine
+// that the rewritten loads below do not alias.
+// ```
+//   %y.off = add i32 %x.off, 1
+//   %a = call @llvm.amdgcn.raw.ptr.buffer.load(ptr addrspace(8) %x.rsrc, i32
+//     %x.off, ...)
+//   %b = call @llvm.amdgcn.raw.ptr.buffer.load(ptr addrspace(8)
+//     %x.rsrc, i32 %y.off, ...)
+// ```
+// However, existing alias information is preserved.
+#include "AMDGPU.h"
+#include "AMDGPUTargetMachine.h"
+#include "GCNSubtarget.h"
+#include "SIDefines.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SetOperations.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/Analysis/ConstantFolding.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetPassConfig.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/AttributeMask.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/DebugInfo.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/InstIterator.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/InstVisitor.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Intrinsics.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/IntrinsicsAMDGPU.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Metadata.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Operator.h"
+#include "llvm/InitializePasses.h"
+#include "llvm/Pass.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/AtomicOrdering.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
+#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/Cloning.h"
+#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/Local.h"
+#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/ValueMapper.h"
+#define DEBUG_TYPE "amdgpu-lower-buffer-fat-pointers"
+using namespace llvm;
+static constexpr unsigned BufferOffsetWidth = 32;
+namespace {
+/// Recursively replace instances of ptr addrspace(7) and vector<Nxptr
+/// addrspace(7)> with some other type as defined by the relevant subclass.
+class BufferFatPtrTypeLoweringBase : public ValueMapTypeRemapper {
+  DenseMap<Type *, Type *> Map;
+  Type *remapTypeImpl(Type *Ty, SmallPtrSetImpl<StructType *> &Seen);
+  virtual Type *remapScalar(PointerType *PT) = 0;
+  virtual Type *remapVector(VectorType *VT) = 0;
+  const DataLayout &DL;
+  BufferFatPtrTypeLoweringBase(const DataLayout &DL) : DL(DL) {}
+  Type *remapType(Type *SrcTy) override;
+  void clear() { Map.clear(); }
+/// Remap ptr addrspace(7) to i160 and vector<Nxptr addrspace(7)> to
+/// vector<Nxi60> in order to correctly handling loading/storing these values
+/// from memory.
+class BufferFatPtrToIntTypeMap : public BufferFatPtrTypeLoweringBase {
+  using BufferFatPtrTypeLoweringBase::BufferFatPtrTypeLoweringBase;
+  Type *remapScalar(PointerType *PT) override { return DL.getIntPtrType(PT); }
+  Type *remapVector(VectorType *VT) override { return DL.getIntPtrType(VT); }
+/// Remap ptr addrspace(7) to {ptr addrspace(8), i32} (the resource and offset
+/// parts of the pointer) so that we can easily rewrite operations on these
+/// values that aren't loading them from or storing them to memory.
+class BufferFatPtrToStructTypeMap : public BufferFatPtrTypeLoweringBase {
+  using BufferFatPtrTypeLoweringBase::BufferFatPtrTypeLoweringBase;
+  Type *remapScalar(PointerType *PT) override;
+  Type *remapVector(VectorType *VT) override;
+} // namespace
+// This code is adapted from the type remapper in lib/Linker/IRMover.cpp
+Type *BufferFatPtrTypeLoweringBase::remapTypeImpl(
+    Type *Ty, SmallPtrSetImpl<StructType *> &Seen) {
+  Type **Entry = &Map[Ty];
+  if (*Entry)
+    return *Entry;
+  if (auto *PT = dyn_cast<PointerType>(Ty)) {
+    if (PT->getAddressSpace() == AMDGPUAS::BUFFER_FAT_POINTER) {
+      return *Entry = remapScalar(PT);
+    }
+  }
+  if (auto *VT = dyn_cast<VectorType>(Ty)) {
+    auto *PT = dyn_cast<PointerType>(VT->getElementType());
+    if (PT && PT->getAddressSpace() == AMDGPUAS::BUFFER_FAT_POINTER) {
+      return *Entry = remapVector(VT);
+    }
+    return *Entry = Ty;
+  }
+  // Whether the type is one that is structurally uniqued - that is, if it is
+  // not a named struct (the only kind of type where multiple structurally
+  // identical types that have a distinct `Type*`)
+  StructType *TyAsStruct = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty);
+  bool IsUniqued = !TyAsStruct || TyAsStruct->isLiteral();
+  // Base case for ints, floats, opaque pointers, and so on, which don't
+  // require recursion.
+  if (Ty->getNumContainedTypes() == 0 && IsUniqued)
+    return *Entry = Ty;
+  if (!IsUniqued) {
+    // Create a dummy type for recursion purposes.
+    if (!Seen.insert(TyAsStruct).second) {
+      StructType *Placeholder = StructType::create(Ty->getContext());
+      return *Entry = Placeholder;
+    }
+  }
+  bool Changed = false;
+  SmallVector<Type *> ElementTypes;
+  ElementTypes.reserve(Ty->getNumContainedTypes());
+  for (unsigned int I = 0, E = Ty->getNumContainedTypes(); I < E; ++I) {
+    Type *OldElem = Ty->getContainedType(I);
+    Type *NewElem = remapTypeImpl(OldElem, Seen);
+    ElementTypes.push_back(NewElem);
+    Changed |= (OldElem != NewElem);
+  }
+  if (!Changed) {
+    return *Entry = Ty;
+  }
+  if (auto *ArrTy = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(Ty))
+    return *Entry = ArrayType::get(ElementTypes[0], ArrTy->getNumElements());
+  if (auto *FnTy = dyn_cast<FunctionType>(Ty))
+    return *Entry = FunctionType::get(ElementTypes[0],
+                                      ArrayRef(ElementTypes).slice(1),
+                                      FnTy->isVarArg());
+  if (auto *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty)) {
+    // Genuine opaque types don't have a remapping.
+    if (STy->isOpaque())
+      return *Entry = Ty;
+    bool IsPacked = STy->isPacked();
+    if (IsUniqued)
+      return *Entry = StructType::get(Ty->getContext(), ElementTypes, IsPacked);
+    SmallString<16> Name(STy->getName());
+    STy->setName("");
+    Type **RecursionEntry = &Map[Ty];
+    if (*RecursionEntry) {
+      auto *Placeholder = cast<StructType>(*RecursionEntry);
+      Placeholder->setBody(ElementTypes, IsPacked);
+      Placeholder->setName(Name);
+      return *Entry = Placeholder;
+    }
+    return *Entry = StructType::create(Ty->getContext(), ElementTypes, Name,
+                                       IsPacked);
+  }
+  llvm_unreachable("Unknown type of type that contains elements");
+Type *BufferFatPtrTypeLoweringBase::remapType(Type *SrcTy) {
+  SmallPtrSet<StructType *, 2> Visited;
+  return remapTypeImpl(SrcTy, Visited);
+Type *BufferFatPtrToStructTypeMap::remapScalar(PointerType *PT) {
+  LLVMContext &Ctx = PT->getContext();
+  return StructType::get(PointerType::get(Ctx, AMDGPUAS::BUFFER_RESOURCE),
+                         IntegerType::get(Ctx, BufferOffsetWidth));
+Type *BufferFatPtrToStructTypeMap::remapVector(VectorType *VT) {
+  ElementCount EC = VT->getElementCount();
+  LLVMContext &Ctx = VT->getContext();
+  Type *RsrcVec =
+      VectorType::get(PointerType::get(Ctx, AMDGPUAS::BUFFER_RESOURCE), EC);
+  Type *OffVec = VectorType::get(IntegerType::get(Ctx, BufferOffsetWidth), EC);
+  return StructType::get(RsrcVec, OffVec);
+static bool isBufferFatPtrOrVector(Type *Ty) {
+  if (auto *PT = dyn_cast<PointerType>(Ty->getScalarType()))
+    return PT->getAddressSpace() == AMDGPUAS::BUFFER_FAT_POINTER;
+  return false;
+// True if the type is {ptr addrspace(8), i32} or a struct containing vectors of
+// those types. Used to quickly skip instructions we don't need to process.
+static bool isSplitFatPtr(Type *Ty) {
+  auto *ST = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty);
+  if (!ST)
+    return false;
+  if (!ST->isLiteral() || ST->getNumElements() != 2)
+    return false;
+  auto *MaybeRsrc =
+      dyn_cast<PointerType>(ST->getElementType(0)->getScalarType());
+  auto *MaybeOff =
+      dyn_cast<IntegerType>(ST->getElementType(1)->getScalarType());
+  return MaybeRsrc && MaybeOff &&
+         MaybeRsrc->getAddressSpace() == AMDGPUAS::BUFFER_RESOURCE &&
+         MaybeOff->getBitWidth() == BufferOffsetWidth;
+// True if the result type or any argument types are buffer fat pointers.
+static bool isBufferFatPtrConst(Constant *C) {
+  Type *T = C->getType();
+  return isBufferFatPtrOrVector(T) ||
+         llvm::any_of(C->operands(), [](const Use &U) {
+           return isBufferFatPtrOrVector(U.get()->getType());
+         });
+namespace {
+/// Convert [vectors of] buffer fat pointers to integers when they are read from
+/// or stored to memory. This ensures that these pointers will have the same
+/// memory layout as before they are lowered, even though they will no longer
+/// have their previous layout in registers/in the program (they'll be broken
+/// down into resource and offset parts). This has the downside of imposing
+/// marshalling costs when reading or storing these values, but since placing
+/// such pointers into memory is an uncommon operation at best, we feel that
+/// this cost is acceptable for better performance in the common case.
+class StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor
+    : public InstVisitor<StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor, bool> {
+  BufferFatPtrToIntTypeMap *TypeMap;
+  ValueToValueMapTy ConvertedForStore;
+  IRBuilder<> IRB;
+  // Convert all the buffer fat pointers within the input value to inttegers
+  // so that it can be stored in memory.
+  Value *fatPtrsToInts(Value *V, Type *From, Type *To, const Twine &Name);
+  // Convert all the i160s that need to be buffer fat pointers (as specified)
+  // by the To type) into those pointers to preserve the semantics of the rest
+  // of the program.
+  Value *intsToFatPtrs(Value *V, Type *From, Type *To, const Twine &Name);
+  StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor(BufferFatPtrToIntTypeMap *TypeMap, LLVMContext &Ctx)
+      : TypeMap(TypeMap), IRB(Ctx) {}
+  bool processFunction(Function &F);
+  bool visitInstruction(Instruction &I) { return false; }
+  bool visitAllocaInst(AllocaInst &I);
+  bool visitLoadInst(LoadInst &LI);
+  bool visitStoreInst(StoreInst &SI);
+  bool visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst &I);
+} // namespace
+Value *StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor::fatPtrsToInts(Value *V, Type *From, Type *To,
+                                                const Twine &Name) {
+  if (From == To)
+    return V;
+  ValueToValueMapTy::iterator Find = ConvertedForStore.find(V);
+  if (Find != ConvertedForStore.end())
+    return Find->second;
+  if (isBufferFatPtrOrVector(From)) {
+    Value *Cast = IRB.CreatePtrToInt(V, To, Name + ".int");
+    ConvertedForStore[V] = Cast;
+    return Cast;
+  }
+  if (From->getNumContainedTypes() == 0)
+    return V;
+  // Structs, arrays, and other compound types.
+  Value *Ret = PoisonValue::get(To);
+  if (auto *AT = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(From)) {
+    Type *FromPart = AT->getArrayElementType();
+    Type *ToPart = cast<ArrayType>(To)->getElementType();
+    for (uint64_t I = 0, E = AT->getArrayNumElements(); I < E; ++I) {
+      Value *Field = IRB.CreateExtractValue(V, I);
+      Value *NewField =
+          fatPtrsToInts(Field, FromPart, ToPart, Name + "." + Twine(I));
+      Ret = IRB.CreateInsertValue(Ret, NewField, I);
+    }
+  } else {
+    for (auto [Idx, FromPart, ToPart] :
+         enumerate(From->subtypes(), To->subtypes())) {
+      Value *Field = IRB.CreateExtractValue(V, Idx);
+      Value *NewField =
+          fatPtrsToInts(Field, FromPart, ToPart, Name + "." + Twine(Idx));
+      Ret = IRB.CreateInsertValue(Ret, NewField, Idx);
+    }
+  }
+  ConvertedForStore[V] = Ret;
+  return Ret;
+Value *StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor::intsToFatPtrs(Value *V, Type *From, Type *To,
+                                                const Twine &Name) {
+  if (From == To)
+    return V;
+  if (isBufferFatPtrOrVector(To)) {
+    Value *Cast = IRB.CreateIntToPtr(V, To, Name + ".ptr");
+    return Cast;
+  }
+  if (From->getNumContainedTypes() == 0)
+    return V;
+  // Structs, arrays, and other compound types.
+  Value *Ret = PoisonValue::get(To);
+  if (auto *AT = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(From)) {
+    Type *FromPart = AT->getArrayElementType();
+    Type *ToPart = cast<ArrayType>(To)->getElementType();
+    for (uint64_t I = 0, E = AT->getArrayNumElements(); I < E; ++I) {
+      Value *Field = IRB.CreateExtractValue(V, I);
+      Value *NewField =
+          intsToFatPtrs(Field, FromPart, ToPart, Name + "." + Twine(I));
+      Ret = IRB.CreateInsertValue(Ret, NewField, I);
+    }
+  } else {
+    for (auto [Idx, FromPart, ToPart] :
+         enumerate(From->subtypes(), To->subtypes())) {
+      Value *Field = IRB.CreateExtractValue(V, Idx);
+      Value *NewField =
+          intsToFatPtrs(Field, FromPart, ToPart, Name + "." + Twine(Idx));
+      Ret = IRB.CreateInsertValue(Ret, NewField, Idx);
+    }
+  }
+  return Ret;
+bool StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor::processFunction(Function &F) {
+  bool Changed = false;
+  // The visitors will mutate GEPs and allocas, but will push loads and stores
+  // to the worklist to avoid invalidation.
+  for (Instruction &I : make_early_inc_range(instructions(F))) {
+    Changed |= visit(I);
+  }
+  ConvertedForStore.clear();
+  return Changed;
+bool StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor::visitAllocaInst(AllocaInst &I) {
+  Type *Ty = I.getAllocatedType();
+  Type *NewTy = TypeMap->remapType(Ty);
+  if (Ty == NewTy)
+    return false;
+  I.setAllocatedType(NewTy);
+  return true;
+bool StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor::visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst &I) {
+  Type *Ty = I.getSourceElementType();
+  Type *NewTy = TypeMap->remapType(Ty);
+  if (Ty == NewTy)
+    return false;
+  // We'll be rewriting the type `ptr addrspace(7)` out of existence soon, so
+  // make sure GEPs don't have different semantics with the new type.
+  I.setSourceElementType(NewTy);
+  I.setResultElementType(TypeMap->remapType(I.getResultElementType()));
+  return true;
+bool StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor::visitLoadInst(LoadInst &LI) {
+  Type *Ty = LI.getType();
+  Type *IntTy = TypeMap->remapType(Ty);
+  if (Ty == IntTy)
+    return false;
+  IRB.SetInsertPoint(&LI);
+  auto *NLI = cast<LoadInst>(LI.clone());
+  NLI->mutateType(IntTy);
+  NLI = IRB.Insert(NLI);
+  copyMetadataForLoad(*NLI, LI);
+  NLI->takeName(&LI);
+  Value *CastBack = intsToFatPtrs(NLI, IntTy, Ty, NLI->getName());
+  LI.replaceAllUsesWith(CastBack);
+  LI.eraseFromParent();
+  return true;
+bool StoreFatPtrsAsIntsVisitor::visitStoreInst(StoreInst &SI) {
+  Value *V = SI.getValueOperand();
+  Type *Ty = V->getType();
+  Type *IntTy = TypeMap->remapType(Ty);
+  if (Ty == IntTy)
+    return false;
+  IRB.SetInsertPoint(&SI);
+  Value *IntV = fatPtrsToInts(V, Ty, IntTy, V->getName());
+  for (auto *Dbg : at::getAssignmentMarkers(&SI))
+    Dbg->setValue(IntV);
+  SI.setOperand(0, IntV);
+  return true;
+/// Return the ptr addrspace(8) and i32 (resource and offset parts) in a lowered
+/// buffer fat pointer constant.
+static std::pair<Constant *, Constant *>
+splitLoweredFatBufferConst(Constant *C) {
+  if (auto *AZ = dyn_cast<ConstantAggregateZero>(C))
+    return std::make_pair(AZ->getStructElement(0), AZ->getStructElement(1));
+  if (auto *SC = dyn_cast<ConstantStruct>(C))
+    return std::make_pair(SC->getOperand(0), SC->getOperand(1));
+  llvm_unreachable("Conversion should've created a {p8, i32} struct");
+namespace {
+/// Handle the remapping of ptr addrspace(7) constants.
+class FatPtrConstMaterializer final : public ValueMaterializer {
+  BufferFatPtrToStructTypeMap *TypeMap;
+  BufferFatPtrToIntTypeMap *IntTypeMap;
+  // An internal mapper that is used to recurse into the arguments of constants.
+  // While the documentation for `ValueMapper` specifies not to use it
+  // recursively, examination of the logic in mapValue() shows that it can
+  // safely be used recursively when handling constants, like it does in its own
+  // logic.
+  ValueMapper InternalMapper;
+  Constant *materializeBufferFatPtrConst(Constant *C);
+  const DataLayout &DL;
+  // UnderlyingMap is the value map this materializer will be filling.
+  FatPtrConstMaterializer(BufferFatPtrToStructTypeMap *TypeMap,
+                          ValueToValueMapTy &UnderlyingMap,
+                          BufferFatPtrToIntTypeMap *IntTypeMap,
+                          const DataLayout &DL)
+      : TypeMap(TypeMap), IntTypeMap(IntTypeMap),
+        InternalMapper(UnderlyingMap, RF_None, TypeMap, this), DL(DL) {}
+  virtual ~FatPtrConstMaterializer() = default;
+  Value *materialize(Value *V) override;
+} // namespace
+Constant *FatPtrConstMaterializer::materializeBufferFatPtrConst(Constant *C) {
+  Type *SrcTy = C->getType();
+  auto *NewTy = dyn_cast<StructType>(TypeMap->remapType(SrcTy));
+  if (C->isNullValue())
+    return ConstantAggregateZero::getNullValue(NewTy);
+  if (isa<PoisonValue>(C))
+    return ConstantStruct::get(NewTy,
+                               {PoisonValue::get(NewTy->getElementType(0)),
+                                PoisonValue::get(NewTy->getElementType(1))});
+  if (isa<UndefValue>(C))
+    return ConstantStruct::get(NewTy,
+                               {UndefValue::get(NewTy->getElementType(0)),
+                                UndefValue::get(NewTy->getElementType(1))});
+  if (isa<GlobalValue>(C))
+    report_fatal_error("Global values containing ptr addrspace(7) (buffer "
+                       "fat pointer) values are not supported");
+  if (auto *VC = dyn_cast<ConstantVector>(C)) {
+    if (Constant *S = VC->getSplatValue()) {
+      Constant *NewS = InternalMapper.mapConstant(*S);
+      if (!NewS)
+        return nullptr;
+      auto [Rsrc, Off] = splitLoweredFatBufferConst(NewS);
+      auto EC = VC->getType()->getElementCount();
+      return ConstantStruct::get(NewTy, {ConstantVector::getSplat(EC, Rsrc),
+                                         ConstantVector::getSplat(EC, Off)});
+    }
+    SmallVector<Constant *> Rsrcs;
+    SmallVector<Constant *> Offs;
+    for (Value *Op : VC->operand_values()) {
+      auto *NewOp = dyn_cast_or_null<Constant>(InternalMapper.mapValue(*Op));
+      if (!NewOp)
+        return nullptr;
+      auto [Rsrc, Off] = splitLoweredFatBufferConst(NewOp);
+      Rsrcs.push_back(Rsrc);
+      Offs.push_back(Off);
+    }
+    Constant *RsrcVec = ConstantVector::get(Rsrcs);
+    Constant *OffVec = ConstantVector::get(Offs);
+    return ConstantStruct::get(NewTy, {RsrcVec, OffVec});
+  }
+  // Constant expressions. This code mirrors how we fix up the equivalent
+  // instructions later.
+  auto *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(C);
+  if (!CE)
+    return nullptr;
+  if (auto *GEPO = dyn_cast<GEPOperator>(C)) {
+    Constant *RemappedPtr =
+        InternalMapper.mapConstant(*cast<Constant>(GEPO->getPointerOperand()));
+    auto [Rsrc, Off] = splitLoweredFatBufferConst(RemappedPtr);
+    Type *OffTy = Off->getType();
+    bool InBounds = GEPO->isInBounds();
+    MapVector<Value *, APInt> VariableOffs;
+    APInt NewConstOffVal = APInt::getZero(BufferOffsetWidth);
+    if (!GEPO->collectOffset(DL, BufferOffsetWidth, VariableOffs,
+                             NewConstOffVal))
+      report_fatal_error(
+          "Scalable vector or unsized struct in fat pointer GEP");
+    Constant *OffAccum = nullptr;
+    // Accumulate offsets together before adding to the base in order to
+    // preserve as many of the inbounds properties as possible.
+    for (auto [Arg, Multiple] : VariableOffs) {
+      Constant *NewArg = InternalMapper.mapConstant(*cast<Constant>(Arg));
+      NewArg = ConstantFoldIntegerCast(NewArg, OffTy, /*IsSigned=*/true, DL);
+      if (Multiple.isPowerOf2()) {
+        NewArg = ConstantExpr::getShl(
+            NewArg,
+            CE->getIntegerValue(OffTy,
+                                APInt(BufferOffsetWidth, Multiple.logBase2())),
+            /*hasNUW=*/InBounds, /*HasNSW=*/InBounds);
+      } else {
+        NewArg =
+            ConstantExpr::getMul(NewArg, CE->getIntegerValue(OffTy, Multiple),
+                                 /*hasNUW=*/InBounds, /*hasNSW=*/InBounds);
+      }
+      if (OffAccum) {
+        OffAccum = ConstantExpr::getAdd(OffAccum, NewArg, /*hasNUW=*/InBounds,
+                                        /*hasNSW=*/InBounds);
+      } else {
+        OffAccum = NewArg;
+      }
+    }
+    Constant *NewConstOff = CE->getIntegerValue(OffTy, NewConstOffVal);
+    if (OffAccum)
+      OffAccum = ConstantExpr::getAdd(OffAccum, NewConstOff,
+                                      /*hasNUW=*/InBounds, /*hasNSW=*/InBounds);
+    else
+      OffAccum = NewConstOff;
+    bool HasNonNegativeOff = false;
+    if (auto *CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(OffAccum)) {
+      HasNonNegativeOff = !CI->isNegative();
+    }
+    Constant *NewOff = ConstantExpr::getAdd(
+        Off, OffAccum, /*hasNUW=*/InBounds && HasNonNegativeOff,
+        /*hasNSW=*/false);
+    return ConstantStruct::get(NewTy, {Rsrc, NewOff});
+  }
+  if (auto *PI = dyn_cast<PtrToIntOperator>(CE)) {
+    Constant *Parts =
+        InternalMapper.mapConstant(*cast<Constant>(PI->getPointerOperand()));
+    auto [Rsrc, Off] = splitLoweredFatBufferConst(Parts);
+    // Here, we take advantage of the fact that ptrtoint has a built-in
+    // zero-extension behavior.
+    unsigned FatPtrWidth =
+        DL.getPointerSizeInBits(AMDGPUAS::BUFFER_FAT_POINTER);
+    Constant *RsrcInt = CE->getPtrToInt(Rsrc, SrcTy);
+    unsigned Width = SrcTy->getScalarSizeInBits();
+    Constant *Shift =
+        CE->getIntegerValue(SrcTy, APInt(Width, BufferOffsetWidth));
+    Constant *OffCast =
+        ConstantFoldIntegerCast(Off, SrcTy, /*IsSigned=*/false, DL);
+    Constant *RsrcHi = ConstantExpr::getShl(
+        RsrcInt, Shift, Width >= FatPtrWidth, Width > FatPtrWidth);
+    // This should be an or, but those got recently removed.
+    Constant *Result = ConstantExpr::getAdd(RsrcHi, OffCast, true, true);
+    return Result;
+  }
+  if (CE->getOpcode() == Instruction::IntToPtr) {
+    auto *Arg = cast<Constant>(CE->getOperand(0));
+    unsigned FatPtrWidth =
+        DL.getPointerSizeInBits(AMDGPUAS::BUFFER_FAT_POINTER);
+    unsigned RsrcPtrWidth = DL.getPointerSizeInBits(AMDGPUAS::BUFFER_RESOURCE);
+    auto *WantedTy = Arg->getType()->getWithNewBitWidth(FatPtrWidth);
+    Arg = ConstantFoldIntegerCast(Arg, WantedTy, /*IsSigned=*/false, DL);
+    Constant *Shift =
+        CE->getIntegerValue(WantedTy, APInt(FatPtrWidth, BufferOffsetWidth));
+    Type *RsrcIntType = WantedTy->getWithNewBitWidth(RsrcPtrWidth);
+    Type *RsrcTy = NewTy->getElementType(0);
+    Type *OffTy = WantedTy->getWithNewBitWidth(BufferOffsetWidth);
+    Constant *RsrcInt = CE->getTrunc(
+        ConstantFoldBinaryOpOperands(Instruction::LShr, Arg, Shift, DL),
+        RsrcIntType);
+    Constant *Rsrc = CE->getIntToPtr(RsrcInt, RsrcTy);
+    Constant *Off = ConstantFoldIntegerCast(Arg, OffTy, /*isSigned=*/false, DL);
+    return ConstantStruct::get(NewTy, {Rsrc, Off});
+  }
+  if (auto *AC = dyn_cast<AddrSpaceCastOperator>(CE)) {
+    unsigned SrcAS = AC->getSrcAddressSpace();
+    unsigned DstAS = AC->getDestAddressSpace();
+    auto *Arg = cast<Constant>(AC->getPointerOperand());
+    auto *NewArg = InternalMapper.mapConstant(*Arg);
+    if (!NewArg)
+      return nullptr;
+      return NewArg;
+      auto *NullOff = CE->getNullValue(NewTy->getElementType(1));
+      return ConstantStruct::get(NewTy, {NewArg, NullOff});
+    }
+    report_fatal_error(
+        "Unsupported address space cast for a buffer fat pointer");
+  }
+  return nullptr;
+Value *FatPtrConstMaterializer::materialize(Value *V) {
+  Constant *C = dyn_cast<Constant>(V);
+  if (!C)
+    return nullptr;
+  if (auto *GEPO = dyn_cast<GEPOperator>(C)) {
+    // As a special case, adjust GEP constants that have a ptr addrspace(7) in
+    // their source types here, since the earlier local changes didn't handle
+    // htis.
+    Type *SrcTy = GEPO->getSourceElementType();
+    Type *NewSrcTy = IntTypeMap->remapType(SrcTy);
+    if (SrcTy != NewSrcTy) {
+      SmallVector<Constant *> Ops;
+      Ops.reserve(GEPO->getNumOperands());
+      for (const Use &U : GEPO->operands())
+        Ops.push_back(cast<Constant>(U.get()));
+      auto *NewGEP = ConstantExpr::getGetElementPtr(
+          NewSrcTy, Ops[0], ArrayRef<Constant *>(Ops).slice(1),
+          GEPO->isInBounds(), GEPO->getInRangeIndex());
+      LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "p7-getting GEP: " << *GEPO << " becomes " << *NewGEP
+                        << "\n");
+      Value *FurtherMap = materialize(NewGEP);
+      return FurtherMap ? FurtherMap : NewGEP;
+    }
+  }
+  // Structs and other types that happen to contain fat pointers get remapped
+  // by the mapValue() logic.
+  if (!isBufferFatPtrConst(C))
+    return nullptr;
+  return materializeBufferFatPtrConst(C);
+using PtrParts = std::pair<Value *, Value *>;
+namespace {
+// The visitor returns the resource and offset parts for an instruction if they
+// can be computed, or (nullptr, nullptr) for cases that don't have a meaningful
+// value mapping.
+class SplitPtrStructs : public InstVisitor<SplitPtrStructs, PtrParts> {
+  ValueToValueMapTy RsrcParts;
+  ValueToValueMapTy OffParts;
+  // Track instructions that have been rewritten into a user of the component
+  // parts of their ptr addrspace(7) input. Instructions that produced
+  // ptr addrspace(7) parts should **not** be RAUW'd before being added to this
+  // set, as that replacement will be handled in a post-visit step. However,
+  // instructions that yield values that aren't fat pointers (ex. ptrtoint)
+  // should RAUW themselves with new instructions that use the split parts
+  // of their arguments during processing.
+  DenseSet<Instruction *> SplitUsers;
+  // Nodes that need a second look once we've computed the parts for all other
+  // instructions to see if, for example, we really need to phi on the resource
+  // part.
+  SmallVector<Instruction *> Conditionals;
+  // Temporary instructions produced while lowering conditionals that should be
+  // killed.
+  SmallVector<Instruction *> ConditionalTemps;
+  // Subtarget info, needed for determining what cache control bits to set.
+  const TargetMachine *TM;
+  const GCNSubtarget *ST;
+  IRBuilder<> IRB;
+  // Copy metadata between instructions if applicable.
+  void copyMetadata(Value *Dest, Value *Src);
+  // Get the resource and offset parts of the value V, inserting appropriate
+  // extractvalue calls if needed.
+  PtrParts getPtrParts(Value *V);
+  // Given an instruction that could produce multiple resource parts (a PHI or
+  // select), collect the set of possible instructions that could have provided
+  // its resource parts  that it could have (the `Roots`) and the set of
+  // conditional instructions visited during the search (`Seen`). If, after
+  // removing the root of the search from `Seen` and `Roots`, `Seen` is a subset
+  // of `Roots` and `Roots - Seen` contains one element, the resource part of
+  // that element can replace the resource part of all other elements in `Seen`.
+  void getPossibleRsrcRoots(Instruction *I, SmallPtrSetImpl<Value *> &Roots,
+                            SmallPtrSetImpl<Value *> &Seen);
+  void processConditionals();
+  // If an instruction hav been split into resource and offset parts,
+  // delete that instruction. If any of its uses have not themselves been split
+  // into parts (for example, an insertvalue), construct the structure
+  // that the type rewrites declared should be produced by the dying instruction
+  // and use that.
+  // Also, kill the temporary extractvalue operations produced by the two-stage
+  // lowering of PHIs and conditionals.
+  void killAndReplaceSplitInstructions(SmallVectorImpl<Instruction *> &Origs);
+  void setAlign(CallInst *Intr, Align A, unsigned RsrcArgIdx);
+  void insertPreMemOpFence(AtomicOrdering Order, SyncScope::ID SSID);
+  void insertPostMemOpFence(AtomicOrdering Order, SyncScope::ID SSID);
+  Value *handleMemoryInst(Instruction *I, Value *Arg, Value *Ptr, Type *Ty,
+                          Align Alignment, AtomicOrdering Order,
+                          bool IsVolatile, SyncScope::ID SSID);
+  SplitPtrStructs(LLVMContext &Ctx, const TargetMachine *TM)
+      : TM(TM), ST(nullptr), IRB(Ctx) {}
+  void processFunction(Function &F);
+  // The collected set of intrinsic declarations that have had their type
+  // mangled and that can be deleted as unneeded.
+  SmallPtrSet<Function *, 4> IntrinsicDeclsToRemove;
+  PtrParts visitInstruction(Instruction &I);
+  PtrParts visitLoadInst(LoadInst &LI);
+  PtrParts visitStoreInst(StoreInst &SI);
+  PtrParts visitAtomicRMWInst(AtomicRMWInst &AI);
+  PtrParts visitAtomicCmpXchgInst(AtomicCmpXchgInst &AI);
+  PtrParts visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst &GEP);
+  PtrParts visitPtrToIntInst(PtrToIntInst &PI);
+  PtrParts visitIntToPtrInst(IntToPtrInst &IP);
+  PtrParts visitAddrSpaceCastInst(AddrSpaceCastInst &I);
+  PtrParts visitICmpInst(ICmpInst &Cmp);
+  PtrParts visitFreezeInst(FreezeInst &I);
+  PtrParts visitExtractElementInst(ExtractElementInst &I);
+  PtrParts visitInsertElementInst(InsertElementInst &I);
+  PtrParts visitShuffleVectorInst(ShuffleVectorInst &I);
+  PtrParts visitPHINode(PHINode &PHI);
+  PtrParts visitSelectInst(SelectInst &SI);
+  PtrParts visitIntrinsicInst(IntrinsicInst &II);
+} // namespace
+void SplitPtrStructs::copyMetadata(Value *Dest, Value *Src) {
+  auto *DestI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(Dest);
+  auto *SrcI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(Src);
+  if (!DestI || !SrcI)
+    return;
+  DestI->copyMetadata(*SrcI);
+PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::getPtrParts(Value *V) {
+  assert(isSplitFatPtr(V->getType()) && "it's not meaningful to get the parts "
+                                        "of something that wasn't rewritten");
+  auto *RsrcEntry = &RsrcParts[V];
+  auto *OffEntry = &OffParts[V];
+  if (*RsrcEntry && *OffEntry)
+    return {*RsrcEntry, *OffEntry};
+  if (auto *C = dyn_cast<Constant>(V)) {
+    auto [Rsrc, Off] = splitLoweredFatBufferConst(C);
+    return {*RsrcEntry = Rsrc, *OffEntry = Off};
+  }
+  IRBuilder<>::InsertPointGuard Guard(IRB);
+  if (auto *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(V)) {
+    LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Recursing to split parts of " << *I << "\n");
+    auto [Rsrc, Off] = visit(*I);
+    if (Rsrc && Off)
+      return {*RsrcEntry = Rsrc, *OffEntry = Off};
+    // We'll be creating the new values after the relevant instruction.
+    // This instruction generates a value and so isn't a terminator.
+    IRB.SetInsertPoint(*I->getInsertionPointAfterDef());
+    IRB.SetCurrentDebugLocation(I->getDebugLoc());
+  } else if (auto *A = dyn_cast<Argument>(V)) {
+    IRB.SetInsertPointPastAllocas(A->getParent());
+    IRB.SetCurrentDebugLocation(DebugLoc());
+  }
+  Value *Rsrc = IRB.CreateExtractValue(V, 0, V->getName() + ".rsrc");
+  Value *Off = IRB.CreateExtractValue(V, 1, V->getName() + ".off");
+  return {*RsrcEntry = Rsrc, *OffEntry = Off};
+/// Returns the instruction that defines the resource part of the value V.
+/// Note that this is not getUnderlyingObject(), since that looks through
+/// operations like ptrmask which might modify the resource part.
+/// We can limit ourselves to just looking through GEPs followed by looking
+/// through addrspacecasts because only those two operations preserve the
+/// resource part, and because operations on an `addrspace(8)` (which is the
+/// legal input to this addrspacecast) would produce a different resource part.
+static Value *rsrcPartRoot(Value *V) {
+  while (auto *GEP = dyn_cast<GEPOperator>(V))
+    V = GEP->getPointerOperand();
+  while (auto *ASC = dyn_cast<AddrSpaceCastOperator>(V))
+    V = ASC->getPointerOperand();
+  return V;
+void SplitPtrStructs::getPossibleRsrcRoots(Instruction *I,
+                                           SmallPtrSetImpl<Value *> &Roots,
+                                           SmallPtrSetImpl<Value *> &Seen) {
+  if (auto *PHI = dyn_cast<PHINode>(I)) {
+    if (!Seen.insert(I).second)
+      return;
+    for (Value *In : PHI->incoming_values()) {
+      In = rsrcPartRoot(In);
+      Roots.insert(In);
+      if (isa<PHINode, SelectInst>(In))
+        getPossibleRsrcRoots(cast<Instruction>(In), Roots, Seen);
+    }
+  } else if (auto *SI = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(I)) {
+    if (!Seen.insert(SI).second)
+      return;
+    Value *TrueVal = rsrcPartRoot(SI->getTrueValue());
+    Value *FalseVal = rsrcPartRoot(SI->getFalseValue());
+    Roots.insert(TrueVal);
+    Roots.insert(FalseVal);
+    if (isa<PHINode, SelectInst>(TrueVal))
+      getPossibleRsrcRoots(cast<Instruction>(TrueVal), Roots, Seen);
+    if (isa<PHINode, SelectInst>(FalseVal))
+      getPossibleRsrcRoots(cast<Instruction>(FalseVal), Roots, Seen);
+  } else {
+    llvm_unreachable("getPossibleRsrcParts() only works on phi and select");
+  }
+void SplitPtrStructs::processConditionals() {
+  SmallDenseMap<Instruction *, Value *> FoundRsrcs;
+  SmallPtrSet<Value *, 4> Roots;
+  SmallPtrSet<Value *, 4> Seen;
+  for (Instruction *I : Conditionals) {
+    // These have to exist by now because we've visited these nodes.
+    Value *Rsrc = RsrcParts[I];
+    Value *Off = OffParts[I];
+    assert(Rsrc && Off && "must have visited conditionals by now");
+    std::optional<Value *> MaybeRsrc;
+    auto MaybeFoundRsrc = FoundRsrcs.find(I);
+    if (MaybeFoundRsrc != FoundRsrcs.end()) {
+      MaybeRsrc = MaybeFoundRsrc->second;
+    } else {
+      IRBuilder<>::InsertPointGuard Guard(IRB);
+      Roots.clear();
+      Seen.clear();
+      getPossibleRsrcRoots(I, Roots, Seen);
+      LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Processing conditional: " << *I << "\n");
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+      for (Value *V : Roots)
+        LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Root: " << *V << "\n");
+      for (Value *V : Seen)
+        LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Seen: " << *V << "\n");
+      // If we are our own possible root, then we shouldn't block our
+      // replacement with a valid incoming value.
+      Roots.erase(I);
+      // We don't want to block the optimization for conditionals that don't
+      // refer to themselves but did see themselves during the traversal.
+      Seen.erase(I);
+      if (set_is_subset(Seen, Roots)) {
+        auto Diff = set_difference(Roots, Seen);
+        if (Diff.size() == 1) {
+          Value *RootVal = *Diff.begin();
+          // Handle the case where previous loops already looked through
+          // an addrspacecast.
+          if (isSplitFatPtr(RootVal->getType()))
+            MaybeRsrc = std::get<0>(getPtrParts(RootVal));
+          else
+            MaybeRsrc = RootVal;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (auto *PHI = dyn_cast<PHINode>(I)) {
+      Value *NewRsrc;
+      StructType *PHITy = cast<StructType>(PHI->getType());
+      IRB.SetInsertPoint(*PHI->getInsertionPointAfterDef());
+      IRB.SetCurrentDebugLocation(PHI->getDebugLoc());
+      if (MaybeRsrc) {
+        NewRsrc = *MaybeRsrc;
+      } else {
+        Type *RsrcTy = PHITy->getElementType(0);
+        auto *RsrcPHI = IRB.CreatePHI(RsrcTy, PHI->getNumIncomingValues());
+        RsrcPHI->takeName(Rsrc);
+        for (auto [V, BB] : llvm::zip(PHI->incoming_values(), PHI->blocks())) {
+          Value *VRsrc = std::get<0>(getPtrParts(V));
+          RsrcPHI->addIncoming(VRsrc, BB);
+        }
+        copyMetadata(RsrcPHI, PHI);
+        NewRsrc = RsrcPHI;
+      }
+      Type *OffTy = PHITy->getElementType(1);
+      auto *NewOff = IRB.CreatePHI(OffTy, PHI->getNumIncomingValues());
+      NewOff->takeName(Off);
+      for (auto [V, BB] : llvm::zip(PHI->incoming_values(), PHI->blocks())) {
+        assert(OffParts.count(V) && "An offset part had to be created by now");
+        Value *VOff = std::get<1>(getPtrParts(V));
+        NewOff->addIncoming(VOff, BB);
+      }
+      copyMetadata(NewOff, PHI);
+      // Note: We don't eraseFromParent() the temporaries because we don't want
+      // to put the corrections maps in an inconstent state. That'll be handed
+      // during the rest of the killing. Also, `ValueToValueMapTy` guarantees
+      // that references in that map will be updated as well.
+      ConditionalTemps.push_back(cast<Instruction>(Rsrc));
+      ConditionalTemps.push_back(cast<Instruction>(Off));
+      Rsrc->replaceAllUsesWith(NewRsrc);
+      Off->replaceAllUsesWith(NewOff);
+      // Save on recomputing the cycle traversals in known-root cases.
+      if (MaybeRsrc)
+        for (Value *V : Seen)
+          FoundRsrcs[cast<Instruction>(V)] = NewRsrc;
+    } else if (auto *SI = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(I)) {
+      if (MaybeRsrc) {
+        ConditionalTemps.push_back(cast<Instruction>(Rsrc));
+        Rsrc->replaceAllUsesWith(*MaybeRsrc);
+        for (Value *V : Seen)
+          FoundRsrcs[cast<Instruction>(V)] = *MaybeRsrc;
+      }
+    } else {
+      llvm_unreachable("Only PHIs and selects go in the conditionals list");
+    }
+  }
+void SplitPtrStructs::killAndReplaceSplitInstructions(
+    SmallVectorImpl<Instruction *> &Origs) {
+  for (Instruction *I : ConditionalTemps)
+    I->eraseFromParent();
+  for (Instruction *I : Origs) {
+    if (!SplitUsers.contains(I))
+      continue;
+    SmallVector<DbgValueInst *> Dbgs;
+    findDbgValues(Dbgs, I);
+    for (auto *Dbg : Dbgs) {
+      IRB.SetInsertPoint(Dbg);
+      auto &DL = I->getModule()->getDataLayout();
+      assert(isSplitFatPtr(I->getType()) &&
+             "We should've RAUW'd away loads, stores, etc. at this point");
+      auto *OffDbg = cast<DbgValueInst>(Dbg->clone());
+      copyMetadata(OffDbg, Dbg);
+      auto [Rsrc, Off] = getPtrParts(I);
+      int64_t RsrcSz = DL.getTypeSizeInBits(Rsrc->getType());
+      int64_t OffSz = DL.getTypeSizeInBits(Off->getType());
+      std::optional<DIExpression *> RsrcExpr =
+          DIExpression::createFragmentExpression(Dbg->getExpression(), 0,
+                                                 RsrcSz);
+      std::optional<DIExpression *> OffExpr =
+          DIExpression::createFragmentExpression(Dbg->getExpression(), RsrcSz,
+                                                 OffSz);
+      if (OffExpr) {
+        OffDbg->setExpression(*OffExpr);
+        OffDbg->replaceVariableLocationOp(I, Off);
+        IRB.Insert(OffDbg);
+      } else {
+        OffDbg->deleteValue();
+      }
+      if (RsrcExpr) {
+        Dbg->setExpression(*RsrcExpr);
+        Dbg->replaceVariableLocationOp(I, Rsrc);
+      } else {
+        Dbg->replaceVariableLocationOp(I, UndefValue::get(I->getType()));
+      }
+    }
+    Value *Poison = PoisonValue::get(I->getType());
+    I->replaceUsesWithIf(Poison, [&](const Use &U) -> bool {
+      if (const auto *UI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(U.getUser()))
+        return SplitUsers.contains(UI);
+      return false;
+    });
+    if (I->use_empty()) {
+      I->eraseFromParent();
+      continue;
+    }
+    IRB.SetInsertPoint(*I->getInsertionPointAfterDef());
+    IRB.SetCurrentDebugLocation(I->getDebugLoc());
+    auto [Rsrc, Off] = getPtrParts(I);
+    Value *Struct = PoisonValue::get(I->getType());
+    Struct = IRB.CreateInsertValue(Struct, Rsrc, 0);
+    Struct = IRB.CreateInsertValue(Struct, Off, 1);
+    copyMetadata(Struct, I);
+    Struct->takeName(I);
+    I->replaceAllUsesWith(Struct);
+    I->eraseFromParent();
+  }
+void SplitPtrStructs::setAlign(CallInst *Intr, Align A, unsigned RsrcArgIdx) {
+  LLVMContext &Ctx = Intr->getContext();
+  Intr->addParamAttr(RsrcArgIdx, Attribute::getWithAlignment(Ctx, A));
+void SplitPtrStructs::insertPreMemOpFence(AtomicOrdering Order,
+                                          SyncScope::ID SSID) {
+  switch (Order) {
+  case AtomicOrdering::Release:
+  case AtomicOrdering::AcquireRelease:
+  case AtomicOrdering::SequentiallyConsistent:
+    IRB.CreateFence(AtomicOrdering::Release, SSID);
+    break;
+  default:
+    break;
+  }
+void SplitPtrStructs::insertPostMemOpFence(AtomicOrdering Order,
+                                           SyncScope::ID SSID) {
+  switch (Order) {
+  case AtomicOrdering::Acquire:
+  case AtomicOrdering::AcquireRelease:
+  case AtomicOrdering::SequentiallyConsistent:
+    IRB.CreateFence(AtomicOrdering::Acquire, SSID);
+    break;
+  default:
+    break;
+  }
+Value *SplitPtrStructs::handleMemoryInst(Instruction *I, Value *Arg, Value *Ptr,
+                                         Type *Ty, Align Alignment,
+                                         AtomicOrdering Order, bool IsVolatile,
+                                         SyncScope::ID SSID) {
+  IRB.SetInsertPoint(I);
+  auto [Rsrc, Off] = getPtrParts(Ptr);
+  SmallVector<Value *, 5> Args;
+  if (Arg)
+    Args.push_back(Arg);
+  Args.push_back(Rsrc);
+  Args.push_back(Off);
+  insertPreMemOpFence(Order, SSID);
+  // soffset is always 0 for these cases, where we always want any offset to be
+  // part of bounds checking and we don't know which parts of the GEPs is
+  // uniform.
+  Args.push_back(IRB.getInt32(0));
+  uint32_t Aux = 0;
+  bool IsInvariant =
+      (isa<LoadInst>(I) && I->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_invariant_load));
+  bool IsNonTemporal = I->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_nontemporal);
+  // Atomic loads and stores need glc, atomic read-modify-write doesn't.
+  bool IsOneWayAtomic =
+      !isa<AtomicRMWInst>(I) && Order != AtomicOrdering::NotAtomic;
+  if (IsOneWayAtomic)
+    Aux |= AMDGPU::CPol::GLC;
+  if (IsNonTemporal && !IsInvariant)
+    Aux |= AMDGPU::CPol::SLC;
+  if (isa<LoadInst>(I) && ST->getGeneration() == AMDGPUSubtarget::GFX10)
+    Aux |= (Aux & AMDGPU::CPol::GLC ? AMDGPU::CPol::DLC : 0);
+  if (IsVolatile)
+    Aux |= AMDGPU::CPol::VOLATILE;
+  Args.push_back(IRB.getInt32(Aux));
+  Intrinsic::ID IID = Intrinsic::not_intrinsic;
+  if (isa<LoadInst>(I))
+    // TODO: Do we need to do something about atomic loads?
+    IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_load;
+  else if (isa<StoreInst>(I))
+    IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_store;
+  else if (auto *RMW = dyn_cast<AtomicRMWInst>(I)) {
+    switch (RMW->getOperation()) {
+    case AtomicRMWInst::Xchg:
+      IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_swap;
+      break;
+    case AtomicRMWInst::Add:
+      IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_add;
+      break;
+    case AtomicRMWInst::Sub:
+      IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_sub;
+      break;
+    case AtomicRMWInst::And:
+      IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_and;
+      break;
+    case AtomicRMWInst::Or:
+      IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_or;
+      break;
+    case AtomicRMWInst::Xor:
+      IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_xor;
+      break;
+    case AtomicRMWInst::Max:
+      IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_smax;
+      break;
+    case AtomicRMWInst::Min:
+      IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_smin;
+      break;
+    case AtomicRMWInst::UMax:
+      IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_umax;
+      break;
+    case AtomicRMWInst::UMin:
+      IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_umin;
+      break;
+    case AtomicRMWInst::FAdd:
+      IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_fadd;
+      break;
+    case AtomicRMWInst::FMax:
+      IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_fmax;
+      break;
+    case AtomicRMWInst::FMin:
+      IID = Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_fmin;
+      break;
+    case AtomicRMWInst::FSub: {
+      report_fatal_error("atomic floating point subtraction not supported for "
+                         "buffer resources and should've been expanded away");
+      break;
+    }
+    case AtomicRMWInst::Nand:
+      report_fatal_error("atomic nand not supported for buffer resources and "
+                         "should've been expanded away");
+      break;
+    case AtomicRMWInst::UIncWrap:
+    case AtomicRMWInst::UDecWrap:
+      report_fatal_error("wrapping increment/decrement not supported for "
+                         "buffer resources and should've ben expanded away");
+      break;
+    case AtomicRMWInst::BAD_BINOP:
+      llvm_unreachable("Not sure how we got a bad binop");
+    }
+  }
+  auto *Call = IRB.CreateIntrinsic(IID, Ty, Args);
+  copyMetadata(Call, I);
+  setAlign(Call, Alignment, Arg ? 1 : 0);
+  Call->takeName(I);
+  insertPostMemOpFence(Order, SSID);
+  // The "no moving p7 directly" rewrites ensure that this load or store won't
+  // itself need to be split into parts.
+  SplitUsers.insert(I);
+  I->replaceAllUsesWith(Call);
+  return Call;
+PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitInstruction(Instruction &I) {
+  return {nullptr, nullptr};
+PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitLoadInst(LoadInst &LI) {
+  if (!isSplitFatPtr(LI.getPointerOperandType()))
+    return {nullptr, nullptr};
+  handleMemoryInst(&LI, nullptr, LI.getPointerOperand(), LI.getType(),
+                   LI.getAlign(), LI.getOrdering(), LI.isVolatile(),
+                   LI.getSyncScopeID());
+  return {nullptr, nullptr};
+PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitStoreInst(StoreInst &SI) {
+  if (!isSplitFatPtr(SI.getPointerOperandType()))
+    return {nullptr, nullptr};
+  Value *Arg = SI.getValueOperand();
+  handleMemoryInst(&SI, Arg, SI.getPointerOperand(), Arg->getType(),
+                   SI.getAlign(), SI.getOrdering(), SI.isVolatile(),
+                   SI.getSyncScopeID());
+  return {nullptr, nullptr};
+PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitAtomicRMWInst(AtomicRMWInst &AI) {
+  if (!isSplitFatPtr(AI.getPointerOperand()->getType()))
+    return {nullptr, nullptr};
+  Value *Arg = AI.getValOperand();
+  handleMemoryInst(&AI, Arg, AI.getPointerOperand(), Arg->getType(),
+                   AI.getAlign(), AI.getOrdering(), AI.isVolatile(),
+                   AI.getSyncScopeID());
+  return {nullptr, nullptr};
+// Unlike load, store, and RMW, cmpxchg needs special handling to account
+// for the boolean argument.
+PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitAtomicCmpXchgInst(AtomicCmpXchgInst &AI) {
+  Value *Ptr = AI.getPointerOperand();
+  if (!isSplitFatPtr(Ptr->getType()))
+    return {nullptr, nullptr};
+  IRB.SetInsertPoint(&AI);
+  Type *Ty = AI.getNewValOperand()->getType();
+  AtomicOrdering Order = AI.getMergedOrdering();
+  SyncScope::ID SSID = AI.getSyncScopeID();
+  bool IsNonTemporal = AI.getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_nontemporal);
+  auto [Rsrc, Off] = getPtrParts(Ptr);
+  insertPreMemOpFence(Order, SSID);
+  uint32_t Aux = 0;
+  if (IsNonTemporal)
+    Aux |= AMDGPU::CPol::SLC;
+  if (AI.isVolatile())
+    Aux |= AMDGPU::CPol::VOLATILE;
+  auto *Call =
+      IRB.CreateIntrinsic(Intrinsic::amdgcn_raw_ptr_buffer_atomic_cmpswap, Ty,
+                          {AI.getNewValOperand(), AI.getCompareOperand(), Rsrc,
+                           Off, IRB.getInt32(0), IRB.getInt32(Aux)});
+  copyMetadata(Call, &AI);
+  setAlign(Call, AI.getAlign(), 2);
+  Call->takeName(&AI);
+  insertPostMemOpFence(Order, SSID);
+  Value *Res = PoisonValue::get(AI.getType());
+  Res = IRB.CreateInsertValue(Res, Call, 0);
+  if (!AI.isWeak()) {
+    Value *Succeeded = IRB.CreateICmpEQ(Call, AI.getCompareOperand());
+    Res = IRB.CreateInsertValue(Res, Succeeded, 1);
+  }
+  SplitUsers.insert(&AI);
+  AI.replaceAllUsesWith(Res);
+  return {nullptr, nullptr};
+PtrParts SplitPtrStructs::visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst &GEP) {
+  Value *Ptr = GEP.getPointerOperand();
+  if (!isSplitFatPtr(Ptr->getType()))
+    return {nullptr, nullptr};
+  IRB.SetInsertPoint(&GEP);
+  auto [Rsrc, Off] = getPtrParts(Ptr);
+  Type *OffTy = Off->getType();
+  const DataLayout &DL = GEP.getModule()->getDataLayout();
+  bool InBounds = GEP.isInBounds();
+  // In order to call collectOffset() and thus not have to reimplement it,
+  // we need the GEP's pointer operand to have ptr addrspace(7) type
+  GEP.setOperand(GEP.getPointerOperandIndex(),
+                 PoisonValue::get(IRB.getPtrTy(AMDGPUAS::BUFFER_FAT_POINTER)));
+  MapVector<Value *, APInt> VariableOffs;
+  APInt ConstOffVal = APInt::getZero(BufferOffsetWidth);
+  if (!GEP.collectOffset(DL, BufferOffsetWidth, VariableOffs, ConstOffVal))
+    report_fatal_error("Scalable vector or unsized struct in fat pointer GEP");
+  GEP.setOperand(GEP.getPointerOperandIndex(), Ptr);
+  Value *OffAccum = nullptr;
+  // Accumulate offsets together before adding to the base in order to preserve
+  // as many of the inbounds properties as possible.
+  for (auto [Arg, Multiple] : VariableOffs) {
+    if (auto *OffVecTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(OffTy))
+      if (!Arg->getType()->isVectorTy())
+        Arg = IRB.CreateVectorSplat(OffVecTy->getElementCount(), Arg);
+    Arg = IRB.CreateIntCast(Arg, OffTy, /*isSigned=*/true);
+    if (Multiple.isPowerOf2())
+      Arg = IRB.CreateShl(Arg, BufferOffsetWidth, "", /*hasNUW=*/InBounds,
krzysz00 wrote:

... Yeah, that looks like a bug. The offset does need to be shifted left by `log2(sizeof(element type)) == log2(Multiple)` because it's a byte offset ... I'll fix that.


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