[llvm] [Coverage] Rework Decision/Expansion/Branch (PR #78969)

Alan Phipps via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jan 29 11:30:28 PST 2024

@@ -13,18 +13,18 @@
 // CHECK-NEXT:  |
 // CHECK-NEXT:  |  Number of Conditions: 5
 // CHECK-NEXT:  |     Condition C1 --> (9:7)
-// CHECK-NEXT:  |     Condition C2 --> (2:11)
-// CHECK-NEXT:  |     Condition C3 --> (3:11)
-// CHECK-NEXT:  |     Condition C4 --> (3:23)
-// CHECK-NEXT:  |     Condition C5 --> (9:22)
+// CHECK-NEXT:  |     Condition C2 --> (9:22)
+// CHECK-NEXT:  |     Condition C3 --> (2:11)
+// CHECK-NEXT:  |     Condition C4 --> (3:11)
+// CHECK-NEXT:  |     Condition C5 --> (3:23)
evodius96 wrote:

`if (a && D && E || b)`

Why is the condition `b` above changed to be C2 rather than C5?  Intuitively it better matches the order of lines in the Branch Report coverage above as the 5th condition. I don't mind so much as long as it's consistent, but it seems less intuitive to me.


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