[llvm] [TTI]Fallback to SingleSrcPermute shuffle kind, if no direct estimation for (PR #79837)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jan 29 06:41:29 PST 2024

llvmbot wrote:



Author: Alexey Bataev (alexey-bataev)


extract subvector.

Many targets do not have cost for extractsubvector shuffle kind, but
have the costs for single source permute. If there are no costs
estimation for extractsubvector, better to switchto single source
permute for better cost estimation.


Patch is 1.26 MiB, truncated to 20.00 KiB below, full version: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/79837.diff

11 Files Affected:

- (modified) llvm/lib/Target/AArch64/AArch64TargetTransformInfo.cpp (+8-1) 
- (modified) llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/AMDGPUTargetTransformInfo.cpp (+7) 
- (modified) llvm/lib/Target/ARM/ARMTargetTransformInfo.cpp (+7) 
- (modified) llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86TargetTransformInfo.cpp (+2) 
- (modified) llvm/test/Analysis/CostModel/AArch64/reduce-fadd.ll (+24-24) 
- (modified) llvm/test/Analysis/CostModel/AArch64/reduce-minmax.ll (+4-4) 
- (modified) llvm/test/Analysis/CostModel/X86/shuffle-extract_subvector-codesize.ll (+1290-402) 
- (modified) llvm/test/Analysis/CostModel/X86/shuffle-extract_subvector-latency.ll (+1114-402) 
- (modified) llvm/test/Analysis/CostModel/X86/shuffle-extract_subvector-sizelatency.ll (+1114-402) 
- (modified) llvm/test/Analysis/CostModel/X86/shuffle-extract_subvector.ll (+1114-402) 
- (modified) llvm/test/Transforms/LowerMatrixIntrinsics/dot-product-float.ll (+4-40) 

diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/AArch64/AArch64TargetTransformInfo.cpp b/llvm/lib/Target/AArch64/AArch64TargetTransformInfo.cpp
index d611338fc268f90..48011a40d787a69 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/AArch64/AArch64TargetTransformInfo.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/AArch64/AArch64TargetTransformInfo.cpp
@@ -3804,6 +3804,10 @@ InstructionCost AArch64TTIImpl::getShuffleCost(TTI::ShuffleKind Kind,
   Kind = improveShuffleKindFromMask(Kind, Mask, Tp, Index, SubTp);
+  // Treat extractsubvector as single op permutation.
+  bool IsExtractSubvector = Kind == TTI::SK_ExtractSubvector;
+  if (IsExtractSubvector && LT.second.isFixedLengthVector())
+    Kind = TTI::SK_PermuteSingleSrc;
   // Check for broadcast loads, which are supported by the LD1R instruction.
   // In terms of code-size, the shuffle vector is free when a load + dup get
@@ -3966,6 +3970,9 @@ InstructionCost AArch64TTIImpl::getShuffleCost(TTI::ShuffleKind Kind,
+  // Restore optimal kind.
+  if (IsExtractSubvector)
+    Kind = TTI::SK_ExtractSubvector;
   return BaseT::getShuffleCost(Kind, Tp, Mask, CostKind, Index, SubTp);
@@ -4062,4 +4069,4 @@ bool AArch64TTIImpl::shouldTreatInstructionLikeSelect(const Instruction *I) {
     return true;
   return BaseT::shouldTreatInstructionLikeSelect(I);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/AMDGPUTargetTransformInfo.cpp b/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/AMDGPUTargetTransformInfo.cpp
index ebe0b8551b236a1..31077dbc0b2cc44 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/AMDGPUTargetTransformInfo.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/AMDGPUTargetTransformInfo.cpp
@@ -1129,6 +1129,10 @@ InstructionCost GCNTTIImpl::getShuffleCost(TTI::ShuffleKind Kind,
                                            int Index, VectorType *SubTp,
                                            ArrayRef<const Value *> Args) {
   Kind = improveShuffleKindFromMask(Kind, Mask, VT, Index, SubTp);
+  // Treat extractsubvector as single op permutation.
+  bool IsExtractSubvector = Kind == TTI::SK_ExtractSubvector;
+  if (IsExtractSubvector)
+    Kind = TTI::SK_PermuteSingleSrc;
   if (ST->hasVOP3PInsts()) {
     if (cast<FixedVectorType>(VT)->getNumElements() == 2 &&
@@ -1146,6 +1150,9 @@ InstructionCost GCNTTIImpl::getShuffleCost(TTI::ShuffleKind Kind,
+  // Restore optimal kind.
+  if (IsExtractSubvector)
+    Kind = TTI::SK_ExtractSubvector;
   return BaseT::getShuffleCost(Kind, VT, Mask, CostKind, Index, SubTp);
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/ARM/ARMTargetTransformInfo.cpp b/llvm/lib/Target/ARM/ARMTargetTransformInfo.cpp
index a1b11016de33327..3be894ad3bef2ce 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/ARM/ARMTargetTransformInfo.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/ARM/ARMTargetTransformInfo.cpp
@@ -1214,6 +1214,10 @@ InstructionCost ARMTTIImpl::getShuffleCost(TTI::ShuffleKind Kind,
                                            int Index, VectorType *SubTp,
                                            ArrayRef<const Value *> Args) {
   Kind = improveShuffleKindFromMask(Kind, Mask, Tp, Index, SubTp);
+  // Treat extractsubvector as single op permutation.
+  bool IsExtractSubvector = Kind == TTI::SK_ExtractSubvector;
+  if (IsExtractSubvector)
+    Kind = TTI::SK_PermuteSingleSrc;
   if (ST->hasNEON()) {
     if (Kind == TTI::SK_Broadcast) {
       static const CostTblEntry NEONDupTbl[] = {
@@ -1308,6 +1312,9 @@ InstructionCost ARMTTIImpl::getShuffleCost(TTI::ShuffleKind Kind,
+  // Restore optimal kind.
+  if (IsExtractSubvector)
+    Kind = TTI::SK_ExtractSubvector;
   int BaseCost = ST->hasMVEIntegerOps() && Tp->isVectorTy()
                      ? ST->getMVEVectorCostFactor(TTI::TCK_RecipThroughput)
                      : 1;
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86TargetTransformInfo.cpp b/llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86TargetTransformInfo.cpp
index cd40b1d3b093320..be1a0948308999d 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86TargetTransformInfo.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86TargetTransformInfo.cpp
@@ -1540,6 +1540,8 @@ InstructionCost X86TTIImpl::getShuffleCost(TTI::ShuffleKind Kind,
         return ExtractCost + 2; // worst case pshufhw + pshufd
+    // If the extract subvector is not optimal, treat it as single op shuffle.
+    Kind = TTI::SK_PermuteSingleSrc;
   // Subvector insertions are cheap if the subvectors are aligned.
diff --git a/llvm/test/Analysis/CostModel/AArch64/reduce-fadd.ll b/llvm/test/Analysis/CostModel/AArch64/reduce-fadd.ll
index 737437282d9bd2d..954a836e44f2834 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Analysis/CostModel/AArch64/reduce-fadd.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Analysis/CostModel/AArch64/reduce-fadd.ll
@@ -59,19 +59,19 @@ define void @fast_fp_reductions() {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 30 for instruction: %fadd_v8f16 = call fast half @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v8f16(half 0xH0000, <8 x half> undef)
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 30 for instruction: %fadd_v8f16_reassoc = call reassoc half @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v8f16(half 0xH0000, <8 x half> undef)
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 38 for instruction: %fadd_v11f16 = call fast half @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v11f16(half 0xH0000, <11 x half> undef)
-; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 42 for instruction: %fadd_v13f16_reassoc = call reassoc half @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v13f16(half 0xH0000, <13 x half> undef)
+; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 38 for instruction: %fadd_v13f16_reassoc = call reassoc half @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v13f16(half 0xH0000, <13 x half> undef)
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 8 for instruction: %fadd_v4f32 = call fast float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4f32(float 0.000000e+00, <4 x float> undef)
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 8 for instruction: %fadd_v4f32_reassoc = call reassoc float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4f32(float 0.000000e+00, <4 x float> undef)
-; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 21 for instruction: %fadd_v8f32 = call fast float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v8f32(float 0.000000e+00, <8 x float> undef)
-; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 21 for instruction: %fadd_v8f32_reassoc = call reassoc float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v8f32(float 0.000000e+00, <8 x float> undef)
-; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 33 for instruction: %fadd_v13f32 = call fast float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v13f32(float 0.000000e+00, <13 x float> undef)
+; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 15 for instruction: %fadd_v8f32 = call fast float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v8f32(float 0.000000e+00, <8 x float> undef)
+; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 15 for instruction: %fadd_v8f32_reassoc = call reassoc float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v8f32(float 0.000000e+00, <8 x float> undef)
+; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 25 for instruction: %fadd_v13f32 = call fast float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v13f32(float 0.000000e+00, <13 x float> undef)
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 9 for instruction: %fadd_v5f32_reassoc = call reassoc float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v5f32(float 0.000000e+00, <5 x float> undef)
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 2 for instruction: %fadd_v2f64 = call fast double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v2f64(double 0.000000e+00, <2 x double> undef)
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 2 for instruction: %fadd_v2f64_reassoc = call reassoc double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v2f64(double 0.000000e+00, <2 x double> undef)
-; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 7 for instruction: %fadd_v4f64 = call fast double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4f64(double 0.000000e+00, <4 x double> undef)
-; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 7 for instruction: %fadd_v4f64_reassoc = call reassoc double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4f64(double 0.000000e+00, <4 x double> undef)
-; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 11 for instruction: %fadd_v7f64 = call fast double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v7f64(double 0.000000e+00, <7 x double> undef)
-; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 17 for instruction: %fadd_v9f64_reassoc = call reassoc double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v9f64(double 0.000000e+00, <9 x double> undef)
+; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 5 for instruction: %fadd_v4f64 = call fast double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4f64(double 0.000000e+00, <4 x double> undef)
+; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 5 for instruction: %fadd_v4f64_reassoc = call reassoc double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4f64(double 0.000000e+00, <4 x double> undef)
+; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 9 for instruction: %fadd_v7f64 = call fast double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v7f64(double 0.000000e+00, <7 x double> undef)
+; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 15 for instruction: %fadd_v9f64_reassoc = call reassoc double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v9f64(double 0.000000e+00, <9 x double> undef)
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 6 for instruction: %fadd_v4f8 = call reassoc bfloat @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4bf16(bfloat 0xR8000, <4 x bfloat> undef)
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 12 for instruction: %fadd_v4f128 = call reassoc fp128 @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4f128(fp128 undef, <4 x fp128> undef)
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 0 for instruction: ret void
@@ -82,19 +82,19 @@ define void @fast_fp_reductions() {
 ; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 27 for instruction: %fadd_v8f16 = call fast half @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v8f16(half 0xH0000, <8 x half> undef)
 ; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 27 for instruction: %fadd_v8f16_reassoc = call reassoc half @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v8f16(half 0xH0000, <8 x half> undef)
 ; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 35 for instruction: %fadd_v11f16 = call fast half @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v11f16(half 0xH0000, <11 x half> undef)
-; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 39 for instruction: %fadd_v13f16_reassoc = call reassoc half @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v13f16(half 0xH0000, <13 x half> undef)
+; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 35 for instruction: %fadd_v13f16_reassoc = call reassoc half @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v13f16(half 0xH0000, <13 x half> undef)
 ; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 8 for instruction: %fadd_v4f32 = call fast float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4f32(float 0.000000e+00, <4 x float> undef)
 ; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 8 for instruction: %fadd_v4f32_reassoc = call reassoc float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4f32(float 0.000000e+00, <4 x float> undef)
-; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 21 for instruction: %fadd_v8f32 = call fast float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v8f32(float 0.000000e+00, <8 x float> undef)
-; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 21 for instruction: %fadd_v8f32_reassoc = call reassoc float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v8f32(float 0.000000e+00, <8 x float> undef)
-; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 33 for instruction: %fadd_v13f32 = call fast float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v13f32(float 0.000000e+00, <13 x float> undef)
+; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 15 for instruction: %fadd_v8f32 = call fast float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v8f32(float 0.000000e+00, <8 x float> undef)
+; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 15 for instruction: %fadd_v8f32_reassoc = call reassoc float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v8f32(float 0.000000e+00, <8 x float> undef)
+; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 25 for instruction: %fadd_v13f32 = call fast float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v13f32(float 0.000000e+00, <13 x float> undef)
 ; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 9 for instruction: %fadd_v5f32_reassoc = call reassoc float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v5f32(float 0.000000e+00, <5 x float> undef)
 ; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 2 for instruction: %fadd_v2f64 = call fast double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v2f64(double 0.000000e+00, <2 x double> undef)
 ; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 2 for instruction: %fadd_v2f64_reassoc = call reassoc double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v2f64(double 0.000000e+00, <2 x double> undef)
-; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 7 for instruction: %fadd_v4f64 = call fast double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4f64(double 0.000000e+00, <4 x double> undef)
-; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 7 for instruction: %fadd_v4f64_reassoc = call reassoc double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4f64(double 0.000000e+00, <4 x double> undef)
-; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 11 for instruction: %fadd_v7f64 = call fast double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v7f64(double 0.000000e+00, <7 x double> undef)
-; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 17 for instruction: %fadd_v9f64_reassoc = call reassoc double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v9f64(double 0.000000e+00, <9 x double> undef)
+; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 5 for instruction: %fadd_v4f64 = call fast double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4f64(double 0.000000e+00, <4 x double> undef)
+; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 5 for instruction: %fadd_v4f64_reassoc = call reassoc double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4f64(double 0.000000e+00, <4 x double> undef)
+; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 9 for instruction: %fadd_v7f64 = call fast double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v7f64(double 0.000000e+00, <7 x double> undef)
+; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 15 for instruction: %fadd_v9f64_reassoc = call reassoc double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v9f64(double 0.000000e+00, <9 x double> undef)
 ; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 6 for instruction: %fadd_v4f8 = call reassoc bfloat @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4bf16(bfloat 0xR8000, <4 x bfloat> undef)
 ; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 12 for instruction: %fadd_v4f128 = call reassoc fp128 @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4f128(fp128 undef, <4 x fp128> undef)
 ; FP16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 0 for instruction: ret void
@@ -105,19 +105,19 @@ define void @fast_fp_reductions() {
 ; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 30 for instruction: %fadd_v8f16 = call fast half @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v8f16(half 0xH0000, <8 x half> undef)
 ; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 30 for instruction: %fadd_v8f16_reassoc = call reassoc half @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v8f16(half 0xH0000, <8 x half> undef)
 ; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 38 for instruction: %fadd_v11f16 = call fast half @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v11f16(half 0xH0000, <11 x half> undef)
-; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 42 for instruction: %fadd_v13f16_reassoc = call reassoc half @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v13f16(half 0xH0000, <13 x half> undef)
+; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 38 for instruction: %fadd_v13f16_reassoc = call reassoc half @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v13f16(half 0xH0000, <13 x half> undef)
 ; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 8 for instruction: %fadd_v4f32 = call fast float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4f32(float 0.000000e+00, <4 x float> undef)
 ; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 8 for instruction: %fadd_v4f32_reassoc = call reassoc float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4f32(float 0.000000e+00, <4 x float> undef)
-; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 21 for instruction: %fadd_v8f32 = call fast float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v8f32(float 0.000000e+00, <8 x float> undef)
-; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 21 for instruction: %fadd_v8f32_reassoc = call reassoc float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v8f32(float 0.000000e+00, <8 x float> undef)
-; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 33 for instruction: %fadd_v13f32 = call fast float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v13f32(float 0.000000e+00, <13 x float> undef)
+; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 15 for instruction: %fadd_v8f32 = call fast float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v8f32(float 0.000000e+00, <8 x float> undef)
+; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 15 for instruction: %fadd_v8f32_reassoc = call reassoc float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v8f32(float 0.000000e+00, <8 x float> undef)
+; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 25 for instruction: %fadd_v13f32 = call fast float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v13f32(float 0.000000e+00, <13 x float> undef)
 ; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 9 for instruction: %fadd_v5f32_reassoc = call reassoc float @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v5f32(float 0.000000e+00, <5 x float> undef)
 ; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 2 for instruction: %fadd_v2f64 = call fast double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v2f64(double 0.000000e+00, <2 x double> undef)
 ; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 2 for instruction: %fadd_v2f64_reassoc = call reassoc double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v2f64(double 0.000000e+00, <2 x double> undef)
-; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 7 for instruction: %fadd_v4f64 = call fast double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4f64(double 0.000000e+00, <4 x double> undef)
-; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 7 for instruction: %fadd_v4f64_reassoc = call reassoc double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4f64(double 0.000000e+00, <4 x double> undef)
-; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 11 for instruction: %fadd_v7f64 = call fast double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v7f64(double 0.000000e+00, <7 x double> undef)
-; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 17 for instruction: %fadd_v9f64_reassoc = call reassoc double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v9f64(double 0.000000e+00, <9 x double> undef)
+; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 5 for instruction: %fadd_v4f64 = call fast double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4f64(double 0.000000e+00, <4 x double> undef)
+; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 5 for instruction: %fadd_v4f64_reassoc = call reassoc double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4f64(double 0.000000e+00, <4 x double> undef)
+; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 9 for instruction: %fadd_v7f64 = call fast double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v7f64(double 0.000000e+00, <7 x double> undef)
+; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 15 for instruction: %fadd_v9f64_reassoc = call reassoc double @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v9f64(double 0.000000e+00, <9 x double> undef)
 ; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 8 for instruction: %fadd_v4f8 = call reassoc bfloat @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4bf16(bfloat 0xR8000, <4 x bfloat> undef)
 ; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 12 for instruction: %fadd_v4f128 = call reassoc fp128 @llvm.vector.reduce.fadd.v4f128(fp128 undef, <4 x fp128> undef)
 ; BF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 0 for instruction: ret void
diff --git a/llvm/test/Analysis/CostModel/AArch64/reduce-minmax.ll b/llvm/test/Analysis/CostModel/AArch64/reduce-minmax.ll
index dcca118871418d2..cf03026ceb75adb 100644
--- a/llvm/test/Analysis/CostModel/AArch64/reduce-minmax.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/Analysis/CostModel/AArch64/reduce-minmax.ll
@@ -165,11 +165,11 @@ define void @reduce_fmin16() {
 ; CHECK-NOF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 11 for instruction: %V2f16 = call half @llvm.vector.reduce.fmin.v2f16(<2 x half> undef)
 ; CHECK-NOF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 50 for instruction: %V4f16 = call half @llvm.vector.reduce.fmin.v4f16(<4 x half> undef)
 ; CHECK-NOF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 174 for instruction: %V8f16 = call half @llvm.vector.reduce.fmin.v8f16(<8 x half> undef)
-; CHECK-NOF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 252 for instruction: %V16f16 = call half @llvm.vector.reduce.fmin.v16f16(<16 x half> undef)
+; CHECK-NOF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 240 for instruction: %V16f16 = call half @llvm.vector.reduce.fmin.v16f16(<16 x half> undef)
 ; CHECK-NOF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 11 for instruction: %V2f16m = call half @llvm.vector.reduce.fminimum.v2f16(<2 x half> undef)
 ; CHECK-NOF16-NEXT:  Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 50 for instruction: %V4f16m = call half @llvm.vector.reduce.fminimum.v4f16(<4 x half> undef)
 ; CHECK-NOF16-NEXT:  Cost Mod...




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