[llvm] [StackSlotColoring] Ignore non-spill objects in RemoveDeadStores. (PR #80242)

Philip Reames via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 1 11:40:44 PST 2024

preames wrote:

> also don't really want to leave isLoadFromStackSlot in its current state because it's sort of a trap.

Agreed.  There's also some other cleanup here would be good - like migrating the interface to Register.  I'm just arguing for fixing the known bug before we worry about the foot-gun in general.  :)

> What restriction are you talking about? 

I'd specifically meant isSpillSlotObjectIndex, sorry if that was not clear.  I'd meant "restriction on which type of FI", not "restriction to being an FI".  


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